The "one thing you didn't know about me" thread

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My half brother, who's 14th birthday wasyesterday. Was 8 lbs, and was a month early!:shock: When they told mystepmom that he was going to be 12lbs if he was born on time, she wentinto labor 2 days later.:thud:

i have a cousin whose son wasborn 13 pounds 6 oz.

she was in labor for over 24 hours before they took her in c-section. . .!!!!!!
Hehe...yes, she's definitely as spoiled as myfurbabies. But I also help her keep grounded. She'sgot SO MUCH energy, it's rediculous! :)

missyscove wrote:
maherwoman wrote:
- I woundup having a child that was 2oz shy of 10lbs naturally (i.e. withoutmedication)...and not by choice...the epidural didn't work ATALL. They tried redoing the whole getup THREE TIMES (and youladies that have had kids one know how painful ONE is!!), and it stilldidn't work a wink. Eventually it was too late to tryanymore, and I was too weak from it all to want to continue trying...soI gave up and just had her naturally.
I was 9lbs, 12 oz, and they induced a week early because I was getting too big.

Your daughter is beautiful! I'm sure she's just as spoiled as your bunnies are ;)
naturestee wrote:
Hi Dwarf Angel! A good friend of mine in high schoolalso had a shunt put in for hydrocephalus when she was ababy. She was adopted, and the doctor told her adoptiveparents to send her back because she'd never walk or talk because ofhow late it was found!:shock: So they found another doctor todo the procedure and never went back to the first jerk again.Just to prove the first doctor wrong, my friend could not only walk andtalk but was in the advanced math courses, was the best debate partnerI ever had, was a cheerleader, and the lead in several musicals. Shegraduated at the top of our class. So much for the supposedbrain damage.

Just thought I'd share.:)

I know when I was younger I was a little slow in learning. However, bythe time I got to high school I could easily understand things and wason the honor roll my jr/sr year and for a few terms had a 4.0. Rightnow I'm on the Dean's List at my college.

Most that have the surgery end up having to go back in for additionaltubing as they grow. Luckily, I was a big baby (10 lbs 9 1/2 ounces) soby the time surgery time came I was big enough the surgeon could shovealot of tubing into me. About 2 years ago I was dismissed from myneurosergeon as myshunt no longerneeds to work anddoesn't. To this date I have nothad one issue with my shuntand only had the one surgery to install it.

My parents were also told that one small move during surgery I wouldhave been in a wheelchair not able to talk. I can't imagine how theyfelt since their parents were in Ohio and we were in Germany at thetime.

Katt- My grey hair is genetic as well but oviously didn't startthat! On my off days Itend to blame the greyhairs on the rabbits. ;)
Some things you dont know about me:

1. I want tobe friends with the "losers" at myschoolas well as the "popular" kids who i hang out with now,but the system just doesnt work out like that.

2. IfI didn't have a pet and my work out machine, I think i'dgo crazy and be super depressed. They're kinda like my stress relievers.

3. I can breakdance and be the one at parties who everyone "oohs!" at,but I can't dance regularly (ya know, groove) without lookin like aclutz.

4. I can't sit and do homework for over 5 minutes straight, I dosomething like go online after a couple of problems and then go back tohomework. In fact, I'm sitting here typing when I have a math textbookand a blank piece of paper in front of me. I talked to my mom about thepossibility of me having ADD, but she wouldn't listen. I get straightA's though.

Thats about it.
I believe I too am addicted to food, along with everyone else at my school. It goes a little something like this:

"An all-girl's school...? Isn't everyone anorexic?"

"No, have you seen us on birthdays, it's like, 'hi, I've never met you,but, happy birthday, I'm going to eat some of your cake now'"

Okay here's mine.

1. I meet this guy online, he was suppose to move down here, haven'ttalk to him for a year, we were dating mind you. He wanted to marry mewithout knowing to much about me :foreheadsmack: :yuck

2. I have a rottweiler named Vickki, I actually like those kick butttype of dogs. But, I also like the sweet ones. I like the 'in yourface' and 'want to cuddle with you in the bed' type of dog. So I likemales for that reason.

3. I use to eat sugar everyday. Now its when i can or when I havemoney, so I don't as much but the amount I eat still isn't healthy.But, if I don't get enough sugar I get sick and dizzy.

4. I really wish I was married, lol. I think married life would be better for me.

5. I'm very insecure of myself and people.

6. I can cuss like a sailor

7. I love Yugi-oh cards! I have a deck, and I need more dang it! lol

8. I never had a long serious relationships with guys, unless it wasonline (what is up with that?), and my longest online relationshiplasted almost seven or eight months (the guy mentioned above).

9. I want to write my own book or two someday and I also want to make amovie with some famous people before I die. Or become to busy with mylife.

10. I actually don't like kids, though if people ask I tell them I do. People get mad when I tell them I don't like kids. Blah!

11. I once smoked on school grounds when I was in middle school or onthe baseball field with two girls I knew. It was one puff because wewere *almost* busted. We put out it out before the teacher came overand the girl who had the cig sprayed perfume to cover the smell.

12. I love everything Japanese or Aisan. If I could live in Tokyo, Japan I would. But, don't know if they would like me.
~i'm 27

~ I am a beauty therapist with my own salon which I have run for the past 7 years (on the 4th of April)

~running a business scares the crap out of me

~Ihave been married for 3 years but with him for nearly 14 and he is an amazing guy(sorry if that mekes you sick)

~ I love sci fi

~I swear so much I've got my mum doing it now

~ I have a brother who's 16 years older than me

~I collect Eeyores

~I hate people who are two faced or totally self absorbed and full ofthemselves(unfortunately this is quite a few of the clients that comein!)

~I'm lazy and i love chocolate

~ Iwas bullied badly where i lived with my mum and dad when i was ateenager but most of the bullies have been into my salon and had to payme to treat them so i feel i got my own back (lol)

You could go on forever couldn't you but thats a bit about me anyway!!!

Jesse you need a mani/pedi before your wedding they are really nice.
- I had a legal name change when I was youngerbecause my name was in Polish and was unpronouncable and hard tospellwhen I moved toAustralia.

- I was allergic to nearly everything when I lived in Poland as a result of the nearby chernobyl nuclear disaster.
MyBoyHarper wrote:

- I cannot HANDLE anyone's hands or feet rubbing fabric, especiallycarpet. I will cringe, grind my teeth, and have to walk out a room. Ittakes a lot of mental work to get the images out of my head. I justpurely can't handle it.

OK so i thought it was just me! At last i have found someone that islike me thank god!! I can't stand the sight of anyone rubbing anything,like if they start rubbing their leg or something or the table, i meanwhat the hell is the point, i sometimes just have to tell them to stopor just leave the room too!

And i have been going out with a guy since i was 16 that is 18 yearsand 3 days older than me, and that's over 7 years now so there toeverybody that thought it wouldn't work lol.

And on a related subject, i believe i am slightly phsycic (not phsyco)because the day i met my current boyfriend i was in the pub with my manat the time and he told me his postman was coming down the road intothe pub, and even though i had never heard about him before or evenseen him i knew in that instant i was going to marry him. I didn't evenknow if he was married or had kids or anything, and with the age gap iknew it would be a problem for my family but i sat in the pub with himlooking him up and down thinking i'm going to marry him, shall i tellhim or not! lol and i have predicted a car accident 30 seconds beforeit happened, and many many other things i have predicted correctly.

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