Well-Known Member
AngelnSnuffy wrote:
Jube 5, 08
I can't believe tomorrow is the last day of school.
In other news, It's going up to 90 tomorrow. Icky. I've been putting in/replacing frozen/cold ratter bottles in BunBun's cage. Of course, my mom objects. "Oh, He'll be fine. You know,
don't have (frozen water bottles/tiles/fans/etc), and they're just fine!"
(Please reffer back to previous entries)
How come nobody understands the importance of making sure BunBun doesn't, you know, DIE? Nobody gets how easily a rabbit can get a heat stroke, and how much easier they can die from it!
My art projects (I brought another one home- last one)
The plaque thing that I insist BunBun looks like a zombie in:
The newest one, a slab thing:
I like this one- it's cute. ^^
And the dragon:
It's got dark green flames/vines/sqirls on it's tail/paws:
And dark green around the horns:
I don't really like how the eyes had to be hollowed, though. I think it looks a bit strange:
"Wha'chu lookin' at?"
Hey Xila, sorry I haven't posted in here in awhile.
The band pics are great!
When the papaya tablets are gone, I would imagine you just pitch it, I don't think anyone uses the dust for anything. I don't give those.
Yeah, I thought so, too. I just figgured I'd ask- I thought that you couldn't do anythign with the dust from the bottom of the rabbit pellets bag, or the little bits of hat dust, but you can make "biscuts" out of them, apparently.
What's wrong with the puter? I hate puter issues, I know what you mean, I've wanted to toss a puter as well. Hope you get it resolved soon.
Thanks- it appears to be better now.
It was jsut being real stupid- Pages not loading, being, in general, slow, etc.
Jube 5, 08
I can't believe tomorrow is the last day of school.
In other news, It's going up to 90 tomorrow. Icky. I've been putting in/replacing frozen/cold ratter bottles in BunBun's cage. Of course, my mom objects. "Oh, He'll be fine. You know,
don't have (frozen water bottles/tiles/fans/etc), and they're just fine!"
(Please reffer back to previous entries)
How come nobody understands the importance of making sure BunBun doesn't, you know, DIE? Nobody gets how easily a rabbit can get a heat stroke, and how much easier they can die from it!
My art projects (I brought another one home- last one)
The plaque thing that I insist BunBun looks like a zombie in:

The newest one, a slab thing:

I like this one- it's cute. ^^
And the dragon:

It's got dark green flames/vines/sqirls on it's tail/paws:

And dark green around the horns:

I don't really like how the eyes had to be hollowed, though. I think it looks a bit strange:

"Wha'chu lookin' at?"
