I can't wait until we can move out of the city, someday.
My family and I are planning a trip to Maine for mid-July. First, I will have to make the 4 hour trip from my house to my parents house. Then we'll be driving the 4 hours from there to my grandmothers house, to visit her. After that, it's another 3 hours to get to Mt. Katahdin, which we are going to climb! It's the highest mountain in Maine, and is the Northern end of the Appalachian trail.
The only thing is, I'm not sure if Chris is going to come with us or not. I really want him too, but he has work and if he comes too, I don't know who I'd get to watch all the pets. We have awhile to think about it at least.
But I couldn't sleep so I'm up looking at pictures of the mountain and researching the different trails and stuff. The pictures of it are so beautiful. I'm not going to ever want to leave once I get there...well, if I had my pets and Chris with me then I'd have no reason to leave, but of course I'll miss them a lot.
I can't believe I'm living 15 minutes outside of NYC...NYC...me! When I was living in the middle of nowhere MA, I could never wait for the weekends, so I could go out into the woods, get myself nice and lost, and just spend as long as possible by myself, surrounded by nature. Now I can't go outside without seeing tons of people. Apparently, "nature" to most people around here consists of the local parks, which to me just look like giant well manicured front lawns - nothing like what I was used to and in love with.
But alas this is where Chris' job is. I really really hate the city, although I do admit I'm getting use to it. But I daydream every day about when we'll finally get to move away from it. I want to be surrounded by trees, wild animals, fresh air, and that feeling of peace and freedom that I just can never seem to find in the city.
Sorry for the long weird post - if anyone even reads it. It's almost 3am and I'm in a very weird, nostalgic mood tonight. I know tomorrow I'm going to regret staying up so late...I have to wake up early to clean the house and start getting the food ready for the cookout we're having with Chris' family.
I'll try to get some pictures of the bunnies tomorrow. I know I haven't posted any for awhile. Some rabbit blogger I am!