Texan Tales (& Tails) - by TinysMom

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I'm SOOOO tired. And tomorrow it looks like we're going up to spend some time with Eric (Art & I) while Robin takes care of the bunnies.

Between Tuesday night and today's sales at the country club - I have $228 in sales for Discovery Toys (once I hit $250 in a month for sales...I get a 5% bonus check the next month). In addition - I sold probably $35 or $40 in Avon...which is great when you consider I only had $1 items and was calling it a "stocking stuffer special".

I have some people that are going to call me (supposedly) before Saturday night so I can add their orders to the Discovery Toy order...so YEAH! I also have others who are interested in possibly ordering in December.

And to top everything off - I came home and watched one of my favorite shows - Human Target - which has the brand new season 2 premiere up tonight.

Human Target

It does have violence - I don't remember any bad sex scenes...some hints of promised torture but nothing graphic and they are mainly threats.

Oooh - and I got to eat a "fresh out of the oven mega-brownie (still a bit liquidy inside) with chocolate ice cream on top. Doesn't my daughter just ROCK?

We leave in a couple of hours to go see Eric. I can hardly wait to see him.

I love Robin and I honestly can't say that I have a favorite because there are things I love to do with Robin that I don't do with Eric (like clothes shopping) and things that Eric & I do that I don't do with Robin (like going out for coffee late at night).

Anyway - Robin is going to stay here and take care of the rabbits....and I'll get a weekend away.

(Its ok - the weekend of Dec. 10th - she'll be going to Kerrville to spend time with her boyfriend and go to his Christmas party for work).
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
wabbitmom12 wrote:
Have a most excellent time! I get to see my oldest son this weekend too...it does warm the heart, doesn't it?
We will?:?

Sorry about your loss Peg, she's telling all the other buns what a terrific slave you are.

Have a great time this weekend!

Either that or she heard all about Tiny and decided she HAD to meet the bunfather.

With my luck - she's telling him ALL about Nyx....
I have GOT to get to sleep - but I just got done registering two new websites (they're not published yet).

One is for discovery toys - the other one is for all of my businesses combined.

The one for the toys (I'll let y'all know when it does get published) is play2discover.net

The one for my businesses is pegsplacemall.com

I subtitled it "A One-Woman Shopping Mall". In the intro - I talk about how we're not at the end of the world although folks think you can see it from Main St - and that since we're 150 miles from the nearest shopping malls - I decided to bring the shopping to Del Rio.

Just had to share....I'm VERY excited.
This will probably be somewhat short since I'm wiped out.

It looks like Sassy didn't take (again) when I tried to breed her. I'm sorta discouraged...but she did live with him for a couple of days so who knows...I suppose there still could be hope.

I just turned in my first Discovery Toys order. I did $313 in personal sales (retail) - plus I received $50 in free toys for myself (since I counted it as a party) plus one item of my choice at 50% off.

Let's see if I can get this to work. I bought Castle Marbleworks for younger children.

I also bought Qubits because I know Robin wants to get her hands on it - and I think Art wants to play with it also.

What I'm dying to get though is Tricky Fingers because there are two puzzles in the set - so two people can race each other. I played this at a Discovery Toys party and had a blast with it.

I'm also really excited because Discovery Toys is having a Black Friday sale (1 free toy (choice of 4) with a $55 or more order) - plus on Monday they're having a Cyber Monday sale - 20% off 20 toys for 20 hours. I understand this is new for Discovery Toys and they're trying to test the market and see how well it goes over.

By the way - this is for Dave and whoever else might be curious about my schedule...

This Saturday - a craft/street fair in Uvalde (70 miles away - all day event) - for Discovery Toys

Friday night Dec. 3rd & Sat December 4th - Craft fair where we were in October - for Discovery Toys, Scentsy & Avon (going to have a U shaped set of tables...)

Sun Dec 5th - Discovery Toys party with Alicia (the Thirty-One Gifts rep - she has invited 58 people)

and possibly....Sat. December 11th - another event here in town for Scentsy & Discovery Toys

That's not including getting Avon books and orders out there...and trying to drum up more parties.

I hope to have some time this week to really sit down and enjoy the bunnies (I've been making time to love on Angel and give her chin-rubs and stuff and she seems to love it).

Who knows - maybe I'll even get some pictures??

This is just a short note so some of you will kick my rear if I don't get something done in the next week.

Sophia definitely has EC and is paralyzed. She is losing weight pretty fast in spite of all we try to do. She does not appear to be in any pain - and every day I ask myself if I should have her put down - BUT...she has all 3 of the A's....she's alert (and enjoying life from her spot under Robin's desk), she's affectionate with other bunnies and they often come to lay beside her and groom her - and she has a good appetite.

Because of this - I am not putting her down.

But I want to get pictures of her before she goes much farther downhill. I want to get a couple of her in my lap (so you can't see how bad she is I'll have to sit her just right)....and a few of her just laying there while her dewlap is still so pretty.

Can y'all remind me to do this?

I will not be surprised if she is gone before Christmas and as I told Robin - I believe she will let us know when it is time to let her go (GingerSpice did - it was obvious about 24 hours before she passed away that she was ready and willing to leave us).

This is really eating me up inside - I love Sophia so much. I hate the idea of losing her - but I want some photos and good memories of her....so help me - ok?
The pictures I'm about to share may not set well with some people. I'm sorry - and please consider yourself warned.

Some would tell me I should put Sophia down....she is now pretty much paralyzed most of the time and can't hop or move around. Its been bad for a few weeks but gotten especially worse over the last 2 weeks.

But the fact is - she has a good appetite and loves to eat her food (and treats) - she's affectionate with other girls and they are affectionate with her - and - she is alert to the life going on around her and loves to watch us.

So I'm not going to put her down yet.

But she's pretty much winding up becoming a "box bunny". I'm going to have to adjust things so she doesn't get bedsores, etc. - but these are a couple of pictures of what she has become.



[align=left]Those of you who were around years ago may remember when GingerSpice had E.C. and how I spent hours every day taking care of her - between giving her butt baths and feeding her munchies every hour or so and having to offer her water every hour or so.

Those days were hard - but they were really special and Ginger and I developed a special bond. I swear I'd go to pick her up and she'd pee on me and give me this big smile. Art would go to pick her up and sing, "Don't pee on me..." and she'd leave him dry...and still smile.

Because I've been through this before - and I know what will happen at the end (and that it comes pretty quickly) - I'm trying to make the best of this situation. We've now got a little table we can put Sophia's box on so she can be beside us at our desks....and we can carry her around this way.

I'll try to take more pictures and share them.

There is nothing so sad as a disabled bunny - and nothing so precious as the relationship you develop with them.
This is killing me - its not going to be much longer now.

Sophia was eating and drinking and very active last night - but during the night sometime she started going downhill.

She will take water but she has no interest in food or her friends (although they're coming to see her and groom her) and she doesn't even want craisins.

She is sleeping most of the time (she is on painkillers to help with any pain).

Part of me says take her to the vet to help her pass - but this is the way GingerSpice was and she pretty much just passed in her sleep - it was the most peaceful bridge crossing we've ever had here.

Right now she's just peacefully sleeping - to take her to a vet would mean taking her out in the cold and possibly a 70+ mile drive if the local vet won't help. Here - she can pass at home with her friends around her and without having to go out in the cold.

I want to say a big thanks to Ali for her call last night. We talked some about Sophia's "quality of life" even if she has the three A's....and she helped me with some things I had been wondering about. I actually started preparing myself for taking Sophia to the vet if need be....but I really think she just wants to be here for now.

Its a sad day here - I feel like I'm losing one of my best friends...
I am so sorry Peg, I think it is easier on us and our buns when they cross the bridge with us by their side in familiar surroundings. I was not with Thumper when he passed and I still feel bad about it. Your doing what is right for you and Sophie, she knows your are doing everything for her and she feels safe and secure with you near.
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
I am so sorry Peg, I think it is easier on us and our buns when they cross the bridge with us by their side in familiar surroundings. I was not with Thumper when he passed and I still feel bad about it. Your doing what is right for you and Sophie, she knows your are doing everything for her and she feels safe and secure with you near.
I know I'm doing the right thing and I know she's going to pass fairly soon.

All of the flemmie floor girls (except for Nyx and Thunder) are taking turns laying in the box with her and laying beside her. Even the dogs are sleeping near her and being very quiet.

The ones who are struggling with this the most - are Nyx - and me.

Nyx goes up to her and tries to get her to play....but of course she's barely with us at this point. Then Nyx hops off - and Thunder goes off to be with her mom.

Nyx is very upset - I can see it in the way she's laying on the floor. Her eyes are so sad....

You have to understand - when Nyx came here - Sophia basically broke her bond with Athena to become a "2nd mother" to Nyx. She saw Nyx needed her and the two were practically inseparable....even until recently.

After Sophia has passed, I plan to take Nyx and go and sit on the floor and share an apple and talk to Nyx about Sophia and how much she was loved. My next concern now is Nyx....I am hoping she won't attack the other girls once Sophia goes (Miss Bea did that - running to all the cages and trying to fight through the cage bars when TIny's body was removed after 4 hours of time to grieve...she still didn't want to leave him after that time).

She hung on until somewhere between 11 am and noon today....and she looks like she passed in peace...

More pictures later when I can do her RB thread ...

For now...


RIP Sophia - the "Queen" and "Matron" of my herd - even if you couldn't successfully have babies or raise them