I looove her ears! She's adorable in general, but her ears are the best!
I don't think it's normal for lops to be able to do that. Ziggy can't control his ears at all. As far as I know, she's purebred holland lop though. I don't know, I got her "second hand", but I was told she came from a breeder and was a purebreed. I guess some lops can have "ear control", which would disqualify them in a rabbit show, but I love it.
To keep up the Berry theme for today, I got a video of her about an hour ago...
Binkies! Can you believe this is the same little girl who 5 months ago was pretty much on deaths door step? I'm so happy to see her happy, I can't even describe it.
I just remember back to when she was sick and at the vets - them telling me that they weren't sure if she'd make it, and if she did, that she'd probably always be disabled - that for some strange reason, the first thought that popped into my head was "I'm never going to see her binky again".
But look at her now!!! :biggrin:
If you're wondering - they are in their xpen because the stupid dog got into their room and took a leak on the rug. :X I cleaned it up really well but the rug was wet, and I wanted to let it dry before letting the bunnies on that spot again. Um yeah and excuse the messy room, Berry and Ziggys messy fur (they got baby oil on them, long story lol). The ramp is normally set up differently too - I put cardboard around the exit against the cage so the spots around the ramp aren't open. Really this is a horrible video that I probably normally wouldn't share, but this is the first time I've caught Berry doing binkies in a very long time!