Things that are really ANNOYING!

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I think "yins" is plural slang for "you". Kind of like "y'all" or "yous".
SOOOSKA wrote:
Hi Pam, OK maybe us Canadians (ok I'm speaking formyself)are slower than you Americans, I've never heard thatword YINS used before. Please translate. Then againmaybe it's an age thing. LOL.


Click on the link that I posted above :)

Yins? I can't imagine a waitress asking: "Yinswant some dinner?" I think I'd fall over laughing. Sounds chinese orsomething to me :D I can see why it would be annoying.
SOOOSKA wrote:
Hi Pam, OK maybe us Canadians (ok I'm speaking formyself)are slower than you Americans, I've never heard thatword YINS used before. Please translate. Then againmaybe it's an age thing. LOL.
It's just a difference of culture I guess because never in my life haveI heard "yins"! I always tell my American friends that they're bad formy grammar. ;)I walk around saying "ya'll" now.
Bassetluv wrote:
Things I cannot tolerate (I dislike the word 'hate'...maybethat would be one of them? LOL):

Telephone solicitors - they always tend to call at dinner time, whichin itself is annoying, but I also keep thinking of homes who mayreceive these calls whilst they are in the throes of pain...divorcestaking place, a loved one being sick or just having passed away,extreme financial stress...I'm sure anyone going through any of thesethings doesn't want to receive a call from a stranger who is hawking aproduct or service, or looking for donations. And while I don't blamethe people doing the calling, I do deem telephone solicitation as aninvasion of privacy.
ohh this is the most annoying thing,this happens to me all the time.

I will be cooking tea when the phone rings and i will answer it onlyfor it to be someone calling about changing phone companies or theywant to tell me about a good deal for a mobile phone,or someone callingfor a donation.

But i don't understand,they have all day to call,butnoooothey always choose to call when i'm cookingtea...why!...,ugh! it gets on my nerves

i get these calls all the time

pamnock wrote:
"Yins" - Western Pennsylvanian slang for "you all". (Also used in the southern US)

Ohh it sounds pretty strange to me,and it's something that i would notuse in my vocabulary,i would ask them if they can speak english so ican understand lol

Greta wrote:
Thesound of a shovel scraping on pavement, fingernails on blackboards, andfighting siblings. Also, I hate it when people leave the lid off thesugar bowl (mainly my little brother, who eats sugar when no one'slooking).
ohh i just hate the sound of a shovel scraping along the ground,it sends shivers up my spine,it is the most horrible noise.

ugh! i have two boys who can pick on each other like crazy,but willbe good friends later on:?

I just thought of something... but this one doesmore than just annoy me, it gives me the shivers and seriouslly freaksme out. Cotton balls. Yes, harmless little cotton balls. My doctor saidit has something to do with ear sensitivity whether or not the soundthey make can be heard... but if you rub them they make the mostdisgusting high pitched squeaky noise... and my whole arm feels like itwants to seperate from the rest of my body. I even wet q-tips beforecleaning my ears so I don't feel/hear it. At a birthday party I went toin 7th grade, we played this game where a bowl is on your head, and abowl of cotton balls on your lap. You have a spoon and you have to getas many as you can into the one on your head. Well, my friend knows howcotton balls scare me, and she started rubbing them in my ears and Iliterally started crying and shaking. Ahhh. I know a few other peoplewith this strange phobia, too. Anyone else here?
What annoys me the most is people who callthe cops for STUPID reasons after taking advantage of their children's4-H advisors.

Here's the story......

First off, our 4-H kids and sibilings are allowed to have water fightssurrounding the rabbit barn. The only rules are to keep it outside ofthe rabbit barn but surrounding the barn and fair goers are not to getwet. If someone gets hurt or to the point of crying the water fight isto stop imediately. These fights happened every night this year withvery little problems and loads of kids walking in the barn like drownedrats withHUGEsmiles on their faces.

The evening of the open show the advisors from all clubsinthe barn get together at the restraunt across the street from thefairgrounds. This gives the advisors time to have 'adult time' and getto know each other outside the barn.

This mother and father of 4 kids asked our head advisor to watch their4 kids and a friend while they went off to town 45 minutes away. Theadvisor said no as it was the day of open show and a carry-in was tohappen at lunch time. Well, they ended up coning another advisor whichis their neighbor to watch the kids! The family knew it was a carry-inand never brought a single thing to share whilethe restofus had to fed these 5 kids.The parents were gonefor a good 5 hours.

So the parents come back shortly before the advisors go off to theirgathering. We of course still have some advisors in the barn that optnot to attend. Well, a water fight was just starting andkidswere outside the barn getting wet including her children! They werethrowing water and in a water fight if you throw you get some inreturn. Well the mother got mad because her kids were getting wet inthe water fight so she called the fairgrounds cops! The cops justlaughed it off cause they know the kids are allowed tohavewater fights outside the barn since we have a very laidback barn director.

So instead of finding an advisor or Jr. Fairboard member to have thewater fight stopped she opted to call the cops. In return the cops justtold the kids to keep having their water fightjust to take itfarther out in the back. So vehicles got nice car washes for free. :)
People who don't understand the concept that idon't like PEAS. I don't like them! I'm not being childish and notwanting to eat them because they are vegeatbles, I DON'T LIKE PEAS!When i was a baby my Mum used to mix peas and sweetcorn together and iused to find the peas and spit them out then!

Also my Mum annoys me quite often. Because if i havn't done somethingshe tells me off (fair enough) so then i say "OK, i'll do it next timethat this thing comes up (i.e, empty dishwasher) and she says "Don'tjust say OK, do it!" So i end up saying "OK, i will do it but thedishwasher is empty now!" and thens he says "Don't say OK, just do it!"etc and we go round in circles because she doesn't understand a can'tdo something that isn't there to be done! (If that makes any sense).Then because she stops telling me to say OK i startnot saying anythingbecause she's annoyed me :p

Cuh, that was confusing!
I hate velvet...yes velvet...especially thecheap velvet. I hate the look, the sound and the totallygrosses me out...I can't touch most photo albums because they have thatcheap velvet on them...ewwwww

I hate it when people use improper grammar, but mostly when people usethe word seen wrong... For example... I seen him the otherday..GRRR...or when people use the word Aint...:mad:

I hate it when people let there kids just run around and do what theywant and barley notice that there kid is drooling on my leg.

Ohh and when people leave dogs in the car on a hot day and have thewindow barley cracked....umm don't bring the dog if your just going toleave it in the car!!!

people that are racist, or discriminate based on sexual orientation.

the fact that PET stores only really serve cat and dog people. I meanwhen was the last time you could walk into a pet store and go..."oh...thats just what i wanted for my bunny"

Taxi drivers!!! :mad:GRRRR!

Also I hate velvet aswell!!! I hate it when you touch it the wrong way, it feels gross!

We use to have a hamster called Velvet though that my sister named, But I liked the feel of her :)
ok this may sound TOTALLY weird but anyway, Ihate fur, i cant touch it or i cant be near it, i wont even touch fakefur. But i LOVE wool!! its sooo soft.
pinksalamander wrote:
People who don't understand the concept that i don't likePEAS. I don't like them! I'm not being childish and not wanting to eatthem because they are vegeatbles, I DON'T LIKE PEAS! When i was a babymy Mum used to mix peas and sweetcorn together and i used to find thepeas and spit them out then!

i understand how you feel i cant stand peas ethire they are the worst vege that ever exist!
Emma.L wrote:
okthis may sound TOTALLY weird but anyway, I hate fur, i cant touch it ori cant be near it, i wont even touch fake fur. But i LOVE wool!! itssooo soft.

What about the fur on your rabbits?

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