I got the geckos their food last night. Haku is so entertaining to watch eat. He's really enthusiastic about catching the crickets lol. He stalks them and then lunges at them from like a foot away, it's funny. Aurora just kind of sits around and waits for the crickets to come near her.
The dogs food is suppose to be delivered today...not a day too soon, because I'm just about to run out. I order his food online at PetFoodDirect.com, because it's way easier than traveling to a store that actually carries his food and carrying a big bag of dog food and a bunch of dog food cans home.
I think I'll order some hay soon too. I still have a good amount left from my last order, but I want to reorder early so I don't run out.
Dogs are so weird, when you're used to rabbits. I think it's funny because Kit is so crazy and hyper and he gets into trouble a lot. I'm so use to having to tell him no (I don't really yell at him, but he knows what no means), that the other day, when I went to go tell the bunnies "No", I automatically said "No Kit!". Lol. Twice the other day I called one of the bunnies Kit, and both times it was when they where getting into trouble.
Kit's such a sweetie though. At night now he sleeps next to me, but he has to be under the covers. He loves blankets! He either sleeps completely under the blankets down near my feet, or with his head sticking out on a pillow like a human. I cover him up now before we go to bed, because if I don't do it for him he tries to do it himself, only it takes him a long time and wakes us up if we're already sleeping.