July 19, 08
Sorry! I'm here now. I started this post early so I could make it long. ^^
Where to start...
First off, no pictures.
I was gone for several days. No time to get pictures...
I will soon, though.
My brother is so stupid. I said something to him, He's like "What?" I say it again, he /takes off his headphones/ anddares to say"what?" Again. >.> I mean, I was talking to him! I say something, He asked me to repeat it, I did. He than bothers to actually listen to me and tells me to say it again! What the heck!? I allready told him twice, and that's enough.
Selfish little...
Anyway, We went to the Animal shelter with mah grandma. She's finally ready to accept another dog...
In this case, two.
Cuties, Eh? Not very photogenic, I'm afraid. Much prettier in person. ^^
The white/cream is a male named Torrence, Black and white is a female named Jelena. We suspect they are brother and sister. We're not totlly sure on the spaying/neutering status, but, they've clearly been together a while... and they're male and female, over a year old each, Torrence doesn't really seem to be "interested" in Jelena in that way, etc... So I guessone should just assume they're spayed/neutered.Apparently the shelter people came in one day, and there they were, tied to the porch... Poor things. Snap some pictures, slap on a name, and pop'em up on Petfinder- these dogs arrived at the shelter yesterday, and allready have two peope wanting them. (including Grandma) They were put on a 48 hour quarenty, and can be adopted tomorrow- We're going to the shelter at 11:30, when it opens... I hope the other person who wants them doesn't show up while we're there. Tha'd be kind of awkward... =/ Grandma really wants them to go together, but mom says she she try to get her to consiter splitting them up if the other shows up. Just so "everyone is happy". Mom suspects Grandma wants the girl, if she had to choose jsut one,but... I hope they don't have to be split up. They're probably bonded- Image how stresful it must be for them in the first place, let alone how much added stress that would be created if they got split up! Unfourtunatly, this shelter is a "first-come-first-serve" kind of thing... But I'll be there, and If we do get 'em, I'll be taking pictures. My mom and dad have to ship a bull at 12:00, so they think they'll pop in, pick up the Dogs(Hopefully the "s" will stay!), buy leashes and colars from the shelter (Or, if none suits, run down to the feed store real quick and look there), take the dogs, and such to Grandma's house, leave me there and have me set the colars up, show them around(open doors for them, etc), help them cope, let them out, etc... They'll drop me off, go get the bull in the pen, see that it gets to the Leona Truck okay, than go pick me up... Man, I hope we really do get them- both of them.
Also, fine parenting at it's work- When we were leaving, Jelena and Torrence came to the end of their outdoor kenel to watch us, and my mom is just like "Stick your fingers in the cage and see if they bite".
And she was Serious.
Stick your fingers in the cage of two dogs in which you have no backround history of. What awonderful idea.
But, not to worry, they didn't bite. ^^ They each gave me a little lick instead.
So, just spare us a thought and hope we get there first... And if the other person does show up, that they are generous enough to just give us both dogs. I hope they are, if they do show up at the same time as us... These are the first dogs since Bandit that she has even /consittered/, let alone actually went to see in person and appllied for! She'd always shoot down every dog we showed to her. (Not literally, of course-We'd print out their petfinder page and show her)
"Too small"
"Too young"
"Too old"
"Has a health concern"
"Too energetic"
"Too needy"
"Too idependent"
"Not house trained"
"Too big" (It was an 8 pound pomerainian- /that's/ how pickyshe was with this)
"Don't like the color"
"Don't like the breed"
"Can't be left alone unsupervised"
So naturally we were all surprized when she looked at these two dogs andsuddenly said she actually wanted to go see them, and were amazed when she said she actually /wanted/ them!
I really hope we do get them both...
My Aunt called us after calling her, and said grandma was all excited about getting them tomorrow... I'm not sure she even knows there's another potential adopter. Man... She'll be so crushed if we don't get these dogs...
So spare us a thought, if you have a moment. She get's so lonely. Blackie is a nice kittie, but he's not really the snuggly compainion she needs. Grandma, in a way, really does /need/ these dogs... =/
So the hay thing... Still not alowed to buy timothy. Right now BunBun is livin' off of grass from the lawn and Orchard grass.
Also, ran out of Papaya tablets, and BunBun is shedding. Again.
My dad's here this weekend. He got me a 'nother bag of Bunny Basics/T! ^^ I still have half the old bag left, but, Never hurts to get more early, as long as I don't open it 'till I need it.
Well... That's it...
OH! Wait, one more thing!
I know this isn't as special an occasion as, say, a 1,000, or 10,000... But For me, this is special. Whenever I join an animal forum, The people are usually snobboy or mean, so I quit the forum, and eventually loose interest in the topic... That didn't happen here, because I have mah RO buddies! They were always kind, they helped me take care of BunBun and let him have the top notch care he has today. (Except the hay thing- but that'll get sorted out soon...I hope.) If not for you, RO, BunBun would probably beneglected and miscared for... If he'd even be here at all.While many have heard ofthe results of neglect because of the loss of interest in an animal, I, like several others, have seen it first-hand with my own eyes... So it means a lot to me that Ithank you, RO, for keeping me interested, and well informed.So, heres to my RO people, and many years of happyness and good health to come:

[align=left]Xila sez I should do my post in the same as hers for her 300th- For the sake of "good old times".[/align]
[align=left]What's that mean, anyway...?[/align]
[align=left]I don't see why this is such a big deal. =c[/align]