Snuggy's Family 2007

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The new loppy boy is here! He's even cuter than his pictures.

I put the carrier in the kitchen about an hour ago with the door open, but hehasn't come out yet. I'm giving him some space.

I don't want to handle him right now. He seems pretty scared.

Kim (Doodle) took him to the vet this morning. She noticeda little pea-sized lump on his ear. The vet said it was an infectedgland and put him on Baytril and a topical ointment.
He's discovered his new cage and appears to like it:




Aww, sweet boy (it's going to be hard for me not to call him Harley for awhile, hehe). He looks pretty relaxed in the pics. :) He's been through a lot in the past couple of days, so I'm sure he appreciates being left alone for now while he settles in. He has no idea yet how much better his life is going to be now.

Keep us updated on how he's doing, okay? Give him a kiss from me.
This little boy certainly has the typical Mini Lop attitude. LOL. He came out and ran all over the kitchen and back hall last night. I have a big cardboard box of bunny supplies in aback corner. He promptly jumped right on top and pee'd all down in the box!

This morning I accidentally left a door open and turned my back for onesecond and he escaped. I went andscooped him up and returned him to his area. Hethumped me off, ran back to his cage and is still in there, pouting. He's just like Snuggy! hee hee

I love that attitude!
Awww, is he cute or what?!!! And he is all stretched out and giving attitude already - now that's a good sign he is settling in ;). I really hope Snuggy takes to him, they could be such a good match.

BTW - I love his back feet ( I kinda have a thing for bunny feet :biggrin2::p)

Snuggy's doing okay, though I can tell she's lonesome.

I picked up a male Mini Lop yesterday, and hopefully one day, the two of them can be friends.
binkies wrote:
Baby was a very loved little critter, I hope you can find some comfort in knowing that.
I just wanted to drop by and show my support for Snuggy and her family. I know this is not a good time Snuggy but I just wanted to let you know that your butt is getting REALLLLY big and I just thought maybe you could start doing some pilates or something? Is this a bad time to ask this?

And not to change the subject binkies but who are you calling a "critter"??? Is that how you would like us to refer to you? "yeah, gee that Binkies, what a great little cirtter!!" Enough said about about that?

And another thing, where the hell has everyone been??



I am glad you liked the baby collage, what an awesome bunny she must have been. I love the pics of her and Snuggy layiong down together, they look like they are synchromized, they are in the exact same position lol! It was difficult to make though, I kept getting all welled up every time I cropped a pic. It was funny though because I would adjust the curves and levels on the baby pics to light up her face because it was all black, but no matter what I did I couldn't get that one crystal clear pic, so I did my best. Sorry for Thumper, he isn't exactly the most gentlemanly bunny their is.
I just got a new BB gun so me and Thumper are gonna play a new game, I call it "Run for your life Tumps!"

I felt so sorry forthe new boytonight. He was in the kitchen, exploring and we were watching a movie. All of a sudden, I heard this frantic scrambling, ran in the kitchen and found him stuck in an empty soda box! He had managed to squeeze himself in it, but couldn't get back out. I had to open the other end and help him out. He ran for his cage and probably won't be coming back out for a while.

I lay in the floor by his cage and pet him for a long time and calmed him down. Bless his heart.
TumpieRabbit wrote:
I am glad you liked the baby collage, what an awesome bunny she must have been. I love the pics of her and Snuggy layiong down together, they look like they are synchromized, they are in the exact same position lol! It was difficult to make though, I kept getting all welled up every time I cropped a pic. It was funny though because I would adjust the curves and levels on the baby pics to light up her face because it was all black, but no matter what I did I couldn't get that one crystal clear pic, so I did my best.
You did an excellent job, Jim. I love it. I can't thank you enough.


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