The Dead Bunny Flop-Part II

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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
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Blah~Central, Illinois, USA
Starting a new thread for this topic as the Part 1 has become too big, it will be closed, but can still be viewed;). So, new pics of bunny flops can be posted in Part 2-Here:D.
Jenk wrote:
While Billy's nappin', I think I'll nab 'im. :biggrin2:

Hehehe, I wish Billy would nap like that, it would be really cute! But he's not the kind of bunny that will trance or feel relaxed outside of his cage :?. The picture I posted is a still taken from a video in which Billy overshot a flop and completely rolled over. It's the first and only time I've seen him do that! For his second flop he was very careful to roll over gently into the pillow to avoid another flopping error. Here's the video (sound has been muted):

Phew - a Billy fix was needed and I feel much better now.. TOO funny that he was SO careful about the DBF! That little guy is just so entertaining..

I have to get Eric (BF) to show me how to work his camera as I only have a Video Camera (does not take photos - cheap but effective for video's). Baxter! will flop all day - but he does it so quick its you really have to be waiting for it to get it on "film"..
juliew19673 wrote:
I have to get Eric (BF) to show me how to work his camera as I only have a Video Camera (does not take photos - cheap but effective for video's). Baxter! will flop all day - but he does it so quick its you really have to be waiting for it to get it on "film"..
Digital cameras are definitely the easiest thing to use in terms of getting video footage onto a computer (unless they've updated the way camcorders work without my knowledge). With a memory card of 2 GB my digital camera is capable of filming 25 minutes of footage on its high quality setting, which is pretty decent video quality for a camera meant for photos. Then all it takes is for me to plug in the cord and drag the video icons over to my desktop and voila!

As far as I know camcorders require you to use a video capture card and record the footage to your computer much in the same way that a VCR would be used to record stuff from the TV. Even my technologically savvy friend has trouble navigating the video capture card software, and it's something that I don't have the technological understanding nor patience for! :)
It took me MONTHS to work out how to get my camcorder onto the pooter. You can now get hard drive camcorders, similar to digi cams but they don't have a card, its all just incorporated intot he machine. You can just plug them in and upload it like a digital camera. They are, however, REALLY expensive.

You can also use a DVD camcorder, it records the info onto mini discs (8cm). These can be played in your dvd player direct to the computer. This is what i have and it took me ages to work it out. Now i have a program that rips the dvd into whatever file i choose (i chose MP4 because then it goes on my iPod). The dvd cam corders are a bit cheaper.

As for VCR cameras it is possible. We have a DVD recorder for the TV so when my Auntie wanted a video we played it onto the TV via her cable, recorded it onto DVD then ripped it using the software i have.

Major digression!
Little Bay Poo wrote:
Jenk wrote:
While Billy's nappin', I think I'll nab 'im. :biggrin2:

Hehehe, I wish Billy would nap like that, it would be really cute! But he's not the kind of bunny that will trance or feel relaxed outside of his cage :?.
Of my two Mini Rex girls, only Emma truly flops outside of her cage. (She hasnearly rolled over completely many times. She just over rolls. ;))

Her sister, Zoe, is the opposite. I call hermy "stiff bunny," or my "door-stop bunny" ('cause she'd make a good door-stop). :biggrin2: Shecan't relax much unless in her cage bed or snuggled up within her blanket (aka her "bunny burrito").
Ooohhh...Raffie does a great DBF, too! ;) Just the type of pose to give you a heart attack when you round the corner and lay eyes on him.
bellapsyd wrote:
^ the first timewe brought him home from the shelter and he did that....I panicked!
Same here when I first saw my bunny, Zoe, zonked out. She didn't even respond to me calling her name and gently clapping my hands; so I really panicked. And just as I reached her cage (with my heart in my mouth), her head popped up; and I jumped backward, I was so shocked (in a good way:D).
Nick almost always sleeps flopped over on his side. He seems very comfortable. If he's not on his side, he's got his back legs kicked straight out behind him and his chin on the ground.




Amelia doesn't flop as often, she is always on the lookout. Sometimes she can't resist, though. (The first day we "interviewed" bunnies to come live with us, Amelia flopped over right in front of me. Her foster mom said "she NEVER flops!!" A week later we got our in-home check and Nick and Amelia came to their new forever home with us. :) Sometimes I can catch her having a good snooze, flopped over.





They do like to flop together. And she will flop so she can get a better angle to clean his face! (And vice versa)




Elf Flops:


Givin' me that LOOK, because I took a picture of her.

I never seem to really catch her in the flop, because she perks up whenever I come near.


And how about flopping out WHILE the kids are cleaning the cage? LOL


Sooty is what i call a creepy dead floppin bunny. He doesnt care where he is he can flop anywhere, anytime, and he does it in such a way that sometimes i get sick to my stomach when approaching him thinking he is really dead,lol.


See the creepy tilting of the head

The mean evil Dutch in the back ground that could have lead to his demise.

The legs sticking straight out

lol Jen they were actually sticking off the ground out straight,lol. Yeah there have been alot of times that i approach the pen with my heart in my throat,lol.

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