People around here always see interesting stuff with there rabbits. All mine do is go behind the cooker no matter what I put up to block them Well I mean Roger.I've only ever had one binky.
People around here always see interesting stuff with there rabbits. All mine do is go behind the cooker no matter what I put up to block them Well I mean Roger.I've only ever had one binky.
This isShadow on his very first day here, I had never seen a rabbit flop before and It was one of the funniest things I have seen in a very long time..
I'd like to submit Bunnicula II, whose picture is used as my avatar and also the main pic on my phone. She does the DBF all the time, but, when she was very young (4 months in the pic) she'd sleep on her back with her legs in the air, even in her hay rack.
Sir Toby used to just DBF for his afternoon naps but lately he's been DBFlopping and then rolling over on his back as if to scratch an itch.... it's hysterical to watch him go about it, trying to get "the sweet spot".
Here's a shot of him looking silly upside down, with one ear pointed east and the other pointed west.
I love when my bunnies flop, but sometimes it's terrifying and I have to go wake them up to make sure they're alive!
Two of my friends came up to me one day in a panic, saying there's a sick rabbit in the petshop that just fell over on its side and they thought it was dead. I had to reassure them it was probably just doing a dead bunny flop, and I'm not sure they believed me that it was a real thing