The Nethie Boys

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I've figured out your problem with both Billy and Ronnie. Its not that you can't figure out their needs or wants -its that your a slow human and Billy HAD to relent to be petted as he has now figured out this is what YOU need...

Bun's mustgetSO exhausted waiting for us Humans to get on board with their needs, I think Billy finally just "gave in" some to make you happy and perhaps stop pointing the camcorder at him all of the time (which contractually you cannot do as you have "signed" the contract through yoUTube and RO to provide the masses with Billy/Ronnie video's until 2020)..:)

juliew19673 wrote:
I've figured out your problem with both Billy and Ronnie. Its not that you can't figure out their needs or wants -its that your a slow human and Billy HAD to relent to be petted as he has now figured out this is what YOU need...

LOL Julie, I think you're right about this one! Billy does have that "Fine, I'll tolerate you petting me...but just enough to please you" look about him :p
I just want to smoosh Ronnie because he is soooo cute! And so is Billy! I love myHeart's dream about Billy calling, that sounds so much like the type of dream I would have. Also, I think I recognize that look of intense displeasure Billy is giving the camera while being held on his back...


OK, just like Myheart, I maybe watching too many Billy/Ronnie videos before bed. This summer we are taking a vacation to Lake Superior Provincial Park in Ontario Canada and staying at a camp ground called Rabbit Blanket Lake. Everytime I think about it all I can picture is this:


When I should be picturing this:

Is there a support group for this?
Oh Shiloh, I opened up the blog and for a split second thought "I don't remember taking such a cute picture of one of my bunnies," then realized it was Tallulah! She was such an adorable little girl and definitely the cutest lop and maybe even the cutest bunny I have ever seen :hearts

kirst3buns: LOL, a Rabbit Blanket Lake? That's awesome! I'd definitely be picturing Billy with his blanket too :)
Billy's binkies consist of many different maneuvers. I was able to gather enough clips to put together a video showing some of the different moves he does. Originally, I had titles on the clips, but Windows Movie Maker is so limited on title displays that I took them out. If you watch the video on youtube, you can find a breakdown of the types of binkies in the description sidebar.

I really wish there were actual names for these binkies, but I couldn't find any! So I had to make them up myself as you'll see if you read the youtube description.

Here's the video:


And also the link if you want to go directly to the youtube page:

Jess_sully wrote:
Is your sweet Ronnie this energetic too?

Ronnie actually has more energy than Billy, but in a different way. Ronnie never sleeps, is always ready to come out of his cage, and constantly runs circles around my legs. He also runs bunny laps if given enough room. The weird thing is I've never seen Ronnie binky...only a small head twitch
Wow. They must be a handful. I'd like to get a nethie someday... when I don't have a landlady to appease :) I would've expected Billy to be the one binkying, from the way you describe him.

I can't wait until Flynn binkies. :)
Oh nooooooo!!!! I watched the latest Billy video right before bed again! This video is awesome! I love all of the names you gave each of his moves. Each one was easy to pick out and say, "That name totally fits that move..." I love the first Catapult move, I think,you have in slow motion!!! Totally caught me by surprise. He does so much kicking and that move just made me catch my breath and hope for the perfect landing without harm. You do such great work with all of the videos and you couldn't have picked a better subject than Billy. **Applause**:D

I will just have to start logging in earlier in the day, cause I know Billy is going to try to call me again tomorrow... lol

LOL myheart, that still cracks me up! I'll be waiting for the report on your newest Billy dream :p Although I find that when I am consciously telling myself "I just saw such and such, now I'm going to dream about it," it NEVER happens :D
No Billy dream!!! :(I was so sad about not having a Billy dream this morning and just having to get up for work. I was actually looking forward to Billy calling... He is such a neat little guy that I will put him on my bunny-nabbing list so he and I will be able to sit around all day talking about stuff. Maybe he will let me in on his secrets for all of his moves and stunts. He absolutely takes my breath away...:p

Maybe you should try to publish all of the names of his moves as there are no known names available. Might not make you million, and maybe no other bun in the world does these moves, but perhaps Billy could start a bunny-workout class to get some of the lazier bunnies moving (like my two).


Ah, well I guess you'll have a Billy dream when you least expect it ;). I'm far too lazy to try to publish anything, but hopefully the video will become more popular and shed some light on the different binky moves :)

myheart wrote:
and maybe no other bun in the world does these moves

This got me thinking...and I was also thinking about this yesterday: Does Billy really have more elaborate binky sessions than other bunnies? Or am I just the crazy camera lady who happens to document said binkies more than other pet owners? :p
You do have to admit that Billy is a bit over the top... in a good way. :pIt would be interesting to know if Nethies are the only ones who have this characteristic or if this is unique to Billy. Maybe he was an acrobat or a karate expert in his past life and knows when the spotlight is on him. Maybe it was just fate that brought the two of you together...:DDo you think a past bunny picked Billy out for you, or didBilly pick you?

myheart wrote:
Maybe it was just fate that brought the two of you together...:DDo you think a past bunny picked Billy out for you, or didBilly pick you?

Oh god...when we got him I was the impatient "I WANT A BUNNY NOW" person. He was the only bunny that was available that wasn't black (black was too dark and plain for my taste), so we immediately put him on reserve online without even meeting him, and paid the deposit.

When we went to pick him up I saw that he was a feisty little guy, trying to bite the breeder and making the breeder flinch in fear. When I saw that I got excited because I knew he was biting out of frustration from being locked up in that cage all day. He was gonna be a big bundle of energy, which is just what I wanted. :biggrin2:
No, most other bunnies dont binky even half that much! Hes a crazy binky bunny! I have 6 (one who is a netherland) and none of them come close to doing binkies like that!