Texan Tales (& Tails) - by TinysMom

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What is wrong with Ellie Mae's ears? I missed that :(Why are they swollen? Infection?

I am in love with Mr. Bubbles... :inlove:I think I want a chin flemmie now :p

Edited to add: Oh duh, if I'd just have scrolled up of course... Poor baby! Hope she feels better soon! Do you have to treat all of them for mites now, in case that was it?
Its funny that folks love Mr Bubbles because he's the runt of the litter and I bet he'll top out around 11 pounds or so.

He reminds me of Tiny in the fact that - for a flemish giant - he WILL be tiny.

Now time for a short update - I haven't even done today's photos yet....well...I did something but don't think it turned out like I wanted.

First of all - Ellie Mae. Her head is more swollen - which is GOOD - because it means that it should start draining soon. She's still eating and drinking and she actually acts like her head is SUPPOSED to look that way.

Jar Jar is a bit grumpy....not sure if he's jealous cause his sister hangs out so much with Mr Bubbles or what.....

Secondly - the baby - who is now 16 days old. Baby can now drink from a bottle - is eating some solids - growing like a weed - AND CAN BINKY! Art's calling him/her "critter".

That's all for right now - maybe more later...
TinysMom wrote:
Its funny that folks love Mr Bubbles because he's the runt of the litter and I bet he'll top out around 11 pounds or so.

He reminds me of Tiny in the fact that - for a flemish giant - he WILL be tiny.

I don't know about the others, but to me he just looks like he has loads of personality, and he has such beautiful eyes :inlove: ! And who couldn't love those Flemmie earz?!

Peg - it sounds like he might be a little bit of a ladies' man too, like Tiny. ;)
I always have a soft spot for the lil ones :)I didn't actually remember him being the runt though.Lol. Sorry about you having to treat all the buns. I hope she gets better really soon. Can it leave damage? I mean, can it affect ear control and hearing or something? Just curious. :)

Hope you are doing well also. :rose:

A bad mite infection can affect ear control and that is why Zeus' ears are the way that they are - when he was young he had a really bad mite infection. Mind you - it has to be REALLY bad for that to happen - Ellie Mae's infection is nowhere near that bad (that I can tell).

I put Mr Bubbles (aka Mr B) in with the two e-lops when they came because he was the runt of his litter and I figured he'd had a better chance at food if he was only sharing with two instead of five. I didn't want to separate him totally from other bunnies his age....and it has worked out quite well. I may let him go to another home - or I may not. I'm a bit nervous about him since he is smaller - but I can't keep ALL the runts that come along.

Ellie Mae's swelling is more pronounced - but it is also coming to a point where we can see where it is going to drain. I think that with another day or two - it should start to drain or be at a point where I feel comfortable draining it.

I'm guessing we're probably looking at 4-6 weeks before it will be finally drained and over and done with...possibly less time but I'd prefer to be prepared for it to take longer.

Well - that is it for now - I'll try to write more later.

Poor baby.
Karen - did you get this email for a high-end store mystery shop? Here is part of it...

Do you hear Gucci and your spine tingles? Do you still think about your first pair of Prada shoes? Or for you gents, do you like the way that Armani sport coat looks on you or do you have your own favorite pair of Diesel jeans?

If the above made you think back to many fond memories, then this is the shop for you. We have a purchase/return shop at a high-end department store in your area. You must be willing to make a purchase of $500 or more, and then return it exactly two days later. The store experience – and oh that experience – will take approximately forty-five minutes as you browse through three assigned departments. In one of the departments, you will be assigned to make a purchase – you will only be purchasing one item.

One of the questions you have to answer in the response (which is pretty specific is...).

You see a sweater/purse/pair of shoes while browsing at a department store that you have been looking everywhere for and must have, however the item is $750. Would you still purchase the item? Why or why not?

Needless to say - although the shop pays $45.....I won't be taking it. Of course - its in Dallas and Plano - not here in Del Rio.

The next question to answer in the email is:

Please give an example of a high-end department store.

We talked about how it would be funny to write back under a DIFFERENT email with a bunch of answers and say "Ross" (Ross Dress for Less) for this one - kinda like a Marshalls Outlet store..

and no - I'm not going to do it...

How is sweet Ellie Mae doing? Poor girl. How much do you think it hurts her? When you say you can see where it's going to drain, is it going to drain inside the ear or outside the ear? Sorry I'm very curious, none of my bunnies have ever had an abscess before.

I don't think I said this before, I love Ellie Mae's name :D If I'd thought of that back when I was naming Phoebe Mae, that might have been her name! I love double names with Mae and a sweet girly name :) Our new bunny is Kerensa Rose and I've already started calling her Kensa Rose.

How is the baby doing today?
SnowyShiloh wrote:
How is sweet Ellie Mae doing? Poor girl. How much do you think it hurts her? When you say you can see where it's going to drain, is it going to drain inside the ear or outside the ear? Sorry I'm very curious, none of my bunnies have ever had an abscess before.

I don't think I said this before, I love Ellie Mae's name :D If I'd thought of that back when I was naming Phoebe Mae, that might have been her name! I love double names with Mae and a sweet girly name :) Our new bunny is Kerensa Rose and I've already started calling her Kensa Rose.

How is the baby doing today?
I'm about to head to bed but saw you posted so I thought I'd answer.

Have you ever had a boil? Basically - an abscess is a lot like a boil - it fills up with pus and needs to be drained -whether it drains on its own or has help.

Do I think she's in pain? Perhaps some - but I don't think she's in a lot of pain - in fact - she's pretty darn playful and affectionate right now. She doesn't like me touching her head...or pressing on the swollen part to see how it is...but other than that - she's just fine.

I'm hesitant to post much here because I don't want most folks to just go out and deal with abscesses on their own - its just that my vet would tell me that what I'm doing is right and only change her to Baytril from the Pen G (which works just fine).

I will simply say that when it drains - it will drain on the outside...and she'll feel much better once it is drained.

Thanks for caring about her so much...
Oh - before I forget - baby - who has been called "Critter" by us (especially Art) - looks like HE will be named "The Duke"....

He's learning to binky and he practically sucks his formula bottle dry....

I'll try to do photos later today.
Aw the baby sounds so cute! How old is he now? Will you post some pictures? And I'm glad Ellie Mae doesn't seem to be in too much pain. I hope her abscesses drain soon and don't come back!
TinysMom wrote:
Karen - did you get this email for a high-end store mystery shop?  Here is part of it...

Do you hear Gucci and your spine tingles?  Do you still think about your first pair of Prada shoes?  Or for you gents, do you like the way that Armani sport coat looks on you or do you have your own favorite pair of Diesel jeans? 
If the above made you think back to many fond memories, then this is the shop for you.  We have a purchase/return shop at a high-end department store in your area.  You must be willing to make a purchase of $500 or more, and then return it exactly two days later.  The store experience – and oh that experience – will take approximately forty-five minutes as you browse through three assigned departments.  In one of the departments, you will be assigned to make a purchase – you will only be purchasing one item. 

One of the questions you have to answer in the response (which is pretty specific is...).

You see a sweater/purse/pair of shoes while browsing at a department store that you have been looking everywhere for and must have, however the item is $750.  Would you still purchase the item?  Why or why not?

Needless to say - although the shop pays $45.....I won't be taking it.  Of course - its in Dallas and Plano - not here in Del Rio.

The next question to answer in the email is:

Please give an example of a high-end department store.

We talked about how it would be funny to write back under a DIFFERENT email with a bunch of answers and say "Ross" (Ross Dress for Less) for this one - kinda like a Marshalls Outlet store..

and no - I'm not going to do it...

LOL, yes, I've seen that one! Sounds to me like they are trying to snag someone who already has a SERIOUS problem with shopping, and then contribute to their "habit"! Mercy!

It reminds me of a reality show my daughter was watching this spring called, "You're Cut Off". It was about a group of wealthy girls who were so addicted to shopping and the glam lifestyle that they really didn't do anything besides shop....dropping $1,500 - $3,000 at every store they visited. (Ironic thing was...usually it was to buy just 2 or 3 items...you know, $750 shoes, a $1,200 purse, a $400 scarf, etc.) Their families were tired of it, so they sent them away for 8 weeks to learn how to do housework and laundry and bargain shop...and live on a budget. It was hysterical! They all literally WEPT when they had to go shopping for 2 entire outfits (including shoes and a purse) for $100 or less...and they were taken to the GOODWILL STORE to do it!

During one of the episodes when they had just served homeless people, they were challenged to split into 2 teams to have a sale and raise money for the homeless shelter, and the winning team got a special privilege (a spa day or something, I can't remember). The proviso was that the ladies had to sell from what they had brought in their suitcases with them to the show. Their were 8 women...selling at well below retail..in a heavily advertised sale...for 2 hours...and they raised over $13,000...and barely made a dent in their suitcases!!!!

Oh, btw...I won't be accepting that shop either. :biggrin2:
Just a short update that last night Ellie Mae's abscesses near her ear drained...with just a tiny bit of help.

BOY....can that girl fight. Most rabbits are really good about this...not her. What would have taken about 30 seconds took 15 minutes.

Once we were done - we went into the bedroom and played with her on the bed and gave her treats and stuff and she was fine.

She's such a cutie....
TinysMom wrote:
Just a short update that last night Ellie Mae's abscesses near her ear drained...with just a tiny bit of help.

BOY....can that girl fight. Most rabbits are really good about this...not her. What would have taken about 30 seconds took 15 minutes.

Once we were done - we went into the bedroom and played with her on the bed and gave her treats and stuff and she was fine.

She's such a cutie....
Daisy Mae is just a little stubborn too. I am glad it finally drained, that will take a lot of pressure of her little noggin.