The Bunhalla Bunnies 2010

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Camera batterys are done and I just put a bunch of pictures onto my computer. I listed some stuff on ebay - I need to try to make some extra money to help pay off all the dept we got into paying for Berry's medical bills. Plus I have too much stuff anyways, it will be good for me to get rid of some of it.

I don't know if I'm allowed to post my ebay account, but a mod can take this out if I'm not suppose to post it...
Just in case anyone is interested. I have some pet/rabbit related stuff I'll be listing and all the proceeds are going to go towards paying off the credit card I charged Berry's medical expenses too back in Jan. when she had her stroke. I have about $1,800 left on the card to pay off, so a ways to go still.

Here are some pictures of after I cleaned the bunny cage. No real cute ones of the bunnies though since I was focusing more on the cage. Figured I'd better take pictures while it's clean, because it doesn't last long!

Here's the whole cage...

The first floor, which until I feel safe about Ziggy and Barnaby being together again, is Barnaby's floor.

The second floor - Ziggy and Berry have the second and third floors. Usually there is a giant ramp going from the second floor door down to the floor, but I didn't put it back up yet before I took these pictures.

Third floor...

The top of the cage...

To the left of the cage...all that stuff is rabbit supplies...

Here's the bottom of the NIC shelves I made. The bunnies like to hang out here so I put beds and toys there for them...

Barnaby, already starting to make a mess in his nice clean cage...

Ziggy looks so serious here...

But this is what most of the pictures I have of him look like...

Snuggly bunny noses!

And some pictures of Kit, trying to keep cool in the 90* weather yesterday...


Ugh so now all 3 bunnies and my dog are all on medication for roundworms. I don't think the rabbits had it, but the vet said it wouldn't hurt them to do a preventative "just in case" worming. Barnaby and Kit both seem sad that I haven't been letting them hang out lately - but until I get this worm situation eradicated I don't want to risk it spreading.

Kit didn't do as well sleeping out of his crate last night as he did the night before. He woke up at 6:30-7 wanting to play and woke both me and Chris up.

It's cooled down some today and the bunnies seem happy about that. They where all full of energy this morning. I tried to get some pictures but they where all pretty hyper so none of the pictures came out that good.

I got some cute ones of Kit last night though. He buried himself under some of the blankets we had stacked on the floor in the bedroom...





In other news - I don't know if anyone is interested, but my fiance's game company just released their first official game - Sir Boingers and the Quest for Cupcakes (and Justice)!. It was for a retro game competition they entered. I don't think it's half bad considering they made it within only about 2 weeks, in their spare time. Their website is very much a work in progress right now, so you'll have to excuse that if you take a look. The game runs on Sphere. If you don't know the program I think it can be kind of confusing figuring out how to get it started, if anyone's interested and can't get the game to open I can write out directions, but I doubt anyone here is even interested. They've already started on their next project. I can't give away what the next game is about yet, but I'm really excited about the next one.
I love your rabbit cage set-up, it looks fantastic. Cute pup as well - sorry to hear about the roundworms.
Thanks Ren!

I'm getting over the roundworm thing. This being my first dog, I haven't had much experience with worms before and it grossed me out at first. Apparently roundworms are the most common parasite found in dogs and I suspect he got it from playing in the dirt at the park. He didn't have a very bad case of it though and the vet said it's easy/safe to treat.
Glad the roundworm situation isn't stressing you out as much anymore. It sure would stress me out!
Yeah it stressed me out but there's really nothing else I can do. The dog and all the rabbits have been treated now. The dog gets another dose of his meds in 3 weeks in case any of the eggs develop into worms again in that time frame, then he has another fecal test to make sure they're gone 1-2 weeks after his second dose of meds.

I figure there's nothing more I can do right now so it's no use stressing myself out like crazy about it. It's kind of just a waiting game at this point. I am hoping they'll be gone when I get the next test done, because he really didn't have a bad case of them anyways.
Aurora laid her eggs early this morning, but I'm not entirely optimistic about them. The first one she laid on the hot side of the tank, and it looks like it dried up quite a bit before I found it. The second one is soft, but looks good other than that. I'm hoping it's just soft because it was just laid, and that it will firm up soon. Both eggs are in the incubator.

I'm kind of disappointed but understand that this is only her 2nd ever clutch, and it's pretty normal for the first couple sets of eggs to be no good. I'll incubate them for awhile just in case, and now need to concentrate on fattening Aurora up again.

Other than that, nothing new. All the pets are good. Chris was upset with Kit yesterday because Kit got into the fridge and ate half a block of chedder cheese before we realized lol. Last night was Kit's 3rd night sleeping outside his crate, and he did pretty well. He woke us up early again though. Not because he wanted to go out or anything, he just wanted us to play with him. Silly pup.
LOL is right! I hope she doesn't have terrible gas!

I have a question, do you use a chicken egg incubator or one specifically for reptiles? Sorry I ask so many questions, it's just such an interesting thing. I'm not a big reptile fan, but it's cool to see how different species work, and the idea of laying eggs and how to keep the eggs healthy until they're ready to hatch is just cool!
Uh yeah Kit did get gas! Lol!

I use a reptile incubator. I think bird eggs need to be turned? For reptiles, at least leopard geckos, the fetus inside the egg attaches to one side of the egg, and if you turn the egg you can drown the baby. Also, reptile eggs aren't as hard as bird eggs are - they are kind of leathery, and need a high humidity or they can dry out. I've seen bird egg incubators that have fans inside to circulate the warm air, but you're not suppose to use those with reptiles because the fans can dry out the eggs.

I wish I felt more confident that the eggs where good. I'm not so sure - but am more hopeful about one of them than the other. It's all just a huge waiting game and is so disappointing when you wait so long for the eggs, and then to have them not be fertile stinks! The important thing, though, is that Aurora is healthy and doing well.
The landlord just came up to our apartment to measure our sink - he says that he's finally, after like a year, going to try to fix it for us!

And an electrician is suppose to be coming tomorrow to fix our door bell. It's going to be weird having everything working again - it seems like something around here is always broken. Our kitchen faucet has been broken for literally like a year. You can't turn the hot water on and off with the faucet, we have to use the main knob under the sink.

If the faucet gets fixed, that means our dishwasher should work again, because how it is now, if we turn the main on to run the dishwasher, the water runs in the sink.
Dragonrain wrote:
Aurora laid her eggs early this morning, but I'm not entirely optimistic about them. The first one she laid on the hot side of the tank, and it looks like it dried up quite a bit before I found it. The second one is soft, but looks good other than that. I'm hoping it's just soft because it was just laid, and that it will firm up soon. Both eggs are in the incubator.

I'm kind of disappointed but understand that this is only her 2nd ever clutch, and it's pretty normal for the first couple sets of eggs to be no good. I'll incubate them for awhile just in case, and now need to concentrate on fattening Aurora up again.

Other than that, nothing new. All the pets are good. Chris was upset with Kit yesterday because Kit got into the fridge and ate half a block of chedder cheese before we realized lol. Last night was Kit's 3rd night sleeping outside his crate, and he did pretty well. He woke us up early again though. Not because he wanted to go out or anything, he just wanted us to play with him. Silly pup.
The laid them in different spots?? That is so odd! Do you have a humid hide box? (Not a hide, a box..I use a tuberwear container I cut a hole in the top lid.)

Just make sure the vermiculite in the incubation is nice and moist, but not soggy, you would be surprised what eggs make it and which ones don't.

Remember, incubation can take 8 weeks..I say unless they get mold or completely deflate, keep on incubating until 10 weeks, even if they are wrinkly or soft. Did you kindle them?

Sorry about the roundworms.
tonyshuman wrote:
LOL is right! I hope she doesn't have terrible gas!

I have a question, do you use a chicken egg incubator or one specifically for reptiles? Sorry I ask so many questions, it's just such an interesting thing. I'm not a big reptile fan, but it's cool to see how different species work, and the idea of laying eggs and how to keep the eggs healthy until they're ready to hatch is just cool!
I don't know what incubator she is using, but I use Hova Bator which actually is a chicken incubator. I just don't turn the eggs and instead of putting the eggs directly into the incubator I put them in their own closed container (Like a tuberwear container) with vermiculite. The only actual "reptile" incubators tend to be fridge like set ups for large amounts of eggs. I like Hova Bator because it can hold a lot, but isn't too large or difficult to set up.
Dragonrain wrote:
Uh yeah Kit did get gas! Lol!

I use a reptile incubator. I think bird eggs need to be turned? For reptiles, at least leopard geckos, the fetus inside the egg attaches to one side of the egg, and if you turn the egg you can drown the baby. Also, reptile eggs aren't as hard as bird eggs are - they are kind of leathery, and need a high humidity or they can dry out. I've seen bird egg incubators that have fans inside to circulate the warm air, but you're not suppose to use those with reptiles because the fans can dry out the eggs.

I wish I felt more confident that the eggs where good. I'm not so sure - but am more hopeful about one of them than the other. It's all just a huge waiting game and is so disappointing when you wait so long for the eggs, and then to have them not be fertile stinks! The important thing, though, is that Aurora is healthy and doing well.
If you kindle them you can see if they are fertile :)
But sometimes again, you would be surprised what hatches.
But I know what you mean..I am on week 3 of incubation and I am so nervous and distraught. Both of my females are expecting to lay any day now too.

Ok, no more posts LOL.
Yeah Aurora is weird! She did lay in two different spots. One she laid on the floor of the cage on the warm side of the tank, the other she laid in the middle of the tank - both just on the floor, ugh. She has not one humid box...but three! Before she laid the eggs she was going back and forth digging around in all the humid hides, but still just layed them on the paper towels on the bottom of the cage. I am aware that them laying the eggs outside like that is usually a sign that they are infertile, but I'm going to try to incubate anyways.

I did candle, and I think they might both be no good. :( I guess I'll find out though. The deflated one has been in the incubator since about 8 this morning and isn't looking any better yet. The other one did get a bit harder, I have more hope for that one, but I didn't see what I was hoping to see when I candled them.

Haha I didn't realize that Hova Bator's where chicken incubators - sorry, I don't know much about hatching chickens! I assumed that they where reptile incubators since I always seem them sold on reptile sites.
Dragonrain wrote:
Yeah Aurora is weird! She did lay in two different spots. One she laid on the floor of the cage on the warm side of the tank, the other she laid in the middle of the tank - both just on the floor, ugh. She has not one humid box...but three! Before she laid the eggs she was going back and forth digging around in all the humid hides, but still just layed them on the paper towels on the bottom of the cage. I am aware that them laying the eggs outside like that is usually a sign that they are infertile, but I'm going to try to incubate anyways.

I did candle, and I think they might both be no good. :( I guess I'll find out though. The deflated one has been in the incubator since about 8 this morning and isn't looking any better yet. The other one did get a bit harder, I have more hope for that one, but I didn't see what I was hoping to see when I candled them.

Haha I didn't realize that Hova Bator's where chicken incubators - sorry, I don't know much about hatching chickens! I assumed that they where reptile incubators since I always seem them sold on reptile sites.
*Smacks forehead..

I always call it kindling..don't ask me why. I know its "Candling" but I guess I am too much of a camper :p

Were they pink? Did you see any veins? I can see veins in both of my eggs, and they are very pink.

That i so odd she laid them on the floor....which just makes me think they are no good :(

LOL..didn't you notice the chickens on the box? lol! Or did you buy yours used?
No I just made a home made incubator for now.

Haha I knew what you meant by kindling though!

Nope not pink, yellowish with no veins that I could see. I'm trying to be optimistic and will candle them again in a few days just in case.

I don't think they are good really :( But I'm going to give them a chance just in case. I had a few breeders tell me that sometimes you will be surprised.

If these 2 are no good, that will mean out of the time I've had her she'll have laid 4 dud eggs. Hopefully she'll lay some good ones for me this year, I'm dying to hatch some babies! If she just lays a bunch more duds, I'll just keep her as a pet and won't breed her again.
I just called my friend who is a huge leopard gecko breeder (He breeds for repimart) and he said that when they are laid out of the box its almost for sure that they are duds :(

But he said just to incubate them anyways. He said you may want to try to get her gravid once or twice more this season, but if they are all duds, retire her.

So I hope she lays!
Yeah thats what other breeders told me too - that they are usually duds if they lay them out of the box.

I'll incubate them for awhile and see how it goes. I'm planning on trying again with her this season, but if they are all duds I won't breed her again.

Thanks for asking your friend about it for me!!
No problem :)
I just want to help so hopefully you will get babies!

I will check back often to see what happens!

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