Texan Tales (& Tails) - by TinysMom

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Three are brokens for sure - can't tell 100% on the smallest one (yet) - it looks like they're going to have their mama's blanket pattern....which I love.
:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: Do you think they'll be okay? So exciting! Wonder if the other girls will have babies in the next couple days!
I'm excited - yet a bit upset at Cindy. She didn't nest, etc. - so I'm glad I found them when I did - she kept looking at me as if to say, "Come here....come on....I found something I gotta show you in my cage...". I finally figured out she wanted me to see something...

She's a bit antsy right now cause she doesn't have the kits - we're getting her cage baby proofed better after seeing how small these babes are....she'll have them back (with a bit of Nyx fur) in a few minutes.

Nyx is due soon too and she was shedding so much the other day when Robin picked her up to put her back in her cage that she said Nyx gave her a "chest wig".....
Did I mention I can feel Nyx's kits kicking? I can hardly wait till we have more "Nyx Bits" as Robin puts it...
SnowyShiloh wrote:
:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: Do you think they'll be okay? So exciting! Wonder if the other girls will have babies in the next couple days!
Right now - with this being a first litter for Cindy and looking at the babies I'd say two have a good chance - the third one has a fairly good chance and the tiny one - while I Don't think it is a peanut - has slim to none chance - it is like 1/3 the size of its littermates and I usually don't see them make it when they're this small. I once had a litter of lionheads where all four or six or whatever were like this - and they all died within a day or so.

Of course I'm already halfway attached to that one....just cause it is so small and so cute when it opens its mouth. But it doesn't seem to have as good nursing instincts as the other ones.

Cindy has jumped in the nestbox a few times and I think she's nursed them a bit....no ping pong tummies - but definitely looking a bit ore "comfortable".

Since I've had about 90 minutes sleep since 7 pm last night....Robin is pulling duty tonight to check on everyone...

Did you get some good sleep? Also the chest wig made me laugh so hard, I needed a laugh :) I had to tell Paul about the chest wig and he thinks it's hilarious too. Give Robin a hug for me for being awesome and brightening my day!

How are the little soon to be loppy eared bunlings today? I can't wait to watch them grow up! As cute as all baby bunnies are, there is something absolutely irresistible about baby lops. They get wayyyyy more than their fair share of The Adorable. And I can't help but wonder if maybe... just mayyyybe... my name isn't stamped on one of those babies! You should go check if one of the babies has "SHILOH" written on its butt.
TinysMom wrote:
Did I mention I can feel Nyx's kits kicking? I can hardly wait till we have more "Nyx Bits" as Robin puts it...

:inlove: Aww, baby bunny kicks...how awesome is that?!

I just hope that doesn't mean that she is SO FULL of babies this time...what's a good round number? 8? Let's pray for 8!
About to head to bed - even though Sassy has me wondering if she's going to deliver tonight. Its not so much any one thing she's doing...just her attitude.

Cindy has been feeding her babies - the smallest one is still alive (shock) and I did try to give it a bit of supplement today. I hate to say this - but I will try to supplement once or twice a day - but after my experience with Annie Oakley...I'm not sure that I am wanting him/her to pull through if there are going to be issues later on.

But then I remember Cyrano....

Anyway - the babies are looking cute. There are one or two there who I think have a really good chance of making it - I'm just so nervous because these guys are so TINY compared to flemish.

Nyx is grumpy - not exactly sure of her due date since she wasn't overly cooperative so she lived with Hermes for several days.

I may have more updates in the morning....but I'm not holding my breath.
First of all - we lost the smallest one today. Its ok - I knew it was going to happen.

BUT - sometime tonight between 6:30 pm and 9:30 pm....we had "Nyx-bits" born....

I begged her to have a smaller litter this time - to please think of mommy and the food bill and stuff. She gave me kisses and stuff.

Her idea of a smaller litter is...


Oh well - time to go remortgage the house for the feed bill that will be coming! :D

Pictures to come soon. Those on facebook may see them faster since I tend to upload there first. I'm going to do a shot tonight for sure of the two litters together - you're gonna be shocked at the size difference between 2 day old Holland Lops and newborn flemmies.
Yay!!! BABIES! No wonder Nxy was Miss Grumpypants.

Seven...well, that IS more reasonable than 13.

Sweetie's first litter (The Surprise Litter) had 6. Then the second litter - Nyx's - had 5 (1 stillborn)...and3 this time around. So, see? The numbers go down, lol.

Maybe it's my fault? I said 8 was a nice round number. It is...but maybe more than you really wanted. That's okay though...you will have more "specimens" to choose for show and breeding. :D

Hard to tell in all the pictures, but I didn't see any that looked way smaller than the others...hope that means everybun is healthy. :pray:

And they are so huge next to Cindy's babies! No wonder you thought the Lops looked so tiny. :wink It will be fun to watch them grow together, with the size differences.

I haven't looked at them too closely - but based on the size of one's head - it is DEFINITELY a buck...and it made me smile to see just how big it was compared to the others. (Now watch it prove me wrong and be a doe).
TinysMom wrote:
I haven't looked at them too closely - but based on the size of one's head - it is DEFINITELY a buck...and it made me smile to see just how big it was compared to the others. (Now watch it prove me wrong and be a doe).

Okay, they're all cute, and the Flemmies are huge! But the baby lops have my heart. Surprising no one. I can't wait until they get fur!
SnowyShiloh wrote:
Baby update perhaps?
I'll do a short update before I head out the door for mystery shops.

No new hollands yet - but I need to go back through my notes and reread when I bred them.

Cindy isn't being a great mom - she does feed them but she hasn't pulled fur - they keep getting separated or out of the nestbox when she jumps out - and I expect to lose them anytime just cause I wouldn't be surprised if that is what happens with this litter since I wanted it to so much.

Nyx's seven are doing ok I think - I took a quick peek.

Really right now is not a good time for me or baby updates. I'm having a hard time wanting ANY babies at all...partly from your losses of your babies - plus losing Montana - plus losing two that we lost this week that I haven't shared about.

I just don't want to attach to anything right now. While I don't really wish they'd all just pass away and be gone - I'm so tired of hurting that I just wish we didn't have them now after all.

I guess my heart is too broken from so many losses in such a short time....