Texan Tales (& Tails) - by TinysMom

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cute baby pictures

and i thought some tradgey had happened and you were for real about rehoming...i was like o no
Its been a rough couple of days. Richard & Diane - the couple who bought three of Nyx's girls...lost one of them on Saturday. I'm devastated - we have some suspicions of what it was - but not 100% sure. They are such awesome people and great bunny slaves - this just hurts so bad.

In addition - Sophia has sore hocks. They're not infected - just very calloused - not overly large spots but there are two of them.

Yesterday Art gave her a bath (long story) and ever since then - she's been laying at my feet during her playtime - she will nudge me to pet her and she gave me a few kisses too.

For those who remember when Tiny lived in the office while I worked - you'll understand how emotional this is making me since Tiny used to do the exact same thing.

I'm thinking about talking to Art about letting her become a house bunny (free range) when the other bunnies are in the bunny barn because it seems like being locked up in a cage - even a good size cage - isn't good for her.

Oh there she goes - nudging me again...and giving me kisses.

Gotta go - I'm starting to tear up again and want to cry. I love her doing it - but it makes me miss Tiny so much.
): so good that she is so nice, and personally it seems kind of a gift that she resembles Tiny in a way, not to sound all angel and supersticious. But maybe a peice of him still hangs out and he knows you need him right now and so hes guiding her...if that makes sense.

its too bad about loosing one of the bunnys, im sure that must have been as hard for you as the new family. ):




Athena's two fosters who would NOT stay still for me or stay out where I could get photos...



BABIES!! So adorable! I see little baby bunneh teeth in one of those pictures. :faint:

I'm sorry about the loss of Nyx's kit. It just seems she was not destined to have as large a litter as she gave birth to. *sigh*
BABIES!! So adorable! I see little baby bunneh teeth in one of those pictures. :faint:

I'm sorry about the loss of Nyx's kit. It just seems she was not destined to have as large a litter as she gave birth to. *sigh*
I posted this in the rabbitry - but decided I'd love to post it here too.

It is from Barbi Brown's rabbitry website (She gave me permission years ago to share it as long as I mentioned it was from her site).

[align=center][font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"]YOU'VE GONE TO THE RABBITS WHEN....[/font][/align] [font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"] [/font][align=center][font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"][/font][/align] [font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"] [/font][align=CENTER][font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"]You spend more time in the Rabbitry than the house.[/font][/align] [align=CENTER][font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"]The mailman brings more show catalogs than mail addressed to "Occupant".[/font][/align] [align=CENTER][font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"]You have a phone extension in the rabbitry.[/font][/align] [align=CENTER][font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"]You spend more time cleaning nest boxes than cleaning the house.[/font][/align] [align=CENTER][font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"]You lay awake at night thinking of rabbit names.[/font][/align] [align=CENTER][font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"]You plan your vacation around the ARBA convention and your Breed's National Show.[/font][/align] [align=CENTER][font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"]You spend every week-end at rabbit shows and your in-laws are beginning to wonder if they'll ever see the grand kids again.[/font][/align] [align=CENTER][font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"]Your rabbit meds cost more than the kids doctor bills.[/font][/align] [align=CENTER][font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"]Your very first rabbit is now a great-great grandmother.[/font][/align] [align=CENTER][font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"]You have "your own line".[/font][/align] [align=CENTER][font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"]You turn down a dinner date with your boss because a new doe is about to kindle.[/font][/align] [align=CENTER][font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"]You spend more at the feed store than the grocery store.[/font][/align] [align=CENTER][font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"]You've visited more Rabbitries than National Monuments.[/font][/align] [align=CENTER][font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"]You 8 year old can recite every breed of rabbit but doesn't know the President's name.[/font][/align] [align=CENTER][font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"]You ask for a rabbit fur coat for Christmas but want the rabbit in it.[/font][/align] [align=CENTER][font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"]For your Birthday you want a roll of wire and j-clips.[/font][/align] [align=CENTER][font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"]You have more rabbit dates than people dates on your calendar.[/font][/align] [align=CENTER][font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"]The man at the feed store knows you better than your hairdresser.[/font][/align] [align=CENTER][font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"]You can pack 10 carriers in the back of a compact car but can't load suitcases for vacation.[/font][/align] [align=CENTER][font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"]You'll drive 400 miles at 2 in the morning for a rabbit show but going across town to your mother-in-law's for dinner is "too far".[/font][/align] [align=CENTER][font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"]You know every herb a rabbit likes but haven't a clue what to use with tomato sauce.[/font][/align] [align=CENTER][font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"]Your electric bill in the barn is higher than the house.[/font][/align] [align=CENTER][font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"]Your rabbits have air conditioning but you don't.[/font][/align] [align=CENTER][font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"]Your rabbits have their own freezer for water bottles.[/font][/align] [align=CENTER][font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"]Your kids can calculate probabilities of litter colors but are stumped in science class.[/font][/align] [align=CENTER][font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"]Your greeting cards all have rabbits on them.[/font][/align] [align=CENTER][font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"]Your gift packages all have rabbits on them.[/font][/align] [align=CENTER][font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"]You have pictures of all your rabbits only a few of your first born son.[/font][/align] [align=CENTER][font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"]Your spouse refers to you as "the person who takes care of the rabbits."[/font][/align] [align=CENTER][font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"]You have a smoke alarm in the barn but not in the kitchen.[/font][/align] [align=CENTER][font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"]It's midnight and you're exhausted but take one last walk through the barn to be sure all the babies are in their box.[/font][/align] [font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"][/font]

Great list! Hehe, 6 of those apply to me and I'm sure more would if I actually was a breeder.

Can we get some pictures of the cute little Holland Lop on the previous page? Is that Puckina? She's so sweet!
SnowyShiloh wrote:
Great list! Hehe, 6 of those apply to me and I'm sure more would if I actually was a breeder.

Can we get some pictures of the cute little Holland Lop on the previous page? Is that Puckina? She's so sweet!
No - actually I should get some pictures of Puckina...what a brat.

That little girl is Sassy. She's about to be bred to Zuba. I also have Cindy - and Sher. I'm trying to decide whether to take Sher (who is a big girl) to Zuba (who is my best buck) or to Finnster who isn't as nice - but is coming along nicely. I don't want to wear Zuba out on all three girls...although he is more than willing.

Here are some "professional" photos of them from the show in Seguin in April.

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