The "one thing you didn't know about me" thread

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So what you're trying to say is.....

your foot stink is love? This must be some kind of California jargon.You guys use the term ''dudebra'' and ''soda'' out there too. Weirdos.weirdos and feet and sharing

missyscove wrote:
I am not thatevil. You could come over here and I could rub my foot onyou, and you could experience my pain. For sharing is caringand caring is love. :)
WAIT ONE MINUTE...what's with the lobster obsession, then??

Did you mean you hate EATING seafood...if so, SPECIFY...Now I'm allllll confused....:?

Hehe!! :D

JAK Rabbitry wrote:
10. I REALLY hate seafood of ANY kind (including freshwater fish)
JAK Rabbitry wrote:
So what you're trying to say is.....

your foot stink is love? This must be some kind of California jargon.You guys use the term ''dudebra'' and ''soda'' out there too. Weirdos.weirdos and feet and sharing

missyscove wrote:
I am not thatevil. You could come over here and I could rub my foot onyou, and you could experience my pain. For sharing is caringand caring is love. :)
1. I have never heard the phrase "dudebra" that must be some kind ofSan Diego jargon, though I have relatives there as well.

2. What's wrong with soda? What would you call it?

3. My foot does not stink. I simply have a virus that I donot wish to pass on to other people. You are the one whosuggested that I share it.
1. I'm into computer designs (photoshop and such)

2. I have recently(?) found interest in video editing

3. I CANNOT sew. :)

4. On Valentine's Day I wore black to get out of the mood. :p

Actually, it was by chance and I just told everyone I was depressed I didn't have a Valentine. Hehe:D
I'm a major gamer! Anything but videogames and wargame miniatures, actually. I play D&Dand other roleplaying games and lots of non-traditional board and cardgames. My hubby counted the other day, and we have over 150different board and card games!:shock:

I'm 26 and still don't know what I want to do for the rest of my life.:?

And I never want babies. Ever. In fact, if I saysomething about wanting a baby, you know I've totally lost what's leftof my mind and you should just put me out of my misery!

I started dating my now-husband James six and half years ago, and we'venever celebrated Valentines Day. We also didn't go on atechnical "date" until we'd been together a year. We just"hung out" a lot.:D

My sister is gay and lives with her girlfriend. But theconfusing part is her girlfriend is starting the counseling andprocedures to become a boy. So does that mean my sister isnow straight? And can they get married now or is somefreaked-out Republican going to write a law against that too?Maybe they'll start doing chromosome tests before issuing marriagecertificates. Just something we laugh about.:lol
naturestee wrote:
I'm 26 and still don't know what I want to do for the rest of my life.:?

And I never want babies. Ever. In fact, if I saysomething about wanting a baby, you know I've totally lost what's leftof my mind and you should just put me out of my misery!

I started dating my now-husband James six and half years ago, and we'venever celebrated Valentines Day. We also didn't go on atechnical "date" until we'd been together a year. We just"hung out" a lot.:D

My sister is gay and lives with her girlfriend. But theconfusing part is her girlfriend is starting the counseling andprocedures to become a boy. So does that mean my sister isnow straight? And can they get married now or is somefreaked-out Republican going to write a law against that too?Maybe they'll start doing chromosome tests before issuing marriagecertificates. Just something we laugh about.:lol
:roflmao:This post reminds me why I like you so much!! :hug:

sas much to share...

a. I had a pet skunk when I was a teenager. I still want onebut that is the one thing Art WON'T let me get. (hey...someday I'llhave another one I bet). I did used to feed the neighborhood cats atour old house - and skunks would come around there!

b. Naturestee - I have you beat! I'm 46 and don't know what I want todo with my life. Right now I'm enjoying my bunnies and writing mynovel(s)....but...?

c. Art is the only guy I dated - or kissed. We've beenmarried since 1979 (I was 18 when we got married - almost 19). We beatthe odds that you so often read about young marriages.

Like Billy & Ruth Graham - our motto has been.. "Divorce? No. Murder..maybe..."

(Ok - they didn't put it quite like that - I think it was an interview w/ Ruth Graham where I saw that).

d. I used to sit in our bay window at night in Alaska (on thesecond floor) and yell out "Here Moosey..." as the moose would come outto scrounge for food, etc.

e. During one of our many difficult times of our marriage -Art & I went out to eat alone. We started talking aboutmarriage - what we thought it would be like....what it was like. Ishared with him how I always wanted to be like Olivia Walton or MaIngalls - and instead I wound up being like Lucille Ball on "I LoveLucy".

So now....he'll frequently walk in the door (when he's in a good mood) and go...

"Oh Luuuuucccccyyyyyy.........I'm HOME!"

I think that is enough for now...if I told you more you'd be losing your drinks by coughing or laughing too hard...


P.S. Dare I mention I've told Art he might just as well go ahead and call me "Ellie Mae"?
Peg, I feel like Lucy, too, but I'm alwaysgetting "You got some 'splaining to do!", especially whenI spend our last dollar on the fur kids.

Here's my secret:

Kevin and I have been together for 16 years, but we are divorced.

Let me explain:

We married in '92, divorced in '99, reconciled in '01 and neverremarried. We've now been divorced longer than we weremarried, but it seems to be working.

I've never cheated, even when we were apart. He says hehasn't, either. The divorce was a stupid mistake, but I thinksomehow it made us stronger.
A chromosome test would only prove she/he'shuman. If males and females had different numbers of chromosomes....weeither couldn't breed or would produce sterile offspring and that wouldsolve our overpopulation issue.

Erron's sister is also gay. But only sometimes? I really don't know. My brother pretends he's gay but he's not.

naturestee wrote:
I'm a majorgamer! Anything but video games and wargame miniatures,actually. I play D&D and other roleplaying games andlots of non-traditional board and card games. My hubbycounted the other day, and we have over 150 different board and cardgames!:shock:

I'm 26 and still don't know what I want to do for the rest of my life.:?

And I never want babies. Ever. In fact, if I saysomething about wanting a baby, you know I've totally lost what's leftof my mind and you should just put me out of my misery!

I started dating my now-husband James six and half years ago, and we'venever celebrated Valentines Day. We also didn't go on atechnical "date" until we'd been together a year. We just"hung out" a lot.:D

My sister is gay and lives with her girlfriend. But theconfusing part is her girlfriend is starting the counseling andprocedures to become a boy. So does that mean my sister isnow straight? And can they get married now or is somefreaked-out Republican going to write a law against that too?Maybe they'll start doing chromosome tests before issuing marriagecertificates. Just something we laugh about.:lol
Actually, a chromosome test can tell whether someone is genetically male or female. X/Y chromosomes are easy to see.;)

Snuggy's Mom, I think it's awesome that you and Kevin were able to workthings out like that! Want to talk to mysister-in-law? She needs some of your sense. She's35, married 4 times, 4 kids fathered by the first 3 husbands (fourthwas physically incapable and had an adopted kid from his previousmarriage), and is now dating man #5. So far she's marriedevery man she's dated, so the marriage will probably comesoon. And all these marriages and divorces are really messingwith her kids' heads.

So there's another thing you don't know about me! Or actually my family, but it all counts.:)
Hi, I use to be a nurse in my former life, thenI developed a Latex allergy. No fun you have to watch everything youuse ie bandages, certain shoes that have elastic, can't wear rubbergloves and the list goes on.

I'm not working now due to the two car accidents I had last summer (I suing both drivers) which is a long process.

I was married at 43 (first marrage for both of us). No kids,I don't want any, my bunnies are enough and they don't talk back. LOL

I collect pig stuff, have numerous stuffed, ceramicpiggies.

naturestee wrote:
And I never want babies. Ever. In fact, if I saysomething about wanting a baby, you know I've totally lost what's leftof my mind and you should just put me out of my misery!

My sister is gay and lives with her girlfriend. But theconfusing part is her girlfriend is starting the counseling andprocedures to become a boy. So does that mean my sister isnow straight? And can they get married now or is somefreaked-out Republican going to write a law against that too?Maybe they'll start doing chromosome tests before issuing marriagecertificates. Just something we laugh about.:lol

Funny you mention that. When we went to AZ I finally met myhusband's oldest brother. He's lived there for a longtime, his parents were hoping that moving out there wouldbring them closer to him a bit. He never calls or stopsby. They don't understand. After meeting him, Iacknowledged that what my husband was curious is true. He'sgay as well. Doesn't talk about it. Atall. He has two corgies, Winston (cool name) andVictoria. He's really cool. I think he'sfunny. His mom asked him about his "roommate", he's anelectrician. Everything he talked about about going to thisand that or doing this or that to the house was "we" so, I'd say hisroommate is actually his partner.That's cool w/ me!I think he's neat. He talks to his dogs like Dr. Evil talksto Mini Me. Ha Ha.

So that's one thing you didn't know about me. I

Like to bowl. Am always trying to get better. Myaverage is 170. I missed my first 600 series by 10 pins lastnight :X.

I work at a real estate company, love my co-workers.

I have a 13 year old son, but like Naturestee, never wantedkids. I do the best I can, I have no patience w/ it really.

Been married going on 6 years this year, my husband is wonderful forthe most part. He's my best friend. (he's not the father ofmy son and he has no kids)

I watch As The World Turns, America's Next Top Model, The Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency religiously. :D
Hmm, have been thinking of what to add to thisthread, but I don't know, there's nothing interesting aboutme:?I'll give it a try anyway...

Well continuing on the children theme, I hate them, don't ever want anyever. I think it comes from being the oldest of a family of 5.

I'm a Nintendo freak:bagheadWii is my new addiction.:D

I'm very, how can I put this, self conscious about myself, does thatmake sense? I hate how I look, I'm am wary of my weight, last summer Ikinda stopped eating for a while. But I know I'm not actuallyoverweight so what's that about? :?

Last March I won a trip to Auschwitz from an essay Iwrote.Being therehad no effect on me. Most peoplewere all like that was so difficult etc. But not me.

I am regularly teased and made fun of at school because I do wellacademically, but I don't care, I came first in the year at summer andxmas and I am proud!:blueribbon:

I have a real passionate hatred towards dogs, just can't stand them.

Ilove the Harry Potter books and can't wait for the final book to come out?:colors: Anyone else?

I'm 16 and currently doing my GCSEs (oh thejoy!:rollseyes). I am the youngest in my family with a brother who is 6years older than me and a sister who is 8 years older than me. I alsohave about 100 cousinsand all except 2 are older than me, soI'm used to being the baby of the family!;)I am a massiveanimal lover and love spending time with either my own or myfriends/family's pets. I love acting and take part in all the plays atschool and also do drama gcse (which btw is way harder than it sounds-and it's not all acting either!).My favourite ever thing todo is horse ride, I have ridden for years now although don't have myown horse because of time issues with school and things I always ridemy friends and stables horses and love competing in show jumping andeventing.:DI am also addicted to reading andgetthrough about a book a day, and yes Michaela I can't wait forthe 7th Harry Potter to come out!;)
Okay, so my first answer was so un-personal, I feel some obligation to add here goes!

- My husband and I have been together for just over three years now,and will have our second wedding anniversary 4 June. We hadour first date around Thanksgiving 03, moved in with each other aroundNew Years 04, he proposed March of 04, and we got married 4 June05.

- I got pregnant with and had my daughter at 19. I wish I hadbeen smarter and a little more responsible in general back then, butI'm coming to the conclusion that it was a good thing, having her thatyoung. I had the energy to chase her around (either in fun orin keeping her from eating something, hehe). My husband isthe only father she's known...and they're such a cute pair.(Right now they're playing Operation, which was one of her birthdaypresents today.)

- My mother has been married about seven times. I think she'slike your sister-in-law, Naturestee...I think she married just aboutevery guy she dated. My sister and I always looked at eachother when she would bring the guy home for dinner, and know that itmeant they would be married within a few months. She hadREALLY bad taste in men, except for two...the ONLY man I allowed theactual title of "Stepfather", and my dad (though he's not actually mybiological father).

- My bunnies are the best...hehe! :D

Anyway, there ya go! :)
maherwoman wrote:
- I got pregnant with and had my daughter at 19. Iwish I had been smarter and a little more responsible in general backthen, but I'm coming to the conclusion that it was a good thing, havingher that young. I had the energy to chase her around (eitherin fun or in keeping her from eating something, hehe). Myhusband is the only father she's known...and they're such a cutepair. (Right now they're playing Operation, which was one ofher birthday presents today.)
That reminds me of this guy I know who is an ACT at the animalshelter. I think he likes me because I want to be a vet andhe used to want to be a vet. His explanation for why hedidn't go to college was because he had his daughter, then went on tosay that that wasn't really an excuse, it was just whathappened. He's 32 now, and she's 13, I did the math, thatmade him 19.

The reason that freaked me out was because my cousin, Michael, was also19 (now he's in France in the foreign legion having graduated earlyfrom both High School and College, even after being kicked out of onecollege for plagiarism). It was weird to look at Oliver, theACT, and then look at my cousin, and compare the two lives.Also to think that my cousin could be having a child... I would feelreally bad for that kid though, my cousin is a little more than alittle weird.

My 3 cousins on my mom's side are rather religious.Some sort of born again Christian something or other, I'm not reallysure. The middle one, Becky, is really into it. Shehas 2 daughters now, she's 25, I think. They send us biblequotes all the time, reference the bible in conversation,etc. Don't get me wrong, I'm Catholic, go to mass every week,Catholic school, I'm a leader in our Confirmation program (ChristinaMarie Jerome, St. Jerome was a really cool guy), I'm even an altarserver, one of the best, I just think they're a little too into it whenthey bring it up all the time...

Also, In my spanish class, in response to one of the homeworkquestions...where will you be in 5 years, will you havechildren? My spanish teacher made us promise not to have kidsuntil we are 30. Her reasoning was pretty good too.It was a little scary though.
If someone would have told me 4 years ago that Iwould have a pet rabbit, I would have said you are totally nuts. Now Ihave three.

I'm a Trekkie

I'm a baseball and hockey nut.

I love to swing dance.

I also think the Bee Gees are awesome.

I was a radio DJ for 12 years.

I've never played poker.

I am very good at blackjack.

I prefer Coke over Pepsi

I could live on pizza.

I hate greens-I've never eaten a salad.

I'm a cigar and pipe smoker.

I've seen Neil Diamond in concert 4 times.

My favorite vacation spot is Wildwood, New Jersey.

I've seen the Moody Blues in concert twice.

I've met Jesse Kubick twice.

I'm one of those "ultra-right wingers" and I've got to say that thiscomment made me go "ouch...I resemble that". But I can't apologize forit.

Maybe I can explain something about it though...

My faith is a MAJOR part of my life and who I am and what I believe. Idon't expect others to embrace it - but I can't talk about my lifewithout including it. Much of who I am is wrapped in up what Ibelieve...what I'm reading...what I feel God is teaching me at thistime. It's just "that much" a part of me - that it gushes over intoeverything else.

It is sort of like when you talk about your rabbits to people whoaren't "rabbit people". Maybe you share how your rabbit did somethingcute and it touched you or made you laugh. Or maybe you've learnedsomething from watching your rabbit (I feel like God uses mine to teachme patience and other things all the time). So you share about it - andthey just don't "get it".

Well - that is the way for me and my faith. It's mine. I can't help butshare it (I don't do it here on the board as I don't want to startarguments and this is a place about rabbits...not my faith..).

Anyway - I think that is probably the case for your cousins. All I knowis I'm the same way they are my kids and many of my closestfriends. I share with other what teaches me or comforts me or how Ifeel God is working in my life. I try to be sensitive to others whodon't share my views - but sometimes - it just comes out of me - justlike if you spilled a bottle of Coke and Coke comes wouldn'texpect Fresca or Pepsi.... faith and beliefs are so close to who I am...they just spill out.

Maybe that will help you understand them better?

missyscove wrote:
My 3 cousins onmy mom's side are rather religious. Some sort ofborn again Christian something or other, I'm not really sure.The middle one, Becky, is really into it. She has 2 daughtersnow, she's 25, I think. They send us bible quotes all thetime, reference the bible in conversation, etc. Don't get mewrong, I'm Catholic, go to mass every week, Catholic school, I'm aleader in our Confirmation program (Christina Marie Jerome, St. Jeromewas a really cool guy), I'm even an altar server, one of the best, Ijust think they're a little too into it when they bring it up all thetime...
Oh, don't get me wrong!! I don'tregret having my sweetie AT ALL!! I'm VERY happy to haveher...she's the light of my life!

I didn't realize how much it sounded like I DIDN'T like having her, until I read it again.

No...I'm incredibly blessed with both my daughter and myhusband. Our family is so beautiful...I wouldn't change aTHING!! :D

In saying that I wish I'd been more responsible at the time, what I wassaying is that I feel I could have given her a better life in nothaving been a single mom for the first few years of her life.:)

missyscove wrote:
maherwoman wrote:
- I gotpregnant with and had my daughter at 19. I wish I had beensmarter and a little more responsible in general back then, but I'mcoming to the conclusion that it was a good thing, having her thatyoung. I had the energy to chase her around (either in fun orin keeping her from eating something, hehe). My husband isthe only father she's known...and they're such a cute pair.(Right now they're playing Operation, which was one of her birthdaypresents today.)
That reminds me of this guy I know who is an ACT at the animalshelter. I think he likes me because I want to be a vet andhe used to want to be a vet. His explanation for why hedidn't go to college was because he had his daughter, then went on tosay that that wasn't really an excuse, it was just whathappened. He's 32 now, and she's 13, I did the math, thatmade him 19.

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