Texan Tales (& Tails) - by TinysMom

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Wabbitdad12 wrote:
Peg I am so very sorry about the kits :hug:
Thanks - I know you understand how it feels.

Believe it or not - a fairly good decision has come out of all this.

I'm going to rebreed Athena in a day or so - and I'm going to breed Nyx again (her babies are 10 weeks old) - only this time I am going to breed Nyx to Hermes who carries steel (as she does) - that should make some better colored steel babies I believe.

I can hardly wait to share my next post...


Doe #1 - Currently called "Sweet Pea" - she will be part of my light gray program and is the #1 pick of the litter(s) for does. She is a really nice size girl and will probably get a decent size.



Doe #2 - very nice - will also be a large doe. Has a sweet personality but sometimes bossy. (Gave me kisses for half an hour tonight)

Annie Oakley!


[/align][align=left]Doe #3 - currently called "Calamity Jane" but I'm wondering if she should be called "Katie Elder". She's spoiled rotten - loves humans - but will chase after her sisters and isn't fond of other rabbits at all (whereby the others mainly get along).
[/align]Calamity Jane - cause it fits her so well!

Those three does will be used in my Light Gray program

These last two girls will be used in my program for breeding whites since their dad is white.

Lillie Langtry

Doe #1 - Lil One


and finally

doe #2

The "UnSinkable" Molly Brown

Yes - she lops one ear but she can hold it up when she wants to.

I'll try to get photos later this week of the two steel girls I may be keeping. One is Schioppi and the other one is Magnolia.

TinysMom wrote:

This is hilarious - the people who bought the three girls from me sent this to me today (thanks Richard & Diane in case you see this) - and it helped bring me out of my gloomy mood.


HYSTERICAL!! I'm glad you shared that...I've been stressing today about a test in my Pharm Tech class...but now, I think I'll spend the rest of the day dancing around saying, "I love my house, I love my room, I love my hair....!" (Can you picture it? :biggrin2:) The smiles on people's faces alone will keep my attention focused on the 'POSITIVE'. :big wink:
Don't forget to throw your arms out wide when you say you love your house....I think that is important (and part of the finale too??)

I'll be praying for you & your test.
First of all - I'll try to get steel pictures soon...I will need Robin's help with that.

Still no more babies. I'm wondering now if Calypso really IS pregnant or if she just put on a lot of weight. If she doesn't have babies by tomorrow - I will rebreed her to Mercury.

Nyx is being a troublemaker lately and even starting fights. However - she only starts them for particular reason...being a doe comes between her and the boys she's flirting with.

In other words...she wants a buck. Badly.

However, I will admit that she and Calamity Jane seem to have some sort of a dispute going.

So I'm going to breed her to Hermes tomorrow to try and get even better coloring on the steels.

Yesterday I tried to give Athena two babies but she didn't seem to want anything to do with them. So I put them back with Harmony.

Today I noticed she'd been looking in her nest for the babies...so I gave them back to her and even let them lay beside her for a bit (trying to nurse) so she would know she had them. I did eventually put them in the nestbox.

She is just so sad - I almost want to take a picture of her to show y'all - but it is just too heartbreaking to look at her and see the difference in her. I'm hoping she will accept the babies and will leave them in there longer this time. I had a talk with her (while loving on her) and told her how beautiful she was and special she is and how she is such a wonderful mommy. I told her about being adopted myself and how it is a good thing sometimes to be given to a new mommy. Do I expect her to understand all that? No...not really. But I think she enjoyed listening to me talk and hearing my soothing voice.

I guess that is all for now - I will update if Calypso has babies.
Athena has accepted the babies and nursed them. So I'm going to let her be a mama. I'm so happy for her.

On another note - Annie Oakley is quite the character. She is a big love bug - loves to give kisses - will periscope and beg for pets.

Looks like she's picking out Art to be her heart human....she just seems to adore him and lays beside him as much as she can and periscopes as much as she can to get his attention.

Should I be jealous that she's gonna be a "daddy's girl"?

I guess now - cause she gives me tons of kisses too.
They say that death comes in threes - I think I'm going to go bury my head and try to sleep most of the day away...since I've been up all night.

We lost JellyBean - an older lionhead doe - about an hour ago and we just lost the doe I was probably going to name Magnolia from Nyx's litter. She started showing signs of pneumonia and went downhill too fast to save - even with using nebulizer treatments.

I really really just want this day to end...and its barely started.
I'm so sorry for your losses! It sounds like you do need a great, big nap... :magicwand: you have my permission! DO NOT FEEL GUILTY!

BTW, I'm so happy for Athena! You are right...there is nothing sadder than a sad doe with no babies :( . You were so wise to give her two of Harmony's to love on! I look forward to updates on how she and the babies are doing together.
I've been meaning to share these photos for a few days now....

I'm a representative for Kraft foods. I go into stores to check the distribution (see what they carry) and also to hand out samples. A while back we had a bunch of Oreo cakesters that I handed out - I kept the little boxes they came in and give them to the bunnies.

Sassy loves to play with her box - every day it seems like it is in a different place. She loves to nap in it too.

Well - here she is napping the other day...


She's cute - isn't she? But here is the funniest part - look at where she had it!


After looking at the photos - I realized it is time to power wash the cages again...so we hope to do that this coming weekend.

There are times when you have to make hard decisions. Like .... who to rehome...and why.

Art & I have decided that come this fall - the Aug/September time frame (hopefully mid-September) - we will be rehoming Nyx.

I know....hard decision.

We're also rehoming Sophia, Athena, Mercury, Hermes, Harmony & Calypso. Big Jake is being rehomed too.

In fact.... all of the rabbits....except for Zeus and Angel are going to be rehomed....

[align=center] Its just time -we had to face it. We had to make a hard decision.

Oh....their new home you say?


today we put down a deposit on our new RABBITRY!

We're getting a 16' X 24' building from USBuildingsDirect.com. We just put down our deposit on it tonight.

They were having an awesome clearance sale on their buildings - the remaining ones go to auction tomorrow (we were literally the last sale processed).

Here are some samples of what our building will look like. We do the framing on both ends with a framing kit - and we buy whatever doors/windows we want and install them....so basically only the two sides and top are steel. The nice thing is - we can just choose our own doors and windows and put them in where we want.




This last building actually survived hurricane Katrina.


Come on...you didn't REALLY think we'd rehome our animals to someone else...did you?

Ugh....I never got notifications for your blog anymore:(!!!

Anyway....congrats on the new babies :). I hope they are bringing some joy into your life with the recent losses. Hows my Angel doing?

And....uhm....don't scare me like that! I really thought you were serious for a second there in your last post....my heart dropped!!!! Boy am I so happy for you finally getting your rabbitry - just wish I could be there to help you "decorate" it :).

Oh...and send me your favorite picture(s) of Tiny & Puck!
wabbitmom12 wrote:
I'm a tiny bit sorry for calling you & saying we were rehoming Nyx....I know that was mean of me.

But I was so excited that I had to share it with someone...and that was the first thing that came to my mind cause I'd run over to Nyx moments earlier and said, "You're getting a new home girl!"

Still yet...I'll try to not do that again!
Yeah, you were being a bit of a stinker there! :devil But if you can't tease your friends a little bit...then your friends need to lighten up!! ;)

I'm glad you called...I got to hear the big news FIRST! (Well, right behind NYX!) :bunnydance:
I'm sure that no one wants baby pictures....right? I mean...babies are so ugly...they just lay around and do nothing...

(I know - y'all want steels - I'll get them after I get new batteries for my camera(s) - both died - one set can be recharged though if I remember right - gonna check in a bit).

Anyway - back to babies....

This is the strangest litter I've ever had. The ones in Athena's cage - are staying in their nestbox...way way in the back like normal babies do.

The ones in Harmony's cage? They're constantly crawling to the front of the box for a while - then they'll head to the back for a bit and then the next thing you know - you see them (one at a time) come crawling out to the front. Sometimes one will be in the front (usually the biggest one) - or a couple - not usually all at once. Its like they're taking turns on guard duty or something.

I've never had a litter that did this before. Its funny though cause whenever I walk by the cage - I can usually see at least one baby.

Another thing about this litter- I'm THRILLED. With three of the babies for sure - I can see wider depth of body (and head too) - but especially in the butt and shoulders - even at this age. Since that was why I brought the girls into the herd - to see this in this litter is just awesome. I'm really looking forward to watching them grow.

I know...right now I feel like I could write a book - but since a picture is worth a thousand words....

These are the four that are in Harmony's nestbox....will show the others later. (I have more photos of this group and a video still uploading).

[align=center]Yuck - your armpit smells nasty.

[align=center]Your ear doesn't smell so great either.

[align=center]You do make a good pillow though.


[align=center]The ever-traditional bunny-butt shot.

[align=center]I've been asking mama if she has been feeding Miracle-Gro to the babies...

[align=center]No papparrazzi while I'm sleeping please...

[align=center]How much fur did Harmony pull?



And now for the sequel. Some of the photos (of them near the front of the cage) were taken today - the others were taken Thursday if I remember right.

Sorry - no trilogy here..











:inlove: ADORABLE! Such little chub-niks! Tell Mama Harmony, she did good!

And, by the way...is she BALD??!!? That is a LOT of fur! They must be the warmest babies in Texas!
WOW! That is a lot of cuteness! Congrats on the litter. Karen called me at work and said Peg is going to rehome Nyx. :shock:I said why? She then told me you were getting your bunny building. So my darling wife kept the gag going when she told me. Congratulations on the building I know you have been wanting that to happen for some time.

I love those pictures what cuties you have.
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
WOW! That is a lot of cuteness! Congrats on the litter. Karen called me at work and said Peg is going to rehome Nyx. :shock:I said why? She then told me you were getting your bunny building. So my darling wife kept the gag going when she told me. Congratulations on the building I know you have been wanting that to happen for some time.

I love those pictures what cuties you have.
I knew there was a reason why I like Karen so much...

Thanks for the comments on my cuties...they certainly are adorable.

I'm waiting to see them get as active as your babies...which reminds me- I need to check your blog to see if you have a Houdini yet in the litter...