Texan Tales (& Tails) - by TinysMom

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wabbitmom12 wrote:
I loved the pictures of apple time...all 3 of you look like you're enjoying yourselves! :D
I had forgotten how much fun it was on to sit on the floor and share an apple with the girls.

I used to sit on the floor with a bowl full of fruit loops and hand them out too - the rabbits would be all over me - even trying to climb on my shoulder so they could lean down and get into the bowl....(mind you - it isn't like any one rabbit got THAT much).
So....what do you do when its 2:30 am......everyone is wide awake....hubby has to be to work at 6 am....etc.

Easy...everyone gets dressed and goes to IHop to have breakfast and chat with my favorite waitress (who loves the Avon/Mark catalog even though she's not ordered something yet cause she never has the time to sit and look through the catalog).

But then what happens?

Show her the Scentsy catalog - and she buys a warmer with three bricks of scents....(sent hubby home - which is less than 1 mile away to bring in the 80 scents for her to sniff).


Thing is - now that I know she loves having stuff like that for her home...and I know the scents she likes...I know what I can keep on hand for her tips.....cause she would LOVE that.
Well - a bit more of an update. Decided on a new email addy for my Discovery Toys business...

[email protected]

I really like that - easy to remember (I hope) and will hopefully help me keep stuff separate.

I'm sitting here watching Bullet chew on stuff that is stacked on top of his cage (papers)....he's so funny. His face is filling out and looking less narrow like a bullet does. I just adore him (let me guess - you can tell from my blog?).

I need to check Sassy soon and she if she took from her time with Zuba. Then I need to check Cindy who is a bit ornery with her kids.

I need to let the youth breeder know my decision - I decided to not let Portia go to her. I tried and tried to convince myself that it would be ok. But then I would watch Portia come for attention and stuff and realized - I just can't do it.

I am going to offer to help her find a holland lop doe when I go to another show....preferably one that has been raised outdoors.

I really would appreciate prayers for Sophia. I suspect she's not doing so well - hard to explain but her fur is rough and coarse ... and she's lost a bit of weight. I'm going to treat her for parasites and give her some supplements and stuff. I suspect she will be the first of my original flemish herd to pass on. If I can get her in better condition and get more money together - I'd like to have her neutered.

Thunder(aka "Thunderbutt") - Nyx's daughter is being a real pain lately. Seems like she's REALLY ready to breed (we flipped her to make sure she was still a girl - and she was - but her privates were deep red/purple almost).

She tried to mount Sophia last night (and made Sophia cry out) - I've had to have a talk with her about respecting her elders. I also told her that I can put her in a cage if need be - even if it is a small one for a bit.

She has a lot of her mom's personality from when Nyx was younger...its funny to see her come running by my desk at full speed to head outside on the back porch when I get the door open and the gate stuff set up. She just loves the outdoors.

Oh well - guess that's all for now...
Bunny Pile-up

Nyx is usually part of this but hears the camera and breaks everyone up.

The other night - I think 6 or 7 were piled up like this when Robin went to bring them inside...
What gets me though is they do this even if its 85 in the house in the summer due to the a/c not bringing the temp down lower...
Wow you have a lot of irons in the fire! I know once you set your mind to something you can do it!

I love the bunny pile up pictures and Handsome bun says he can have his hay, pellets and nana treats packed in a instant. Handsome thinks his big sister is awesome!
The girls would LOVE to have Handsome Bun join them - especially Thunder who is being a pain because she is so desperate to breed right now.

Dukey however would pitch a fit and tell HB that he has to get in line for his turn at breeding....and of course right now Dukey is at the back of the line - which doesn't make him happy.
This is not about bunnies - it is about my businesses. Just sorta...chatting...sharing...needing to put things down and think things through.

I was just showing Robin my schedule for the next month or so. It goes something like this (besides my Avon orders every two weeks).

This coming Saturday the base is having a "yard sale". I'm taking my Avon to sell (the stuff that is priced in the under $5 range like kids' body paints that are soaps and shower gels and stuff like that).

On Monday I'll be attending a Discovery Toys party that my sponsor is driving down from Austin to do. This will be training for me - and I will get to help with the order forms, etc.

Tuesday night I have an event at the Officer's Club - I will be representing Discovery Toys (hopefully my kit will be in by then) and Robin will handle a table of Avon products. There is already a Scentsy rep who lives on base who is scheduled for this. (I find myself wondering if she is the one who tells people to go to her website and order).

From there - my schedule is light until December. It looks like December 3rd & 4th I am going to be doing a craft show downtown again. The booths are cheaper this time (less crowds too) - $35 for the two days. I'm going to get two booths but find a way to have Scentsy, Avon and Discovery Toys all in that area.

Now - I don't have much for product for that event - at least for Scentsy and Discovery Toys. I'm working on that - the gal who got me started in Scentsy lives 70 miles away but has lots of product - I have none - well - one warmer and my party testers - but nothing for cash & carry. Since she has family in Del Rio and will be down Thanksgiving weekend - she is going to leave me with some product to have at the show and I'll sell it on consignment - right about now - I'd sell it without making money just to have the booth look decent and not be empty. But this way - I can take orders and maybe even schedule shows and get my name out there as the local rep.

Then again one week later - on the 11th - there is a one day event that is from 10 am - 5 pm. The booths are $25 each and I'm going to try and get two - maybe three - still debating on it.

Of course - between next week and those events - I will be trying to schedule in-home and long distance parties for both Discovery Toys (I have a friend in Houston/Baytown area that may want to do one) and for Scentsy.

I share all this because I feel like I'm juggling things in the air....and so far - the juggling is going ok. But one wrong move - one misstep...and it will all come tumbling down.

Right now the biggest challenge isn't as much time as it is cash-flow...making sure the right business gets the right money for the right reason - whether it is to bring in product or to bring in more catalogs, etc.

For those who believe in prayer - that would be appreciated. For those who believe in good thoughts - that would be great too.

And for those who just want to sit back and watch and see if I succeed or fail...that's even ok - because I need the motivation from y'all to keep on moving on my business.

I'm very excited - I love most of what I'm doing....just want to keep going in the right direction.

Oh = and mystery shops? I don't have time for them now - but may pick them up again - on a limited basis.

Just a note for myself - Cindy was bred 10/27 and Sassy was bred 10/19.

Still need to breed Sher - and some flemmies too.

Also need to look at show dates to plan breedings.
Wabbitdad12 wrote:

I am shaking my head just trying to grasp your schedule. Good luck!
Oh Dave - you'd love this...

I got a call this morning but didn't catch the message until about 2 pm.

A gal and her friend were opening her house to have a multi-vendor event and inviting friends in to shop for Christmas.

The event started at 6:30 pm. I could set up at 5:30 pm.

So - I did almost two tables of Avon plus a Discovery Toys catalog (not even mine - that's a story in itself) and took names of people who would like Avon or Discovery catalogs, etc.

Didn't sell anything - but two people did ask for a Discovery Toys book...and I may wind up with a booking or two out of it.

So ... yeah?

Forgot to add on the post above - another Scentsy rep was at the party...

Now - on to other things...

I need help - desperately.

I posted about this on facebook a few minutes ago.

We've had an uninvited guest living in our bedroom - as Art nicknamed him (since he was probably happy we were leaving him alone)....

MERRY Chris-Mouse

The last day or so he's been quiet..I sorta wondered.

Tonight we heard squeaking...

Turns out it was Merry CHRISTINE Mouse....who probably has a male around somewhere too.

(No wonder she was bigger when Art described her than what I remembered her being).

I need the following things:

A HUMANE way to trap mama and babies
To find out if mama can be kept in an aquarium or something WITH the babies - and if so - for how long
Find out the weaning age of babies

Once mama and babies are able to be moved outdoors - OUT THEY GO!!!

I need humane ideas. I'm assuming since these are NOT domestic mice - they can not be domesticated....
Yeah, I'd say so too. Sometimes the wild ones carry strange and icky things like disease, so trapping and putting them out is a good idea. Even if they became friendly...definitely not pet material. :p

I do know there are little, rectangular box-like traps (like 2 inch by 4 inch) that you can buy. They do not kill the mouse.
Dave - I sure wish you were here with us now as we "work" on Discovery Toys.

Here is how I just updated facebook a bit ago...

ROFLOL - watching 26 year old Robin put together a toy for 4 year olds ... and then take it apart - add in the missing piece - put it together again - then realize she put the piece in backwards. Yep - 4 year olds can handle this...no problem! (ha ha)
I spent the extra money to get the rolling luggage piece to carry this all in...I think the challenge is gonna be "how do I fit all those toys in that piece of luggage?"

TinysMom wrote:
ROFLOL - watching 26 year old Robin put together a toy for 4 year olds ... and then take it apart - add in the missing piece - put it together again - then realize she put the piece in backwards. Yep - 4 year olds can handle this...no problem! (ha ha)
The problem is4 year olds canprobablyhandle it!;)

Wabbitdad12 wrote:
TinysMom wrote:
ROFLOL - watching 26 year old Robin put together a toy for 4 year olds ... and then take it apart - add in the missing piece - put it together again - then realize she put the piece in backwards. Yep - 4 year olds can handle this...no problem! (ha ha)
The problem is4 year olds canprobablyhandle it!;)
I think if Nyx had thumbs - she would've been trying to help too.

The toy was called "Motorworks" - you put together two vehicles with the help of a working toy electric screwdriver....and there are all sorts of different colored plastic screws so you could have different looks, etc.

But you had to get certain things in place - in the right way - in order for it to fit right.

And I'm not even going to go into her playing with the Marbleworks and guessing what color marble would make it to the bottom first....she asked if she could gamble with it...

Even when I went in the bedroom I'd hear "red...first .... red first..." and then a groan..or "yeah" and then "yellow first..." etc.

Toys...they're not just for kids (and bunnies) anymore.

And we're not going to start thinking about Nyx trying to play with marbles....
