Texan Tales (& Tails) - by TinysMom

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wabbitmom12 wrote:
:stikpoke Everything okay over there?

More than ok - sorta. Mostly...

I signed up with Avon less than 2 weeks ago - I think I shared that already. My first order goes in on Tuesday.

Last weekend my recruiter and I talked about "leadership"...a lot. Then I talked to Art about it. Then I prayed about it. Then I thought about it some more.

Then I prayed about it some more. Talked to Art. Talked to my recruiter.

Thought about my life.

Today - with my recruiter's help - I signed up the first two people under me. Tomorrow I have a meeting with my third person. Friday I have a meeting with my fourth person.

In addition - my recruiter has meetings coming up this week with people in my district that she is going to put under me.

Oh - and my first order goes in Tuesday morning....

I am very happy - but very busy. I'm spending time not only learning about the products themselves - but the whole business side of things - because Avon is really into training - I have something like 25 training courses I can take in beauty, money management, etc. - and that's before my training for leadership comes in.

Anyway - I never thought that a $10 investment would turn into such a life-changing "career" for me - but I'm LOVING it.

People around me are remarking at the changes they're seeing in me....

I'm happy.


But happy.

Oh - and this will be the only time I mention it - but you can see my "estore" at www.youravon.com/pflint and the code "FIRSTREP" gets you FREE shipping on an order of any size.

(While you're there - do a search for "Butler Bag" and see what I'm buying myself for my 50th birthday!)

More later - but I'm about to collapse for now.
Peg, I'm so glad to hear about the Avon thing and that you're feeling good! I've come to the conclusion over the years that in order for me to feel good about myself, I need to be doing something productive with my life. Not just being busy, but doing something that's actually beneficial to myself and (more specifically) beneficial to others. I was getting really burned out at school and took a semester off to decide if I wanted to change majors or even quit school, and spent that time working full time at the grocery store. It wasn't long before I wasn't very happy. I was busy for sure, but working at a grocery store doesn't really help people. I decided during that time that I definitely needed to continue school and that I wanted to be a teacher so I could help children. I'm quite busy with school now and also quite happy. I'm not really helping kids that much yet, but I consider my education to be an important step towards being able to do that so I'm happy. I have had a few instances in my fieldwork (time spent in elementary classrooms) where I think I really helped a kid and I'm so glad.

Okay, sorry I kind of hijacked your thread there. Just wanted to say WHY I understand why you're happier now that you're doing the Avon thing. I'm going to go check out your store!

How are the baby loppies doing? Kerensa is snuggled with me on the couch right now and we want to see pictures!
SnowyShiloh wrote:
Okay, sorry I kind of hijacked your thread there. Just wanted to say WHY I understand why you're happier now that you're doing the Avon thing. I'm going to go check out your store!

How are the baby loppies doing? Kerensa is snuggled with me on the couch right now and we want to see pictures!
First of all - for those who aren't on facebook - I hope you can see these photos of the babies (Shiloh - I know you've seen them already)...


I'll try to take more photos this week - their eyes should be opening in the next day or two.

Can you believe that today is the last day I'll be in my 40's? Tomorrow I turn 50...

Up until a couple of weeks ago I was sort of blah about it.....now...I don't know - I think its partly due to the Avon - I'm excited about it. On my 50th birthday - I turn in my first order - and it feels like turning over a new leaf for my life.

I didn't realize just how busy I would be....and yet - its such a FUN busy-ness. While I miss having time for the forum - I'm having so much fun - that I don't feel...I don't know....its hard to explain. Its like its nice to come here and share and stuff - but if I can't make it for a day or two - its ok - because I FINALLY have a life again....a life I'm enjoying. Its taken me a long time to get to this point.

I'm a day late (coulda sworn I read this yesterday but oh well...) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Sorry about being late. I hope you had a wonderful day. Wishing you all the best for this year with many many blessings big and small. Hang in there! 50 is a nice round number for starting fresh or refreshing things in one's life I imagine.

Best of luck with the Avon thing. I looked at the site but it wasn't working for me. I imagine they don't ship internationally?

Wishing you a year with less bunny relatedheartbreak as well!
Oops, I forgot to come and say Happy Birthday! So, happy belated birthday, Peg! What did you do for it?
I'm wiped out - so I'll simply share here what I posted on Facebook last night....

Had a really super 50th birthday - couldn't have asked for better. Placed first AVON order...talked to my dad...watched movie w/ Eric...hung out w/ Robin and watched Bones while working on AVON books...forget what else. Just a super fun and relaxing day....couldn't have been better. (Oh yeah - saw Art too)...

As a short update - Cindy's babies are starting to open their eyes - so cute. I think we're naming them after the Three (four) musketeers...we gotta find their names. So far we have Porthos (the fattest one), Dotty (D'Artagnia (sp?)....the broken one....

Duke is doing good - growing up and not needing mama as much....sigh...

Ellie Mae finally had her abscess drained today so she looks less like a dinosaur. It needs more draining (Art did it while I was napping)....but she was biting and fighting when I went to look at it....so I let it be.

She's doing good though.

More later - but I want to watch this last dvd of Bones before I return it to NetFlix...plus I have bunnies to feed.
Just a short note - just made reservations for our hotel room tomorrow night. We're heading up to New Braunfels, TX tomorrow afternoon and hoping to go tubing Saturday at TubeHaus.com ~ depending upon the water levels, etc. Its currently considered "strenuous"....but we have tickets and this is the last weekend to use them.

Robin's friend (boyfriend) Richard is coming down from Kerrville and will be going with us....we got him a hotel room also so the kids can spend time together tomorrow evening before we settle in for the night (she'll be staying with us).

This is really cool for them - they're both jumping up and down at getting to spend some time together again...finally.

Sure wish Eric could make it...
Nela wrote:
[quoteBest of luck with the Avon thing. I looked at the site but it wasn't working for me. I imagine they don't ship internationally?[/quote]

We have Avon in Ireland, so you probably have it there, just need to find a local representative.
Tubing has gotten so expensive! We went a couple of weekends ago and just ended up at Canyon Lake because it's free and fun too. Have fun!

t. :biggrin2:
SnowyShiloh wrote:
How was the trip, Peg?
Well...I'm home and I'm mostly in one piece.

Let's see - the drive up went ok....we made it to the hotel safely (HATE HATE HATE city driving)....Richard made it in fine too and we all hung out in our room till midnight eating pizza and stuff. I fell asleep about 9:30 or so....but I'd wake up a bit every few minutes and hear Richard and Art talking...which was really good to hear them "connect" on topics that they share. For those who are wondering....Richard is Robin's boyfriend. Her 1st boyfriend. We've known him...5 years I think? Maybe 6 almost? I'd have to sit down and figure it out....the kids have been good friends for a while - he was Eric's roommate at college for a year - and his feelings for Robin have grown over time to become more than friendship - she has had STRONG feelings for him for a long while.

I have got to say that...we really did NOT like him at first....all those years ago. But now....WOW. What an awesome young man he has turned out to be. Every time I see him - I am more and more impressed about the man he is becoming - well - in fact - the man that he is.

So the fact that he and Art were able to connect on things was pretty neat because I think it made them both feel more comfortable.

Anyway - after our continental breakfast of Texas-shaped waffles....we went out to the tubing place.

From there...the day got "interesting".

I don't think that they make tubes in my size....not at all. I could not seem to lay in a tube like most folks do....I kept feeling like I was going to tip over. I finally had to SIT in the tube....that was ok. I was connected to Art's tube and the cooler's tube.

We did good till we hit the first rapids....I got knocked out of my tube. I was ok till I stood up - and then got knocked back down again - TWICE - with the water. Then I freaked out a bit and got scared. I finally was able to make it to the side and Art helped me back into my tube (he flipped too) - only to realize - I LOST MY GLASSES.

Now here is a lesson that everyone can learn from. I've had those glasses for over 5 years - have been meaning to make an appt. for an eye exam. All last week I was praying, "Lord....help me remember to set up an exam...". I'd remember it partway through the day - and say, "I'll do it in a bit..." and then forget.

So when you pray - be a bit more specific....maybe "Lord..help me remember to set up an exam but don't have me lose or break my glasses one more time...ok?" See...that would've done the trick.

But no...me.....with vision of 20/60 in one eye and 20/100 in the other eye...had to go and lose my glasses...so I can't drive - can barely see - etc. (For all I can tell - I'm typing up gobblygook here cause my fingers are on the wrong keys and I don't know it since I'm a touch-typist).

Anyway - we got back in the tubes and I did ok till we approached the next rapids...then I started to freak. Art held my hand and told me it would be ok....that if I freaked out I'd make things worse. He was right...the next rapids we went through were always ok after that - I calmed down - I held his hand and held onto the cooler's tube...and we did great.

Unfortunately - about 1/2 mile from the end...we pulled over to readjust ourselves in the tubes....and things went south from there. Long story - I'll just say we WALKED the rest of the way down the river pushing our tubes.

We finally got our tubes turned in - (got a shuttlebus back) and we went to this hamburger shack and ate and then Richard went back home and we headed home. The kids agreed - they'd go tubing again - we decided that we'd go RAFTING in a big raft...in fact - I'm gonna start saving for a trip next year in the Big Bend area....but tubing....naw. Art & I are both over 250 and it was just too uncomfortable.

But I'm glad I did it....I'm all scratched up (Art was just noticing new bruises on my legs today) - and I lost my glasses.

But I'd always wanted to do it at least once....and I did it. There was a lot of fun with a bit of terror mixed in and a big dose of frustration.

The neat thing was - the kids got to spend time together (Richard lives 3 hours away). Before we left - Richard gave Robin a tracfone he bought for her so they could text/call, etc. (versus just talking online). We all thought that was so sweet of him.

We're going to try to go up to Kerrville (where Richard lives) in 6-8 weeks and spend a night or two at a hotel so Robin can visit him (but stay with us at night). There is a used bookstore up there - along with a Hastings bookstore (we have to travel 150 miles to San Antonio or San Angelo for a bookstore).

Well - it looks like the optometrist may be opening in 10 minutes or less...guess what I'm REMEMBERING to do today?

Let's hope I can get an early appointment and not have to wait several days..

Oh - when we got back - Duke was very anxious for his formula and he climbed all over me for it....plus my Avon order had arrived.

I think that tonight Duke is moving into a cage with Ellie Mae who is being separated from Jar Jar and Mr. Bubbles since their boy bits may drop soon.....Duke needs some bunny socializing though and I think Ellie Mae will be lonely. She'll be in the cage next to the two boys she lived with....but still yet...she loves being groomed, etc.

Now let's hope she can teach Duke a thing or two.

Oh - and for Ali.....Brady Hawkes is a real character - you were right. Now that he has shown us his character....can he come live with you? You won't mind him stomping and making loud noises all the time will you? He loves to throw his litterbox around - bug the girls that are caged around him - and thump whenever he feels the need to let everyone know he's "interested"....
Yay! I prayed you'd be able to get an appointment quickly!

What an adventure on the tubing trip. I'm glad there was a bit of fun mixed in there, even despite the terror and frustration. It never hurts us to try something new. (Well, maybe it hurts physically - hence, your bruised up legs...:p)

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