Texan Tales (& Tails) - by TinysMom

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:tears2: I don't know what to say, except, I'm so sorry.

The babies are at peace...I hope their human Mama can find the same. Tiny is showing them all around, I'm sure.
wabbitmom12 wrote:
:tears2: I don't know what to say, except, I'm so sorry.

The babies are at peace...I hope their human Mama can find the same. Tiny is showing them all around, I'm sure.
Thanks for that - I know he LOVED the little babies....he got one more overnight - we're down to four flemish giant babies now.

As I type this - Cindy is grooming the babies and thinking about nursing them for me....
TinysMom wrote:
wabbitmom12 wrote:
:tears2: I don't know what to say, except, I'm so sorry.

The babies are at peace...I hope their human Mama can find the same. Tiny is showing them all around, I'm sure.
Thanks for that - I know he LOVED the little babies....he got one more overnight - we're down to four flemish giant babies now.

As I type this - Cindy is grooming the babies and thinking about nursing them for me....

:sad: I'm sorry.

I hope it works out with Cindy...she has milk still, I assume?
things always have a way of workin out....i think your bein really strong right now i wouldnt be able to handle it
We are down to three flemish giant kits right now....the holland girls haven't given birth.

I'm tired and discouraged and I find myself asking the question of WHY am I doing this? Should I have done this? (Hint: No one will be rehomed no matter what I decide).

Its hard going from 4 holland lops and 7 flemish babies - down to now 3 flemish babies that I'm not sure will make it. Every day I dread to check the nestbox - every time I go near I just want to avoid it....

Been there / done that before with the lionheads....its part of why I got out.

Fortunately - at this time - the mamas seem to be doing ok.

Well - Robin's early birthday present just arrived (Kindle from Amazon - the smaller/less expensive one). I need to let her use the computer to set up her kindle account since I used my amazon account to order it.

Plus I gotta get away from hearing the "eehs" every so often....
Heading to bed after I feed the last four bunnies....five when you count Zeus.

So far two flemish babies are still alive but I do not expect them to make it through the night.

I have a lot to think about and share - chatting with Ali tonight really helped me understand a lot though. Five years ago, when I started breeding - I made certain promises to myself...but back then I was so ... inexperienced about some things. There are things I've learned since then which help me make decisions I make now - that I couldn't have lived with back then.

So I've been feeling very "untrue" to myself for some things - bunny related.

But alas - I have to head to bed so I can work early tomorrow morning....more later...I promise.
I posted this on facebook about an hour ago in response to someone who suggested disinfecting everything...that perhaps there was a virus or something. I hope it helps explain to everyone where I'm at..


Thanks Holly - I actually just disinfected a ton of stuff before the kits were born. In Cindy's case - she was a lousy mom - I knew at birth two of the kits probably wouldn't make it. The third one came out of the nestbox attached to her (I guess) and fell 3 feet onto the floor through a teeny tiny space in her cage...and its head got all swollen... See More...and the fourth one...I just couldn't keep it warm enough I guess. Cindy was peeing all over her kits no matter what I tried doing.

Nyx's milk never came in. I was using a formula recipe by Dana Krempels that had worked before - but was out of KMR at first and when I grabbed it at the store - didn't realize I had Hartz's version ... BIG MISTAKE. I really think that something in their formulation killed the kits. I was stimulating them to pee and poop, etc. - but the poop as they died was really strange looking.

We lost one more during the night and we'll probably lose this last one too.

Its been very discouraging and really made me question myself about breeding, etc. But the fact of the matter is....at least for me - I have a higher mortality rate with the dwarf breeds - so I'm not surprised that two out of the four died...and in Nyx's cage....it was ...well I didn't diagnose it at first because they were a good size and had peed on Saturday - but when I got to looking at Nyx later on I saw she had not pulled fur near most of her nipples and that she had no milk in them.

I am currently reminding myself of the fact that breeding is not all fun and it isn't always filled with full nestboxes. Sometimes things happen that we just can't control.

For instance - I have chicken mesh wire around Cindy's cage except for a teeny tiny spot under her door. The fact that a baby got out of the nestbox (it had to have been attached to a nipple plus it was fat) and then made it to that tiny spot and fell onto the tile floor...what are the odds?

Last night I finally came to a sense of peace that I've done all I can - that yeah - I made a mistake by using the Hartz version of the KMR ... I normally only use a different brand...but that sometimes - I think stuff like this "just happens" and I can't take it personally.

I've decided to learn what I can from it. For instance - make sure every spot of the cage is covered with the wire - leave NOTHING to chance. Make sure I have the CORRECT ingredients on hand for the formula before nursing.

I have two other does that I believe are pregnant - I'd meant to have them pregnant before Cindy but wound up breeding her first and then forgot to breed them for about a week (well - tried but they didn't take). If they'd had their babies first - there is a good chance I might have saved some of Cindy's litter.

So there is stuff in this that I can learn from and grow.

I am asking myself still "Should I give up on breeding?". It isn't that I believe breeding is wrong...it is - am I strong enough to do it and not let things like this eat away at me.
You know Peg, you are a highly respected woman. I can imagine it must be tough having to deal with those things. However, I do not think you should give up. I think those buns are loved all their lives, no matter how short it may be. That's a lot more than what most buns get. Not only that, but everything you learn, you pass on. You may think it's hopeless, but you've taught and helped out so many other breeders (and general bunny owners too) through your own personal experiences with breeding.

You cannot control life, but you can help improve the quality of life. I think that is exactly what you are doing.

Thank you for your kind words Nela.....I think a lot of it comes down to this...

When I first started breeding - I bought from a breeder who found it somewhat "easy" to cull rabbits. I remember falling in love with a rabbit who was reaching through the bars to play with my clothes and get my attention. She checked him and realized he had bad teeth - and when I asked - she basically stated (finally) that her husband was just going to take him out back and "put him down" ...I'm not stating it as graphically as she did cause it gave me nightmares for weeks.

At that point- I told Art that if it ever got to the point that I could talk about putting a rabbit down like that...or do as some breeders do and "cull" from the nestbox for type, etc - that I needed to get out of rabbits ASAP and he needed to make sure I do so.

Basically - I came to the point that I was going to "fight for life" no matter what.

Well - five years later - here I am - and to be honest with you - I am NOT fighting for the life of Nyx's litter. I also didn't fight for Cindy's two that possibly were peanuts and after the one fell out of her cage and got hurt - I didn't fight for it either.

Why not fight? For one thing - I am physically and emotionally exhausted when it comes to the rabbits. I have been through so much with them - I just can't take any more right now.

But also - I've seen the "results" now of fighting to save a life - for instance - Annie Oakley. I am convinced that there was something going on that is why she died at 6 months of age.

Yes - I had those 6 months with her - and yes - I had those few weeks with Cyrano (and they were priceless).

But I just can't take another loss like that right now - and Nyx's litter is so far behind the 8 ball as some folks would call it- that I just can't bring myself to fight a no-win battle. Its not worth it. I feel like it would be better to let them pass (and learn from the situation) than it is to try to hold on when all it does is kill me inside and extend the life of the babies by a few hours. If they were eating solids yet or if their mama was feeding them at all - I would try to save them. But I'm just not sure that formula feeding them totally is the best thing - especially with what I shared in my last post.

So I feel like I'm not being true to what I believe - but as Ali and I talked last night - she helped me realize that what I believed back then - has changed somewhat based upon what I have experienced. My eyes have been opened to a lot of things.

For example - (Sorry folks - difficult topic coming up) - if I have a litter born that is obviously wrong (Max Factor kits ) - I will cull them without thinking twice about it. (I will only cull the ones that are obviously Max Factor babies with the deformities, etc).

Five years ago - I might have tried to save them.

Anyway - part of me feels like I'm letting the rabbits down - but part of me says that I am doing what I can do....because it is what is the best thing in the long run.

I hope that explains some of my struggles.

In addition - when I look back on the last few weeks - it seems like since Calypso passed it has been one thing after another. First Calypso....then Annie (that still hurts a lot because she was SOOO loving) - then Montana who wasn't mine - but who I loved - and then some of our older bunnies I haven't shared about - like UB (Ugly Bunny) who was the last of Miss Bea's lines.....and Marcus...my first shaded herd buck who could always "get it done" if no one else could when it came to breeding.

Its been a lot to face - but I remind myself - I open myself up to this pain by choosing to have so many bunnies and by choosing to breed.

I thought breeding would be all sunshine, roses and full nestboxes.


Sometimes - life just happens and instead of standing there looking around me and crying, "WHY?" ..... I'm going to look around and say, "WHY NOT?"

Why do I think I SHOULD have it easy?

As I shared on my facebook status a few minutes ago - something I wrote in my Bible years ago...

God is more interested in our HOLINESS than He is our Happiness. We tend to get upset with Him because we are more interested in our Happiness than our Holiness.
All that has happened lately has driven me to my knees - to question God - to question what I believe and what I know...

and I've come to the conclusion that God is still God - He's still on the throne - He hasn't been telling me to "give up" but instead...to "stand firm".

At this point in time - as Lily is nudging me for pets while I type...I believe I am supposed to be breeding.

So I'm gonna take all this junk - learn from it what I can - and then "forget" it - to remove the pain and keep the lessons.

Its' all I can do.

:hug: I am so proud of you for persevering through trials! They stink, and then we have to get back up again and brush ourselves off (those are the hardest parts, I think.)

Holiness...not happiness. Couldn't have said it better myself!

Here is my prayer for you today, borrowed from our friend Paul the Apostle:

May God, who is able to give us peace beyond our understanding, guard your heart and mind through Christ Jesus our Lord.
It's easy to start in fully optimistic and thinking you can save them all and the best thing to do is fight for them. However, as you have realized, sometimes the best thing to do is not to fight. Maybe reducing your herd to where you would have fewer litters would help you in some way. (I don't remember how many you are at) I'm just saying maybe spreading out the time between litters and also giving you a bit of a rest without stopping might be good for you. In any case, it's hard to enjoy rabbits so much when you've had such significant losses. They are fragile creatures and unfortunately, they often break our hearts. :expressionless

Now that it is finally getting HOT...like HOT HOT HOT...

The window a/c in the rabbitry died. Either that - or the wiring is shot - not sure which yet.

SnowyShiloh wrote:
What terrible timing :( How are you keeping the buns cool?
I have some water bottles in the freezer and I'm staying home from work today so I can go around and spritz them with cold water every half hour or hour or so.

Art works till 2 pm - then he's going to come home and take back a huge a/c I'd bought (only to find out it needed higher voltage than what we had in the room)...we were gonna save it for the bunny barn but we need the $$$$ to replace their current a/c.

All of the flemmie girls that will get along are out running around here . Sophia has parked herself BEHIND the fan (should be in front if you ask me)....

What really bugs me is that the girls will all HUDDLE TOGETHER and nap just as close together as they can when it comes to snuggling up.

It is already 77 degrees and is supposed to hit 96 today and with all the rain and flooding we've had - the humidity is horrid.

I also have a watermelon I can cut up around noon and give everyone a small piece of.
will anybun lay on cold wateer bottles?

i know with chickens wed wrap them up ina cloth and set them in cages to keep them cool
What about using a Fan?? I have to use one too put on my Wooly doe if she doesnt have the fan her nose starts to bleed from the heat.