Snuggy's Family 2007

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Penny is SO cute. I love how she hops, hehe.

I sure hope Cooper settles down and the bonding will start going smoother. Poor guy...I wonder if waiting til he was 2 yrs old to neuter him had something to do with why he acts like an intact buck. :?

Good luck, I'll be watching for updates.

doodle wrote:
Penny is SO cute. I love how she hops, hehe.
Penny is so INSANE! She growled and lunged at me the othernight because I didn't give her enough basil! She is one crazy little Dutchie girl, but I love her.

doodle wrote:
I sure hope Cooper settles down and the bonding will start going smoother. Poor guy...I wonder if waiting til he was 2 yrs old to neuter him had something to do with why he acts like an intact buck. :?

Good luck, I'll be watching for updates.
Thanks. I'm going to keep trying. I think he'll settle down. He's SO sweet to me. I'm in love with him. He seems to like being cradled like a baby and will just stare into my eyes. He's so plush and cute, I wish I'd named him Teddy!

I hope you were just about to tell us that Snuggs and Cooper are getting along GREAT, sleeping in the same hay, eating the same carrots, or even the same veggies, you know like these two:


or even these two:


Don't get jealous now lol, everything will happen in good time. (Sorry I just HAD to do that)
Your two are adorable, Jim. Those pictures are precious. I'm so glad Thumper likes his girlfriend. :)

I'm not going forward with the attempts at bonding Snuggs and Cooper. It looks as if Cooper is having surgery soon, so everything is on hold.
Thanks Laura, I appreciate it. Not going forward? Does that mean never or not right now? If you read around, which I am sure you do, alot of experts think that given enough time and patience, any two bunnies can be bonded. I can't say I know this to be true however, but you would think that Snuggs should be pretty easy to find a mate no? I know she is fiesty sometimes but doesn't she lighten up once she is put in her place a little?

TumpieRabbit wrote:
Not going forward? Does that mean never or not right now?
I don't know.

Cooper has amalignant tumor on his ear. He has to have the ear removed to keep it from spreading.

I'm afraid to let Snuggy get attached to him. I don't think she could handle losing another best friend. I'm being hopeful about Cooper's situation, but I just don't want to chance it.

After Cooper is healed and gets the OK from the vet, I may change my mind.

Cooper had his photo shoot last night. I wanted some photos of him with both ears. :(

You can sort of make out the tumor on his lower left ear here:


Here he's doing his best Holland impression:



And a short video of him trying to play with Marley:

Thanks! They are doing nicely in the bathtub together, but Penny still pees and poops all around Shadow's cage, so we're not quite ready to share space just yet!

Penny is one crazy little territorial Dutchie! I think she's awesome though. She cracks me up.

I took a chance last night and let Penny and Shadow out together in their room.

It went really well!

They are still working out the dominance thing (a lot of mounting), but no fighting. They started circling once, but I stopped them and smooshed them together and did a lot of cooing and petting both of them and they calmed right down.

I think they are going to be friends in no time! :D

I'll try to get pics or video tonight.
polly wrote:
Can we have more Snuggy pics pls:biggrin2:
Yes, definitely. I just realized I haven't posted any of Snuggy for a long time. I feel like a bad bunny mama now. Poor Snuggs. She's still my little star and I'm sure she'll enjoy having a photo shoot.

I will work on that tonight!

Party in Shadow's cage:

Drive-by mounting:

Penny's still trying to play "hard to get". There hasn't been any grooming yet, but I think they are going to be fine. I probably won't have them share a cage for some time, but supervised playtimes are being enjoyed by all of us!

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