The Bunhalla Bunnies 2010

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I'm glad you had fun! I've never been to the beach in NJ. Sadly I have only gone to beaches like Coney Island... which pretty dirty, but eh, it's a beach.
Thanks! I've never been to Coney Island, but I was thinking of taking my brother this summer. He'd like it there!

Ziggy escaped again yesterday, but just Ziggy this time. I let him run around the apartment with the dog for awhile instead of putting him right back in the bunny room, because they where having fun. I got some pictures but I didn't upload them yet. I'll try to post them later.

Chris is home sick from work today so I don't know if I'm going to get much done. I really really hope I don't catch whatever he has, I don't need to get sick agaain.
Very laid back day today so far - I've just been catching up on some cleaning and paying bills and taking care of Chris.

He seems to be feeling a bit better now.

Here are some of the pictures I got of Ziggy yesterday, and a couple of Barnaby and of the dog. I didn't get any of Berry because she was hiding behind a box eating some hay that must have fell on the floor while I was moving the hay box the other day.





Ziggy found Chris who was watching tv on the couch, and hung out near him for awhile.



Here he is hanging out with Kit...


Barnaby in the bunny room...



And Kit...



I have to clean litter boxes today and vacuum the bunny room. Maybe I'll get more pictures this afternoon. I've been thinking of maybe, once a day for an hour or so, letting the bunnies run around the whole apartment instead of just their room. They seem to have a good time doing it, and Kit is pretty good around them. I'm just a little bit worried that one of them might pee on one of the rugs or something, Chris wouldn't be very happy about that if they did.
Oh, and just in case you're interested, the beach we went to over the weekend was Pt. Pleasant Beach. Chris and his sister said that there are a few other beaches in the area that have better boardwalks (I forget which ones they mentioned, but can ask if anyone wants to know). But the beach there was really clean and other than it being pretty crowded (which I think most beaches are this time of the year), I really liked the beach there.

We took a train there from Penn Station in Newark. Well two trains I guess, because we had to make a transfer. The train tickets where $23 round trip per person, and it was a long ride. I didn't time it exactly, but I'd guess about an hour and a half maybe two hours? Not counting the time it took us to get to Newark in the first place. The whole trip in general was a lot of traveling for us, and got kind of expensive, but it was pretty fun.
:biggrin2: Thanks! I'm glad you think so. I think his name is fitting too. I had such a hard time coming up with a new name for him and Berry when I got them.

I think I forgot to mention that I think poor Kit is allergic to the bunnies hay. Either to their hay, or to the bunnies themselves, but I'm going to be more optimistic and say it's to their hay. Poor pup. I talked to the vet about getting him an allergy test to find out exactly what he's allergic too so I can manage it better, but the test costs over $300 and the vet said it isn't even always all that accurate.

But Kit goes into the bunny room, or plays with one of the bunnies, and his eyes get all runny and itchie. Luckily whatever he's allergic too, normally I can keep him pretty comfortable just be keeping the house extra clean and stuff. And I have allergy meds for him if he gets too uncomfortable.
Never knew you can take the train to the beaches. Was it within walking distance once you got there? I know Seaside Heights has a boardwalk but I think it's further down south and of course Wildwood. I'm not a beach person, can't sit still, but I like to walk the boardwalk and Seaside Heights has a place with really good pizza. Also did you know their is a nude beach just before Sandy Hook, think it's called Gunnerson. Very interesting characters there!
Oh gosh seriously a nude beach? I'll have to tell Chris about it - I was joking with him that I wanted to go to a nude beach because I had a really hard time finding a bathing suit that I liked haha.

Yeah we took a train right from Newark Penn station - we made one transfer which was really easy and then got dropped off right at the Pt. Pleasant stop. The beach was like a 10 minute walk from the train stop. It was actually really easy to get too.

I was expecting it to be a pain because this one time, I tried to take a train from Penn station to Newark airport, and it was really confusing for me! I accidently got on an express train and couldn't get off till Princeton, so I had to turn around there and take another train back to the airport lol.

I think Seaside Heights is one of the beaches Chris mentioned. He's been to most of those beaches before since he grew up in this area.

I just like going to swim, and I like walking around in the sand. I'm not a huge beach person either though. I don't like the crowds. I doubt we'll go again this year.
I got the geckos their food last night. Haku is so entertaining to watch eat. He's really enthusiastic about catching the crickets lol. He stalks them and then lunges at them from like a foot away, it's funny. Aurora just kind of sits around and waits for the crickets to come near her.

The dogs food is suppose to be delivered today...not a day too soon, because I'm just about to run out. I order his food online at, because it's way easier than traveling to a store that actually carries his food and carrying a big bag of dog food and a bunch of dog food cans home.

I think I'll order some hay soon too. I still have a good amount left from my last order, but I want to reorder early so I don't run out.

Dogs are so weird, when you're used to rabbits. I think it's funny because Kit is so crazy and hyper and he gets into trouble a lot. I'm so use to having to tell him no (I don't really yell at him, but he knows what no means), that the other day, when I went to go tell the bunnies "No", I automatically said "No Kit!". Lol. Twice the other day I called one of the bunnies Kit, and both times it was when they where getting into trouble.

Kit's such a sweetie though. At night now he sleeps next to me, but he has to be under the covers. He loves blankets! He either sleeps completely under the blankets down near my feet, or with his head sticking out on a pillow like a human. I cover him up now before we go to bed, because if I don't do it for him he tries to do it himself, only it takes him a long time and wakes us up if we're already sleeping.
I like that site too. I've been ordering Kit's food from there for about a year now and get the bunnies pellets from there now too. They have sales or deals a lot - like 20% off your order or free shipping, stuff like that. I signed up to get emails from them and they email me coupon codes a lot.

Someone told me before that they get really bad reviews on Amazon or something, but like I said I've been ordering from them for probably over a year now and have never had a problem. I usually get my orders in only about 3 days, or less. It's awesome. They send me free stuff in with my orders sometimes too - like a free toy or a free can of food for the dog or something small like that.
My sister is in the hospital - she thinks she might be having contractions. So who this time tomorrow I could be an aunt/god mother again! Unless it's just a false alarm.

I think I posted about this before...that next month I'm going mountain climbing with my dad and brother. Unfortuantly that will mean that I'll have to leave Chris and my pets for a few days. I'm already worried about leaving them, even though I know Chris loves them all *almost* as much as I do and will take great care of them.

Anyways I realllllly needed new hiking boots for the trip. I wanted to get them awhile in advance so I can get use to them before the trip, because I have really sensitive feet and new shoes always give me tons of blisters for awhile until I get use to them. I really don't want to hike for 8 hours straight up a mountain with blisters!

I've been looking for like two weeks now...because for some reason I convinced myself that I NEED my new boots to be pink, lol. Hiking boots are so ungirly looking usually, and I have this weird thing about pink shoes haha.

So today I found and bought these...


I think that's about as girly as hiking boots get.

And I'm not usually one of those girls who's all obsessed with shoes. But I was so happy that I finally found my pink hiking boots lol. Plus this is the first time I've bought something for myself for awhile! :)
It was a false alarm. No baby...yet! She's due Mid-July, but is VERY pregnant and I don't think anyone would be too surprised if she had the baby a few weeks early.

Ugh I got up at 3am, because Chris couldn't stop coughing and Kit was acting very restless. I took Kit into the living room to let Chris keep resting, and the poor pup is having one of his allergy episodes. His skin is red and itchy and his nose is a little bit swollen. I've dealt with this with him before, last summer. It's very weird and we're not sure exactly what causes it. The vet thinks it was a bee sting last time, but I'm not so sure.

I tried to give him his allergy medicine which is a stupid liquid, so of course the first time I gave it I was half asleep still and he spit it out all over my leg and all over himself. I gave him half of another dose, because I wasn't sure if he had gotten any and didn't want to overdose him, but at the same time wanted him to have at least a little bit of the meds in his system.

Kit and I went for an early morning walk. It was nice outside, no people or cars which is weird for around here. Then I took him inside and gave him a bath, to sooth his itchie skin and just in case whatever he is having the reaction too was something that could have been on his fur.

Chris got up because he didn't hear me in the house and got all worried. So now it's almost 5am and neither of us can get back to sleep. least it's friday and I can always take a nap later or something.

I hope Kit feels better soon. If he doesn't improve by the time his vet opens I'll probably bring him in to get an antihistamine shot. At least, so far, this isn't half as bad as he got last summer.
Sometimes I wish I had just stuck to bunnies. Dogs are so much more work. Or maybe it's just my hurricane on 4 legs of a dog, it seems like it's always something with him.

Kit and Chris went back to bed around 5. Kit slept much better after his meds. I kept checking on him all morning because whenever this happens, I get so afraid his throat will swell up. But right now he seems fine. The swelling in his nose went down and he seems to be more comfortable.

The bunnies are good. This morning it was actually cool enough to leave the AC off for a few hours, so I could hear all the sounds of the bunnies playing in their room. Lately the AC has been on and that drowns out all the sounds. I like hearing them play :)
Aw poor Kit. As a person with bunny and hay allergies, I know how difficult it is to breathe and sleep suffering from it. Poor doggie. Kit's lucky that you are so understanding. I hope you got enough rest :)
Thanks :)

Kit's doing well now. I think he's pretty much back to normal. The vet and I really can't seem to figure out what causes these weird allergy attacks he has. The vet seems to think he got stung by a bee or bitten by some other kind of insect that he's allergic too, but Kit never goes outside alone and neither Chris or I saw him get stung or anything.

It makes me really worried about leaving him next month. Between him and Berry, I'm so worried one of them will have a health issue while I'm gone. I know Chris will take good care of them, but he's not as perceptive as I am. I can usually catch when somethings off with one of my pets very very early on, but they'd probably have to be feeling pretty bad before Chris would notice anything off. I'm going to drive him nuts while I'm gone, calling a million times a day to make sure all my babies are okay.
So remember I said Chris was sick last week?

I caught his cold. I started feeling kind if sickish last night so went to bed early, then woke up this morning with a really bad sore throat and headache. Not looking forward to dealing with this - Chris was sick for over a week and still has a really bad cough. No fun!

I don't have any new bunny pictures today, but I have a few of the lizards that I took last night. I was trying to get pictures of them on white, Chris is going to edit the pictures for me to make a banner for my website that I've been working one.

The random candids of Aurora came out better than the ones I took for the site...



And Haku I didn't get any really good candids of. It was getting late by the time I started taking picture of him so I only snapped a few real quick.



I got some cute edited pictures of Kit that people on the dog forum I go on made for us.




And a drawing of him from someone on the dog forum too!


That's it for today. Sorry none of the bunnies, I didn't get around to getting any new ones of them yet. Maybe I'll get some later on today if I'm feeling up to it. They are happily lounging around the bunny room right now. They're so cute, all flopped out laying on the floor with their legs all stretched out behind them.
Oh no, I hate when I get hubby's bug. I feel like it mutates in him and when I get it, it's become a superbug because I always get sicker from whatever I catch from him. I hope you feel better soon.

Kit's so cute. I like that little drawing!