The Nethie Boys

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Hah, I think I saw Elvis do one of the "I'm being a troublemaker" binkies. Billy is good at those :p

And sweet is that? I saw her try to change directions a few times, only to give in and go with the flow. :rabbithop

You should edit all your binky clips together...Billy says we need more binky videos out there :)


JadeIcing wrote:
No idea how. Though I will be posting a thread soon.... I will come link it if anything.

I can only help if you have a PC because I don't know how to use a Mac. All of the following information is for a PC.

Editing a video is quite simple if you're working with digital camera video footage because that will already be on your computer in icon form (just like pictures). If you are using a camcorder, then you'd need to figure out how to get the videos onto your computer first, which I'm not too familiar with.

First step would be to see if your computer has Windows Movie Maker installed...and if not, download it for free online:

For Windows XP:

For Vista:

Then, type "windows movie maker tutorial" in youtube search to find some video tutorials. Watch a little bit of a tutorial on youtube to get the basics of:
  • Importing video files
  • trimming clips
  • saving movie files (this is important because saving a "project" will save the work you've done but you have to save a "movie" to have a .WMV file playable on your computer)
This is all you will need to get started. Then dive in, play around with the program, and have fun! The best way to learn is by starting simple. Once you get the hang of the basics you can start doing more complicated things with the program, but that's absolutely not needed in the beginning :)

Billy is a curious bunny


At times, he has the air of a prince and can be very demanding


Today, Billy requested my services as a human elevator


He complained that his cage wasn't big enough. He wanted access to the roof.



Billy enjoyed exploring his newfound territory







The elevator grew tired of waiting, and pleaded for Billy to come down


After returning to ground level, Billy continued to jump onto the elevator in hopes that it would take him to the roof again. But the elevator seemed to be out of service. :X He nudged and nipped, but nothing could get the elevator to work. For the rest of the night, Billy was an angry bunny :grumpy:


Hmmmm.... this is why you need a dog... like a great dane... so that he can be trained to be a doggy elevator at Billy's whim... and so I can get my fill of excellent great dane shots ;)
I do love your pictures.
how is that new camera working out for you?
Jess_sully wrote:
how is that new camera working out for you?

It's a lot nicer than the old one, but even with a DSLR you still need good conditions to get good pictures. Lighting is a big problem for me because the apartment is poorly lit, so I get some blurry shots and some where the white balance is off. However, I am really enjoying the amount of control that I have over my pictures now!

Here are some of the features I like:
  • Custom white balance setting. You take a picture of a white piece of paper and the camera figures out the white balance based on how the light is reflecting off of the paper. This comes in handy when you have weird lighting that doesn't fall into one of the pre-existing white balance settings.
  • Control over shutter speed. With enough light in the room, a fast shutter speed reduces blur to zero. If I had enough light I could catch a mid binky no problem...I think I need to go out and buy some spotlights or something :p
  • Takes pictures quickly. No 3 second focus lag on this camera!
  • Continuous 2.5 frames per second shooting mode. This would be good for catching action shots. My old camera didn't have this feature.
  • The battery only takes 90 minutes to charge fully, and lasts for days of shooting. My old camera's battery took 4 hours to charge and lasted for only a few hours!
That's all I can think of for now. Overall I have way more pictures in focus than I did with my old camera. Of course I'm still really picky so of the 200 pictures I've taken so far there's only one that I really like. :)
haha! My 2 use me as an elevator too. They like to climb aboard usually when I'm sweeping out their bottom level and wait for me to "lower" them to the ground. If I don't do it in a timely fashion, Alaska will start digging in my hair. Sad part is they could get down on their own....just hop down 2 levels and there you are. Guess they just see it as part of my slave duties :biggrin2:
After looking at the still shots you have posted of Billy, I have come to the conclusion that he would look perfect with Princess Katie of Poofy Underpants (aka my foster bun). Both have attitude and beautiful coats... What a pair!!!!:biggrin2:BTW I asked Katie about having Billy over, and she that would be great. She is more than willing to share her penthouse apartment.

Could you ask Billy where the video is of him where he rolls down the pillow and just lays there recovering from the fun? I thought it was in one of your posts, not on youtube. I wanted to show the video to a few friends, but can't seem to find it. No one believes me when I try to describe Billy. :?I love all of his videos, but that is the one that hooked me right from the moment I watched it.

myheart, I was actually looking at your blog on Katie the other day and thinking "That's what Billy would look like if he was a Jersey Wooly." It's always neat to see bunnies of the same color in different breeds. Then I kept reading and saw she was a princess just like Billy. I think if they met up they would be fighting for diva status ;)

Sometimes I post videos to my photobucket account if they are raw, unedited footage. I think the one you are talking about is when Billy overshoots a flop, lays there confused for a second and then gets up again. It was the first time he did this, and I was really excited to get it on video! Since then, he's misflopped about 10 more times...he loses control over his lower limbs and always gets very confused when they end up on the other side of him. :)

Here's the video I think you are talking about...let me know if it's the wrong one though:

Billy has a tiny face. Since I've only seen a handful of bunnies in my life, I'm not sure how common this is among them. I remember taking him to the vet to get neutered and having them remark "What a tiny head he has!"

My old camera was incapable of capturing how small Billy's head is because it would distort images wider for some reason. I just remember thinking everytime I took a picture, "This isn't what Billy looks like!"

So finally, with this new camera I've gotten a few pictures of Billy's tiny face :biggrin2:. I'm still struggling with white balance and focus issues, but I figured I'd post these few pictures since my blog got bumped up anyways. :)




Edited to add one last picture:


I love all of the new pics. I also bought a DSLR and am still playing with the focus issue. Yes, these new pics of Billy really do show him as being a bit smaller than your other pics prior to the new camera.

I agree with you, Katie and Billy might not get along a well as we would like, but Billy can still come over for a visit any time he wants. The next time hecalls I will bring that up to him... ;)

Sorry, but that is still not the video I was looking for. Billy was busy doing all of his running around on the bed, but it was the first time I ever saw him run across the top of the pillows. The first run went successfully, but the second run ended with him doing a roll over down the left-side pillow. Then he just laid there on his side like he had to comprehend what just happened and decide if it was fun or not. The last part of the video was him getting up and finishing his run like nothing happened. He laid at the base of the pillow for so long that I thought he had hurt himself--it was most suspenseful!!!

myheart wrote:
Sorry, but that is still not the video I was looking for. Billy was busy doing all of his running around on the bed, but it was the first time I ever saw him run across the top of the pillows. The first run went successfully, but the second run ended with him doing a roll over down the left-side pillow. Then he just laid there on his side like he had to comprehend what just happened and decide if it was fun or not. The last part of the video was him getting up and finishing his run like nothing happened. He laid at the base of the pillow for so long that I thought he had hurt himself--it was most suspenseful!!!


Hmmmm...I've taken so many individual video clips of Billy (literally thousands) that your summary isn't jogging my memory :?. I'll see if I can figure it out, but in the meantime you are welcome to look through my photobucket account to check if it's in there somewhere. This link should take you to the video portion of my album:

Other than that, the only places I've uploaded things were to the regular youtube account and a few random ones to this youtube account:

Anyhow, I hope this helps to straighten out what clip it is! Now I'm gonna be racking my brain trying to figure it out too...I hate mysteries! :p

What ever you do, please don't tell me I made it up...:(Oh, I know I saw it because that was the video that made me fall in love with the little guy. :p

myheart wrote:
What ever you do, please don't tell me I made it up...:(

No, not at all. I've watched so many clips to edit stuff together though, that they've all become one big jumble to me ;). I see Billy dash across the pillows, binky, flop, loaf on the bed, rinse repeat every day...and after a while it all just seems like the same old stuff. So when you describe a clip, the description fits pretty much every binky session in my memory bank :?.

But yeah, I often have the same thing happen where I remember something but I don't know what it's from. Then I make the mistake of asking my brother if he remembers the same thing, and he accuses me of making it up! :X
Don't anyone get ANY ideas....... Billy is MINE! he just lives in another state for now cause someone won't send him to Indiana.
