Well-Known Member
Thanks, I just needed to vent that. I hope more people can post about how they feel. It made me feel better .
I probably could -and should maybe - post this in all of my various Rainbow Bridge threads along with my blog - and any number of places. I think I'll post it here.Thanks, I just needed to vent that. I hope more people can post about how they feel. It made me feel better .
One of the thoughts I have about getting through the grieving process concerns the way intense emotions can come up out of nowhere (seemingly).
You know when it will come out of the blue and hit me the most? At the grocery store...when I go to get Cheerios (New Hope's nickname was Cheerio cause he ate them all the time)...or when I go to get something that I knew a particular bunny loved. If I am in the pet section and see yogurt chips - I'll cry because they were Tiny's favorite and he was always trying to find the bag to get into it.
It's a bit like a storm at sea - ships that are out in the ocean, far from land, can't "run away" from storms. they have to ride them out.
oh...that is so comforting....NOT. Its a good word picture - but there are times when the waves are tiny and there are times when they feel overwhelming - know what I mean? I picture the boat from the movie "The Perfect Storm" when you see that HUGE wave about to go over it...
Attempts to flee from grief really don't work... Attempts to live with it and through it do.
Although I'd rather not go into details here in public, I've been dealing with ongoing grief for some time now. (Not about an animal, though.) I don't expect anyone to have answers, though sometimes I sure wish they did! Just being there and listening is usually what helps most.
Do you have someone who will listen to you? If so - what a help. Art and Robin will listen for brief periods of time - but not for long...
How are you doing now? I hope you're having a better week than the way it started....Thanks, I just needed to vent that. I hope more people can post about how they feel. It made me feel better .
I'm sorry I can't write much right now - that's a beautiful song and he has a great voice.
Today would've been Tiny's 4th birthday. It hit me hard when I kept getting messages on Bunspace - I logged in to see what they were and they were birthday wishes for him.
So tonight I'm a bit of a basketcase....