The Dead Bunny Flop-Part II

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Luvmyzoocrew wrote:
Sooty is what i call a creepy dead floppin bunny. He doesnt care where he is he can flop anywhere, anytime, and he does it in such a way that sometimes i get sick to my stomach when approaching him thinking he is really dead,lol.

That is the funniest and SCARIEST flop I've ever seen!!!!!!
Amen to that! The stiff, outstretched legs give the full effect. But you can't say that the lil' bugger doesn't know how toseriously sleep. :D

Each of my girls will raise her head (or at least an ear) at the slightest sound. Heck, Zoe lies on her side for the longest time with her eyes open. It's as if she just can't relax enough to sleep (unless it's completely quiet in the house).

angieang21wrote(about Sooty the bun):

That is the funniest and SCARIEST flop I've ever seen!!!!!!
if only i could find a litter that wouldnt dye their feet!!! Yesterdays news dyed them a weird grey dirty color and the aspen makes them almost orange!
Yes my Sooty is nuts, the first day i brought him home he flopped later that night, he is estimated to have been 3-4 years old, so when he flopped and didnt move w hen i came up to him i almost died thinking the stress coming home with me was too much and he died. lol, funny but then again sssssssoooooooooo not funny. He gets deep too i have had to go over and i can actually touch him a few times before he will move,lol.

Look at cute, so sweet, so huggable, so kissable, so...BUNNY-NAPPABLE! It's a good thing he lives so far away or else he'd be my bun. Just look at his face!


Okay, I'm done now.
Jenk wrote:
I am soooo weak for straight-eared, agouti-colored bunnies. I think that I might hyperventilate....


mouse_chalk wrote:
Mouse flopped on the shelf... Legs hanging off the end....

Mouse thanks you for the compliment, but she wouldn't want you to choke over her lol! :p She says she's just a wild bunny at heart... We often joke that she's trying to escape to the nearby common to live with the rest of her wild cousins lol!
Bo B Bunny wrote:
I'd be having to snort some Gixxer and wake him up! He's so adorable!
Smoke 'im, snort 'im...Any way that you can manage to get a fix. :biggrin2:
Oh gosh, I wish I had seen this thread yesterday! This morning I went to say goodbye to Muffin before I went to work and he was stretched out lying on his side... I panicked! I felt sick to my stomach, I thought he was sick or worse... And then when I lifted up the top of his hutch he lazily hopped up and started chewing on some hay! Argh!
tinymonster, I know how you feel! lol Before we fostered Berry-Boo, Toby had never really "flopped" before. He's so fluffy, all it would look like was his feet flew out to the side! He never looked like he flopped! It scared the heck out of me too (when I first saw Berry-Boo do it!) I thought she had a heart-attack or something! :shock:

Here's a frame-by-frame of one of her flops. Sorry, the pic is a bit big... :(


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