The "one thing you didn't know about me" thread

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Oh wow - I already thought you were awesome....but now I know why!

I am a Trekkie although not as much as most true Trekkies. I would loveto know how to swing dance - but I'm too scared to take dancing lessonsat my age. I'd love to live on pizza and while I've never been to aNeil Diamond concert - I loved his music years ago and listened to it alot. Loved him in "The Jazz Singer".


mambo101 wrote:
I'm a Trekkie

I love to swing dance.

I could live on pizza.

I've seen Neil Diamond in concert 4 times.
I was born and raised in Anchorage, Alaska.

I have lived in Colorado, Washington, and New York also.

I LOVE smoked salmon and halibut.

My aunt owns about 25 cats, at least.

My sister is a Suicide Girl, Skully.

I am a wiz at knitting, and have only been doing it since July.

I hate birds, they are just pooping, screeching furniture.

My grandma is awesome, on my mom's side. She will pull over and yell atthe protesters outside of Planned Parenthood. She is also an atheist,at 70ish, that is a rare thing.

My dopey dad was on CNN last year talking about some silly religionthat he made up, Universalism (?),last february. My sisterand I were so embarrassed.

My BF is the artist, Konnik.

I love horror movies, but am a real snob about them. I also love documentaries.

I love ZELDA.

I don't know if my answers have anything to do with this topic, but what the heck, I'll give this a go!...

I'm engaged!
Today is mine and my fiance's 1 year and 5 months of being together.
I'm in the process of getting my GED right now.
I listen to metal, indie, and "spazzy" music.
I rode horses for 8 years.
My mom tried giving CPR to our 5 year old goldfish who was dying.
I have an obession with buying things just because they are the color "brown".
I was born and raised in New York!
I have "vintage bunny" flannel fabric that I am afraid to use for sewing because I love it too much to ruin it.
I have to force myself to spend money on things that aren't on sale. I am a HUGE sale shopper.
I want a baby (human kid) some day (YEARS from now), but I am scared todeath of labor pain because of all the stories I have heard!
One of my friends just had a baby boy named Connor, she's 18.
One of my friend's baby girl is due in June, she's also 18.
One of my friend's baby boy (also, named Connor) is due in April, she's 16.
I want to live in Colorado!

- Amy

i am with rosie, my first post was so basic. . .i want to add more!

-i am love with the show house and gilmore girls (i am in LOVE with gilmore girls)

-i don't eat with metal silverware, just plastic, i have a phobiaalmost of the sound of metal hitting teeth and of the taste of metal

-i don't know what i am going to do with my life

-i am currently in a love/hate relationship(we haven't decided if weare dating, boyfriend/girlfriend or what. . .)with a guy thatis 7 years older then me (and my mom loves that. . .), but whatcan you do. . .

- i love to weld. . .and i am a girl. . .

-i have never had a broken bone, and the only time i ever got stitches was for my wisdom teeth

-i hate pancakes but love waffels

-i suck at sports, and am doomed tolose at any of them. . .

-as with mambo, i am a blackjack player, i have known how to play anddeal blackjack since i was 7 because my mom was a card dealer. . .

-after years of surpressed fustration i am finally at a point that ican openly talk about the problems i have had with my anxiety disorder.. .i think that comming to grips with that was the hardest thing i haveever had to do.

- the only mac and cheese i will it is the kraft spiral kind. . .and i don't know why

-i crack my knuckles when i am nervous or upset

-i can't keep fish alive, in fact when i bought my goldfish norbert,EVERYONE that knew me was like "what? no, bring him back, that fish isdoomed". . .no matter what testes and things i did, my fish ALWAYS die.. . before norbert i had a pair of goldfish (i really like fantailgoldfish) named scatch and sniff and well, by the end i was at scratchand sniff #6 before i finally gave up. my current goldfish is just asodd as i am and i think that is why he is still alive

- i have a tattoo of a black cat. . .my parents bought it for me as my18th birthday present. . . and i am addicted to the needle now, can'twait to get another

Starina, I want your family to adopt me!!

(Did Skully do the GNR tour?)

On that note, here's a couple for me...

Themusicindustry considers mean expertonGuns N' Roses...

My sister is Paul Anka's tour manager... :singing:

sas :biggrin:
Pipp wrote:
My sister is Paul Anka's tour manager...

i might be jealous of your sister. . .

another one for me is i am crazy over postsecret. . . i can't getenough of it, every sunday i check the blog, and i own the books. . .
- I am very allergic to Cellophane.

- I was an X-Files fanatic for all 9 years, and have autographs ofevery single cast member (reoccuring) and crew member in the history ofthe show.

- I want a pig.

- I love astronomy and always wanted to be an aerospace engineer. I wanted to work on space shuttles.

- I love gardening and it's a huge passion of mine.

- I have panic attacks whenever I get a shot (or blood drawn, or just generally having a needle inserted into me).

- I'm only 22 and I have a lung tumor.

- I'm beyond a hypochrondriac and I worry about everything at all times.

- I collect Spongebob Squarepants stuff.

- I'm a Will and Grace fanatic.

- I think Johnny Depp is the hottest thing on the face of the planet.

- I think Wes Craven (creator of Nightmare on Elm St. trilogy) is a genius. I'm also a Nightmare on Elm St. trilogy fanatic.

- I love Chinese culture.

- I want to visit Africa one day.

- I am horrible at math, can't get anything above an F, but I loveChemistry. I aced and excelled in Chemistry, Advanced Chemistry and Irecieved an A in AP chemistry. All without knowing or being able to doeven the most basic algebra. No one can figure it out.

- I love Shakespeare novels.

- I cannot HANDLE anyone's hands or feet rubbing fabric, especiallycarpet. I will cringe, grind my teeth, and have to walk out a room. Ittakes a lot of mental work to get the images out of my head. I justpurely can't handle it.

- I love salads, but cannot stand lettuce or tomatoes on anything else. Not even burgers or tacos.

Let's see:

I am under 5' tall. I have never been asked to play on a professional basketball team.

I once owned a rather dumb pigeon named ErdieBird.

When my husband and I broke up, my first panicked thought was, 'omigod, what will happen to my rabbits?!'

In the past 5 years my family has been hit by several hardships...I wasdiagnosed with cancer; my stepmother was diagnosed with cancer andpassed away; my ex was diagnosed with cancer and passed away; mynephew's wife took their two children and walked out on him, which lefthim devastated; and my niece's little boy was diagnosed with cancer(tentatively, he is now doing quite well after treatments).

When I was 10, I was in a hurry to get to school after going home forlunch (and staying a bit too long) so my friend and I took a shortcutby climbing a chain link fence and jumping it. Only, when I jumped, Ididn't land...the hem of my dress hooked on the top of the fence and Iwound up swaying in the breeze, undies flashing every car that drove byus - and at lunchtime, there were a LOT of cars...and a lot of menlaughing and blowing their horns. How humiliating.

When I was 15 or so I became inadvertently involved (sort of) in aprotest that Greenpeace was going to be holding, over the slaughteringof seal pups off the coast of Newfoundland. A letter I wrote to thelocal newspaper got published, which wound up in me receiving ananonymous death threat.

I once woke up in the middle of the night - when I was in my early teens - to hear a ghost in my room.

In keeping with that kind of weirdness, my sister and I went on a roadtrip to New Hampshire last spring, and on impulse stayed at animpressive old hotel that I'd noticed as we drove past it. Thatnight...yep...ghost in the room.

I still haven't learned to drive.

On New Year's Eve, never, ever drink a couple of glassesof scotch, then follow it with cooking wine, then follow it with thecheapest, most horridest chocolates ever. You'll wind up sick as a dogand vomiting gross alien stuff for the next two days. Not that I everdid that.

I once punched a horse in the face. Long story, in recap: Me - riding amare. Bareback. Stallion escaped from corral. Chased mare. Mountedmare. Me still on mare. Turned around (me), see a horse head and baredteeth coming at my face. Me - drew back and punched. Hard. Me and mare- got out of there faster that a bat out of H-E-double hockeysticks.

My dog I had when I was a child - Charlie - used to ride the public buses. By himself.

When I used to sing my son to sleep at night, he would cry until I stopped singing.

I LOVE the following shows: The X-Files, Frasier, House, Dallas, Friends, Picket Fences

The scariest movie I ever saw on the big screen was 'Alien'.

The most handsome actors to me are Johnny Depp, Kevin Costner (justmissed seeing him at the Toronto International Film Festival too, dangit!), and Jimmy Stewart.

When I was 17, I attended a Bay City Rollers concert in Toronto with myyounger sister - who was nuts about them - and was mortified that I hadto stand in the audience with all those screaming, weird little Rollerfans, all wearing plaid pants, striped socks, tartan scarfs, and othernerdy BCR paraphanalia.

I secretly loved the Bay City Rollers.

On a dare, I once climbed into a guard dog's it was ahuge German Shepherd who was there to guard an old abandoned warehouse.He didn't eat me, though my friend who was with me almost fainted.

I almost drowned in an insanely stupid boating accident a week before my wedding.

In grade 10, I skipped 3/4 of all my accounting classes since Iabsolutely hated accounting. Yet at the end of the year the teacherfailed my friend, who went to class every day and studied regularly,and passed me, who never did. Not once.

And one last non-interesting tidbit about me: I used to play withtoads. I would catch them, then dress them up in toilet-paper clothingand have toad weddings and toad parties.
I didn't think anyoen else knew what suicidegirls are. My friend wants to be one so very badly. She's says herchest is the only thing she's proud of.

Starina wrote:
I was born and raised in Anchorage, Alaska.

I have lived in Colorado, Washington, and New York also.

I LOVE smoked salmon and halibut.

My aunt owns about 25 cats, at least.

My sister is a Suicide Girl, Skully.

I am a wiz at knitting, and have only been doing it since July.

I hate birds, they are just pooping, screeching furniture.

My grandma is awesome, on my mom's side. She will pull over and yell atthe protesters outside of Planned Parenthood. She is also an atheist,at 70ish, that is a rare thing.

My dopey dad was on CNN last year talking about some silly religionthat he made up, Universalism (?),last february. My sisterand I were so embarrassed.

My BF is the artist, Konnik.

I love horror movies, but am a real snob about them. I also love documentaries.

I love ZELDA.

cheryl13 wrote:
Snuggys Mom wrote:
Icut mybig toe off when I wassix.
How did you cut your toe of Laura?
Riding one of these:


I was barefoot, going top speed down-hill when my toe somehow slippedinto the little groove between the pedal andwheel.The wheel didn't stop.

When my mom tried to wash the blood off to see how bad the "cut" was, the whole toe fell off in the kitchen sink.

The doctor at the emergency roomwas able to sew my toe back on and it works just fine.
Snuggys Mom wrote:
cheryl13 wrote:
Snuggys Mom wrote:
Icut mybig toe off when I wassix.
How did you cut your toe of Laura?
Riding one of these:


I was barefoot, going top speed down-hill when my toe somehow slippedinto the little groove between the pedal andwheel.The wheel didn't stop.

When my mom tried to wash the blood off to see how bad the "cut" was, the whole toe fell off in the kitchen sink.

The doctor at the emergency roomwas able to sew my toe back on and it works just fine.
Oh my gosh! your mum must have freaked!,because i know i would have if that happened to one of my boys

Wow you were lucky that your toe was able to be saved,the things that kids put their parents though!

My sister isn't doing any of the SG touring, she isn't motivated enough. :bath:

Actually, before my sister became one, I struck up a friendship with afew of them, Vanessa, Synnove, Marigold, Adore, because I make deadsock dogs. I asked some of them to pose with them to get someattention. It worked, but no business was interested in my Bluddys. Youcan check them out athttp://www.bluddys.comI amthinking of making a bunny one for myself.

Basset, that reminds me... My dad used to run down the dark hallway atnight, scared the the aliens were gonna get him. He was probably around28 years old. :rollseyes

I know that they sometimes have trouble sewing toes back on, you arelucky. I hate feet, I think that they aredisgusting. I amhorrified that since my ankle injury, everyone I meet seems to need tosee my naked foot!:embarrassed:


okay, you guys got me. . .

. . .i admit, i also am addicted to watching dog the bounty hunter. . . :baghead. . .

i wasn't going to tell ya'll, but the pressure got to be to much. . .
I know, I watch some stupid stuff too, at leastalot of peeps think they're stupid. I like to watch Idol,Tease, Split Ends (on the Style Network) and watched the Surreal Lifewhen Janice Dickinson was on it and it drove my hubby crazy.

I also will watch that show w/ Paris and Nicole, just to see whatstupid thing they do next. Also, The Girls Next Door andHogan Knows Best!:)

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