The days of BunBun&Slave

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Jess_sully wrote:
I'm guessing that he's not finishing his pellets because you're probably overfeeding him.
General Guidelines:
5-7 lbs: 1/4 cup
8-10 lbs: 1/2 cup
11-15 lbs: 3/4 cup
And if you wanted to separate that into feedings, you'd divvy out that amount
But if he's not overeating, it's probably not a HUGE deal.


June 17, 08

Yeah, I thought I was overfeeding him. He's about 6-7 pounds, and I've been feeding him 1/4 a cup of pellets each time I fed him, instead of 1/4 a cup overall. Common mistake.

So If I were to divide 1/4 a cup by three (how many times a day I feed him), I should feed him 1/12 a cup three times a day, right?

Jeez... Do 1/12 cups even exist!?

Well, Google time!


Well, I'm not really finding anything. The only thing I found was this adjustable measuring cup that measured "2 tablespoons and under", and they had a bigger one that did up ti "1/2 a cup"

=/ So I doubt we have one.

I wonder if a liquid measuring cup would work...? We might have one of them with that measurment...

Thanks for the chart! It really helped. ^^

I love this forum. =D

Did you hear about that 12AnimalLover-something person who took in over 20 rabbits? Wow! I hope everything goes well over there. I might consiter taking in a rabbit if I wasn't, you know, 4 1/2 hours away... I know there ar epeople out there farther away, but that kind of traveling isn't an option, and I'd feel so selfsh asking someone to go out of their way to bring the rabbit to me...

Hm. =/


Naaww. Xila took everything I wanted to say. D=

She says, "Oh well- I guess he's just going to be getting one feeding. I'm just going to give him the pellets in the morning, it being the most convient for me (I tend to forget the Noon feeding, and I sometimes fall asleep at night before I feed him)"



I do know that pampered chef makes a lot of neat measuring things, I'm sure they have SOMETHING!
I could never believe how little 1/4 cup seemed... but then again, if you take into account hay consumption and how little their stomachs are, I guess it makes sense :)
Jess_sully wrote:
I do know that pampered chef makes a lot of neat measuring things, I'm sure they have SOMETHING!
I could never believe how little 1/4 cup seemed... but then again, if you take into account hay consumption and how little their stomachs are, I guess it makes sense :)

Yeah, I think that one thingI saw was by the pampered chef... those things are pretty expensive, though.

I was a little surprized by how small the 1/4 cup was, too. I actually clecked to make sure it was right (but none of them clarified if it was 1/4 cup a day, or each time he's fed- I just now learned that).

Hm. I'm going to try asking my mom tomorrow if we have anything that small.


*it's almost 11:30 here*


June 19, 08
Here is my "Continued: Vet..." thread. The answers to both sets of the vet's questions are there. (I'll be ferrering to them here)

BunBun's neuter is FINALLY scheduled! How long have I been planing this...? Christmas? Valentine's day? I can't even remember.

When my mom was making the appointment, she had to ask me if BunBun was a boy or girl, than kept calling him an *IT* on the phone. ("My daughter has a rabbit, and she wants to schedule an appoitntment to get IT neutered.")

It's not this Friday, but next Friday- the 27th. Apparently I'm supposed to take him in 8-10 am, and pick him up first thing the next morning. (Knowing me, I'm probably going to be standing outside the place a half hour early, thanzoom in the moment they unlock the door. ;))

They said that I should take out BunBun's food and water around midnight on Thursday. I'm strongly thinking of just disregarding this. Heck, we all know that 8+ hours with no food or water can be deadly, and they might not even neuter him right away when he gets to the place! They might not even neuter him 'till the afternoon! Sheesh.I think we all know how important it is that he has food and water... I'm definatly going to see if I can get my mom to ask about this tomorrow, and make sure she talks to an actual rabbit vet...

She did talk to the receptionist, and she said the receptionist asked avet the questions. (Probably just a random dog or catvet that walked by- I immagine they just said that because they were thinking of the preperations for cats/dogs before a neuter, and don't realize that witholding food from a rabbit can have some VERY ill effects. Maybe the receptionist didn't even mentionhe was a rabbit, and they thought they were giving directions for a dog or cat that was going to get neutered... Those are all possible options.)

So, anyway... What do you think? If my mom calls and talks to an actual rabbit vet, who still says hold the food and water, should I still go with my common knowlege and ask her to point out that rabbits have fast metabolisms, and really *need* to eat frequently, and, if they don't, can make them very ill, or worse?

What's the worst that could happen if I still feed him? I mean... We all know rabbits can't vomet, which is usually why they require the fasteing(sp?) of cats and dogs. Could he still "Choke" on his food and water?

Hm. =/ I'm definatly going to get someone to ask.

Maybe I can pay my brother to ask(If he refuses to just do it out of "the goodness of hisheart".)... He'll probably for for a dollar... maybe five...

AND GOOD NEWS: I forgot to say, Rather than the previously mentioned $110 for a neuter, the vet gave my mom an estimate price of $65! How random of them to change the price... If I get someone to call them, I'm deminatly am going to ask them to really emphasize this is for a rabbit. That really sounds like the kind of neutering price for a cat or something... And if you add that with the fact they ask to hold the food and water, it sounds about right that they are telling you the information for the wrong species. They did so well on the questions I gave them- there's no way they'd just make a mistake like that.

Plus, one of the questions I asked yesterday was "Is the witholding of food/water before a rabbit's neuter nessessary?" and the answer was "no"!

I really am thinking they aren't giving me the right species info.

Like I said, my mom said the Receptionist talked to a vet. Maybethe receptionistforgot to tell the vet this was a rabbit's neuter? And they than gave answers for a cat or dog's neuter? Think about it- The sudden change of price, and giving me a different answer than before of the witholding of food and water.... It's starting to make some sence.


I have to agree- Whatever she's talking about, this "vet" doesn't seem to be giving her straight answers. I mean, she calls about a $110 "neuter", and askes if fasting is needed- The rabbit person says no. Her mom calls the next day and gets a price estimate of $65, and asks the same fasteing question- With a YES answer this time! Someone here clearly isn't talking abut a rabbit neuter.

Meh. Silly people. I still have no idea what they're talking about... I just like to be included in the conversation...

Wow, they were really mixing up their information today, hope you can get it figured out... I believe my vet charges about $65 for a neuter. Really though, I think that vet sounds pretty good, I wouldn't worry too much.:) My vet's receptionist said the same thing about withholding food, and I'd already decided to not listen, but then she called back and told me to disregard that advice.

Anyway, I need new Bun Bun pictures!:p
kellyjade wrote:
Wow, they were really mixing up their information today, hope you can get it figured out... I believe my vet charges about $65 for a neuter. Really though, I think that vet sounds pretty good, I wouldn't worry too much.:) My vet's receptionist said the same thing about withholding food, and I'd already decided to not listen, but then she called back and told me to disregard that advice.
Good. My mom said she'll probably be willing to call next week, closer to the actual neuter.

Anyway, I need new Bun Bun pictures!:p
You're in luck- I uploaded pictures today. =D


June 20, 08

Time flies, doesn't it? The 20th allready!

Let's get right to the pictures:


Excuse me, my food bowl is empty. I believe that's your cue.


Quit taking pictures of me while I eat!


Noooo, go 'way!


Is she gone yet?


NO? Oh...


This is such a pretty picture. I took this the other day. ^^


BunBun's carrior


The inside

BunBun explores

And again.

There's one more, but it's not doneuploading, So I'll show you it tomorow.



That Penny Peahen has really been on the house lately.
What? In the house? No, no... On the house.

Poor Penny.


She just can't figure out why the cats don't want to play...
Silly bird.
(Do ignore the mess. Silly slaves!)
Xila insists she needs this. I admit I don't really like hanging hay feeders, but if my hay is over my litterbox, I don't see how this is going to help.


June 21, 08

*is eating sunflower Seeds*

So, we had the pirade today. It rained REALLY HARD for ten minutes at the beginning (we were inside, luckily), and than really hard shortly after.

I Know you should always be positive, but... I didn't think I could do it.
ETA: Did I forget to mention it as a mile long? Yesh... Marching a mile with a 30 lb. bell set with really high humidity. (so it was kind of hard to breathe)
I thought it was a bit ironic that they said "We can't go out in the rain because it'll get the uniforms and instruments wet!", but they were spraying us with spraybottles the whole time. o_O

I was iffy at the end, though. WAAAAY behind. And I just walked the last couple of songs, instead of played. I noticed the other bell player didn't play the last few songs, either, so it wasn't really a big deal.

I got blisters on the sides of both big toes. And they later came open, and HUUUURT. x.O

It sounds like it's raining again. It's supposed to rain all tomorrow.

I'll download the pictures from the camera soon. I'd download them more often... It's just that, it's not like you just pop in the memory card and they all get saved somewhere. You actually have to put the card in, open up the software, wait a long time (depending on the amount of pictures/videos)for the stuff to download onto the Kodac software, than you have to go through and look at them and pick the ones you want, and save every one you want by hand. THAN, you have to get up photobucket, dig through your pictures and find them again, and upload them one by one. So, you have to click "Browse...", upload, WAIT FOR THAT ONE TO UPLOAD, than upload another.

It's just a hassle. =/

Well... Yeah.



Hm. Xila took most everything.

She did cut me a big bowl of lettuce/dandilion flowers and leaves/grass... It was okay.

Xila was gooone. =/ For a long tiiime.
I don't like that. That dog is such a crybaby. They can't leave for 10 minutes without her looking frantically out the window and whimpering for 'em.

The other dog is okay, though. She's pretty quiet. That one... That one that's always on the sofa. Maggie, I think? Something like that. The hoomans think she has some kind of joint problems. So they started giving her some food everyday -usually canned catfood, tuna, meat, etc- with a crushed up pill in it (shhh! She doesn't know!)... She seems to be a bit more perkey, I must admit. She used to just lay there all day. Now she'll actually sit up, and she'll walk a little faster and farther.
She still can't really tackle stairs. But I suppose if she keeps getting better, she'll be able to do that soon.

When I got out yesterday, I peed on the sofa. =D

Xila says I'm strange. They have two sofas- an old smelly fabric one, and a not-so-old smelly one made of faux leather. She says it was wierd I was on both sofas about the same amount of time, yet, I only peed on 'Maggie's Sofa" (The faux leather one)

Oh, and Olivia brought up the "Your rabbit (she doesn't even use my name...) is so miserable!" thing again.

So today, Xila was thinking aloud, and decided to point it out.
Italic/small is her comments.
"You know what I don't get? (I was just thinking 'bout this- I figgured I'd say it) You've only seen BunBun ONCE in his ENTIRE life, and I didn't even own him then! You've never seen his recent cage setup, either. So why do you insist I'm a bad owner? Not like you can prove it. You've also said you haven't lied since you were six. And yet you told me you have a file on/by your computer with BunBun's thoughts in it. YEAH, I believe that. Totally not a lie. And even if you were to just have grabed a folder and wrote some things down, you can't prove any of it. Heck, I bet you can't even tell me what kind of food I give himBunny Basics/T, or What kind of Litter he usesYesterday's News, what his running pen is made ofNIC "Neat Idea Cube" grids, What his favorte treat isMore like treats- He loves banana, Banana skin, Papaya tablets, raisons/craisns, of course..., What I do to keep him cool in the summerA cold stone slab to lay on, cold water bottles, constant fresh, cold water, etc., What his fovorite toy isSock or paper... I bet you can try to answer those questions, and won't even get ONE right! So where the heck do you come off telling me I'm a terrible rabbit owner? not like *YOU* know anything about them. And you keep throwing that stupid poem(The "Easter Bunny" poem- I love it to bits, but it gets annoying when Olivia goes every five seconds: "this is how u tret ur rabbit!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (*Copies and pastes poem*)"), which you stole from my HL lookup, at me, and you keep telling me obsurd and untrue things (Like you don't need to neuter petsDid I tell you about that? She doesn't even know what a neuter is.*), and you continue to just throw blind and unrelavent facts at me! So I ask, where the HECK do you come off telling me I'm an awful owner? And that my rabbit is so darn miserable? Also, If anything, you should go mouth off to Karen what a horrible owner she was. She let her rabbits breed blindly and, if that wasn't bad enough, stole the possibility of a shelter rabbit finding a home by giving those baby bunnies away! Heck, SHE LET HER RABBIT GO IN THE WILD! And person in the world that knew even a fragment of a thing about domestic rabbits is that THEY CAN'T SURVIVE IN THE WILD. I bet you that poor rabbit is dead by now."

She does have a point. She's only seen me once in my life- when I was a little baby. Even though, I remember both of my homes distinctly- I grew up in a small breeder's cage 24/7 with all 5-6 of my brothers and sisters, AND my mother, with no hay(just pellets- the bad kind, with all the "treats" mixed in), rarely any water, rarely anything to protect up from the heat... And than now, I have a huge cage, all to myself, with my human making sure I'm comfortable in all heat, hay always, water always, a healthy diet, a loving owner... So it doesn't make sence she's yelling at the latter owner, rather than the former one, don't you think?

*= Xila says: "Olivia, apparently, is too stupid to know what a neuter is/does, dispite me explaining it to her. I mean... a younger kid not knowing? That's fine... but she's THIRTEEN! AND SHE HAS A FIXED PET! >.> I said to her "What...? I would think the sexual frustration of being intact would be more stressful. Besides, I;m going to be sure he's calm going there, and comming home.". She said "wat? no, i mean his whole life it wuld be stressing him out cause his brain would be telling him to do that, but he couldnt ceuse he didnt have those organs" or something like that. I said, "A neuter stops the production of hormones, which tell the animal to "do that". That's what a neuter *IS*." But she didn't believe me. Gawd, she has such an ego. She thinks she's just too high in class to pay attention to what a lowly peasent like me has to say. Even though I repeated this several times, Queen Olivia, just wouldn't listen, and keep repeating that thing she said earlier.
You can read the entire conversation here: (lThird post up from the bottom)"
HAH! Look how ignorant she is. xD
Hmm... "Queen Olivia". It does suit her, eh? I swear, someone needs to slap some sence into her. She thinks because she's in this "enrichment" program, that she's SOOOOO much smarter than every other human being on the face of the earth. Seriously. And Apparently you just need a high IQ to get in. Both Xila and "Kelly" have taken IQ tests before, and could probably easily get in. They, however, decided they have better things to do than spend their homerooms talking with a bunch of snobs who think they are smarter than everyone else. (No offence to anyone in those programs- You're "enrichment" programs aprobably aren't like this, but Xila's is) Also, I think that Olivia really just "Talks the talk, but doesn't walk the walk"... Meaning, I guess, she's all talk. She claims she can make layouts for pages, but Xila has never seen her use any layout other than a premade in all the time she's known her. (The closest she's come to seeing a custom-made layout of Olivia's is one of those really, REALLY simple ones- Like, just a page with a diferent font and backround color.) Also, Jessica doesn't believe her, either. She requested a custom lookup from Olivia once, and over a month later, she politely messages Olivia asking if it was done. Of course, Olivia said "no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Silly Xila and her gossup.

I've never liked Olivia, anyway. I think that one time I *did* meet her, I bit her... or, peed on her... something like that.
Apparently, Xila doesn't like her, but every time they fight, the next time they meet in real life, Olivia just walks up to Xila and starts talking away like nothing happened! Like, the first time that she kept insisting how miserable I was, they got into this HUGE fight (I think somone posted it in a blog entry) and Xila was REALLY upset, and she let Olivia know, and blocked her shortly after. The next day. Xila still being REALLY ticked off, Olivia would just come over and idly chat with her like she didn't do anything at all! I swear, that Olivia... If she doesn't learn to be nice, she's going to loose all her friends. Xila is absoultly fed up with her, Kelly has never liked her to begin with... Even Devyn's dad says Devyn can't see Olivia anymore(because of Olivia's lies). (But she still does see her) Even patient, well-manored Jessica is just about to strangle her!
How do I know this? Xila believes that I'm a councler or something. She'll come over to me sometimes and I'll let her pet me and she'll tell me about things. I zone in and out, but it seems to make Xila happy to have someone that listens to her. (She tends to get a bit overlooked in life... Nobody really listens to her, sad to say.)

kellyjade wrote:
Aww, BunBun's so cute. I love that first picture, and the caption. You have a peahen?! I am jealous.:p

Most days, you might be.... Other days, not so much. Occasionaly she'll wake us up with her strange peahen call.... Ever heard it? It's the most peculiar thing. It sounds like a... I can't even describe it! It sounds almost like one of those old-fashoned car horns, a chicken being strangled, and adonkey. Strangest thing, I tell ya'.


June 25, 08

Sorry about the disapearence the last few days. Internet has been kind of flakey.

Check out this petfinder gal:

"I originally was at a shelter dumped there with my brothers and sisters. I was adopted and really came out of my shell and jumped around at the sight of my mom. Unfortunately, my mom is so busy that she is never around anymore and I've become so sad because I miss her. She wants me to have the best life possible so has decided to find me a new family. I really love my hay and of course pellets. Apples are also my favorite fruit. I've been told I have only one ear but I've never noticed. I'm not fussy about being picked up but loooooove to run around like crazy. "

She doesn't have an ear. What a strange trait... I wonder if she was just born like that, or if something happened?

Which gets me thinking- are there any serious disadvantages of owning a rabbit who lacked an ear?

Wouldn't they be prone to ear infections (since the inside of the ear... tunnel... thinggy would probably be exposed), overheating (since ears are the main cooling systemof a rabbit),etc...? What kind of special care would they need?

Not that I'm suggusting anything...



Xila keeps saying that I'm going to get neutered real soon. But, she says it like "REEEEEAL soon", which is slightly creepy.

She barks at me sometimes.
So I stare at her.
And she'll go "Don't look at me like that!"
But I'll keep staring at her.
And She'll go "Nooooo, cut it ouuut..."
But I'll keep staring at her.
And she'll go "Yer so meeeaann. D=" and give me a nose rub.

This happends a lot.

Silly girl. She keeps putting me in my "carrior" and than she CARRIES ME AROUND.
She takes me outside, though... which is a nice touch. I haven't been outside since last summer.

Xila was thinking of taking off my "Cage Extention" and putting it outside and zip-tieing(sp?) it together in a circle and putting it in the shade (Maybe with part sun) so I can run around, and she can keep an eye on me.


June 28, 08

I'm baaack...

Nyar. Xila took me in ze' cat carrior (More like "Bunny Carrior", though, since there hasn't been a cat in it in years...) and she took me outside, which was normal, but than she took me to the "car". And it was bumpy.Than she took me out. ANd took me in a funny-smelling building. And they stood there and talked. Than she handed me to a strange person. And they took me away. And they put me in a room with other pets. and they kept me there for, like, forevahhh. Than they took me, and they took me to this room, with this person, and they weighed me, and than they did something (I don't remember what) and I fell asleep and than I woke up than they keept me in the room with all the pets forevahhh. And it was dark, and the pet next to me was being a crybaby. But it was cold and strange. I didn't like it. But than after the forevahhh, the strange person came and got me, and she gave me to Xila, and than they stood there and signed thingzzz, and there was a cat there in the waiting room. She looked mean. Of course, Xila and the tall slave were all "Ohh, lookit' tha pretty kitty!" But I still say it was evil-looking. It was gray and white and black and orange. And it kept going MIRRROOOWW. It was annoying. But than Xila put me back in the "car", and it was all bumpy, than she took me in, and she put me in my cage, and she let me out of the carrior, and she pet me, and gave me treats.
Which was good.
But than she locked me in my cage.
Which was bad.
I was tired when I first got home, cause it was reallee strange at that one place, and I didn't get much sleep, but I'm feeling a bit better now. I ate all my pelets. And I spilled my hay everywhere.
When her dad asked how I was, she looked over, and saw I was "meatloafing", and said I was just loafing around. Silly Xila and her "puns."
Silly vets and their "Neuteres". 'Twasn't fun. D=
And Xila didn't even give me a craison. "I couldn't find them" isn't a good exuse, darn it!
I get to post first, 'cause I'm aweshomez.
Nyearharhar. Now Xila will get to suffer with the horror of having nothing to say! Mwahaha!
Wow, I never realized BunBun was Californian! He always looks all white in the pics, but in the vids, I saw the colored ears and nose! He's just precious!

Glad to hear he's doing well:D. I need to check your other thread too!;)
AngelnSnuffy wrote:
Wow, I never realized BunBun was Californian! He always looks all white in the pics, but in the vids, I saw the colored ears and nose! He's just precious!
Thanks... And actually, I'm not sure if that's genuine Californian points... It might just be dirt. But he might be part Cali... He's a "So mixed breed that there isn't even a name for it" kind of rabbit, so you never know. HarHarHar... Not only is he a prince, but he's also a master of disguise! Is he an ablino, or a Californian? Nobody knows! x3

Glad to hear he's doing well:D. I need to check your other thread too!;)
Thanks. Right now he's eating his morning pellets.
LuvaBun wrote:
Hey, Xila and BunBun, are you guys OK? Missing your blogs, and hoping you are both doing alright.
Yeah- sorry 'bout that. ^^; We're fine. Sorry to have made you worry!



July 5, 08

Awwww, thanks. ^^

Sorry for the Huuuuuuge lack up updates.

I've been busy... Plus, when I haven't been busy, I've beenstaying up late. I actually haven't been on RO much at all in the last few days.I usually do the blog when I go to bed(and that's also when I tend to check up on things and see what RO has been up to), so by the time I realize what time it is, I'm really too tired to do the blog. Infact, It's about midnight and a half here, so thisprobably doesn't make any sence whatsoever. Harharhar. Right nowI practically have coffee running thru my veins. :hyper:

BunBun insists I add the fact that I forgot to mention, He doesn't know how to turn the computer off("It's not that I don't know, it's just that a prince such as my self should not be bothered by such trivial things. That's why we have slaves: to do thatkind of thing for us."), so If I don't do my part of the blog, than he doesn't do his, either... I hope my fading coffee high made that readable. Right now as I write this, my coffee high is almost gone and I'm tired. So whenmy entry was written, I was either really hyper or really tired... Which made me realize, BunBun never seems to be tired. I've never noticed it before... But he can easily stay up for a long time. I guess random naps help... But still. Tha'd be pretty cool to be able to jsut take a little nap when you're tired, than be able to stay up all the time. Problem is, though, that would be pretty inconvient for us humans, having to take naps during the day. =/ Shame...

Wheee! Fun.

Like said, I'm practically running on Coffee right now, so don't expect this post to make any sence whatsoever.

M'kay, soo...

We didn't do anything for the 4th of July. Today, however, we went to see fireworks. Funny thing, how not that many people do fire works on the 4th, but, rather, on the 5th.

I stayed up untill 2 last night. BunBun was being a pain. ;;;>.> He /knows/ when I've stayed up too late. He'll push his run into my computer chair and he'll make a whole huge fuss and a buncha' noise.

We went to see Wall-E the other day. Cute movie.

Arg, I need a new way to manage BunBun's hay... he keeps popping his hay rack open! >.>

Hay everywhere, it's a mess, half of it gets waisted.

Have I ever mentioned BunBun is a little beggar?

Yeah! Once I came in the room with a sandwich, and he sat up on his hind legs and looked at me. like /that/. He did the same thing for my potato chips, and for varyous other human foods since than.

"Please, miss, spare a bite for the starving bunny?"
Yeah, /that/ look. >.>

Of course, he never gets anything. Unless it's something he can actually have- like bananas, or home-made strawberry/banana smoothies, etc.

Which reminds me, When we were getting him neutered, My mom said (about the fasting thing) "It just occured to me that you don't feed BunBun between midnight and 8am, anyway." I was /so/ tempted to say "Yeah, you're right... after all, that hay in his cage is just for decoration", but I held off on that, and just politley pointed out the hay.

I'm sorry... Pictures /soon/. My coffee high is starting to run out, so I should go to bed, just to make sure I don't end up falling asleep on my computer.

Fun. My brother did that once. He was playing my (old)laptop and fell asleep on it. >.>

But that's a different story.



Eh? Xila is insisting that I do my update in the same postbecause she said I have to do my update "Right now so I can go to bed."

Silly girl.

"Midnight and a half"? I think she means it's 12:30am... But you never know with her.

Of course, it's later by now, but that's not the point.

Silly girl, she stays up too late. If she's going to stay up late, she might as well have the courtasy to cover up my cacge so it isn't as bright... So I have to be obnoxious untill she does. >.>

But I don't mind being obnoxious. Us rabbits are naturally good at that. =3

Xila complains that she doesn't get enough sleep. I don't even think that needs a comment, consitering waht she said in her post...

Also, she just changed her calander to "July" yesterday.

Sillie kitties.

Did I ever tell you that one of 'em was trying to bat at me through my NIC run? I got a bit fed up after a bit and boxed at 'er. I don't even remember if I got 'er or not, but I don't think she's tried it again since.

I'd upload the pictures for you guys, bit these bunny paws aren't ideal for handling small memory chips. I'll be sure she gets them uploaded, though. ^^


