That's it Alowiscous Thumpus Jr. the 3rd, you are sleeping on the cot in the living room tonight, don't even try to come to bed. You make me feel so worthless talking smack about me behind my back to all these other women. What will they say about me at the beauty parlor? They already make fun of my facial hair!!
Lord_Thumper wrote:
Lord_Thumper wrote:
Snuggy? Where have you been??? I am so sorry to hear about your friend Cooper, I guess it is the price we all pay for loving each other, we have to eventually part ways. I am glad he had your Mom as a Mom and not some other Mom for a Mom. Does that sound stupid? You'll have to excuse me, I dropped out in Bundergarten before we took Bunglish.
Anyway, I was wondering if you were still interested in having an extrabonderal affair with me? This whole marriage thing really sucks, Frannie is the devil. She walks around in a housecoat and curlers now, she doesn't even wear those sexy harnesses she wore before we were married, and I hate to say it but she has really let her figure go in the past few months. She just sits around stuffing her face with carrots and hay cubes all day watching TV and oh yeah her favorite activity, yelling at me.
I need a good bunny divorce lawyer, I am still paying child support for the 689 kits I am the biological father of, how the hell did I know I was that fertile??!@!
Take me away Snuggs.....