Well-Known Member
Never heard of it either. It does sound annoying though!
Hi Pam, OK maybe us Canadians (ok I'm speaking formyself)are slower than you Americans, I've never heard thatword YINS used before. Please translate. Then againmaybe it's an age thing. LOL.
It's just a difference of culture I guess because never in my life haveI heard "yins"! I always tell my American friends that they're bad formy grammar.Hi Pam, OK maybe us Canadians (ok I'm speaking formyself)are slower than you Americans, I've never heard thatword YINS used before. Please translate. Then againmaybe it's an age thing. LOL.
ohh this is the most annoying thing,this happens to me all the time.Things I cannot tolerate (I dislike the word 'hate'...maybethat would be one of them? LOL):
Telephone solicitors - they always tend to call at dinner time, whichin itself is annoying, but I also keep thinking of homes who mayreceive these calls whilst they are in the throes of pain...divorcestaking place, a loved one being sick or just having passed away,extreme financial stress...I'm sure anyone going through any of thesethings doesn't want to receive a call from a stranger who is hawking aproduct or service, or looking for donations. And while I don't blamethe people doing the calling, I do deem telephone solicitation as aninvasion of privacy.
"Yins" - Western Pennsylvanian slang for "you all". (Also used in the southern US)
ohh i just hate the sound of a shovel scraping along the ground,it sends shivers up my spine,it is the most horrible noise.Thesound of a shovel scraping on pavement, fingernails on blackboards, andfighting siblings. Also, I hate it when people leave the lid off thesugar bowl (mainly my little brother, who eats sugar when no one'slooking).
People who don't understand the concept that i don't likePEAS. I don't like them! I'm not being childish and not wanting to eatthem because they are vegeatbles, I DON'T LIKE PEAS! When i was a babymy Mum used to mix peas and sweetcorn together and i used to find thepeas and spit them out then!
okthis may sound TOTALLY weird but anyway, I hate fur, i cant touch it ori cant be near it, i wont even touch fake fur. But i LOVE wool!! itssooo soft.