The Bunhalla Bunnies 2010

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I bet they had a blast in the "box maze!" I'm in the middle of packing my apartment up, and the sassy buns keep chewing/climbing on the boxes! :grumpy:

Kit looks so cute peeping over that gate! I love it when doggies do that! :)
Thanks for all the comments!

Boxes are great! Sometimes I'll get inspired and try to make things for the bunnies out of them. And yeah, they usually last about a week or so until they're pretty much destroyed haha.

Barnaby is small! He's only about 2.5 - 3 lbs, but he looks bigger because of his long hair.

This stupid cold is killing me. I defiantly overdosed on cough medicine and I was still up all night coughing.
As of yesterday, Chris and I have been engaged for a year! I can't believe a year went by that quickly!

I'm slowly getting over my cold. Still coughing up some pretty nasty stuff, which makes it hard to get any rest. But I am feeling a lot better now.

My books came in the mail yesterday. Chris got me The Malloreon series. It's a 5 book series...we'll see how long it lasts me!

The pets are all doing wonderfully. No new pictures though. I tried something new and let Barnaby stay out of his cage/xpen all night last night. Kit seems to finally have learned not to bark at the bunnies, even when the bunnies are going insane running around the bunny room. I think now maybe I'll let Barnaby stay out all night, and Ziggy and Berry all day. I'll work it out so one of them is out at dawn and the other at dusk, since those seem to be the times they are the most active.
Cute betta!

I bet they loved the boxes. I cant wait to order my mini mazes.

Enganged for a year? That is great! Any wedding plans soon?
I'd like to get married next spring, but we haven't decided for sure what we want to do for a wedding, and we don't have any money saved up for it yet. If not next spring, maybe the year after. I really want to get married in the spring time.

We're not making a huge deal of things though and we're not really in any rush. We've already been together for over 9 years now, so to us it feels like we're already married. We're already very committed to each other, all getting married will do is put it on paper.

Chris and I went to see the Macy's fireworks (from the NJ side of the Hudson) last night. We weren't going to go but then decided too last minute. It was fun. I wish they didn't change the location though - I like it a lot more when we could see them from Liberty State Park, because then we always use to go over early and hang out in the park for awhile before the fireworks.

Happy (belated) 4th of July!

This cold is really kicking my butt. I thought I was finally getting over it, but I haven't been able to sleep good for so long now because as soon as I lay down I get a lot of congestion in my chest and I can't stop coughing. Then I'm so tired during the days...I feel like for the past week or so my life has just been in a haze. It's like...all I do is take care of the pets and Chris, do stuff around the house, and feel sick. I let Berry and Ziggy out this morning and I was like "it feels like I just did this" days are all blending in together now. I'm sick of staying in the house doing nothing, but it's so hot and humid outside and every time I try to go out for awhile I come back home feeling 100 times worse again.

The bunnies are happy though. They seem to be enjoying their new schedule - I let Barnaby out to free range at night from 11 at night until 11 in the morning, and Berry and Ziggy get to stay out during the days from 11 in the morning till 11 at night. So they all get 12 hours out of cage time every day. But they are lazy. Barnaby usually comes out of his cage and just lays around on the floor in the bunny room. Berry and Ziggy barely even leave their cage. I have to convince them to leave it half the time by putting food out on the floor - then half the time they just eat the food then go back to laying around in their cage. I'm happy that they enjoy their cage and all, but I haven't seen a binky for so long now! I'm wondering if the heat is getting to them, even though I keep the AC on 70 in their room. Or maybe they are just being sneaky and getting all their exercise while I'm not around?
I understand, I will not get married until James and I are graduated from school..just a personal prefrence.

Yeah, it is really hot in AZ and it is hard to want to go do anything, esp since my only mode of transport is a scooter so I am in the direct heat..a 5 mintue ride and my hair is soaked from sweat from my helmet. Maybe take up another hobby? I am trying to get into gardening/sewing. Yeah, you have to get out to get the supplies, but buying some books and having a list of goals really makes you feel a lot better.

Chewy and Anakin also don't am pretty sure we just got lazy buns!
Yeah Chris was the same way, he refused to ask me to marry him until after I graduated college.

I don't know how you can stand the heat. Here it's just in the summer, the other seasons aren't bad. Ugh but yesterday it reached 100* and today is suppose to be even hotter. It's so humid too, and the air quality is really bad. It's rough on me right now since I've already been dealing with a lot of congestion in my lungs, I feel like I can't breathe when I go outside.

I do "garden" as much as I can without having a yard to actually garden in. But we have a lot of plant lights in the house and I love working on my bonsai trees. I've been really wanting to try sewing. My mom gave me one of her old sewing machines a few months ago and I have a bunch of ideas of easy stuff I want to try making, but I haven't really had a ton of extra money to buy all the supplies I need.

But I've been reading a ton lately! It's nice and relaxing and keeps my mind busy at least. I just finished my last book in 2 days!

I took Kit to the vet this morning for his heartworm test and to get his heartworm pills for the year. He was such a good boy at the vet. I'm happy because now I won't have to take him in for anymore preventative type stuff. He's up to date on his shots, has his years worth of heartworm pills, had his yearly physical...So unless he gets hurt or sick or something, I shouldn't have to take him to the vet again for awhile.

The bunnies probably are just lazy. Especially my lops, all they think about is food! I did hear Barnaby playing a lot last night, running around and chewing on his boxes and such. I was too tired to go in and watch him though.
The thing is, Chelle, the heat in AZ is like an oven. Low humidity sizzle! The heat wave we are experiencing here is humid too... as if the sheer heat was not enough we have to deal with the wetness hanging on our skin, impeding our ability to breathe, etc. Blech!
We do have really low humidity! But at 112, black pavement..yeah you litearlly burn..I have recieved burns on the bottoms of my feet when I tried walking on the sidewalk to get my mail!

Yeah, right now I am patio gardening in my apartment. It is surprising what you can do though! I dont' have any good light in my apartment, what kind of light do you use? I thought of buying a rack for herbs, but I am confused about waht lights to used.

I read a lot too. I am really "Independent" meaning I only have like 2 friends..whom I am not close with. So I have to find a lot of alone things to do when I am not with James. It is hard, but it is harder to make friends. I am really bad at it. I am always jealous on RO when people text/talk to each other and what not. I am just bad at "making the bridge" as James says.

Do you have a community center to take classes? I am thinking of taking a ceramics class to help me get out and waht not. Volunteering also helps, lol.
Yeah our heat/humidity here has been horrible. I hate it. I can't even walk the dog barely lately because we walk down like one block and poor Kit is panting like crazy. He's been acting even crazier than normal in the house lately because it's too hot for him to get his exercise outside. And the sad thing is, that people keep suggesting to me to walk him at night when it's cooler...but I tried taking him out at 11 last night and it was still like 80* with really horrible air quality.

Another sad thing is that I have two AC's running - one in the bunny room and one in the living room. The one in the bunny room I keep set to 75* and that usually keeps the bunny room and bedroom at a tolerable temperature. But the one in the living room is set to 60, and I don't know if this room is draftier or it's just because it's a bigger area, but it's still hot in here! And our bathroom/extra room/kitchen are all like a sauna!

I wanted to volunteer at the NYC House Rabbit society but I'm not sure if I will because public transportation to get there will get kind of pricey for me. Plus I hate going into NYC. There's a no kill animal shelter not to far from me here in NJ that I go too sometimes. I usually just work with the dogs there, and I donate a lot of my extra pet supplies to them when I can. They have mostly cats and dogs there. I don't go nearly as much as I should, mostly because it's depressing for me and I almost always find a dog that I want to take home with me, but can't.

Ceramics is so much fun! You should take the class if you can. I took a few ceramics classes in college and loved them. I still use a bunch of the stuff I made in the classes, cups and bowls and flower pots and what not.

Chris got me plant lights from here for Christmas last year...

It came with the lights, and I have't had to replace them yet. The shelves and stuff are pretty cool, especially since I didn't have really anywhere to keep all my plants before.

I'm bad at making new friends too. I still have a few friends from HS and College that I talk to, but they all live in MA and I'm about 4 or 5 hours away from them, so it's not like I can hang out with them or anything.
Awww so expensive though! But maybe I will get them as a gift. But its really large too. I was hoping for like 1 rack!
Dragonrain wrote:
but I tried taking him out at 11 last night and it was still like 80* with really horrible air quality.

Another sad thing is that I have two AC's running - one in the bunny room and one in the living room. The one in the bunny room I keep set to 75* and that usually keeps the bunny room and bedroom at a tolerable temperature. But the one in the living room is set to 60, and I don't know if this room is draftier or it's just because it's a bigger area, but it's still hot in here! And our bathroom/extra room/kitchen are all like a sauna!

I wanted to volunteer at the NYC House Rabbit society but I'm not sure if I will because public transportation to get there will get kind of pricey for me. Plus I hate going into NYC. There's a no kill animal shelter not to far from me here in NJ that I go too sometimes. I usually just work with the dogs there, and I donate a lot of my extra pet supplies to them when I can. They have mostly cats and dogs there. I don't go nearly as much as I should, mostly because it's depressing for me and I almost always find a dog that I want to take home with me, but can't.

I hear ya. It barely touches 80 at 3 in the morning! Poor Kit, it's just too hot. I have 2 ACs going around the clock for the buns in the living room (Toby) and rabbit room (Kirby, Penny). I make sure I hang out in those two rooms as often as possible so I don't have to turn on anything else if at all possible. The one thing I fear most about this heatwave is if Con Ed runs out of juice. It is *way* too hot for the buns, seriously. I have several picnic blue ice paks in the freezer at all times just in case something like that happens, I can throw them to the buns to keep cool... :(

We have a volunteer at the shelter who lives in Jersey City. She works somewhere in Manhattan though. But still, bless her heart for helping the buns after a hard day of work then trekking back to Jersey afterwards. It is quite a long trip from the shelter to the PATH.
Yeah..that's how I'd have to get to the shelter. I'd have to walk to the light rail from our house, take that to the Path, take the Path to NYC, then walk after that I guess. I'm horrible at getting around in the city. I don't know, maybe it's something I'll look into again after the summer heat is over. I'm pretty content just volunteering at Liberty Humane society though - usually they only have cats and dogs, but it's so much easier for me to get too.

I do donate to rabbit shelters though - money when I can and once in awhile supplies when I have extra stuff that my bunnies don't need. Money has been a bit tight here for awhile though so I haven't been able to donate as much as I would normally like too.

Speaking of money...I'm waiting for a phone interview right now. I applied to work at a doggy daycare/boarding facility that's opening up in my town sometime this summer. I'll be happy if I get it, I'll be able to work with animals in something other than a research setting, which is what I want. The pay probably won't be amazing but it will be better than nothing.

Eventually I'd like to be able to go back to school. I have a bachelors degree in biology but it's so sad that really a bachelors degree today doesn't mean nearly as much as it used too. For most of the types of jobs I'd actually want, you have to have a masters or even a PHD. Someday, I'd like to go back to school for Zoology or more specifically for Ethology (animal behavior).

It's way too hot! Yesterday I had both AC's running and our power started to flicker, I was so afraid that it was going to go out. It would be way to hot in our apartment without the AC's. I usually have both AC's running and then some with no problems, but I figure that because of the heat it was probably an issue with the power grid. I don't know what we'd do if we lost power. I'm so glad we didn't!
Oh no, flickering... I have never been so thankful that I swapped all my lightbulbs for compact fluorescents. I haven't turned the TV, cable box, desktop PC, on at all either. It's silly, I'm sure a couple million people are watching the World cup and whatnot on their 50" tvs, what difference does my one measly TV make. But I like to think that I'm not contributing to a mounting power grid problem!! I have just been reading and using my laptop to conserve energy... only AC is mandatory...

I remember the last power outage that affected most of the NE region -- it was 90 that day and about 80 at night. It was totally gross, and I'd really like to avoid a repeat!

I hope you get the job you're waiting for. Sounds great to be able to work with animals hands-on! Volunteering for dogs is excellent too. I am sure the animals appreciate it no matter what. Doesn't have to be with buns :)
Chris was just talking about that power outage earlier! I remember I was still in school then, and the apartment I was staying in didn't have AC anyways, so I was more use to dealing with the heat then. But yes I hope that doesn't happen again! I'd be so uncomfortable, and the poor pets!

I've been trying not to use as much power too. I read a lot today and used the laptop but nothing else really. I was so worried when the power flickered! It hasn't done it again though thankfully.

I think my interview went okay. They said they'll be calling candidates they are interested in in a few weeks to set up regular interviews. I hope I did well enough on the phone interview to have them call me back, because I think I do much better talking to people in person than I do over the phone. We'll see I guess.
I couldn't sleep last night. I think I probably got a total of about 2 hours of sleep. Todays going to be a long day!

I think I want to rearrange the bunny room a bit. But it's going to take some planning, some extreme cleaning, and I'll need to buy a few things to get it how I want it. So I'm not sure when I'd do it, but maybe soon.

I want to try to figure out a way to make more space and maybe even separate the room into two areas - an area with the cage and an xpen where the lops can stay, and then the other part of the room I'd have Barnaby living with no cage.

I really want to let Barnaby live cage free if I can figure out a good way to do it. He's such a good boy out of his cage. He never makes a mess, doesn't chew on anything except for the boxes and toys I give him. He has me spoiled. Sometimes I wish I had been content with just him instead of getting more bunnies, because then he could have just had the whole room to himself and it would have been a lot less work for me. But I don't regret getting Berry and Ziggy of course - I love them. They are a lot more work than Barnaby is though.
Wow, you and me both. It explains what you were doing reading my blog at 3am! I slept at 4, woke up at 8, but all in all the sleep was lousy and I woke up multiple times... I'm not even sure I got 2 hours altogether :( I think the heat is getting to me. :( I hope you get to take a power nap later.

I know what you mean about how it would be so much simpler with your one bun who's neat and perfect. I feel so guilty even thinking about it but there have been times where I thought, wouldn't life be so much easier if I just kept Kirby a single bun and he could run his whole room and the whole living room whenever he wanted? He's a good boy. He's an occasional chewer but it's not a huge deal. Or, kept Kirby and Toby and just had them each run one room. But I know Kirby is so much more stimulated with another rabbit to snuggle with. I wouldn't trade Toby for the world either. At times when I look at the space constraints in the apartment, it's just hard not to think how much easier it would be on me if I didn't have NIC walls, xpens, baby gates, darting rabbits and hoops of fire to jump over. :expressionless
Yeah I tried to go to bed a bit after 4, then tossed and turned for probably around an hour before I fell asleep. But then I woke up again at 6...went back to bed again, then got up with Chris at 8 when his alarm went off. I fell asleep for an hour or so earlier until Kit jumped on top of me haha, and for some reason I thought it was 8 in the morning again. I hate when that happens, you wake up with no idea about what time of day it is.

I always thought before that I'd always want to get a bunch of rabbits. I really wanted to just rescue a bunch of them. But 3 is the most I've ever had at one time, and just the 3 of them take up so much of my time. I got Berry and Ziggy hoping I could bond them with Barnaby, because I didn't like him being alone. That only worked out for awhile until I had to split them up again. Now I can't help thinking about how much easier it would be if I just had Barnaby. The lops are so much work! They're messy, they eat a ton, Berry has to see the vet a lot now. But I wouldn't trade them for the world. They're my babies.

I have to go to the stupid laundromat (ew) and then to go grocery shopping for the week. I'm glad today is a bit cooler than it's been. I'm hoping if I'm out doing stuff for awhile and don't nap again that I'll be tired at a normal time tonight and be able to sleep. We'll see!
Agreed -- it's cooler than it has been, but ... still not too cool. Laundromat? Hope yours is air conditioned. :tantrum: I was at one last week out of convenience and it was not air conditioned... it was like sitting in a sauna for an hour.

I'm caffeinating to try to get through the day. I keep reading in the afternoon, and then falling asleep in the evening, napping through dinner time... then going to sleep super late. I have dinner plans out tonight so hopefully it'll set me back straight. I hope we make it!
I love having a free roam bunny. I don't have a cat, so it really makes up for the feeling of having a more "personable" non-cage animal. He also is a lot closer to me than Chewy or Anakin is.

I wonder how many rabbits I will get..I want a mini rex and I want a show rabbit. Maybe I could combine the both and just have four, and one foster! That would be nice!

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