The days of BunBun&Slave

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AngelnSnuffy wrote:
Hey Xila, sorry I haven't posted in here in awhile.

The band pics are great!

When the papaya tablets are gone, I would imagine you just pitch it, I don't think anyone uses the dust for anything. I don't give those.
Yeah, I thought so, too. I just figgured I'd ask- I thought that you couldn't do anythign with the dust from the bottom of the rabbit pellets bag, or the little bits of hat dust, but you can make "biscuts" out of them, apparently.

What's wrong with the puter? I hate puter issues, I know what you mean, I've wanted to toss a puter as well;). Hope you get it resolved soon.
Thanks- it appears to be better now.
It was jsut being real stupid- Pages not loading, being, in general, slow, etc.


Jube 5, 08

I can't believe tomorrow is the last day of school. o_O

In other news, It's going up to 90 tomorrow. Icky. I've been putting in/replacing frozen/cold ratter bottles in BunBun's cage. Of course, my mom objects. "Oh, He'll be fine. You know,
don't have (frozen water bottles/tiles/fans/etc), and they're just fine!"

(Please reffer back to previous entries)

How come nobody understands the importance of making sure BunBun doesn't, you know, DIE? Nobody gets how easily a rabbit can get a heat stroke, and how much easier they can die from it!

Okey. o_O ANYWAY...

My art projects (I brought another one home- last one)

The plaque thing that I insist BunBun looks like a zombie in:


The newest one, a slab thing:


I like this one- it's cute. ^^

And the dragon:


It's got dark green flames/vines/sqirls on it's tail/paws:


And dark green around the horns:


I don't really like how the eyes had to be hollowed, though. I think it looks a bit strange:


"Wha'chu lookin' at?"


Naww, she took everything I wanted to say. D=

Silly girl's vain attempt to take a picture of my nose:

Random picture of the day:
(Not quite done)


Nya. It's a kitty.
Kitten, rather... She says that she was jsut testing out a new eye style, and the kitty-ness jsut came out of nowhere.

Well, see you whenever.

Fantastic art projects!!! LOVE the dragon.. Sorry its so hot there (wish it was warmer here in Los Angeles..).. So glad its summer and you'll have more time for your Blog as I love to read up!!! Loved Nya.. Keep it up!
I like the artwork too - very talented.

Oh, and you are a real good bunny mom, taking such good care of BunBun. Your parents should be real proud that you have researched and know how to keep him safe, especially in the hot weather :)

"I like the artwork too - very talented.
Thank you. ^^

Oh, and you are a real good bunny mom, taking such good care of BunBun. Your parents should be real proud that you have researched and know how to keep him safe, especially in the hot weather :)
You'd think that, right? I think it's really odd that they've never reallyread indept about rabbits, but they continue to insist I'm wrong about things. o_O

But, yeah. ^^ I guess I did do a lot of research. Out washer died today, and we found a flooring tile that got torn up. I wanna ask if I can use it for BunBun, but I'm not sure if it's safe for him.


"Fantastic art projects!!! LOVE the dragon.. Sorry its so hot there (wish it was warmer here in Los Angeles..).. So glad its summer and you'll have more time for your Blog as I love to read up!!! Loved Nya.. Keep it up!

Thank you- I'm definatly going to try and do stuff over the summer and write about it. =D"


June 6, 08

I was about to put "June 1st". o_O

We installed the fan in the window today.

I have to ask, do you think it'll be okay? It's right above BunBun's cage. It's not the kind that blows the air- it sucks the warmair out and replaces it with the air from outside. Kinda' neet.

I can upload a picture whenever.

Silly BunBun. I put water bottles in his cage, but he's too dignafied to lay by them... I wonder if they are *too* cold? I'm going to try wrapping a dish cloth around one tonight and see if he likes that better.

I wanna' go to our local "do it yourself" center and buy a ceramic tile or two for BunBun to use over the summer.

[align=center]Random Idea Of the Day
[align=center]What do you think BunBun would think if I took one of his towels and stuck it in the freezer? That might be something interesting to experiment with over the summer...[/align]
Bah. THe silly people had to lock me in my cage for a while while they put in that noisy thinggy above my cage.


Nothing too interesting today.
Xila says today was the "Last day of school".

Well, night.


June 7, 08

I was right- BunBun does seem to appreshiate it more when I wrap the frozen bottle in a cloth.

And I finally finished switching BunBun over to "Bunny Basics/T"! :happyrabbit:

He's now completly on the stuff. I have to admit, he just gobbles it down like it's something he's been eating his whole life.

Hm. I fed BunBun his late-night food, but I don't think he saw me. He's still hopping around his cage giving me "the look". Yeah, that look.

I hope the fan doesn't bother him too much. It's white noise to me, but It might take him a bit to get used to it, I suppose.

Arg. My headphones keep shocking me! >.>

It's not like a "Just touched the electric fence" type of shock... it feels more like a flea bite. Like, a very, very quick jolt of pain that gets your attention, but gone before you really even comprehend where/what it came from.

And I can't buy new headphones. Why? Because it'd come out of my allowance. I figure that if I want a pre and post checkup, as well as the neuter itself, that's about $210. Right now, I have about$100. Not even enough for the neuter. I hope the pre/post checkups come with the neuter...

Anyway, my dad says that since I "break headphones", he's not replacing them for me again. The one that "sealed the deal", though, was a cheap pair of 25 CENT headphones. I mean... Come ON! YOU GOT THEM USED FOR A QUARTER AT A SECONDHAND SHOP! What, were you expecting them to last the rest of my life? >.> They broke through no fault of my own- I pluged them in one day, and they just didn't work. The first broken pair was my brother's fault, the one after that... I forget why they broke. I *MIGHT* have broken those. (I have to admit, though, that they were very flimsy little things) and the ones after those were, again, used, and were broken by my brother.(Which really sucked, becasue they were REALLY nice, and I really liked them. ;-;.) (His computer wasn't working, so he used mine. He is bigger than me and took up more leg space, and pushed my computer tower RIGHT up aghanst BunBun's cage with his leg. The poor headphoneswere gnawed to death in the middle of the night, after I was asleep. Technically, he owes me another pair of headphones. He denies it, though, and claims to not have done it (even though he was the last one to use my computer- and admitted to using it when I was asleep.) and, being the selfish, spoiled brat that he is, kept complaining and nagging and got off the hook. (I'm ashamed to be realted to him. When on "move-up day", when we meet the teachers we'll be having the next year, they'll see my last name and say "Oh! Are you related to David?" I just say yes- I don't tell them how closly related we are unless they ask, simply because of his personality and attitude, which make him so hate-able(sp?). SO many times I've just gotten up and walked away when we were playing a game becasue of his sore attitude) I swear, sometimes I hate how my parents just let David go on so many things just becasue they don't feel like putting up with him! EVERYONE does that to him, and he's learned if he keeps going, nagging, and whining, he'll get what he wants every time. So, no new headphones for me, becasue Mr. BRAT refuses to pay for the headphones he broke. Thus, I'm stuck with the stupid ones that shock me and only work in one ear.)



Silly girl chainged my food. It tastes identical- maybe with a stronger taste, but...

The girl went to the "dollar store" today. She bought me a new tunnel. I CAN ACTUALLY FIT IN IT! :woohoo

I've never had a toy I could fit in before.

Xila says she wants to give me a nice, big running space, with a long tunnel in it, and playforms to jump on, etc etc.

Xila has this idea. But I forgot what it was. I remember her saying it wouldn't work, though, for several reasons.

She needs to buy me more of these tunnels. And sew them together. Tha'd be cool.



June 8, 08

Please excuse my typos- I'm typing at one thirtyin the morning.



"HEY! Gimee that stupid camera!"
(this picture is alsoin aBunspace contest (quote not exact), in the one about standing up. I'm too tired to look up its name.)

I really hate my camera. It's so old.. It's physically impossible to take a good, clear picture with the flash off. I'm serious- even the SLIGHTEST movement ruins the picture. ADD person+Crappy camera+Moving subject=CRAPPY PICTURE >.> That's why a lot of my pictures have WAY too much light. Stupid flash...


Actually... that's about it.


Silly girl... Staying uplate and stuff.

The tall slave brought me this big, red, heart-shaped stone-like thing. No pictures, sorry. Xila was curious- the red coloring seems to gome off when you rub it... should that be a concern...? I've been laying on it all day (It's cool to the touch) and don't have any red on me... not that I noticed , anyway.

She'd take it out for the night but, that's not a one person thing. That rock is about 50lbs. o_O

I immagine, unless some major issue is discovered with it, it's staying for a while...

Xila always says "I love how he just grabs things and runs with them! <3", so she got a video of it.
this is an old video, actually. (You can tell by the horid lightinh... not that it's much better now...)


WHOOO-HOO! 10th page!


June 9, 08


Should I be concerned that bUnBun isn't eating all of his pellets?
I mean, I'm not concerned, I'm asking if I should be.

I don't consitter it a big deal- I, too, tend to loose my appetite when it's hot out. (Dispite having means of cooling myslef, like frozen things and something cool to lay on.) Not to meantion, it's not like he's not eating *anything*- he's still eating hay and still has an appetite for treats. He's just not finishing his pellets. Am I overfeeding him? He gets 1/4 a cup of Bunny Basics/T three times a day (morning, noon, night) He's about 6-8 pounds, too. I read he should get 1/4 a cup somewhere, but I forgot if it was 1/4 a cup per feeding, or 1/4 a cup a day, etc etc... I'll have to look into it, but answers are welcome. ^^

Nothing much else.



There is only one "Prince BunBun" on Bunspace, and that's ME! =D
I'm on page 92 of the "most popular rabbit names" page.

It's too hot.

You know, if V8 juics is "100% veggies/fruits"... I wonder if it's bunny safe?
...Have I asked that before? Oh well.

Xila bought two more tunnels and sewed them together (Well, the tall slave sewed them, becuase Xila sucks at sewing- she said it helself.)
She says those tunnels are wonderful. She says they sell cat tunnels online about as long as two or three of these $1 tunnels put together, end-to-end, and they're selling them for about $30! That's outrageous! She's definatly in the wrong buisness...

I don't feel like typing anything else. =/

June 10, 08

Jessica got a death threat today. We're thinking it's from a relative of somene in our grade... Since she wasn't intelligent enough to remove her name from her profile before sending the threat, and she has the same last name as someone in our grade.
It reads,
"Subject: I'm Going To Miss You!!!

Have you paid the ramson yet? I'm pretty sure the answer in no and that isn't very good now is it. You understood in our contract that if you you didn't pay today that you would only have 128 hours to live. I suggest that you use that time wisely. And I also suggest that you sleep with one eye open from now on because in five days and eight hours your life is mine.

P.S. Don't try to get around it, I do know where you live (-Her street adress- Wellsboro, PA) Your house is the one under construction, right?

To have life there must be death!!!"

I suspect it's just some bored teenage girl making prank threats on peopleshe/they happen to know the email/residence of.
I wrote to her, to be sure she knew;

"Subject: I hope you realize...

My friend just informed me you sent her a death threat.

I hope you realize, Stacey (Her last name, which, again, she forgot to remove from her profile), that Death Threats are illegal. If she chooses to report you to the authorities, you're going to get in some serious trouble.

I'm sure that if you apologized, she probably won't press charges.

I'm not going to threaten you, or get all immature or anything, I just wanted to be sure you knew.

Her friend"

At least, I'm pretty sure death threats are illegal. That's what Google says.

Jessica still isn't sure if she should report it. Who do you report that kind of thing to, anyway?

It actually creeped me out a bit. I sent that message, and 10 minutes later, I got a phone call (and I was still all "in the moment"). o-o;;

It was Devyn, but, still. Creepy.

When I told Devyn on the phone, ane said she'd call the army. xD

Or, at least her brother-in-law, who was in the army. He was in Iraq, I think.



Silly people. Death threats? I had no idea the human race sank that low.

At least when a rabbit fights, they go out fact to face, and not "Email", "Text", or "IM" idle threats to each other. I mean, I know a few of them do pull throught, but... rarely.

Have you ever gotten a chain letter? You know, "Pass this on to (X amount of people) and (your "crush" will ask you out/you will find the love of your life/your wish will come true/etc)/or (you will die/get "dumped"/etc)"? I hate those.
They don't work, and everyone knows it, so, why do people pass them on?

I don't get it.
Woah! I think I'd report it - if not to the authorities, than at least to a teacher or someone. I know it's probably only a sick joke, but you never know which are the jokers, and which are the kids that go out and arm themselves and go shoot people. Rather do something first, than say afterrwards ' If only we'd done something...'

Still, had to smile at BunBun's comment that rabbits just go at it face to face. Oh yeah, they just let the fur fly :D

LuvaBun wrote:
Woah! I think I'd report it - if not to the authorities, than at least to a teacher or someone. I know it's probably only a sick joke, but you never know which are the jokers, and which are the kids that go out and arm themselves and go shoot people. Rather do something first, than say afterrwards ' If only we'd done something...'
That's true. =/

Still, had to smile at BunBun's comment that rabbits just go at it face to face. Oh yeah, they just let the fur fly :D
Yeah. xD I've seen rabbits fighting on Youtube, it looks pretty bad. (I still can't believe people will just sit around FIMING their rabbits hurting each other! Maybe they thought it was like when cats "rough play", and didn't realize they were phisically hurting each other)



June 12, 08

I won't be doing the blog for a bit- I have a sleep over tomorrow, and a different sleepover the next day. So...Yeah...

I honestly have nothing to say.

Oh, I think I was right about the heat making BunBun loose his appetite. He seems to be eating more of his pellets, now that it's cooled down a bit.



June 15, 08


Happy father's day!

As for the picture, I think it could've come out better. The hair and hands are a bit iffy, and I kind of cheated by getting a backround off of google... There's credit on the bottom of the picture. I lost the link.

Some random comments from the sleepovers: (PS: Regan is one of Devyn's friends)

"I didn't know they made little shoes this big!" (Regan, when referring to the Build-A-Bear shoes)

"NO! She didn't get the last word, she put down the card and said the word, than nobody said anything after her!" (Jessica, when playing "The Last Word" with me and Kelly)

"Look! Their butt juice glowes!" (Regan, after Devyn accidentally squished a lightning bug)

THere are more, but I don't feel like listing them all.


So we had a marching pirade today. It's not the pirade itself that's bad, it the walking back up to the school... Anyway, Jessica and Olivia are walking up with their itty-bitty little clarinets, while I'm carying this 30 pound hunk of metal in the sun and heat. I caught up to them, but eventually fell behind, of course, since it's uphill all the way to the school.I calledto them and asked themto wait up (andI THINK Jessica even LOOKED BACK AT ME... But I'm not even sure. I might have been stumbling, too, but I don't even remember- I was too distracted by the fact I fealt like I was about to fall over and DIE.).

Some friends they are! They didn't even ackknowlege my presence, or offer to help me carry 30 pounds of metal uphill, up steps, in the sun to the school... but what REALLY makes me upset is that they didn't even wait for me and just keep me company. Dispite asking them to wait, they were soon gone ahead.

So, I hauled the 30 pounds of metal up the hill, in the sun, through the heat, up the steps to the band room by myself.

Did I mention I pulled my shoulder yesterday, too?

And it's not even like they were in a hurry, either! They were leisurly putting their uniform away, and merrily talking and taking their time while I was outside, walking back,trying not to keel over and FAINT in the heat.

It was about 75*-80*. The long-sleeved/pants uniforms with the stupid-looking hat and tight, uncomfortable black shoes? Not helping.

I gave Jessica an earful, but, other than that, refused to talk to them since. And the thing is, When I did talk to Jessica, she just seemed so OBLIVIOUS! "We completly abandoned you while goingback to the schoolin the heat and sun, dispite the fact you called us and asked us to stay,while we carrypractically nothing while you cary 30 pounds of bells with a pulled shoulder and a uniform on -withtight shoes, long overals, a coat, and a hat-up the hill and up the steps while we don't offer to help you, seem to care you're there- staggering about about to faint- or even bother to stay with you and keep you company while other people make rude comments to you concerning the fact that you could barely stand up. SO? I don't see why you're so upset!"

Okay, not those exact words, but that's basically what she said. >.>




Nya. The girl doesn't feel good and says I can't stay long.

I hate to admit, but it was pretty mean of her "friends" to just leave her like that. =/ I'd bite them if they did something like that to me.
But, than again, I can't picture myself in that situation.
Meh. Oh well.

I'm guessing that he's not finishing his pellets because you're probably overfeeding him.
General Guidelines:
5-7 lbs: 1/4 cup
8-10 lbs: 1/2 cup
11-15 lbs: 3/4 cup
And if you wanted to separate that into feedings, you'd divvy out that amount
But if he's not overeating, it's probably not a HUGE deal.