The Bunhalla Bunnies 2010

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Here's some Ziggy, my little escape artist!




"Talk to the paw!"

"I love you mom even though you take embarassing pictures of me and don't give me enough raisins"

Ziggy and Berry together...

They loove each other :)

Sharing some kale...

Berry eating kale, hanging out of the litter box. Doesn't look very comfortable, but at least she won't have any accidents.

Ziggy says "I wish I could fit more in my mouth at once!"


Even though my beloved Zeus has been gone since Aug. 2008, every sunday I still light a candle in front of his memorial.



That's it! :biggrin2: That should make up for my lack of bunny posts lately.
Awww I love the close ups. What a great health check. The bun buns don't agree but it's ok. It's for their own good :)

They actually don't mind too much. They get plenty of treats to make up for it :biggrin2: I was afraid they'd all be upset with me afterwards but they where all climbing all over me begging for treats.
I guess they know the routine by now. :) Check, then treats!

See, I think I'm the opposite of you! It's very interesting to hear your point of view because I've always been a city girl and the presence of people outside, lack of nature, and general background noise of the city is natural to me. The woods creep me out. Being out in the "wild" scares me to some degree. Isn't it weird? :)
Yeah it is weird. Maybe just makes a difference where you grew up, and what you are used too?

I grew up in a very small town and pretty much with a forest as my back yard. I'm the opposite of you - all the people and traffic and stuff is overwhelming to me. After living here for over a year now I do feel like I'm getting use to it, but I am very much looking forward to when we have enough money saved up to be able to get a place outside of the city - the further outside of the city, the better. I'd live out in a cabin in the middle of the woods if I could!

My fiance has lived in this area his whole life and is perfectly happy here, but he does enjoy nature a lot too. Not as much as I do, but enough that he's also looking forward to eventually moving out of the city. If living here with him didn't come with the understanding that we'd eventually be moving out of the city, I'm honestly not sure if I would have ever agreed to move here. I'm okay with it as long as I can tell myself that it's a temporary thing, but could never see myself staying in this area too long term.
I am really glad you have an understanding with Chris that you'll be going back to where you love after some time. I'm sure it's important for him to pursue his career and make money for the future at this point in his life. This is such a great compromise. You guys are a great couple :)
Aw thank you :) I like to think that we are too. Chris and I are hoping to someday start our own companies, so we're really hoping that will work out in the future. That way, we can move to wherever we want and not have to worry about staying close to his work.

Helen, I think I mentioned in your blog the other day that the park I take Kit too is right across the bay from Newark airport. I randomly took some pictures there this morning.

It doesn't really look like much of anything from across the water - except for that there are constantly planes taking off and landing. You can't actually see the runways or anything from across the water. There are usually ships in that area, the Port Newark-Elizabeth Marine Terminal is right in front of Newark Airport on the bay.

I tried to take pictures so you could actually see the planes flying around the area, but they look so small in the pictures.





That park is cool. It feels like you're at the beach when you walk around there, because it's really windy and the air smells kind of salty from the bay. It's too bad the water is so polluted.



That's the Newark Bay Bridge. I always call it the Bayonne Bridge and Chris makes fun of me because the Bayonne bridge is actually a bit further down in the other direction. Now, as a joke between Chris and I, I just call every bridge I see the Bayonne bridge.

And a few pictures of Kit enjoying the park! We spend usually at least an hour or two at this park every day, so Kit can get his exercise and some fresh air. I feel bad that we don't have a yard for him to run around in, so hopefully this makes up for it.




I've been doing very preliminary research, trying to figure out what Chris and I want to do for our wedding. We'll have been engaged for a year on July 2nd. I've always said that I wanted a long engagement, but after 9 years together, I think we're ready to be married.

I'd like to get married next Spring, around April or May, but I'm not sure if I can actually pull it off by then. I've never planned anything like this and won't be getting any help, so it's kind of stressful.

We are thinking so far, of maybe doing a destination combination honeymoon wedding type thing. But then of course I'll have to worry about the pets. I'm weird and I really want Kit to be there for our wedding. He was there when Chris purposed to me and is a big part of our lives. I would like, of course, to have the bunnies there as well, but I'm not sure that would be a very good idea. I think all the traveling and new surroundings would just be stressful for them. But I've never left them with anyone before other than my father once and Chris.

I've been thinking a lot about the bunnies lately and I feel kind of bad. I feel like I haven't been able to bond with them the way I was bonded to Zeus, and the way I am with my dog. I think the way we lost Zeus really impacted how I feel about the rabbits. And then having Berry get so sick at the beginning of the year, I thought I was going to loose her at a young age too. I'm afraid to get to close to them, because they can be so fragile sometimes, and then loosing them will break my heart. I was a wreck when Zeus died. I told Chris when Zeus died, that I never wanted another rabbit again. I even told him that I was going to rehome Barnaby. But of course I didn't. Then I ended up with two more rabbits. I take care of them of course, and make sure they have the best of everything that I can possibly provide. But I feel like, I treat them like they are "just" pets. Zeus wasn't just a pet, he was much more. I feel like Kit is more to us too.

I hope the bunnies don't sense that at all. I do love them, and I do want to be close to them, but it's like there's some kind of mental block there for me.
Oh, how exciting that you're going to get married next year! Congrats! I hope that your wedding planning goes smoothly and everything is wonderful and drama-less. My engagement and wedding planning went so horribly that I block out that year of my life from my memory... so you have my most sincere best wishes that you get the wedding of your dreams and everything is 100% perfect :)

Don't feel bad about your bunnies. Love is not something you can control or equally distribute... Zeus was special to you. People do get scared to love as deeply if they've been in pain before. It's understandable. You're a great bunny mom regardless, and I'm sure your buns know you love them.

I had this sort of feeling for weeks when I was having a hard time with Penny. I really don't feel like I love her the same way I do my boys. But then again, I don't love Toby the way I love Kirby. I don't honestly think that I can love any animal the way I love Kirby. It's taken me weeks to come to terms with this. Sometimes it's what you've experienced with your fur baby that bonds you to them. I know for a fact that during some of the hardest parts of my adult life, I sought comfort from Kirby when he was my only bun, and he opened up his very protected bunny heart to me. He and I have a special bun bond and it's not something that I think could ever happen again. I admit that, and it's just the way it is. But it doesn't mean I don't love my other buns, not at all. :hearts
I want Chewbacca to be at James and I wedding :p

I dont' think it is that bad if you do it calmly and simple...I am not into huge weddings though.

I don't think the rabbits do; you just need to open your heart and give them a chance!
Hm, I don't feel like I haven't given them a chance. Like I said, I do love them.

I lost Zeus when he was only 2 years old, and then almost lost Berry in Jan., when she was only 2. I think it would have been so different with Zeus if he had been old. I would have felt like he had a long happy life, and been a little more at peace with things. But we lost him very suddenly when he was still very young. Then we almost lost Berry when she was still very young. Stuff like that is just heartbreaking. I just keep thinking, it happened to me once, almost happened to me twice, what's to say it won't happen again with one of my current rabbits?

I would love to have all my pets at our wedding, but like I said we will probably be doing a destination wedding and traveling somewhere for it, and maybe not even staying in the US. Traveling with just the dog will be stressful enough, it would be crazy trying to work out bringing 3 rabbits as well. But if we don't end up traveling, I might consider having them there, as long as I don't think it will be too stressful on them. I think they'd probably be happier just staying home though, especially Barnaby.

Helen, how you feel for Kirby sounds very similar to how I felt with Zeus. He was my only pet for a few years while I was in college and going through a very difficult time in my life. For the 2 years he was with me he was my constant companion. Loosing him was one of the toughest things I've ever had to deal with.

I think I can accept that - that it's okay to love them all differently. None of them are Zeus and I guess I can't expect to feel exactly the same way for them as I did for Zeus. I'm just happy that they all seem happy, and are healthy, and that I'm able to provide for them and give them a good life.

Thanks for the well wishes on the wedding stuff. I just want to have something relatively small, with just close family and friends. Hopefully it's drama free. Chris and I where considering not inviting anyone to the actual wedding, maybe just getting married at the court house or something and then having a party with our families, but I have to invite my dad. My dad had cancer when I was a kid. I was only about 10, but I remember he told me that he really wanted to survive, one of the things he said he wanted to be able to do was to be able to walk me and my sister down the aisle at our weddings. I can't deny him that now. And of course I can't invite just my dad without upsetting other family members.

I didn't mean to type so much today! Whew lol. All the pets are wonderful but I'm sick, again. It's not too bad though.

I just got off the phone with Kit's vet and I'm very happy to report that he's now roundworm free! I'm so glad that's over with.
Ugh I thought I'd be feeling better today, but I feel worse! I couldn't sleep well at all last night, so now on top of feeling sick I'm very tired.

I have to walk to the pet store soon to buy crickets for the geckos, then to Shoprite to get enough food to last us the weekend because Chris doesn't get paid until Monday.

My sister sent me a message on my facebook this morning telling me that she's going to call me when she gets out of work today, because she might be taking in one of her neighbors dogs. She told me about this poor dog the other day. It's a 7 month old puppy, but the owner keeps it outside 24/7 and feeds it bread. I want to try to talk my sister into taking it and instead of keeping it, giving it to my brother and dad. My sister is a great person but honestly isn't the best dog owner. She feeds her dog Tex really cheap food and hasn't trained him much at all. He's over a year old and still isn't fully potty trained. Not to mention that she's due to have her 2nd baby next month. It's a lot to take on all at once. My dad had to have our family dog, who was pretty much his dog, put to sleep last summer. He's been talking about getting another dog for awhile now - I think it would be great if my sister can rescue this one and maybe give it to my dad.

Speaking of facebook - if anyone here has facebook and wants to add me, here's my link...!/Dragonrain

I mostly have animal people on there - people I met on Bunspace and Dogster and some family members. Most of my posts/pictures and such are just about my pets.
Here's pictures of the doggie my sister is thinking of taking in. The person who owns him keeps him tied up outside 24/7 and feeds him weird kitchen scraps like moldy bread. He doesn't even have a collar, just a metal chain around his neck.



And speaking of dogs, I have to dremel my dogs nails today, touch up his hair cut, and give him a bath. Even though we're going to the park tonight so Chris can practice kendo, and Kit will probably just dig and make himself all messy again.

The bunnies are so cute with the AC on. Since it's nice and cool in their room again, they have been snuggling a lot more. Berry was rubbing her head against Ziggy when I was spying on them earlier. Ziggy's so funny - I swear he could sleep through anything! Sometimes when he's flopped out sleeping, I'll go over and poke him and he still doesn't wake up. At first he use to scare me, because I always thought he was dead. But now I know him better and know he's just sleeping.
Isn't he? Anyone have any ideas what breeds he could be? My sister said that according to his owners he's only about 7 months old, and she guesses that he probably weights around 45 - 50 lbs.

My guess was lap mix. I thought maybe lap/pointer or something like that. Her fiance thinks maybe lap/beagle...but who knows.

His name is Walker. My sister thinks it's fitting, because the dog she has already is named Texas (aka Tex). She told me she thinks I should change Kit's name to Ranger, lol.

I have a feeling she's going to keep him. Her 3 year old is already in love with him. Hopefully it's not too much for her to take on right now, she's been having a tough time with this pregnancy and the new baby is due mid July.

I had a marathon sleep and slept literally just over 15 hours last night. So I'm feeling a bit better today, but still sick. Kit was such a sweety this morning. I woke up around 8 thinking that he probably had to go out, but he just looked at me, then got under the covers next to me and went back to bed. He slept until 11:30 with me which is insane for him. He must know that I'm not feeling well, because usually he's up and running around like a nut at the latest by 8am.

The bunnies are doing good. They've been pretty lazy the last couple of days. I try to keep their room cool with the AC but I think the heat is still affecting them somewhat and making them lazier than normal.

I love to watch the geckos sleep. They get into the funniest positions sometimes. They stretch their legs all out and lay their heads on things and stuff.
My sister got the dog, so he's home with her now.

This is a picture of her other dog, Texas. He's about a year old. I think he's a Jack Russel Terrier or a Jack Russel mix, even though when she got him she was told that he's a Toy fox terrier/Pomeranian mix.


I feel a bit bonded to Tex, because I watched him for my sister for a few weeks last summer, and I told my sister that if she ever can't keep him for some reason, that I would take him for her. It will probably be some time until I get to meet Walker, because my sister lives in upstate NY, almost in Canada, and is about 5 or 6 hours from our house.

I'm feeling okay today. Still sick, but a lot better than I felt on Friday. Good enough that I'm going to clean the bunny room, the gecko tanks, and maybe the fish tanks too. I'll try to get new pictures today. :)

I'm so glad it cooled down today. I love this kind of weather, it was way to hot for me before. I think it's suppose to stay nicer until the weekend when they're saying it's going to get hot again.

I took a bunch of pictures today but of course my camera battery died when I was trying to transfer them to the computer. Tomorrow I'll probably post some - I want to take all the pictures off my camera and organize them to store on an external hard drive, my camera card is almost full.

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