Okay, a few silly things I wanted to add:
- I love Fear Factor and Survivor...and have seen just about ever FearFactor. My daughter and I just love watching people pushtheir bodies and minds to the limit. It's really neat to seehuman strength and ability.
- I am an obsessive MySpace survey-taker. To the point whereI sometimes go searching online for surveys to take and post in thebulletin section. Hehe!!
- I love to cross stitch, but haven't done any in at least four years.
- When I was about fifteen, I wound up getting scratches all over myeyes from my contacts. The dr said I had scratches so closeto my cornea, I almost wound up losing my eye. I couldn'twear anything for my eyes except the goopy medicine they gave me toapply directly on my eyes, for about two weeks...meaning I couldn't goto school, because even from the front row, I couldn't see anything buta blank chalkboard (even if it was full of writing). When I'mtired, and my eyes get really dry, I can still feel the scars fromthose scratches....*shudder*
- When I was about ten, I was reclining on the lawn, and suddenly feltmy hand covered in biting fireants. It was then that Iquickly learned I was allergic to them...as my hand swelled up sobadly, I couldn't write for two weeks!
- When I was about sixteen, I had a viral infection in my stomach, andwound up going into anaphylactic (sp?) shock from the medication theyprescribed me. My mother didn't even notice (notice commentabout my family in above post) that I wasn't able to talk, and I had toslap the couch as hard as I could with my hand to get her attentionbefore she would call the ambulance. She was on her way tobed...and they later told me that if she hadn't noticed, I could verywell have died that night. I was to the point where my tonguewas swollen and convulsing...and they had to give me a shot ofepinephrine for my heart. Crazy...until that moment, mymother had been telling me to calm down about my tongue feeling swollenand had been telling me nothing was wrong with me...*sigh*
- I was sick so much as a kid, that they took so many blood tests andsuch, that I still have marks in my arm from all the hundreds(literally) of needle pricks! I've been pricked by needles inthe same spot so many times, that by the age of 10, I knew to give themmy right arm, because it was my best. (Hehe...my veins havealways been quite the nurse's dream...my sister used to BEG me to lether test her IV-setting skills on my veins...I just couldn't go throughwith that!! It scared me a little the way she would look atmy veins...:shock
- I wound up having a child that was 2oz shy of 10lbs naturally (i.e.without medication)...and not by choice...the epidural didn't work ATALL. They tried redoing the whole getup THREE TIMES (and youladies that have had kids one know how painful ONE is!!), and it stilldidn't work a wink. Eventually it was too late to tryanymore, and I was too weak from it all to want to continue trying...soI gave up and just had her naturally.
- I almost passed out during getting my one (and only)tattoo. My ex had to go get me a glass of water, and we hadto take a break, because, even though I was laying down, I was quiteclose to passing out! What a wuss!!
On to the questions:
Spring: Are pot belly pigs as sweet as they say? What's it like having one??
Starina: LOVE the bluddys....totally adorable...and oh so funny...can you PM me with how much they are, and such?
Hugs, all!