The Nethie Boys

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NZminilops wrote:
I hope Billy is still feeling ok? That's odd how he sometimes just goes like that :?, poor little dude.

Just had to say, ohmygosh at Ronnies face, haha! He does that twisty mouth thing with bug eyes that Sakura does when she's feeling scared, so cute :p.
Yeah, Billy is doing well, thanks for asking! :) He gets the occasional gas attack, but nothing too serious. We've been lucky to have two very healthy rabbits over the past year.

I'll do a little update in this post too. Here's a couple of pictures of Billy with his Billy mugs. The story behind these is I was contacted by the webmaster of for permission to create a portrait of Billy. The finished portrait was made available as a print on and I decided to buy a couple of mugs for $12.95 each as keepsakes.

I'd love to see the webmaster make portraits of other people's bunnies and give them a chance to buy little knick knacks with the prints on them because I think it's really neat idea. I'm not sure if they'd be up for doing something like that but I'd be really excited if they did! :D

Here's Billy:



LOLBunnies used a picture of Dallas and Teresa onthe site!

I love your boys, I along with my guys and girl believe yours should come live with us.

My nethies have something to say.

"I believe that humans should not stick the stupidflashy things in our face."


"So you need to work out your differences."


"Talk about what bothers you. Than join forces."


"Let them know to back off."


"If that doesn't work...."


"Go get some back up. Lops have a pretty mean glare."


Oh my! I was gonna say now I know why people say Nethies are so good at disapproval, but then you threw the lop in there! Something about the brow of lop eared bunnies makes disapprovals that much more potent ;)

The pictures of Teresa and Chibi together would be great as artwork and it really makes me wish that I knew how to draw! :X
I don't think that artwork could capture the level of intense disapproval that Ronnie produces! ;) (Well there is this really awesome pet portrait artist who could definitely do it, but her prices are $600 and up...:shock:). So, a Ronnie mug would have to be a photo mug...I'll most likely get one of those made at some point in the future. :)
This blog has officially been delcared a cuteness overload zone by the New Zealand Cuteness Detection Committee. Humans entering are warned to wear shades and squint, so as to avoid the full impact of the visual adorableness. You have been warned!


Edited to add, I want a Billy cup!

I am ashamed. I've not checked in here for ages...


And look at what I've missed! The recent pictures of Ronnie are just too cute! I love the ones where his ears have 'disappeared' lol.... I love them, I really do! Can you send them to me? Please? :p
Today was Ronnie's birthday, but he didn't seem to know


When the candle was brought out, he looked a little upset


As if he disapproved of getting older


The flame intrigued him


And he came in for a closer look


Lessons learned the hard way, Number 16: Bunnies aren't afraid of fire.


Poor Ronnie singed his whiskers on the birthday candle when he came over to inspect it. I pulled the cupcake away as soon as he poked his nose toward it, but too late for those whiskers. :embarrassed:The little guy didn't even know, and continued on with his business as if nothing had happened! I'm afraid Ronnie looks even more pathetic than usual, but the whiskers should grow back in time :?

More to come...

If there was ever a bunny that reminded me of the sad donkey from Winnie the Pooh, Ronnie would be that bunny. He really brings out the maternal feelings in me :D.

Happy birthday Ronnie, remember to not try and be a fire breathing dragon next year.
So after our little mishap with the candle, Ronnie enjoyed some oatmeal and a bit of an apple chip (I have yet to find any other treats he likes).


Then he got to open his present


At first it looked like he was more interested in the wrapping paper than the gift


But then he tried out his new toy



And a final ultra-pathetic look complete with scorched whiskers


AngelnSnuffy wrote:

OMG, he's protecting his new toy! How adorable!:p
LOL, we'd like you to think that's what he's doing...but what he's actually doing I will not say ;). I'm sure Pennie knows EXACTLY what Ronnie's up to :p
Happy Birthday Ronnie!

I loved the pictures of Ronnie..he's so so cute! i had a little giggle with Ronnie and his special new toy....that is just so sweet and those scorched whiskers....silly Ronnie:)

Little Bay Poo wrote:
AngelnSnuffy wrote:

OMG, he's protecting his new toy! How adorable!:p
LOL, we'd like you to think that's what he's doing...but what he's actually doing I will not say ;). I'm sure Pennie knows EXACTLY what Ronnie's up to :p
LOL! OK, nice edit factor going on in the pic, then, lol!:p Ronnie!:shock:
So I know I said I wasn't going to make another youtube video for a while...

Billy's been a really lazy bunny lately and has taken to flopping on the bed almost as much as he binkies on the bed. He's been overshooting a lot of flops and completely rolling over, which looks kinda funny. I had so much footage of bunny flops I decided to mess around and see how it would come out as a video. Pretty much any non-binky video is a breeze to edit, so I ended up finishing this one. It's the binky videos that drive me completely insane and make me say I'll never make another video again! ;)

So anyways, here's a short video of Billy flopping on the bed.


LOL..Ronnie isnt neutered yet, is he? I can see the little wet spots here:


Iknow what he was doing with that new toy! :p

I love the Billy video- your boys are so awesome!
Haley wrote:
LOL..Ronnie isnt neutered yet, is he? I can see the little wet spots here:

Iknow what he was doing with that new toy! :p

I love the Billy video- your boys are so awesome!
Haha, Ronnie's been neutered for 9 months now but I swear they missed something when they did the operation! The wet spots are actually from him biting onto the stuffed animal to get a grip with his teeth. Since being neutered I don't think he's left any real wet spots, though I don't want to get close enough to his toys to tell :shock:

Glad you enjoyed the Billy video :)
NZminilops wrote:
If there was ever a bunny that reminded me of the sad donkey from Winnie the Pooh, Ronnie would be that bunny. He really brings out the maternal feelings in me :D.

Happy birthday Ronnie, remember to not try and be a fire breathing dragon next year.

OMG! You have summed up Ronnie perfectly! He is Eeryore! ROFL!!! Will always love Ronnie (and Billy too)..
