The Nethie Boys

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Bo B Bunny wrote:
Don't anyone get ANY ideas....... Billy is MINE! he just lives in another state for now cause someone won't send him to Indiana.

You aren't talking to me are you Bo B?!!!! Billy did try to call me you know...:D
Wow! Did my favorite TV show go off the air for the season?Are we on hiatus? Don't know HOW many months since a video of Billyy or aRonnie photo shoot was to be had?! Calling NBC now to figure out WHO to complain too!

Miss them :inlove:

juliew19673 wrote:
Wow! Did my favorite TV show go off the air for the season?Are we on hiatus? Don't know HOW many months since a video of Billyy or aRonnie photo shoot was to be had?! Calling NBC now to figure out WHO to complain too!

Miss them :inlove:
LOL! more updates! I'm tired :p

Ever since I got an entry level DSLR, I've put my video-capable digital camera no new clips :(. The only problem with the new camera is it's a lot harder to use than I thought it would be! I'm still at the stage where I'm having fits over learning to get proper white balance, and I haven't even begun to learn about the other settings :?

Hopefully I'll get some decent pictures in the near future and put them up, along with a few entry level things I'm learning about picture taking :). I think the problem is that I expect so much out of the camera and I'm hesitant to post my newbie level photos. I make my camera look really bad! :biggrin2:
I can't really get the white balance setting right on my camera either.. have you tried shooting RAW files? at first i thought it would be too cumbersome, what with all the post processing required,etc.. but once i started, i've never shot in JPEG again, unless the lighting is really good.

I normally shoot the buns at night, that's the only time i'm home on weekdays, and that's the only time they're doing something other than sleeping :D so all of their pictures have the ugly orange-tint.

with RAW files, i can easily bring the white balance back to normal.. i use Lightroom, and Photoshop CS3. Post processing actually doesn't take that long.. i usually just adjust the white balance, curves, and a little colour balance if the picture still has a bit of an orange tint. its fun!

p/s: love all your videos & pics!

Little Bay Poo wrote:
LOL! more updates! I'm tired :p

Ever since I got an entry level DSLR, I've put my video-capable digital camera no new clips :(. The only problem with the new camera is it's a lot harder to use than I thought it would be! I'm still at the stage where I'm having fits over learning to get proper white balance, and I haven't even begun to learn about the other settings :?

Hopefully I'll get some decent pictures in the near future and put them up, along with a few entry level things I'm learning about picture taking :). I think the problem is that I expect so much out of the camera and I'm hesitant to post my newbie level photos. I make my camera look really bad! :biggrin2:
somebunny: I did read up on RAW files a few weeks ago and took a couple of pictures that way, but I never got to figuring out how to process the photos. From what I understand I have to find an extra download specific to the Nikon D40 so I can convert the photos in Photoshop. I have a friend that can help me figure all that stuff out...I just have to stop putting it off and actually try it ;)

I guess I wanted to do a couple of simpler techniques before I switched over to taking photos in RAW. The first was changing my lightbulbs from compact fluorescent to incandescent because I thought it might be easier for the camera to handle. Well, that didn't work so I went out and bought a gray card to get a proper custom white balance. While the gray card made the white balance a little more accurate, it still wasn't correct.

So yeah...I guess my remaining option is to try RAW! :)
LBP, I'm using a nikon too! :) Unfortunately, RAW files from nikons are in the NEF format, which is not recognised by photoshop (took me a while to figure that out! I thought there was something wrong with my photoshop, lol!).. that's how I ended up with Lightroom.. Lightroom is able to read NEF files, and using Lightroom, I save those files in the DNG format, which can then be read by Photoshop. I think there may be updates to Photoshop which enables it to read NEF files..

Lightroom is very user friendly. However, I still need to use Photoshop because for some reason, photos which I edit using Lightroom somehow show up with significant color difference when I view them with other photo-viewing programs. there is less difference when i edit with Photoshop.. I don't know why.. I'm not really good with all these stuff, I still have so much to learn lol!

Oh, when I was looking for white balance cards, I found these: they were recommended by a number of people. I haven't purchased them yet.. shooting in RAW works for me at the mo :D
Cool, thanks for the info! That'll save me a few steps when figuring out what program to use for the conversions. Hopefully I can find some photoshop updates for the compatibility issue :)
Sakura would like an update too!

She even has a kiss for her favourite ND cousins :D.


LOL! Yeah...I've been bad about updating this blog. You guys really crack me up with your requests :p LOVE the picture of Sakura :biggrin2:

Ok, ok...I'm getting off my lazy butt and uploading some pictures. Everybunny is doing well. Things are pretty much same old same old. Ronnie thinks I'm made of treats so he binkies towards me every time I enter the room, and then climbs all over me looking for bits of apple chip. I'm bad and I always give in, but I make sure not to give him too much sugar :)


It's become really hard to get pictures of Ronnie because he's either climbing on me for treats or running away from me to hide under the table, but once in a while I can get a picture of him lounging or sitting.



Billy has been getting lazier and lazier over the past months. He still does binky routines but he incorporates more and more bunny flops every time!


Billy also has a fixed sleep schedule and it's really difficult to get him out of his cage any time before 8 pm. I can pet him in his cage now, and he even lowers his head for pets. If I try to put my hand in front of his face for grooming, he will sometimes lower his head down further so that I have to continue petting him.


Billy is a lot easier to take pictures of than Ronnie because he's used to the camera and all the attention.


Here he is munching on some hay:


That's all for now, but I do have some binky pictures that I need to upload and resize on photobucket before I post them to my blog. Unfortunately they all have major red eye because I had to use flash due to poor indoor lighting, and I'm too lazy to go into photoshop and fix it :p. I'll post those later today.

Absolute perfection, I really needed a smile today, thank you! I wish I could go back in time, unspay Sakura, take her over there and un-neuter Ronnie and let them have at it, lol! They'd have the most goofiest looking offspring. Unfortunatly I think Sakura would eat poor little Ronnie for breakfast :D.

Ronnie has such a huge mouth :p, and Billy has such a small one, Ronnie looks likea grumpy old man and Billy is the effeminate hairdresser type I think.

Your pictures are looking good, do you keep larger versions online anywhere I could have a look at? I just got a new camera too but it's not a nice DSLR, just a point'n'shoot jobby but it's hard for me to use since my last one.

Edit: do you know how much Billy and Ronnie weigh?

lol, yeah Billy is really effeminate. And I don't think Ronnie would be phased at all by matter how many times Billy growls, stomps, or tries to bite him through the cage bars, Ronnie still goes back to bother him ;). He must be used to aggressive females from his stud days at the breeders :).

I have a Flickr account where some larger versions of my pictures can be seen by clicking on the magnifying glass above the image, but I think I've only uploaded 2 DSLR pictures to my Flickr account. Hopefully when I get the colors right I will start to upload more there...most of mine have a yellow glow due to the incandescent and compact fluorescent lighting so I didn't upload them. My Flickr page is here:

My last bundle of photos was shot in RAW mode + Basic JPG. Now that I have some RAW files I'm just waiting for a friend to come over and load the appropriate Photoshop plugin so I can open my Nikon files. Then I'll be able to fix all the weird colors I get from the lightbulbs :)

About weighing the bunnies...I was a newbie and bought an expensive scale meant for weighing envelopes for mailing, and it ended up being way too small for the bunnies. Billy only weighed 1.8 pounds when I last weighed him, but that was over a year ago when he was only 4 months old! Haven't gotten around to getting a cheap food scale from Wal-mart so don't have their current weights.
To get binky pictures, at first I tried to set a fast shutter speed. With horrible lighting the camera couldn't absorb enough light during the split second the shutter was open, and I'd end up with very dark or pitch black pictures. If I set the shutter at a slower speed to get adequate light, it was too slow and the pictures ended up blurry.

A lot of people take these kinds of pictures outdoors where they have plenty of natural light for the camera to use. I'm not sure of a cheap fix for taking motion stopping pictures indoors. I've seen a few small scale photoshoots of fruits being dropped in water using a speedlight. A speedlight is an external flash unit that you can synchronize with your camera, but speedlights cost hundreds of dollars and I'm cheap.

So for now, I just used the auto setting on my camera which utilizes the camera's built in flash. The pictures have really bad red eye and the colors are pretty weird, but at least I can see some binkies! :D









This one is a mid-flop:


Little Bay Poo wrote:







"DIVA'S MUST NAP" o.k. I'm not a girl but the same idea..
Thanks for the update - have missed both Ronnie and Billy.. :D
Little Bay Poo wrote:


It's become really hard to get pictures of Ronnie because he's either climbing on me for treats or running away from me to hide under the table, but once in a while I can get a picture of him lounging or sitting.



Billy has been getting lazier and lazier over the past months. He still does binky routines but he incorporates more and more bunny flops every time!


Billy also has a fixed sleep schedule and it's really difficult to get him out of his cage any time before 8 pm. I can pet him in his cage now, and he even lowers his head for pets. If I try to put my hand in front of his face for grooming, he will sometimes lower his head down further so that I have to continue petting him.


Billy is a lot easier to take pictures of than Ronnie because he's used to the camera and all the attention.


Here he is munching on some hay:


That's all for now, but I do have some binky pictures that I need to upload and resize on photobucket before I post them to my blog. Unfortunately they all have major red eye because I had to use flash due to poor indoor lighting, and I'm too lazy to go into photoshop and fix it :p. I'll post those later today.


Thanks everyone for your kind and funny responses :biggrin2:. I do enjoy reading them all but I am so lazy when it comes to responding to posts! Bah I'm turning into a forum "lurker":p
Little Bay Poo wrote:
Thanks everyone for your kind and funny responses :biggrin2:. I do enjoy reading them all but I am so lazy when it comes to responding to posts! Bah I'm turning into a forum "lurker":p

Nooooooo..... Not a lurker.....!!!!!

BTW I absolutely love the DSLRpics of Billy in mid-air. I am so jealous that you are so far ahead of me on learning to use the darn thing. The only problem is that I will have no one to take action shots of once Katie gets adopted. Patch and Luna are too lazy and don't binkie anymore. Hmmmm...might need my Billy to visit for practice time....:biggrin2:


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