Texan Tales (& Tails) - by TinysMom

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I'm sorry, Peg :( I understand what you mean about wishing they would be gone so you don't have to go through the heartache. In some ways I'm relieved that my 3 sick baby birds are gone because I don't have to worry about if they'll make it or not or if they're suffering too much or how hungry they feel. At the same time I miss them terribly and looking at pictures of other baby birds their ages (but not Phoenix for some reason) makes me cry because it's so unfair.

Don't feel like you need to update if it makes you uncomfortable. For me, baby updates are nice because yay happy new babies, but I understand it's different for you since you're the one there caring for them and attaching to them.
I think I'll feel better once this weekend is over.

This is the weekend of my mom-in-love's memorial service - and I feel bad we're not gonna be there. I know she'd understand...but I miss her so much.

When you add the renewed feeling of the loss of her - to the fact that this week I lost U.B. (the last of Miss Bea's line that I had), Marcus (one of my first herd bucks), Annie Oakley (from last week was it?), Montana (who I halfway hoped would wind up here eventually even though I knew she was really bonded to Ali), plus the losses of your baby birds which I was watching so closely and hoping to see them grow up....

....and add to that the raging hormones of a woman who's going through the change of life but feels permamently stuck on "half-changling" or something..

Well - its just a lot to handle.

I think once Cindy's babies are older and have more fur and have made it to the "open eye" stage - I'll feel better. I forgot how small the dwarf breeds can be - and somehow that feels more nervewracking than Nyx's litter.

Going out today to take photos of Zeus with the new camera was a help...and Art & I have a project this weekend in the bedroom (NO...NOT THAT...he had us buy a new comforter, 2 new sheet sets, new queen size pillows, etc - so that we can "Freshen up" our bedroom and make it more attractive.). I also bought two boxes 12' X 12' to fill with books and then send to Ali (book rate) since she and I like some of the same things.

Anyway - I guess that is about it for now - I have three mystery shop reports to turn in by midnight.
Playing around for new contest...











I'm too tired to crop my sunset photos - but here are some photos from today at a petting zoo..







I give up....this is it. I think I'm at wits end.

One of Cindy's babies made it out of the cage last night onto the floor and it looks like it damaged itself (the solid tort). The kind thing would probably be to put it down...but I can't. I mean...what if it doe make it?

Meanwhile- NONE of the babies have been fed in probably 24-36 hours (although Nyx's kids did pee on me on Saturday when I went to take photos).

I just got done working on formula feeding the two hollands and Nyx's litter.

On top of that (I'm on Art's laptop) - it looks like my computer has died - big time. Last week I would've had the money. (I still have some - but not as much). I may also have lost all of my documents I'd recently stored on the hard drive - Art is working to see if he can get them off - many were e-books I'd purchased and not yet backed up - along with iTunes shows, etc.

Mind you - Art just set up a 1 plus terrabyte networking setup last week for us to save stuff on and all be able to access.

I give up...I just give up.

If you don't see me on here for a while...I'll be back. But right now - I don't have the heart to be here - or to try and save baby bunnies (only to lose them at 3 months of age)....etc.

dont push yourself to hard. no reason to stress so bad that you see the rabbits as more of a chore than enjoyment....
:hug1 Hugs to you! I hope everything will turn out okay.. I will keep you in my thoughts like I always do. :hugsquish:
I am sorry things aren't going right at the moment, we are all here for you Peg, feel to call if you wan't to talk. Karen and I are always available.

:hug:Hug for you :pray:and we will pray that things will get better.
Karen's call came at the perfect time today....at first I almost didn't answer it cause I didn't recognize the area code...then she said her full name and it threw me...and then she talked about how her "friend" had posted and was hurting and the tears came....and came...and came.

Poor Karen - probably didn't call for that reason.

But I was so stressed and so upset - I couldsn't let the tears come for some reason. Hearing her voice -knowing she cared - just hit the "release" button....

I feel so very blessed to have made some great friends here on RO - that not only share interests in rabbits - but are also my dear friends....so many of y'all are like that - and whenever anyone reaches out - whether by pm or phone call or email or whatever - it means a lot.
We all have those days, don't we? I'm just glad I was sitting right at my computer when Peg posted. I could feel her frustration and sadness, and knew she needed to hear from a friend.
Well - I feel at the end of my rope...this is what led me to get out of breeding in the first place.

We lost the final holland lop baby (and it was so darn cute) - mama just wasn't doing her job and though I tried...I just wasn't able to save it.

We also lost two flemish giants.

I'm going to bed to cover my head and cry....and cry....and cry.

Then - I'll get up tomorrow - pick myself up by the bootstraps and start asking myself if I really want to do this.
Peg, I'm terribly sorry. Poor baby bunnies and poor you :( Now that I have had a small taste of what breeding (and losing precious babies) is like, I can't imagine how you and other loving breeders do it.