Well, I've never written in here before, don't really know why, just never got around to it. So I decided I would write something about my past baby Alfie, Alfie was my first rabbit, and it is because of him I researched about rabbits and found the first rabbit forum I ever joined, it's because of him I know what I know today about rabbits and try and give them the best live I can offer.
Well I got Alfie when he was ten days old, my brother also got Alfie's brother the same day. We got them a couple of days after our birthday, while we had money. When the lady in the petshop took them out of the cage, they squealed. We knew very little about rabbits at the time. We got them a nice big hutch and a bowl, shavings, hay, water bottle, food, everything we needed to get started.
I remember the first couple of days after we got them, we would take them inside and try and try and bond with them, I had looked stuff up about them online and we were lying on the floor and gving them head massages.
One night a couple of days after we got them, my brother noticed a clear goo around Bucky's butt and the next morning he was dead when I went out to feed them, it was only a couple of months later I found out it was probably Mucous Enteritis that killed him.
I mam went down to the petshop and got my brother another rabbit, Thumper, which we still have now obviously, but my brother never had any interest in Thumper so he became my rabbit. Thumper and Alfie lived together until they started to fight and then I separated them.
Alfie was six months old when he died, and I miss him like crazy, I went out to see them after school as usual, then I went out again a couple of hours later to feed them and he was gone, I had no idea why, their was no signs. My mam rang the vet the next day, this vet is the father of the owner of the petshop we bought the rabbits off, he said he suspected that the rabbits were inbred and had weak hearts and were just suddenly dying. He advised his son not to buy these rabbits off breeders anymore.
I miss my quiet little baby Alfie, he was so tiny and didn't grow at all since I got him a 10 weeks, and he was six months when he passed. He was my first and most important rabbit, and even though we didn't have a strong bond I think about him everyday and miss him everyday.
RIP Little Man!