The Bunhalla Bunnies 2010

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Ugh I go grocery shopping and I'm so worried about making sure I get everything that everyone else needs - greens for the bunnies, meat for the dog, work lunches for Chris, that I forget to get anything for myself!

It's only the next day when I'm hungry after spending all morning at the laundromat that I realize that the only thing I have to eat for lunch for the next week is popcorn. Oops.
I feel the same way! I always end up putting crickets and food first, and then I get left with $1.00 pizzas, LOL.

It just means your a good bunny slave!
Yeah haha sounds familiar! I got crickets first, then food and litter for the bunbuns and food for the dog and some stuff for Chris, then by the time I'm done shopping for everyone else I don't get myself much.

Ok funny story!

The landlord is trying to rent one of the empty apartments below us - it's been unoccupied for like 6 months now. So they decided to try to made the building looks nicer in hopes that it will attract a renter. So they've been working in the hallway and on the 2nd floor all last week and I'm sure all next week too. Anyways where I'm going with this is that the bunny room is right next next to the hallway, so it's gotten kind of loud in there during the days while they're working in the halls. The bunnies seemed to be getting a bit stressed with the constant noise so I set up xpens for them in the kitchen during the day, where they can get some piece and quite - well, other than being pestered by Kit which they are used to anyways.

At night time when there's no construction going on I put them back in their room, so they can hang out in their cage if they want too and because the kitchen is too far away from our bedroom, I wouldn't hear them make noise if they needed me (do they have me trained or what!?).

So they've pretty much gotten into this schedule where they sleep all day in the xpens in the kitchen, then go crazy at night playing in their room.

Ok here's where the story gets good, I swear! So me and Chris are sleeping, and Kit is, unknown to me, sleeping cuddled up right next to Chris under the blankets. I get woken up by someone licking my feet - and I assume it's Kit and tell him to stop...the licking stops. I fall back asleep...maybe like 20 minutes later, it starts again. I tell Kit to stop again, and Chris sleepily mumbles "What? Kit is with me"

Okay so then who's licking my feet!?

I sit up to look and who do you think it is....Berry!!

She was so happy to see me she runs up and showers my face in bunny kisses. Boy did she look proud of herself, lol. Then the first thing I think is that if Berry is out, her brothers surly are too.

I herd Berry back to her room and start searching for the boys, who have indeed also escaped. I found Barnaby flopped out on the living room couch. Ziggy was all the way on the other side of the apartment, in the kitchen, munching on some hay I had left in the open xpen.

So that was my crews little adventure. I have no doubt that Ziggy, who I should have named Houdini because he's a little escape artist, was the one to let the others out. He seems to have learned how to push open the bottom of the baby gate that I use to keep them in their room, just enough on one corner that it makes a space big enough for them to all sneak out of.

Silly bunnies.

I want to make them free roam, Berry would be my little shadow it would be so cute, but I think I'll have to wait until the dog either calms down some or gets more use to them. Since I only sometimes let him hang out with them, he gets really excited around them each time. He knows he has to be gentle, but he just gets so overly enthusiastic about everything I'd be worried he'd hurt one of them by accident. He'd probably never leave them alone.

I'd also want to settle the issues I'm having with Ziggy and Barnaby first, because while they tolerate each other and haven't gotten in a fight for months now - they seem to have a rivalry going on and because of that they mark. Mostly with coco puffs, but sometimes with pee too. I miss my perfectly litter trained bunnies! I can deal with cleaning it up when it's confined to one room, but don't really want to have to wash pee out of the rest of the apartment everyday. Plus them peeing on the floor seems to make the dog think it's okay for him to pee on the floor too, and he tries to eat their poo. :rollseyes

Plus I'd have to bunny proof! Which would be kind of hard in some of the rooms, esp. the living room. We have wood paneling on most of the walls in the living room that the bunnies like to try to nibble on, and I'm not sure how I'd block of nearly every wall from them.

I do let them have the run of the apartment a couple of times a week at least. For the most part they're good about it, but I only trust them (and the dog) with it when I'm right there to watch.
I just ordered a bookcase online!

It was really cheap...But I'm way more excited than what's normal, because this will literally be the first piece of furniture I've gotten for the bedroom. I told Chris that he could decorate the living room and spare bedroom however he wants, if I get the bedroom and the spare bedroom off of the bedroom, that is now the bunnys room.

We haven't had a ton of money really to get extra stuff to decorate the apartment with, but Chris paid off one of his student loans last month so we have a bit more money coming in now. I've been getting excited about decorating the bedroom and planning how I want it and stuff, even though it will probably be awhile still before it's exactly how I want it.
Another post about Kitsune.

I know...what's with me posting so much about my dog on a rabbit forum? Well today it's because, today is Kit's half birthday. He's a year and a half old! Doesn't sound like a big deal I know, but boy is time going fast! It feels like it was just yesterday that we where bringing home our tiny 9 week old puppy...and here he is, already half way to 2 years old.

I'm so glad now that we starting letting him sleep outside of his crate at night, despite the first week or so of him waking me up every couple of hours wanting to play. But already he sleeps right through the night with us, and doesn't wake us up anymore until around 8am when he hears Chris' alarm go off. If I wake up to pee in the middle of the night, Kit follows me and guards the door for me, then follows me back to bed and snuggles next to me for the rest of the night.

He seems to have learned our barking policy, which is "if it's light, alright. If it's dark, don't bark!" lol...Chris made that up. Anyways he never barks during the night anymore, even when the dogs downstairs from us are freaking out.

Kit's such a good boy. I feel like all that hard work and stress when he was a puppy is really starting to pay off now. I'm so proud of him!




Thank you!

I tried to take a video of him, to show everyone how crazy he is, but he was running around so fast that it was just imposable for me to keep the camera focused on him.

Bleh it was so hot today - got up to 94* inside our apartment. Luckily Chris helped me put one of the AC's in the living room window at like midnight last night. I set up the xpen in the living room for today, because even with 2 fans going in the bunny room it was still over 90*. I have another AC for their room but it's big and heavy and I was afraid to try putting it in myself.

My bookcase is suppose to get here tomorrow! I'm going to have fun building it and then organizing all our books and some decorations on it :)
I hate waiting!

Waiting for the bookcase to be delivered so I can build it and set it up. Our books have been in a pile in the closet floor for over a year now. Last night I went through a couple of boxes of my stuff that I never found spots for, and pulled out some stuff that I think will look nice set up on the bookcase.

I think this will be a good excuse to buy more books :biggrin2:

The bunnies are good. It's cooler today so far than it was yesterday so they're all hanging out in their room with the window open and the fan going. Hopefully it stays cool enough that I don't have to move them into the living room again today. We have to go to the hardware store tomorrow night to get that foam stuff to pack around the AC, before we put the AC in the window near the bunnies room.

Later today I have to go get the geckos their weekly amount of crickets and then go grocery shopping. I think for once I should actually make a grocery list. Chris' family is coming over this weekend for a memorial day cookout, so I have to get extra stuff this week for that.

I posted before that I had switched my dog Kit over to a raw diet. This was my second attempt at doing so. It's not working out so well, so today I switched him back to his high quality kibble (Wellness Core Ocean). I'll have to go back to brushing his teeth for him now, but at least I won't have to clean up as many messes :shock:
The bookcase got here, and is up already! I hurt my wrist carrying it up our crappy stairs because I didn't want to have to wait until tonight for Chris to help me carry it up. Theen I hit one of my finger nails with a hammer putting it together...ouch!

But I'm happy. It looks nice :) I didn't realize we had so many books! Now I'm already wishing I had ordered two instead of just the one...we're thinking of getting another one after Chris gets his next paycheck.

I know a bookcase sounds like no big deal. But our bedroom was so empty, this was the first piece of furniture I got to pick out for it. I put all our books and some of my little trinkets on it and I think it adds some personality to the room - it was pretty sterile before.

I'm so glad it didn't get as hot today as it did yesterday! The bunners enjoyed the day playing in their room and in the bedroom. Kit and the bunnies where all trying to "help" me build the bookcase...and by help I mean chew on it...yup, even Kit. Well he is Zeus reincarnated, afterall ;)
Ugh yeah it was so uncomfortable. I hope it stays cooler for awhile longer, I'm not looking forward to the summer.

Todays bunny cleaning day. I'll try to get some pictures of them, as I'm trying to clean litter boxes with 3 bunnies and my dog jumping all over me.

We went out to get the geckos their crickets and then to go grocery shopping last night, and got caught outside in a thunder storm. It was really fun, I love the rain!
We randomly decided to paint Chris' room today. Haha yes we each have our own room, other than our bedroom that we share. My room is the bunny room. Chris uses his room mostly as a work out room. Anyways, his room had pink walls. We've been planning for awhile to paint it eventually, and today turned out to be the day!

It took us about 6 hours, so it's been a loong day.

Tomorrow Chris' sister and grandmother are coming over for an early memorial day cookout.

The bunnies are doing great (and the rest of the pets too). After Chris puts all his stuff back into his room, we're going to put in the bunnies AC.
I can't wait until we can move out of the city, someday.

My family and I are planning a trip to Maine for mid-July. First, I will have to make the 4 hour trip from my house to my parents house. Then we'll be driving the 4 hours from there to my grandmothers house, to visit her. After that, it's another 3 hours to get to Mt. Katahdin, which we are going to climb! It's the highest mountain in Maine, and is the Northern end of the Appalachian trail.

The only thing is, I'm not sure if Chris is going to come with us or not. I really want him too, but he has work and if he comes too, I don't know who I'd get to watch all the pets. We have awhile to think about it at least.

But I couldn't sleep so I'm up looking at pictures of the mountain and researching the different trails and stuff. The pictures of it are so beautiful. I'm not going to ever want to leave once I get there...well, if I had my pets and Chris with me then I'd have no reason to leave, but of course I'll miss them a lot.

I can't believe I'm living 15 minutes outside of! When I was living in the middle of nowhere MA, I could never wait for the weekends, so I could go out into the woods, get myself nice and lost, and just spend as long as possible by myself, surrounded by nature. Now I can't go outside without seeing tons of people. Apparently, "nature" to most people around here consists of the local parks, which to me just look like giant well manicured front lawns - nothing like what I was used to and in love with.

But alas this is where Chris' job is. I really really hate the city, although I do admit I'm getting use to it. But I daydream every day about when we'll finally get to move away from it. I want to be surrounded by trees, wild animals, fresh air, and that feeling of peace and freedom that I just can never seem to find in the city.

Sorry for the long weird post - if anyone even reads it. It's almost 3am and I'm in a very weird, nostalgic mood tonight. I know tomorrow I'm going to regret staying up so late...I have to wake up early to clean the house and start getting the food ready for the cookout we're having with Chris' family.

I'll try to get some pictures of the bunnies tomorrow. I know I haven't posted any for awhile. Some rabbit blogger I am! ;)
I spent some time this morning cleaning the bunny room and cutting the bunnies nails and such, so the room wouldn't look like a barn when Chris' family comes over later this afternoon.

So I'm going to make some bunny only posts! I think I'll break it up into a couple of posts because I took a lot of pictures.

So I'll start off with Barnaby!!

Cute bunny feetsies!


Barnaby's cute white belly...

Barnaby ear!

His tattoo. He had it when I got him. It says "LD34". I'm not sure what that means, and he's not saying. I think he was in a bunny biker gang before he joined the witness protection program and came to live here.


Barnaby tolerates the toy on his castle...

But not for long...attack!

And here's the bunny himself, Barnaby! Some of you might notice that he's gotten a haircut recently...


Hanging out in his nice clean litterbox...


More on the way...
The lovely miss BerryMelon is up next!

"Mom I'm the prettiest bunny right?"


"There better be a loooot of raisins in my future!"


Berry's good eye...

And her blind eye...

"Where are my raisins?"

"'s no pile of raisins, but I'll take it!"

More on the way again...

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