Texan Tales (& Tails) - by TinysMom

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Wabbitdad12 wrote:
TinysMom wrote:
Just a short update that last night Ellie Mae's abscesses near her ear drained...with just a tiny bit of help.

BOY....can that girl fight. Most rabbits are really good about this...not her. What would have taken about 30 seconds took 15 minutes.

Once we were done - we went into the bedroom and played with her on the bed and gave her treats and stuff and she was fine.

She's such a cutie....
Daisy Mae is just a little stubborn too. I am glad it finally drained, that will take a lot of pressure of her little noggin.
I think this might be a hazard of putting "Mae" in your bunny's name. Phoebe Mae is as sweet as can be, but I can't imagine her sitting still for something like that either.

Glad to hear one side of Ellie Mae is drained! How's she doing today?
I'm not sure if it is part of the name "Mae" or the fact she's a form of a lop. I can work on flemish giants till the cows come home if they are sick or something - rarely any fighting...a bit of flinching. Lionheads will not usually fight - much - but they might scream.

But a lop? Oh my...they are definitely fighters if they are being given medicine they don't want (even if simply treating with ivermectin).

Anyway - Ellie Mae's abscesses don't need to be drained today - they stayed small....which is AMAZING. Shows the power of prayer cause I know she's got a lot of folks praying for her. (I was praying I wouldn't have to work with them again since she's so feisty).

I'm not going to work on the forehead for another day or two as I probably "could" do it - but it will be easier if I wait.

What amazed me is that when I went to check on her - she was in the back of the cage and the boys were in the front - and she came running forward to see me. I thought for sure based on the way she was watching me that she'd hang out in the back - but nope - she WANTED me to open the door and to reach for her and pet her.

So I guess she is both feisty and forgiving?

A short story about the baby - named Duke now. A few minutes ago he had some oatmeal out of my hand and then he had his bottle. He ran around the bed for a bit and then he hopped back IN his cage so he could use his potty corner and then he huddled up next to his stuffy for a nap.

I was in shock....he ran INTO his cage?

I will say he's learning - cause usually about 5-10 minutes after having his formula he does get put into his cage so he can use the bathroom area...but I didn't think he realized it.
I can't find a picture right now - and I'm too upset to do much.

I was just thinking the last day or two how good things had been going - no losses, etc.

I went to feed Squirrel tonight and discovered she'd passed away sometime earlier today. No signs of illness...just...gone.

Binky Free sweet girl - I wish I'd bred you because you were beautiful - but you sure were a pleasure to have and talk to and play with....one of the sweetest does I'd ever had...
I just heard a song that describes Art & I so well....even if I am not sure I like what it says..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYjO-L48ZQQ]I just want to be mad[/ame]
TinysMom wrote:
I just heard a song that describes Art & I so well....even if I am not sure I like what it says..

I just want to be mad

We had an instance of that this week, too. Or, should I say, Dave did. He had a valid reason for being mad at me, but he just had to be mad for awhile.

All in all, it was just as well that we stayed away from each other for a few days...polite, but not engaged. When we finally talked it out yesterday, we were both reasonable, and there was no yelling. THAT in itself was miraculous, because he was HOT, HOT, HOT on Sunday.

Even though we shouldn't let the sun go down on our anger, we also have to have enough control of ourselves to be kind to one another. I thinking giving someone the silent treatment to "punish" them is wrong...but if you are trying to collect yourself, staying a bit removed is probably a good thing!
TinysMom wrote:
I can't find a picture right now - and I'm too upset to do much.

I was just thinking the last day or two how good things had been going - no losses, etc.

I went to feed Squirrel tonight and discovered she'd passed away sometime earlier today. No signs of illness...just...gone.

Binky Free sweet girl - I wish I'd bred you because you were beautiful - but you sure were a pleasure to have and talk to and play with....one of the sweetest does I'd ever had...
I am so sorry Peg, binky free Squirrel.

Well - today we lost Squirrel's neighbor Oops. When we found Squirrel our first words were "Dang...we thought Oops would be the first to go...". He'd been ill off and on for a while ....

It bothers me though- two bunnies in about 16 hours...side by side.

I called Art and said, "I don't know that we have a virus - but we need to powerwash all the rabbitry cages tomorrow..." and he agreed to do so.

So this afternoon I'm going to make a list of who goes where tomorrow and how many carriers I'll need to set up so that first thing in the morning we can start powerwashing the cages and bleaching them and letting them set in the sun for a bit before we bring them back in.

And of course - when I came home - Jar Jar was dead asleep...scared me half to death. He just did not want to get up once he woke up (he finally did).
Oh no! Sorry about Oops and Squirrel :( I would be worried too about 2 bunnies right next to each other dying so close together. I hope it was just a coincidence. And naughty Jar Jar, scaring you! I hate when my bunnies flop like that. It's cute when I know they're just asleep, but terrifying at first.

I actually got video of a Flemish Giant at the fair flopped down. He was dreaming, it was really cute. He even woke up practically on cue when I was filming him.
Peggy! Peggy! Tell Finnster to wind those ears up tight and send me some LUCK!

I got a call from the instructor of my pharm tech class yesterday....he has a position open at the CVS pharmacy where he works. I went in to talk to him today...it's looking pretty good! The store manager needs to look over my info, but I could be getting that illusive job offer by the end of the week!

Go Finn, Go!
Not only is Finnster going to use those ears to wish you luck - but Brady Hawkes has decided to thump for you every morning at 5 am for 15 minutes...

Hurry up and get the job...please! The other males are threatening to join in his thumping....
wabbitmom12 wrote:
Peggy! Peggy! Tell Finnster to wind those ears up tight and send me some LUCK!

I got a call from the instructor of my pharm tech class yesterday....he has a position open at the CVS pharmacy where he works. I went in to talk to him today...it's looking pretty good! The store manager needs to look over my info, but I could be getting that illusive job offer by the end of the week!

Go Finn, Go!

Finnster is working on it - but now he's gotten it in his head that he should start "requesting" a "donation" of a bag of craisins per month....

I told him that was crazy - he'd never even had craisins...which is why he insisted on needing HIS OWN bag so he could try them.

I told him that flirting was something one did for fun - not for rewards....and he said he'll think about it.

Seriously.... he must associate you with holding his ears up cause I'll mention "Auntie Karen" and he starts raising his ears up and holding them out a bit...

SnowyShiloh wrote:
How is everything in Peg Land?
Everything is....so so. Some things are good - some things not so great.

Let's see - the good....Duke is growing like a weed and becoming addicted to mommy's pettings.....he loves to snuggle in my hair for short naps too. He has learned to drink from the bottle and will guzzle down 30-45 cc at a time - he is currently getting two bottles per day but I may have to start him on a third bottle.

I've decided e-lop is for "energetic engineer" lop. Brady got playtime today in the kitchen - I think that "Sir Hawkes" is the smartest bunny we have - possibly even smarter than Nyx (slap me for that please - we've always been impressed with her intelligence as she really seems smarter than most bunnies). Anyway - Sir Brady decided to use his teeth to PICK UP the exercise pen so he could move it around and get out. That's right - he used his teeth and PICKED THE PEN UP! I died laughing as I watched him. At first when he came hopping around the corner from the kitchen I was like, "What the ????"....but I put him back and watched him. He's one smart cookie....we had to keep checking on him every few minutes. He sure seemed to be having fun.

I believe that both Cindy and Sher are pregnant and we should be having babies fairly soon. The nestboxes will be going in probably tomorrow - I need to look up the dates of when I bred them. I'm a nervous wreck....I really want these babies very badly.

My job is....well...its hard to explain. I have a new boss now...and just from his first email this week - I think I'm going to like him - a lot. He said "Here is my picture so you know what I look like" - and he sent a picture of Brad Pitt. I haven't heard back from him - but I sent him a picture of Brad Pitt & George Clooney from Ocean's Eleven and asked if I could meet his partner...since he'd be more my age....

Art & I talked today about my job and the fact that it is ending. I just ran the numbers and we should be able to get by ok without me working if it comes down to that. We know that in October of 2011 - Art will get an $8+ per hour raise (gotta love the unions - even if I hate unions really). Well - not just Art...everyone in his shop will get that raise - this year it is about $1 per hour....it will start Oct. 1st.

Anyway - it would be a bit tight - but I could pick up mystery shopping jobs and various merchandising jobs that might pop up.

But we talked about - if my company gets the account they might get - would I want to stay with them and work on it? Would the work be local or involve driving still?

Would I prefer to get a different job? Would I want to go to the new company that will have the Kraft contract?

So much to think about....

It also doesn't help that Art is now on mid shift - which means he starts work at 10 pm and gets off at 6 am......

From Sunday night until yesterday afternoon at 5 pm - I slept about 40 hours....partly cause it is so hot and our bedroom is cool during the day - but I can't do much in there with him sleeping. I've been up now for almost 24 hours and hope to go to bed when he goes to work tonight - so I can reset my internal clock (and work tomorrow).

He'll be on mids for 2 months...and its just not an easy time...although I love being able to have the car any time during the day that I want it or need it.

Anyway - that's life for now. When life gets busy like this or I feel overwhelmed with decisions - I tend to pull away from the "extras" like friends...and the internet stuff. I just can't handle it all....

I'll be back soon...probably with photos..

TinysMom wrote:
wabbitmom12 wrote:
Peggy! Peggy! Tell Finnster to wind those ears up tight and send me some LUCK!

I got a call from the instructor of my pharm tech class yesterday....he has a position open at the CVS pharmacy where he works. I went in to talk to him today...it's looking pretty good! The store manager needs to look over my info, but I could be getting that illusive job offer by the end of the week!

Go Finn, Go!

Seriously.... he must associate you with holding his ears up cause I'll mention "Auntie Karen" and he starts raising his ears up and holding them out a bit...

LOL! My Finnster is a smart little guy! Keep it up Finn :brownbunny...I should be hearing back in about the next 2 days. :hanging:
I just have to share - Duke is finally looking like a flemish giant now....he's got the big butt....the big ears....the big paws.

If he is going to grow into his ears/paws....I think he'll be even nicer than Big Jake - who I think is even nicer than Mercury...

Today he got let out of his cage and the first thing he did was run for my arms and to snuggle with me. I thought for sure he'd binky for a bit- but he didn't start playing till several minutes later when I put him on the bed so I could get up and get his formula....and even then - he wanted to snuggle next to me for pets.

This is going to be one very affectionate bunny who craves human attention.
Cindy had six babies earlier tonight - she wasn't due till tomorrow.

Here is a picture (From the past) of how she seems to be feeling right about now..
