The Bunhalla Bunnies 2010

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Doggie pics are welcome too!

Boy, that's a lot of hay! Your babies go through it so fast?! And I thought my crew were good hay eaters! In the last month they've gone through almost 15lbs I would say.
Haha yeah Kit is such a flirt! He loves getting his picture taken.

Yeah my bunnies go through hay like crazy. 35lbs has been lasting me only about a month to a month and a half. Good for the bunnies, but kind of annoying that I have to order so much so often. I have a hard time guessing when they're going to run out and sometimes wait a few days too long to order more - or like this time the shipping takes longer than expected. I hate when that happens, since then I have to get them pet store hay to tie them over.
Haha that's okay. Happens all the time with my dog actually, so I'm use to it. People always automatically call him a her. I think it's his long hair? I don't know, but apparently people think he looks like a girl.

Most of the pets Chris and I have had have been boys. Except for now, we have Berry and Aurora, and both our frogs are girls too. Berry is my first girl bunny!

Someday I want to get a girl dog, so I can get her all cute pink stuff. :D
I love love love Berry's crazy ears! She can control her ears, which is something Ziggy can't do, and can lift them up and move them around.

Her most common styles are to have one ear up and the other lopped, or both lopped. Sometimes she sticks them both out to the sides.

These are all old pictures, but so you can see Berry's many ear styles...








Dragonrain wrote:
I love love love Berry's crazy ears! She can control her ears, which is something Ziggy can't do, and can lift them up and move them around.

Her most common styles are to have one ear up and the other lopped, or both lopped. Sometimes she sticks them both out to the sides.

These are all old pictures, but so you can see Berry's many ear styles...

This is hysterical how she can have both up like this!! I've never seen my 2 lops move their ears.
I looove her ears! She's adorable in general, but her ears are the best!

I don't think it's normal for lops to be able to do that. Ziggy can't control his ears at all. As far as I know, she's purebred holland lop though. I don't know, I got her "second hand", but I was told she came from a breeder and was a purebreed. I guess some lops can have "ear control", which would disqualify them in a rabbit show, but I love it.

To keep up the Berry theme for today, I got a video of her about an hour ago...

Binkies! Can you believe this is the same little girl who 5 months ago was pretty much on deaths door step? I'm so happy to see her happy, I can't even describe it.

I just remember back to when she was sick and at the vets - them telling me that they weren't sure if she'd make it, and if she did, that she'd probably always be disabled - that for some strange reason, the first thought that popped into my head was "I'm never going to see her binky again".

But look at her now!!! :biggrin:

If you're wondering - they are in their xpen because the stupid dog got into their room and took a leak on the rug. :X I cleaned it up really well but the rug was wet, and I wanted to let it dry before letting the bunnies on that spot again. Um yeah and excuse the messy room, Berry and Ziggys messy fur (they got baby oil on them, long story lol). The ramp is normally set up differently too - I put cardboard around the exit against the cage so the spots around the ramp aren't open. Really this is a horrible video that I probably normally wouldn't share, but this is the first time I've caught Berry doing binkies in a very long time!
True lops genetically cannot control their ears, they're just down all the time. Berry must be some sort of mix where her ears can lop and can be controlled to be up as well! Helicopter ears are so cute!
hmm really? If she's a mix, I wonder what she's mixed with. I was told she was a purebred holland lop, and I don't see why her last owner would lie about it, unless she didn't know. Either way I don't really care what breed she is anyways, so it doesn't matter.

But I thought that holland lops ears started out standing up, and then lopped over time? I was told before that some lops can be pure lops but still have 'ear control', although it's not a desirable trait. I think I'll ask about it in the breeding section or something!


Now you got me thinking. Because I always just assumed she was a holland lop. Her and Ziggy look so much alike too - and he's a holland lop. But she can move her ears. If she's mixed, I have no idea what she could be mixed with.

But I think I remember before talking to a random breeder I found online, and them telling me that lops can sometimes have 'ear control' - that's what he called it. I was looking at another rabbit that was suppose to be a holland lop but had helicopter ears.

Hopefully someone in the showing section will know and be able to enlighten me!
Chris is making fun of me, because he thinks it's funny that I can usually sleep through him watching tv or listening to music, but as soon as one of the pets makes even the smallest sound I'm instantly awake.

I'm a really light sleeper, but while I was in college I learned to sleep with the tv or music on because it helped to drown out all the other sounds that kept me up - it was usually pretty loud in my apartment since it was all college kids.

But seriously like the dogs nails clicking on the floor, or the bunnies moving around - those are the types of sounds that wake me up instantly. I must have somehow trained myself to listen for them even when I'm asleep, in case they need me during the night.

So as you can imagine, with the bunny room right off of our bedroom, and the dog sleeping outside of his crate now, I don't think I've gotten a full nights sleep uninterrupted for a very long time now.
All my little monsters are doing just fine!

The doggie is due for his second dose of worming meds tomorrow, which means it's been 3 weeks since he was first diagnosed with roundworms. Doesn't feel like that long ago! How time flies. I'm confident that he'll test negative for worms when I bring in his follow up fecal in in a few more weeks.

Last night he was so cute. It's been unusually cold for May, especially during the nights and early in the mornings. This morning Kit woke me up around 6am by crawling under our blankets with us. He loves laying under blankets and has gotten quite good at getting under them himself. Well anyways, Chris and I were sleeping all cuddled up but Kit somehow worked his way between us to sleep right squished up between the two of us. I bet he wasn't cold anymore then! We all slept that way for a few hours until Chris had to get up for work.

I have to be really careful now not to step or sit on any blankets without checking them first, because you never know now when one of those blanket lumps is concealing a napping puppy!

The lizards are good. Both Haku and Aurora shedded last night - at the same time. That was kind of cool.

The fish and frogs are good too. Courage the betta fish is still going strong, despite all my posts a couple of months ago when I said I was pretty sure he was dying. I'm glad to say that I guess I was wrong.

Bunnies are great. Barnaby and Ziggy have been doing pretty good during bonding sessions lately so I'm hoping that there's still hope that I'll be able to get my trio back someday, although I'm going to take it sloooow.

I got these pictures yesterday night. I put them all in their cages for awhile so I could clean. I can't clean with them out in the room because Ziggy goes nuts attacking the vacuum and getting in my way. Despite the fact that the boys seem to be getting along okay, they seem to be having a violence free turf war in the bunny room - their "weapons" of choice - poo and pee! Bleh.




I love the first photo! Soooooo cute!

Kinobe sometimes controls one of his ears..but I have no clue if he is purebred..and even if he is he is a bad type.
Haha yeah Berry is a chubster! She's always been my largest bunny.

I love that picture of her. I just wish her feet weren't so stained. No matter how much space she has, she loves to hang out in the litter boxes. Ziggy's feet are a little bit stained too, but Barnaby's are spotless!
Me too! Animals have such cute feet. I think I drive Kit crazy sometimes because I'm always messing with his feet - they're so cute!! :biggrin2:

It's starting to warm up here again now. Last night we slept with the windows open all night and it didn't get too cold in our room. It was just annoying when some jerk was honking his horn outside our apartment building for like 5 minutes straight at 5 in the morning. One of the many things that annoys me about living in the city.

Tonight is trash night, which means today is cleaning day. I got new litter for the bunny boxes last night so I'm good to go. I was going to clean earlier this morning but have been procrastinating all morning. :p

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