JadeIcing wrote:
*hugs* Glad you are feeling better. Sounding strong... Strong enough to get a gecko?
I realized tonight that what I am doing - is finally setting some boundaries in my life - to keep me from getting hurt - to keep me from hurting myself, etc.
I'm going to give a sad example here. For years and years I've tried to tirelessly listen to Art with all of his random stuff he loves to share ... movies, tv shows, and on and on the list goes.
I knew how much his mom listening to him meant when he was growing up....and I wanted to be like her.
Only thing was....it was a one-way street. Art had no problems telling me he wasn't willing to watch a tv show with me or a movie with me or whatever...if he didn't want to do it or watch it....it didn't matter about my feelings or about enhancing the relationship by sharing something. He just said, "no...I don't want to watch/listen to this".
He never had any resentment build up - but here I was listening and then resenting that the same courtesy wasn't shown to me.
So today - when he started to tell me about the movie he just went to see with Robin - I basically told him (nicely) - that I wasn't interested and I didn't want to discuss it. I explained that I wasn't being mean - but that I was tired of listening when I couldn't care less and since it wasn't a habit we both shared - I was going to stop doing so.
Now some of you may think I'm wrong for doing this.....but you know what? It was so FREEING to be able to say, "I love you - but since this is a part of our relationship that you don't take part in - and its causing me to resent doing it ...I'm going to stop."
This doesn't mean I'll never listen to him again - but I'm finally allowing myself the freedom to say, "I'm not interested. Sorry.." and move on without getting all this anger, etc. built up inside.
The thing is - I really miss sharing things with him this way - but he does it to the kids too and it has really hurt their relationships with him....he's just very 'me-oriented'.
I can share stuff with Eric and Robin and we do show each other that respect mot of the time unless we're really NOT interested at all.
Anyway - boundaries. I'm starting to like them. Even if it means placing them around myself!