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Great posts Peg, I have no doubt you flemish lines and your name will be widely known.
I'm sure that will happen - I'm just hoping my name will be widely known for GOOD things!Great posts Peg, I have no doubt you flemish lines and your name will be widely known.
Cindy - I hope you do get into showing - and if you enjoy it - breeding too. I think a person can successfully breed (and enjoy breeding) with as little as a trio of two does and a buck. It takes commitment to the rabbits though - that you'll get them homes - and it takes buying stock that others believe can have babies, etc. (For instance - I'm still concerned about Cindy giving birth when I breed her - but other breeders have told me she's just fine and should not have any issues. Since several of them have told me that - I will believe them - but I do get nervous). A good way to go about it would be to start with a proven doe, a younger doe - and the nicest buck you can find.
I pick her up and move her and tell her "No" in a stern voice - and she runs off to another cage...to do it again to someone else.
Thank God - NO! She tries to escape herself sometimes when I open the cage door - but it is pretty hard to get out of a dog kennel.They are soooo cute! Has momma taught them how to escape?
I think the decision I've come up with is that I'll still show some flemish at shows - if nothing else - perhaps it will help someone else earn a leg for their wins and the judges can help me determine what I need to work on in my lines. It isn't like won't show flemish at all. I'll probably even take some to sell as pets.I understand how you could feel a bit isolated, Peg. It's not fun to feel like you haven't really connected with anyone in the group.
I guess it isn't as much that I haven't connected with anyone (although partly that) - as it is - I wasn't a big fan of the people I met.
Imagine sitting at the table for the buffet and hearing someone say, "Yeah...I had a buck out of XYZ...didn't do me a bit of good - so we ate him. If he won't produce then he's supper."
I understand people eat rabbit - I really do. I understand that flemish are considered a "meat" rabbit. But the attitude I saw towards the animals themselves were like they were just livestock that you deal with - whereby mine are beloved pets.
I guess my input would be, remember that you are dealing with a larger group of people in the Holland club. Sometimes that makes it easier to connect. That might seem backward. But if you think about it, there is a bigger "pool" of people for you to have something in common with. Like all groups, some people are much more outgoing than others are. And, if the Flemmie club has 1/2 as many people, it might be that they are still missing "that" person who is super friendly...the one I like to call the "social director", lol. "Hey, let's put our chairs together during the show! Hey, I have a big batch of chocolate chip cookies for us all to share! Hey, let's exchange contact info!" You know...the one who is the glue that keeps it all together.
I was talking to someone about this the other night and it could be that they need someone friendly - but it also could be that the way to make things better will be to get MORE breeders involved somehow (like help a youth start breeding - or a family or something) and then be able to cheer them on. In other words - find like-minded people - get them breeding if they're interested - and then have a starting "group" to work with.
Honestly - I was sorta treated (and I will state that not all flemish breeders were there at the shows I was at) - like the red headed cousin (forget step-child)....that you need to put up with.
However - the way the holland lop people literally reached out to me - almost brought me to tears. It was like, "You want a rabbit? Hey.....let's go all over the show and look for you and then help you figure out what rabbits to avoid even if we don't make a penny from it..." and then "So what shows will you be at? We'll look for you there.."
Totally different mindset.
The Flemmie group might be more reserved because they don't have as many super-social types. Maybe YOU could be the "social director" for the Flemmie club, LOL. :biggrin2:
So my :twocents : Give them another chance. :big wink:
BTW, glad to hear you aren't planning to give up Flemmies altogether!! Remember, it will be much easier to know what you are aiming for if you are taking them to shows for the judges to evaluate! Maybe Hollands will be your main focus...and the group you like to "hang" with...but if I were you, I wouldn't forgo showing the Flemmies altogether.
You know I love you, either way!
wabbitmom12 wrote:I think the decision I've come up with is that I'll still show some flemish at shows - if nothing else - perhaps it will help someone else earn a leg for their wins and the judges can help me determine what I need to work on in my lines. It isn't like won't show flemish at all. I'll probably even take some to sell as pets.I understand how you could feel a bit isolated, Peg. It's not fun to feel like you haven't really connected with anyone in the group.
I guess it isn't as much that I haven't connected with anyone (although partly that) - as it is - I wasn't a big fan of the people I met.
Imagine sitting at the table for the buffet and hearing someone say, "Yeah...I had a buck out of XYZ...didn't do me a bit of good - so we ate him. If he won't produce then he's supper." :shock: Yikes!! I can seewhat you mean! What a jerk.
I understand people eat rabbit - I really do. I understand that flemish are considered a "meat" rabbit. But the attitude I saw towards the animals themselves were like they were just livestock that you deal with - whereby mine are beloved pets. That's horrible!! And it shows how little they know about Flemmies, really, because they are considered to fatty to be used for meat. Seems like anyone who is just in it "for the money" doesn't care about producing personable rabbits, either.
I guess my input would be, remember that you are dealing with a larger group of people in the Holland club. Sometimes that makes it easier to connect. That might seem backward. But if you think about it, there is a bigger "pool" of people for you to have something in common with. Like all groups, some people are much more outgoing than others are. And, if the Flemmie club has 1/2 as many people, it might be that they are still missing "that" person who is super friendly...the one I like to call the "social director", lol. "Hey, let's put our chairs together during the show! Hey, I have a big batch of chocolate chip cookies for us all to share! Hey, let's exchange contact info!" You know...the one who is the glue that keeps it all together.
I was talking to someone about this the other night and it could be that they need someone friendly - but it also could be that the way to make things better will be to get MORE breeders involved somehow (like help a youth start breeding - or a family or something) and then be able to cheer them on. In other words - find like-minded people - get them breeding if they're interested - and then have a starting "group" to work with. Having a group with kids and families probably would make it friendlier. But if you are like me, I don't have time for even ONE more thing on my plate right now! Someone else would have toget it going.
Honestly - I was sorta treated (and I will state that not all flemish breeders were there at the shows I was at) - like the red headed cousin (forget step-child)....that you need to put up with.
However - the way the holland lop people literally reached out to me - almost brought me to tears. It was like, "You want a rabbit? Hey.....let's go all over the show and look for you and then help you figure out what rabbits to avoid even if we don't make a penny from it..." and then "So what shows will you be at? We'll look for you there.."
Totally different mindset. I'm glad you have found a good niche with the Holland breeders! It will make going to the shows so much fun.
The Flemmie group might be more reserved because they don't have as many super-social types. Maybe YOU could be the "social director" for the Flemmie club, LOL. :biggrin2:
So my :twocents : Give them another chance. :big wink:
BTW, glad to hear you aren't planning to give up Flemmies altogether!! Remember, it will be much easier to know what you are aiming for if you are taking them to shows for the judges to evaluate! Maybe Hollands will be your main focus...and the group you like to "hang" with...but if I were you, I wouldn't forgo showing the Flemmies altogether.
You know I love you, either way! I still do...and hope you didn't think I was criticizing you.( You asked for a little feedback.) I'm glad you elaborated a bit more about what bothered you...and I can see where you're coming from. I would probably feel the same! :hugsquish:
But I may add a few more hollands to my line - right now I have two bucks and three does. I'm thinking I may add another two does in June at the show IF I find two does that I feel are worth adding. I'd like to add a tricolor doe also (broken harlequin basically) - and there are other colors that I love (chinchilla for example).
I think I'm at a point where I could see myself taking something like 10 hollands to a show and four flemish or something like that. I figured you were planning something like that. Smart idea.
There's some other stuff I'm thinking about - I've been told I'm undercharging for flemish giant pets - and I'm finding that it is easier to find homes for them than thought it would be. Basically - Nyx's litter is all spoken for (or gone) - the first two litters of flemish are gone or here (the ones I intended to keep). When the girls have their babies this week - even if we have 30 of them (I hope not) - I now know how to find them homes and advertise and I was encouraged by someone that within a year or two - I could wind up with a waiting list for pet bunnies.
Anyway - enough babbling for now I guess.
:woohooDoes it have a view?And honestly - I do have an underwater island to sell you right near the Brooklyn Bridge....