The days of BunBun&Slave

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There should be some pictures tonight. Xila's camera actually ran out of internal memory. o_O

The first pictures on the camera are from when she took me outside before my "neuter". That just goes to show how long it's been since she's uploaded pictures...

So Just know that tonight is going to have lots of much-needed pictures and videos.


ETA: Whoot! Page 11! =D

July 7, 08

Straight to the pictures.

These are from when I took BunBun out in his NIC cage to get some fresh air- this took place before his neuter.


No, I don't want to come out. I have pleanty on "Nature" right here.


...Is she still looking?


How 'bout now?


I can see pleanty from the slats of my crate, thank you.


I assure you, there's no need for me to come out...


I can see the whole farm from here.


...So, no, I'm not comming out.


Oh, there's Chuckie the woodchuck. Such a strange fellow, eh?


Nature... who needs it, anyway?




Of course I disapprove! Did I really need to tell you that...?


...Arn't I cute? Pet me!


But still... Pssht. I've never liked the outdoors anyway.



Good grass, though. You should get the recipe.


...But I'm still not comming out.


The running area he had. It's a bit small, but he really wasn't out of his carrior much anyways, so I guess it doens't matter...

Silly anti-natureboy...

I won't be on Wednsday to Thursday. I think I've said that allready, but it never hurts to say it again.

BunBun reminds me of Sunday Cinnimon, of /the/ Disapproving Rabbits. But of course, his disapproval couldn't suprass hers. But that's not really saying anything, since she is still one of /THE/ disapproving rabbits. It's pretty hard to top her disapproval.


By the way, we're having some problems with the videos. They'll be along soon.


Silly girl and her "nature". I've never understood it.

Xila says I was being a nucence. She says that during the finale of one of her "shows" ("Hell's Kitchen"- ever heard of it?) when the two peoplez has their hand on the door handles, and "Chef Ramsey(sp?)" was counting down for them to see which of them won the "Executive chef" job at his restraunt, she said the whole countdown, I was taking one of my plastic toys and slamming it on the ground. So during the whole epic scene, I was going "BANG... BANG... BANG... BANG..." with mah toy. Good. =3 I was hoping I'd disturb her... During a "season finale", no less.

Oh, Xila didn't mention I got out for a "Midnight romp", as she said. She says she was at her computer and looked over and I wasn't there. Of course, what /else/ could she have seen when she looked over at my cage? Soez, yeah. She started running around lookin' for me and I was just sitting in the living room. Of course when I saw her I gave her a "It wasn't my fault!" Kind of look. I think she bought it. She later said to her friend, "And people say rabbit's arn't smart- As soon as I fixed the problem in his cage and let him back into it, he ran right back over to wher ehe got out.".
Of course we're smart- who dares say otherwise...?
I should be able to get out on my own time, if I do say so myself. after all, I'm superior!
Allow me to demonstrate how you should bow to me...

You silly humans never get it right.

And now I turn my back to you. Go away. Go read a book or something.

LuvaBun wrote:
Awesome photos and comments - BunBun really looks like he doesn't approve of the Great Outdoors! I love this guy - he has such character :D
Aww, thank you. ^^



July 10, 08

I'm back! =3

Soez my mom handed me a bag of hay. It was her hay. I had a label on it, and it says:

"(Our farm logo) Highest-quality Bun-Bun Hay (she spelled his name wrong. D=)
(Picture of a bunny) Hand cut and carefully dehydrated for your discriminating rabbit. Timothy hay and red clover blossoms"

I forgot to take a picture.

Dried clover blossoms are okay, right?

I admit, the hay smelled good. ^^ It's not that I don't approve of making our own hay, it's just that it's such a bother. If Rockwell's stopped selling timothy hay than yes, I'l dry my own hay, but that's ot the case. it has big bags of high-quality hay. It's not like /she/ buys it, either. I do. She pays for it at the store, than my dad wires themoney from my bank account to hers when we get home. I just think it would be kind of a pain to go out /every day/ and collect a whole day's worth of hay, every day. (and he goes thru hay like crazy- both eating and waisting it) I just see some flaws with it. What if you're sick, and can't go out? Plus, If you don't get enough hay for the day, and don't have any left over from the day before, that's it. You're out of hay. Also, there could be issues like continuious rain (if drying outside), or the dehydrator breaking(is drying inside), etc. It's not that I'm aghanst it, it's just that there are several flaws in the plan that could cause some issues if they arise. Other than that, I like the idea of home-grown hay.

Still, though. I love the smell of freshly-dried timothy day.

And the smell of a freshly-made loaf of bread...


Meatloaf. =3
I've never actually had meatloaf before.

As I was taking pictures of BunBun, he kept chewing on the camera strap. I'd take itaway, he'd just grab it again... I know I probably shouldn't let him chew on it, but he's just so darn cute...



Did you see my new avatar?

It's just something quick Xila did. She'll probably do a better one later.

Nothing much else.

So, for now, I leave you with a disapproving look. G'day.

AngelnSnuffy wrote:
Love, love all the new pics of the boy!:D He is just so cute!
Thanks. Isn't he? =3
Yep, white clover is okay.;) Give him a kiss from me and tell him not to be such a grouch!:biggrin2:
A kiss I can do, but I'm not sure if he'll take my word for it on the grouch thing. You know how he can be.


July 13, 08

Gee, time flies!

You know what sucks?

I think we go back to school on BunBun's (unnoficial) birthdahy D= That /sucks/. I mean that REALLY sucks. I hope I'm not rihgt about that...

Ah, it muse be past 11:30, for I've lost all ability to type legably.

I'm makin' a hat. =3

So far, I have to make and sew the bunny ears on. It hasn't even taken me half a day. (Although, I was out shopping for half the day, too, but I don't count that. I mean actual working time), which is pretty good, consitering I'm doing all this by hand.

No sewing machenes for moi. If I decide to sell these hats, the first thing I'm buying with the money is a decent sewing machene!

Than it should only take me about a half hour to make these hats- Which Is adding on time. Because I still ahve to pick out fabrics, do measurements, measure and cut out the peices, etc.

But, yeah.


Silly Xila, makin' a hat..
Did you know that she saw a baby hat at the place where she gets her fabric, and she thought it would fit me? it had bunny ears on it. What would I do with /another/ sew of ears?
She says:
"Well, if one bunny ear is cute, and two bunny ears are SUPER cute, what do you think FOUR bunny ears are? <3"

Silly Xila.
I hope she doesn't try to make /me/ a hat.
...Crap, I think I just have her an idea.

Meep! She has a measuring tape. D=
I should go now.


July 14, 08

Well, it's been about 3/4 a day (working time) on the hat.

All I have to do is sew the ears on. Pictures will be posted. ^^

Sorry, It's too late to type legably. Spell check. Yay. =3

So I was talking to Kelly.

And I brought up a rant 'bout Devyn's rabbits.

Wanna hear it?

Yes? Okey, here it is.

...No? Oh well, here it is anyway

"I hope Devyn realizes how she cares for her rabbits. I mean, how she cares for them is thiiiissss close to being a cruelty case you'd report to the authorities. From a glance at their home, and memories of them, I've gotten this: When you open the door, the rabbits are scared of you. They are afraid of human touch, due to lack of interaction. On the contrary, if they know you (and they know me pretty well, I’m over so much…), they’ll frantically SWARM your hands, hoping for anything short of even a glance their way, so desperate for human love. I noticed the poops in their litterbox were small, indicating a problem in their diet. I noticed the cage was scattered with clay cat litter, a litter that was deemed long ago unfitting for rabbit use, and can even be fatal in some cases. Devyn put a whole bowl of watermelon shell in their cage, and admitted RIGHT TO MY FACE that most of it just rots. They put two whole ears of corn in their cage, which is very bad in large amounts like that. Whenever they have corn, the bunnies get the husks. I mean, ALL the husks. And Devyn’s family usually makes a LOT of corn. They never checked to see if either corn, watermelon shell, or corn husks were okay for them to have, not that I know of, anyway. They either have too many sticks in their cage, so it's hard to maneuver, or they have none at all. There is rarely a time when they have a decent number of sticks. I noticed when I was last over that they had no food in their bowl and no hay in their cage. Their rabbits are literally starving. Plus, I noticed they had no water in their bottle. I asked her if they had water inside the hutch. She just casually said "Oh, no. Could you fill it up?". I touched the inside of the bottle as I was. Bone dry. It was clear it had been a while since there was any liquid in the bottle. If you were to put your glove in their hutch when it has snow on it, they would lick the glove. Devyn would just go "look, how cute!", but I know it would be because they were frantically trying to get every last drop of water off them, because their water bottle was frozen solid, and they had nothing else to drink. They are in an outdoor hutch, loosing out on valuable human interaction and love. Their hutch is by where they park the 4-wheelers. They are practically scared to death every time one comes in/goes out. They have no toys, and have nothing more than each other to keep themselves pacified 24 hours a day. They are never taken out of their hutch for necessary exercise. They have no bedding, so when it's cold, all they can do to keep warm is snuggle up by each other and freeze. Cassie is not spayed. Her chances of getting a type of very deadly cancer are very high (over 80% likelihood) because she is not spayed, but they do nothing. These rabbits are never groomed, so their fur is layered in access fur they have shed. They haven’t been to the vet since Midnight’s neuter. She took him to his neuter in a box. A FREAKING BOX! They didn’t give him time to recover, but instead just plopped him back in with Cassie. Cassie had an unwanted litter. The babies were given to the feed store. Snake food, much? There are many more things I could talk about, but I think that's enough for now... I just hope she realizes how awfully she is treating her rabbits, and if she doesn't "get up or get out" (Pick up her act or give them away), they will probably die. If she does choose to "get out", they will always have the option of being with me. If I were to have a daydream about Cassie and Midnight, it would be of Devyn’s family asking me if I could take them. Devyn has never heard this speech, because I talk rabbits all the time- she'd never take me seriously. If anything, this speech would just /annoy/ her.

I know rabbit cruelty cases are everywhere, but… This one is practically right next to me! It’s my friend! If those rabbits died because of their cruel care, I’d never forgive myself for not trying to do something. But as to what I should do, I don’t know. I’m going to Devyn’s soon… Should I talk to her than? Maybe show her this? I don’t know. I’m not good with face-to-face situations. I do better over email, IM, forums, etc… But she doesn’t have any of those… I’m not sure what to do. We’ve been friends since kindergarten. She can get a little mad when I drone on and on about her rabbits, and I don’t want her to get mad at me… When I’m there, I think I’ll clean out their cage and give them some hay… In fact, I’ll think I’ll make a special batch just for them."

ETA: Now tha ti'm rereading this, I realize it sounds a bit overdramatic. It's not somuch the "No toys" and the fact they jsut throw stuff into the cage I'm focusing on, it jsut their over all care, mainly the fact they can go a while without water (If I hadn't have noticed heir bottle was empty, who knows when they would've been given water...), and the issue of the food. They see feeding the rabbits as a chore. They do it once a day- go out, grab the bowl, fill it, thow it back out with them, and leave. They probably won't see them again untill it's their time to feed them. When the bunnies are out of the food in the bowl, tough love. Go starve.
Bredyn(sp?), the brother, does seem to care a bit about the rabbits- He'll actually go out and pet them once in a while. But that's pretty much it.

So that's it... I'm not really sure what to do. I want these rabbits to have better care, but I don't want her to get mad at me. If she does decide the rabbits would ahve better care elsewhere, I'd always accept them with open arms.Like I said,how she treats her rabbits is just /this/ those to being the kind of thing you'd report to the authorities.I want to make sure they have food and water when I'm there. I'll be sure to check that. *sigh* I just... I dunno. I'm always going "I love your bunnies..." when I'm over, in hopes she'll someday say "If you love them so much, why don't you jsut take them?" ... Like that'll happen. She's the kind of person where even thoguh she's taking awful care of the bunnies, she can't let anyone else have them. At least, that's what I've been learning from her in the past visits. Once I said I love the bunnies, and She said "Don't let my dad hear, or he'd say you could take them". This was all before I had the idea of taking them in. Now that I think about it, What would be so bad about it? They'd be able to live a healthy life, sue me... I mean, I'd understand not wanting to give them away because she cared about them, but that's the thing... she /doesn't/ care. If she cared, she would listen to me when I talked about the health of her rabbits. I don't say it in an overdramatic, snobby way like Olivia does to me, just blindly pointing out false and unrelavent things: I say it casually, calmly, pointing things out to her, showing her, and explaining how she could fix the problem. I don't think she's once listened to me: she doesn't care enough to fix the problems.For instance, I've pointed out the cat litter thing, they still to this day use clay cat litter. I've said they should check if things were okay for them (IE- Watermellon shells, corn, corn husks, etc), She jsut casually said "we do this all the time"... If you were to smash your hand in your car door every day, while you may do it "all the time", it doesn't nessessaryly mean it's healthy! I think her and her family see the bunnies as a mini veggie disposer. They have some veggies they need to get rid of, chuck 'em to the buns. "Oops! This lettuce went bad- it's all brown and wilted and slimy. Oh well, off to the rabbits!". They pretty much see them as a convient way to rid of their wastes. Any kind of veggie that goes bad, chuck it to the buns. Who /cares/ if they kill the rabbits in the process- it's convient!

If she really cared about them, she'd think about their health once in a while, and would realize it would just be better for everyone if she gave them away. (to me, preferably... it would drive me insane not knowing how they were. As I've said many times, If she were to offer them to me, I'd welcome them...)

Did I mention Devyn once said her mom once told her she didn't think I cared for BunBun? NO COMMENT. I admit that his care has some gaps, but at least he doesn't practically starve to death on a daily basis!


Moving on.

So I was out running around in the rain today. BunBun ran out of hay. Did I not mention that as a flaw to home haymaking? So, yeah! At about noon, he runs out of hay, so I'm running around in themonsoon picting timothy to dehydrate, as well as to give to him. What a pain. That's the thing- My mom gives me these bags of hay, thinking that'll probablt last him a good long time... I've never told her before, but those bags of hay she makes usually only last him about half a day.

It was raining today.

but I think I've mentioned that...




July 15, 08

Did you hear they're planning on a Ro meatup? I'm not sure, but last I heard something about Florida...?

I don't think I could come. =/ I'm terified of flying, and boating (it's too late to think of the word for it...), and I get carsick, so unless there's a train there or something...

Plus I don't think I could take BunBun anyway, which would kinda defeat the point. No, I don't think I could come. Too many loopholes...

In other news, I finishhed my hat! No pictures tonight, sorry.


July 15, 08

Ah, hm, no pictures of the hat today. As I was going to take the pictures, I accentally broke the tripod. It's not even my tripod, either- it's my mom's.:panic:

So I took it up to my room and superglued it. It had broken before, so it wasn't hard to fix, so I didn't think I needed any help. I got superglue all over my hands... and I glued two of my fingers together... I didn't think it would stick /that/ well...

Lesson learned:

Never underestimate the superglue.



I'm going over to Devyn's tomorrow for the pool party. I'm not sure if they'll be shown my blog or not, so I won't say anything about it.

I hope BunBunn is okay when I'm gone. Though, David does seem to have been caring more about BunBun. If he wakes up before me, he'll actually feed BunBun. So I guess I can kind of trust him. He only checkes on BunBun when he looks up from his game, though, so I'm not so sure I should trust that BunBun won't run out of hay, if you know waht I mean. (Huh... run-on sentence. It must be getting late.)

I'm sure he'll be fine, though.

Petfinder isn't working right. D= It's not showing most of the pictures right.
Not that I'm looking on petfinder...


ETA: Hey, look! Me and BunBun are in the top 10 posting list! ^^


(What? no, posting at 12:30am is /not/ cheating... it still counts!)

ETA (again)

OOOOH! Lookie, this is my 299th post!


WHOOT! I'll have to make my next entry my 300th post... maybe have lotsa' pictures...

Of course, I'll probably forget and have my 300th post somethere else. x3

Silly girl. She'll be leaving me for a while.

She went out last week- I say that's enough.

Honestly, though, I've got nothing to say.


July 19, 08

Sorry! I'm here now. I started this post early so I could make it long. ^^

Where to start...

First off, no pictures.

I was gone for several days. No time to get pictures...

I will soon, though.

My brother is so stupid. I said something to him, He's like "What?" I say it again, he /takes off his headphones/ anddares to say"what?" Again. >.> I mean, I was talking to him! I say something, He asked me to repeat it, I did. He than bothers to actually listen to me and tells me to say it again! What the heck!? I allready told him twice, and that's enough.

Selfish little...

Anyway, We went to the Animal shelter with mah grandma. She's finally ready to accept another dog...

In this case, two.


Cuties, Eh? Not very photogenic, I'm afraid. Much prettier in person. ^^

The white/cream is a male named Torrence, Black and white is a female named Jelena. We suspect they are brother and sister. We're not totlly sure on the spaying/neutering status, but, they've clearly been together a while... and they're male and female, over a year old each, Torrence doesn't really seem to be "interested" in Jelena in that way, etc... So I guessone should just assume they're spayed/neutered.Apparently the shelter people came in one day, and there they were, tied to the porch... Poor things. Snap some pictures, slap on a name, and pop'em up on Petfinder- these dogs arrived at the shelter yesterday, and allready have two peope wanting them. (including Grandma) They were put on a 48 hour quarenty, and can be adopted tomorrow- We're going to the shelter at 11:30, when it opens... I hope the other person who wants them doesn't show up while we're there. Tha'd be kind of awkward... =/ Grandma really wants them to go together, but mom says she she try to get her to consiter splitting them up if the other shows up. Just so "everyone is happy". Mom suspects Grandma wants the girl, if she had to choose jsut one,but... I hope they don't have to be split up. They're probably bonded- Image how stresful it must be for them in the first place, let alone how much added stress that would be created if they got split up! Unfourtunatly, this shelter is a "first-come-first-serve" kind of thing... But I'll be there, and If we do get 'em, I'll be taking pictures. My mom and dad have to ship a bull at 12:00, so they think they'll pop in, pick up the Dogs(Hopefully the "s" will stay!), buy leashes and colars from the shelter (Or, if none suits, run down to the feed store real quick and look there), take the dogs, and such to Grandma's house, leave me there and have me set the colars up, show them around(open doors for them, etc), help them cope, let them out, etc... They'll drop me off, go get the bull in the pen, see that it gets to the Leona Truck okay, than go pick me up... Man, I hope we really do get them- both of them.

Also, fine parenting at it's work- When we were leaving, Jelena and Torrence came to the end of their outdoor kenel to watch us, and my mom is just like "Stick your fingers in the cage and see if they bite".
And she was Serious.
Stick your fingers in the cage of two dogs in which you have no backround history of. What awonderful idea.
But, not to worry, they didn't bite. ^^ They each gave me a little lick instead.

So, just spare us a thought and hope we get there first... And if the other person does show up, that they are generous enough to just give us both dogs. I hope they are, if they do show up at the same time as us... These are the first dogs since Bandit that she has even /consittered/, let alone actually went to see in person and appllied for! She'd always shoot down every dog we showed to her. (Not literally, of course-We'd print out their petfinder page and show her)
"Too small"
"Too young"
"Too old"
"Has a health concern"
"Too energetic"
"Too needy"
"Too idependent"
"Not house trained"
"Too big" (It was an 8 pound pomerainian- /that's/ how pickyshe was with this)
"Don't like the color"
"Don't like the breed"
"Can't be left alone unsupervised"
So naturally we were all surprized when she looked at these two dogs andsuddenly said she actually wanted to go see them, and were amazed when she said she actually /wanted/ them!
I really hope we do get them both...
My Aunt called us after calling her, and said grandma was all excited about getting them tomorrow... I'm not sure she even knows there's another potential adopter. Man... She'll be so crushed if we don't get these dogs...
So spare us a thought, if you have a moment. She get's so lonely. Blackie is a nice kittie, but he's not really the snuggly compainion she needs. Grandma, in a way, really does /need/ these dogs... =/

So the hay thing... Still not alowed to buy timothy. Right now BunBun is livin' off of grass from the lawn and Orchard grass.


Also, ran out of Papaya tablets, and BunBun is shedding. Again.


My dad's here this weekend. He got me a 'nother bag of Bunny Basics/T! ^^ I still have half the old bag left, but, Never hurts to get more early, as long as I don't open it 'till I need it.

Well... That's it...

OH! Wait, one more thing!

I know this isn't as special an occasion as, say, a 1,000, or 10,000... But For me, this is special. Whenever I join an animal forum, The people are usually snobboy or mean, so I quit the forum, and eventually loose interest in the topic... That didn't happen here, because I have mah RO buddies! They were always kind, they helped me take care of BunBun and let him have the top notch care he has today. (Except the hay thing- but that'll get sorted out soon...I hope.) If not for you, RO, BunBun would probably beneglected and miscared for... If he'd even be here at all.While many have heard ofthe results of neglect because of the loss of interest in an animal, I, like several others, have seen it first-hand with my own eyes... So it means a lot to me that Ithank you, RO, for keeping me interested, and well informed.So, heres to my RO people, and many years of happyness and good health to come:

[align=center]:bunnydance::purplepansy:HAPPY 300th POST TO ME! =D:purplepansy::bunnydance:



[align=left]Xila sez I should do my post in the same as hers for her 300th- For the sake of "good old times".[/align]


[align=left]What's that mean, anyway...?[/align]

[align=left]I don't see why this is such a big deal. =c[/align]


July 20, 08

Ever put peroxide in your ear to unclog it? Well, my brother handed my mom the Peroxide container to pot some in his ear, and she's like "So now you're goigng to steal all my cough syrup?" And David is just like "o_O".

Than when she was pouring it, she accidentally missed and it trickled down his face and into his eyes.



'Bout the dogs.

Before I say, I'll ask you this...

If there was a bonded pair of dogs at your shelter, you really like them. You came into the shelter the day they arrived, and decided on your favourite to adopt when there quarentine was over, as you could only take one... You really don't want to splt them up, though, they probably being brother and sister, and growing up together and everything... However, you know the people in line behind you wanted both dogs, and would have gladly adopted both of them together.

What would you have done?

Split the dogs up and take your favourite, or let the people behind you have them so they could stay together?

As you probably could've guessed, the lady in front of us, knowing well aware we had full intention to get both dogs, ///INSISTED/// she could only get one. I mean, thing is, the whole time she was all "Oh, I hate to split them up" but apparently she didn't care enough to actually let them go to a home together...

So, yeah... She took the girl, Jelena, and we ended up with Torrence. At first I was really bummed about them getting split up, but, now that I think about it...

As much as Torrence is going to miss Jelena, I really think ge got the better bargan here. Jelena was much more active, all over everywhere, licking everyone, whining for some petting, running around trying to get some attention, etc... Torrence was laying near the walls of his enclosere, with a (metaforically-speaking)"Speak when spoken to" kind of attitude... He is, for the most part, much more quiet and calm. Also, I believe more tollerent. As said, Jelena was kind of all over everywhere. Torrence let us pick him up and hold him, we gave him a bath, sat him in our laps as he dried, we cut mats out of his pretty hair, brushed him, and pet him with no trouble at all. In the ride home, he even curled up on my lap. ^^ (I had to hold him anyway. We had nothing to put him in)

He currently doens't really have a name.. I still like the name "Torrence", but Grandma doesn't, and it's her call. She tried out the name "Peter" while I was there with him and my mom and dad were shipping the bull... I have nothing aghanst the name, I just don't think he looks or "seems" like a Peter.

Poor boy... He keeps going over to the window, putting his paws on the sill, and looking out... I think he's looking for his sister. =c

So both the pets (Torrence and Jelena) are on a week "trial"... It seems like a new thing, because I don't remember doing that with Maggie... but, we adopted her a good few years ago, so I suppose it could not be /that/ new. It's neet, though- cough over the adoption fee as colateral, and you can basically "borrow" the dog for a weekto see if it works out. You than go back to the shelter and either A- hand the dog to one of the workers and pick another, or B- sighn some adoption papers.

I think I'm hoping that Jelena and her new owner don't work out... as mean as it sounds. They shelter people said they'd contact us if Jelena came back to the shelter... But you can't be sure how reliable they are. When we went to see them, mom asked the shelter people if they couldsee the dogs they were looking at (Meaning, take the dogs out and put them in a room sowe could interact with them), they're jsut like "Yeah. Just look thru the cage". >.>Didn't even sit up.


Unfourtunatly, "Big Mean Blackie" decided to give little Torrence a clawful of disapproval... right to the face, too. Poor lil' guy isa bit afraidof him now... I would be too- Blackie is bigger than he is!



Taken while we were waiting for the shelter to open. Jelena and Torrence together.


Driving home... Thank goodness he doesn't get carsick, unlike some *other* white dog we know... Expically since he was on my lap.


First picture taken when he got home.


Beign bery calm and still while mom cut the mats out of his fur. (Anote: My dad may be big and strong, but Torrence was actually being handled very gently. So he was being well-behaved on his own will, not because he had to)



He fell asleep when cutting the mats from his tummy.


After we cut most of the mats out, he got a quick bath.


Watchingout the window (For Jelena?).


Blackie connects to the mothership to report the intruder.


Looking happy and cute.


More looking happy and cute.


Even /more/ happy and cute


Yet more happy and cute


Dispite only being in the house for a fewhours, he had allreadymanaged to unpack the "Starving little dog" routineby the timedinner was ready.


And Prince BunBun acnoligement laws states at least one picture is required per picture upload.

Okay, so it's three in the morning- I'm sure as heck not gunna go and spell check this post, so bare with me, and use yer lovely little heads to try and figure out what I'm trying to say.



Silly girl! Too lazy to let me do my own post.

Ah well.

I was thinkign of making the Prince Bunun acknolegement laws 2+ photos, instead of 1+. What do you think?

Congrats to your Grandma on Torrence (or Peter) - he is a cutie, and boy, did he scrub up well :). it's areal shame that he and Jelena couldn't have stayed together - perhaps the week's trial won't work out for her adopters!

BunBun - definately at LEAST 2+ photos ;)


BTW - well done on 300 posts - glad you stayed on this forum :)
*sigh* This WHOOOLE big post poofed 'cause I accidentally clicked a button on my toolbar and it clicked away, soez now I'm writing the whole thing again. Bare with me. =c

LuvaBun wrote:
Congrats to your Grandma on Torrence (or Peter) - he is a cutie, and boy, did he scrub up well :). it's areal shame that he and Jelena couldn't have stayed together - perhaps the week's trial won't work out for her adopters!
Thanks. ^^ Actually, I didn't post this (I forgoooot), but Torrence went to the groomer's the other day. Mre below. Yeah, it is a shame. Yeah, maybe- the shelter said they's contact us if she came back, but, like said, not sure if they're really that reliable.

BunBun - definately at LEAST 2+ photos ;)
Of course!


BTW - well done on 300 posts - glad you stayed on this forum :)
Thank you- I'm glad, too.


July 2-something, 08

Don't feel like looking up what day it is.

About the name thing, I think it's going to be like how it was with Bandit- He's got a name. but Grandma calles him "Baby". She tends to do that. She insists she's not going to call Torrence "Baby", but she's starting to allready...

So, like I said, Torrence got shaved the other day... I took some pictures before he was shaved, which I'll post first.


Immitating a hunter's animal skin rug


Even cute little dogs tend to give you the evil eye...


He was just standing there giving me this really pathetic look, but by the time I took the picture he was allreadt heading down the stairs.


Ohno! Grass!


Laying around


More laying around


Even more laying around




Huh? Whatwazzat?


Cutteee. =3

And now the pictures of when he was shaved. I agree that he looked cute with the long hair, however, his past owner let his hair het really out of controol... There was no other option. =/ For the best, really. He also had lots of poop stuck on his rear and all tangled in his fur and such... so most of his rear was just covered in tight knots with this poop center. Real fun.

he was slso discovered to be neutered... I could figure that one out, though, even before his shave.

I remember when Bandit got shaved. He looked like a teddy bear. ^3^
I think Torrence looks like a snouser(shnouser? How do you spell it?), in a way. He still looks really cute. But than again, it's Torrence- dow could he /not/ look really cute? =D

He also got a spiffeh new collar.

ANYWAY, Shaved Torrence:


Whoo! ^^ Isn't he spiffy?


"Wa'chu lookin' at?"


Looking at a plant pot


Pretty flower. =3


Flower pot.


Top(ish) view


His spiffy new collar.

Isn't he cute?

I think so. =D


And in the waiting room, they had THE COOLEST COFFEE MAKER EVER.

You just popped something open, get the flavor you want, which is in a little container, put the container in the slot, puncture it by pushing down gently, put a cup under the coffee slot thing, push the tray in, and press the button. Within seconds you get a cup o' coffee. =D Just open the tray, pop out the container, and throw it away. Dunno 'bout you, but I thought it was THE coolest coffee maker I've EVER seen. =D It was awesome...

Oh, and the cup had this thing on the outsideof the cup, that would poof yp when it got hot. ^^ To keep you from burnign yourself, I assume...


Sorry 'bout the BunBun acknowlegement law... Kodak is being stupid.


So I can't cave any pictures to my computer, so I can't upload them to photobucket. =/




Remind me to punish her.

Some other time.

I'm tired.

Silly dog.Like, it's all fluffie, than it's not, than Xila says he'll be fluffy again sooner or later.
Make up yer mind!

Than there's that other dog... Who'd all whiney and stuff...


That's a different story.



July 24, 08

Did you hear about the sale that's going to happen at tomorrow?

30% off everything from 12-1 pm, after that, 20%.

I hope they make new things for the to climg on/in... I want the activity zone and tunnel, but, BunBun is 7lbs... he'd need the XL, which is a good $10-$20 more. =/

Hah, fun...

Kodak is still being a pain.

Hah, if I ever get my own camera, I'm going to /really/ try to avoid getting the Kodak easyhsare software...

It's such a pain. >.>

So, still no pictures.

Sorry. =/

My brother thinks that becasue Wild rabbit and Domestic rabbits are both rabbits, that means they are the same, meaning BunBun is, basically, a wild rabbit. >.>

Geez, the ignorance of some people...

Of course, the fact they don't have the same scientific names, the two species can't breed, the species would want nothing to do with each other, petrabbits haveLoooots of years of domesticating and selective breeding under their belt, etc... all that doesn't matter *at all*. They're both rabbits, so they're exacly the same! (says my brother)


Nothing much else besides that...

Oh! And my mom got these boxes and cut doors and stuff in 'em. =D BunBun seems to really like them. There's a tunnel type thing, and a box with a skylight and door cut in it. ^^ He seems to like them, but he can get out when he stands on them... and, if history repeats itself, he'll be able to colapse [the boxes]... But in that case, we'll jsut cut 'em some more. ^^

He'll also need more room to be able to move around with the boxes and stuff in his cage.

I want to build him a whole kingdom someday... with cottontail cottages, and hopper hideaways, and varyous other structers..


Someday. =D



Bleh. Xila is being lazy and won't let me use mah account. She says it /takes longer/

It doesn't, really...

Eh. Oh well.

So no pictures of me, shame...

But no pictures of that silly little dog, either.

Hm. =/

