Nela wrote:
I worked in a toy/game shop for years and we had a few Discovery Toys. I'm 100% positive they were Discovery Toys. Do they sell in stores? Maybe they changed since the time... Anyway, what I meant to say was that I remember the toys and they had some fun things. I especially loved the marbleworks (though we did sell 3 brands of a similar product so not sure if it was my fav out of the 3). I can just imagine Robin playing with it. Hehehe. Truth be told, I had set up a demo at the store and it had more adults poking at it than it did kids.
I also have no idea how you have yourself set up. I just can't seem to keep up with you. Lol

You're working how many companies now? I hope you are having fun :biggrin:
I know that we (as distributors) can not sell in stores here in the U.S. and I also know that there are Canadian distributors too. However - I'm not going to say that they aren't sold in stores because it is possible that they were or are. At one point in time (grinning here) - Discovery Toys was owned by.... AVON. Then they sold DT to a private investment group - then a couple of years ago it was bought by someone else and from what I've heard - this literally turned the company around because they lost a lot of consultants, etc. during the earlier years. I don't know what happened during that time - so I can't speak for it - but I can say that many consultants weren't happy (even if they stuck with the company).
I'm now currently doing...
AVON (order going in tomorrow - smallest order yet - but oh well)
Scentsy - placing an order this weekend
Discovery Toys - hopefully getting an order tomorrow night to place.
I want to add Thirty-One Gifts (the tote bags/handbags, etc) - probably this weekend as Eric is paying us back some money he owes us.
I also would like to add Tupperware but the woman I contacted has not yet gotten back to me.
Something very interesting is ... I'm coming into Thirty-One under a gal that I really like who is named Alicia (but not our forum's Alicia) - but I'm getting distinct vibes from her that she may come into Discovery Toys under ME! I sorta think its funny (and I'm so sad to find out that she's moving in Feb).
Anyway - I went to a Discovery Toys today here in town that my sponsor drove down from Austin (almost 5 hours) to do. I don't know how large the sales here - I know that I handled $115 of the sales - and the hostess saved $123 on her purchases between her free items and her 1/2 price item (she bought this awesome tent thing that is normally $100 for half price). I know that the hostess' budget for her purchases was $300 and she didn't spend all of that. (She was buying Christmas presents for her two kids).
Elise (my sponsor) probably made about $150 off the was a somewhat small party for her but I think part of that was that there were kids there and they kept making noises and interrupting, etc.
I found MORE toys that I want for US! One in particular I think I'm getting for Robin because its sorta something she'd enjoy playing when she's bored.
I went to the party for training - but I walked out of there with one party booked for 11/30 (with Alicia) and two potential "book parties" for the Thanksgiving holidays.
I'd like to sell $500 by 12/31 - because if I remember right - I'll get $125 towards my kit back then. Or a $75 bonus.....I forget which. I'll have to look it up.
Anyway - I was really touched though because my sponsor gave me a book that she's obviously purchased herself to give to her recruits...about how to work well at the party plan type of business (no matter what type) and become successful at it. The book is called
Let's Party by Jan Ruhe and while I haven't finished it all - its very encouraging.
I am very excited - because tomorrow night I have an event at the Officer's Club on base for the Officer's Spouse's Club - and I'll have a table of Avon products and I'll have the Discovery Toys. (Someone else already does Scentsy). I'm hoping that I can get some sales of the DT for a nice size order and I'm already doing a special with folks that goes like this:
"Pass the book around over Thanksgiving while you go to be with family and collect orders - whether its for Christmas gifts for your kids or nieces/nephews, etc. Once you collect $100 OR MORE in orders - you get an EXTRA $10 in free toys plus whatever you would earn at the party level. Turn in the order to me by TUESDAY - November 30th (giving them cyber Monday to get home and get settled)."
So far - two folks are interested - and let's face it - a $100 show would normally get them $10 in free gifts- now they get $20 in free gifts.
Anyway - that is my life - right now - as far as I can tell.
Oh - about bunnies - I'm convinced now that Sophia has e-cunniculi. I'm heartbroken - although that word doesn't really begin to describe how I am feeling. I can't exactly cage her because Nyx is her best friend and frequently cuddles up next to her.
I'm starting her on the bendazole drugs this week....and making sure she has water available to her every 2 hours or so when I'm home.
I am also about to start her on pumpkin/banana baby food supplement (with a bit of vitamin E oil) every day also - mainly to give her extra calories and entice her to eat more - since e.c. is a wasting disease.
I know we're in for both good days - and bad days. I'm praying that she will let me know when it is time to help her cross the bridge...and that it won't be for a while.
Right now my biggest concern is Nyx (who is also going to be getting treated for e.c. since she is with Sophia so much).
In addition - one of the younger flemmie girls is sounding like she's got pneumonia or something. She's getting treatments too.
I guess that's all for now....