Texan Tales (& Tails) - by TinysMom

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Soo......are you up late doing shop reports too?

Just got done...finally. WHY do I mystery shop again???
OF COURSE I AM! You know me so well! :wink

Some days I ask myself the same question....

but usually I remember that this is the income that has kept us from losing our house the last 2 years :shock: .

Now, if I could just land that pharmacy job...not so easy when at least one of the major pharmacies has a state wide hiring freeze at the moment, grrrrr.

Shop, shop, shop til ya drop!
What kinds of shops did you do today?

My day was pretty easy: 2 bank deposits, a breakfast shop, and a trip to GFS Marketplace. About $52, including reimbursements. I had a lot of mileage though. And about 2 hours of reports total, on top of the shopping. Not huge money per hour...but better than minimum wage, easily.
Three bank deposits....that's it - but that is enough. Plus I had to reupload a receipt from this weekend when I did a movie theater/soda shop.
Forgot to add - I don't have anything else this week except for a Cato fashion store shop on Friday. I can hardly wait - I never ever make money on that one - but at least it is fun and easy.
Out of curiosity, do you mind if I ask how long it takes you to do the reports for your bank deposits?

I do so many of those (15 or more per month), I have the reports down so well, I could do them in my sleep...and they wouldn't all be COMPLETELY identical, lol.

I call them my "bread and butter shops", because it's $$ I can count on every month, and I average a lot per hour because of the little time involved. I probably spend more time driving to them, then I do writing the reports. I can usually whip them out in 10 minutes (unless I'm too tired to type accurately.) Do you do any shop types with such frequency that they have become pretty lucrative?
wabbitmom12 wrote:
Out of curiosity, do you mind if I ask how long it takes you to do the reports for your bank deposits?

I do so many of those (15 or more per month), I have the reports down so well, I could do them in my sleep...and they wouldn't all be COMPLETELY identical, lol.

I call them my "bread and butter shops", because it's $$ I can count on every month, and I average a lot per hour because of the little time involved. I probably spend more time driving to them, then I do writing the reports. I can usually whip them out in 10 minutes (unless I'm too tired to type accurately.) Do you do any shop types with such frequency that they have become pretty lucrative?
The bank deposit reports take 10-15 minutes - largely cause of scanning the receipt. I really don't like them and hate doing them - I've had months where I've done 12-15 of them (I have three accounts I can use at the bank) - and months where I've only picked up a couple of them because I don't like them.

I've backed way off on my mystery shopping - I was getting burnt out on them. I am thinking of getting active with MarketForce again since they have a ton of shops around here...one being a casual restaurant that I like. They also advertise a shop where you can get a "cherry limeade"....which is a big clue for shoppers on who the location is.

I started mystery shopping back in 1996 and used to make $500 or so per month at it - sometimes more. In Alaska and for a while in Maryland - I had a route w/ one company where I did X locations at $15 - $20 each.....so that helped a lot.

Some of my favorite shops have been:

  • doing a reward shop at CompUSA (this was in 97) - where the person I was shopping - was a mystery shopper himself - and never suspected me
  • a college food shop where someone sat down beside me and started asking me what college ring they should get - and then telling me their whole life story (Eric was with me and we still laugh at that cause I wasn't really saying anything - they did all the talking)
  • the Burger King shop where they were out of hamburgers....REALLY!
Let's see - over the years I've shopped:
  • Chili's
  • IHop
  • McDonald's
  • Burger King
  • Arby's
  • Sonic
  • steakhouses (forget the name - in Anchorage, AK)
  • a Mexican restaurant in MD
  • Walmart
  • KMart
  • Lowe's
  • Barnes & Noble
  • Waldenbooks
  • Calendar stores (for Walden)
  • banks
  • post offices - that is easy - I should get back into that one
  • UPS
  • grocery stores
  • convenience stores
  • Popeye's chicken
  • and even a day spa!
I can earn $300 or so per month if I am willing to pick up bank shops, cable shops and pawn shops plus a couple of odds and ends. But I have to do shops in each town I go to in order to make that much....which means doing reports when I'm tired.

How many shops total do you tend to do per month? How do you keep from burning out?

I'm thinking about getting back into doing more (partly for the money)....but I'm just not sure if I can handle it without burning out.

I used to do our local grocery store a few times per month - $15 each plus $6 reimbursement but I had to buy at least 10 items. I got burned out on it...then the company got bought out....trying to decide if I want to do it again - I think they dropped the fees and I don't want to work too cheaply.

I'm doing the 365 project this year...thanks to Minda (ElfMommy).

Here is the welcome letter to invite folks:
From: 365 Project
Subject: Peg Flint invites you to 365 Project[line]Hi there,

Peg Flint is using 365 Project and thought you might be interested in joining too.

To find out more about 365 Project, visit the link below:

-The 365 Project Team

About 365 Project:
365 Projects are simple, you take one photo every day for a year.
It can be anything, something you've done, a self portrait, your shoes! Anything!

You can find my pictures (and the stories to go with them) at this location:

I decided to upgrade my 365 project membership so I have more than one album on there.

The one I listed above will be for my main life....which will probably include many bunny photos - but I also set up this one - which is EMPTY for now..


Should be a fun project.
I also average $300-500 a month. Since I am not otherwise employed, I can obviously really put the push on during certain months to make more.

How to keep from burning out? Good question, lol. Sometimes I just have to take a break for a week or two. Or if a certain type of shop is bugging me, I just don't do any of that sort for a month or two.

I've done most of the same shops as you, or the equivalent (ie, Border's instead of Barnes and Noble). I also do movie theaters, audits, our local zoo, clothing stores, apartments, Staples, a hair salon, etc.

Right now, because of the lag time in getting paid, I'm hurting a little...I wasn't very active in May & June, due to my class, plus no car in July & August. But I'm starting to amp back up again.

For those who are following this thread:


Mystery shopping is kind of fun, yes. You can make some money. You can have a flexible schedule. But it is HARD WORK also. You have to run it like a HOME-BASED BUSINESS, setting your own hours, behaving professionally in all aspects, and you must be both internet and computer savvy. You must PAY TAXES on your income. Some shops require you to dress business casual (when you'd rather be doing your errands in shorts and a t-shirt). Many shops require you to shop ALONE - no child or other companion in tow. Some shops require a CASH OUTLAY. You don't pay TO shop...but sometimes you must make a purchase for which you are reimbursed...and you have to figure this into your budget. 99 percent of companies DO NOT PAY until 4-6 weeks (or more) after you have completed a job. You MUST be skilled in writing, using proper English, spelling, and sentence structure - with no "text"-speak. I would go so far as to say: You really need to ENJOY writing....because you will do a lot of it. A shop can take just minutes...but the REPORT is what you get paid for, and that can take much longer (anywhere from 10 minutes to 10 hours - no joke).

So, if you decide to try it...more power to you...and now you have been educated!

Also - many companies now require that you have Paypal in order for them to use you and pay you.
I just shared this on facebook a bit ago.....I guess I'll share it here too...feeling sorta lost and confused right now..

So confused about my life sometimes....by Peg Flint on Friday, August 13, 2010 at 9:52pm

I'm not even sure why I'm writing this - the only thing I can think of is that friends who believe in prayer - will pray for me.

I'm about to turn 50 and that may be part of the problem...I don't know.

But I look back over my life - at the various jobs I've held and the various lifestyles I've lived (stay at home mom/homemaker/homeschooler to working part time to working full time,etc) and I find myself so confused.

Part of me desperately wants to be a full-time homemaker....until I'm home full-time. Then suddenly - a job - ANY job - looks oh so good.

But the problem with jobs is....I get bored so easily because I mastered them so quickly. I haven't stayed with them for all that long - usually though due to a move for Art's job or whatever. Sometimes I dream of finding a job I'd want to stay with for a LONG time.

Right now - I'm merchandising and mystery shopping. My "main" job pays me $11 per hour plus $42.30 per day for the driving I do on an average daily basis. I work two days per week - about 5-6 hours per day...so I clear about $700 per month (not all is taxable) - but I put about $150-$170 into the gas tank - let alone use of tires.

I found out today that job is going away. Its a long complicated story....but basically - the company decided to NOT bid on a contract that they currently have with Kraft because it was going to be a Kraft/Cadbury job and the company has major contracts with MARS...meaning it would be a conflict of interest for them to try for the contract. From what I understand - Kraft is disappointed because they have been pleased with our work.

The new contract will be announced Sept 1st and the new vendor will have 30 days to get ready to start the contract - meaning we will work through till Oct. 1st at least - and possibly even a bit longer if necessary.

I have some options available to me...
  • Wait and try to get hired on with the new company - there is a decent chance they'll want to try and hire the same employees (I'm betting the pay won't be as good).
  • Wait and see if our company comes up with a new contract - which is possible. They've approached a company that has been interested in them for two years- saying, "We can get you into 35,000 stores if you want us now as we already have a team put together...". The company they've approached is a major cereal company...so it isn't a small operation.
  • Try to get something different with my company - there are openings available - I just can't see what they are for my area (there are no specifics about if they're part-time or full-time or what).
  • Find another job altogether or stay home. Or work odds and ends of jobs here in town and pick up more mystery shopping work.
The money isn't the total issue here - of the $550 or so that I currently clear - Art is getting pay raises in October that will be about $250 or so. So that leaves $300....which if we were careful - we could cut from our budget. In fact - we always seem to do better on a budget when things are tight. (Next year Art gets a HUGE raise thanks to the union - so its a matter of holding on for one year till that happens).

I wish I knew what to do - I don't.

Part of me wants to stay home....part of me says "stay home till January and then try for a job after the holidays..." but that is when things slow down.

I'm going to work the numbers - I'm going to pray about my options.
But right now I feel so confused. I always thought that when I grew up - I'd know what I wanted to be....but the things I've enjoyed most in life are being a mommy and a friend to others and of course - a helpmate to Art. The rest has been nice and fun and it helped me feel like I was contributing...but I am not tied to any one career.


He's still trying to send you good luck vibes - this time for getting a job. Every morning he spends time practicing holding his ears up to send you luck...