Snuggy's Family 2007

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Love it! So pretty.
I couldn't be happier! My husband wanted me to make an effort to bond, so we can eventually reduce the number of cages in the house.

Snuggy and Cooper are next. That is not going to be easy.

I'm supposed to limit myself to three rabbits, but if I canmake two couples out of the four rabbits I have, it will be like only having two rabbits, right?

I think that means I can get another rabbit! :D

F L EM I S H ! ! !

Too bad the one I saw for sale at the vet's office is already gone. :(
Ugh I am at my limits. Unless the lionhead I am going to meet makes me fall in love.
I took some pics of Cooper tonight so everyone could see his ear.

Here's the ear right after the amputation:


And here he is now:




Isn't it cute? It blends right in. I'm so pleased with the outcome.

Stealing hay from Snuggy:


Yeah, apparantly the hay is always better when it comes from somebunny else's rack!

If you're wondering why I have that extra, colored fencing up, it's to keep Snuggy from biting Cooper through the bars. She's so bad.
Cute pictures Laura, Cooper looks like he's sitting in the last picture.

I take it they are not a couple yet. That's too bad as they would look really good together.

Come on Snuggy become friends with Cooper.

Watch out for Snuggy, Cooper! I think she's out to get your tail! :shock::biggrin2: He's just too cute. the partial ear makes him look even cuter, IMO
Cute couple, I bet you are glad you kept both of them now. How long did it take you to bond them?

Now if we could just get Snuggy to fall in LOVE:heartbeat: with Cooper you have 2 of the cutest bonded pairs.

Thanks, Susan.

I certainly am glad I kept Shadow and Penny. They are constantly melting my heart. Penny is so smart and has such personality and Shadow is super sweet. Even though they have each other now, they are both still very affectionate with me, which makes me a very happy bunny mom.

It didn't take long to bond them. I started by giving them separate playtimes in the same room. I only did a few "dates" in the bathtub, then decided it was time for them to play together in their room. They've not had one fight the whole time.

Shadow still has his own cage, but I think they'll be sharing Penny's full-time very soon. At bedtime, Shadow goes into Penny's cage with her and refuses to come out! When I put him back in his cage, he thumps at me. Aww.
jordiwes wrote:
Was that a bite? Is Snuggy trying to chew on him?
Sheplucks his fur out when he gets too close. I'm sure it would have been a bite if there hadn't been two barriers between them!

He wants to beher boyfriend, but Idon't know why.I guess he's a sucker for a pretty face!

Snuggs??!!! How's it going?? Long time no see. I am glad to see Penny and Shadow together, they are very cute couple. I guess it would be perfect if you could bond Cooper and Snuggy huh? Unfortunately the bunnies don't usually see things the way we do. Edit, I am so sorry about Cooper, I didn't know he passed away, If you want to send me some pictures of him I could make a collage of him like I did with Baby, only if you want.

TumpieRabbit wrote:
I am so sorry about Cooper, I didn't know he passed away, If you want to send me some pictures of him I could make a collage of him like I did with Baby, only if you want.
Thank you, Jim. That is very kind.

Snuggy? Where have you been??? I am so sorry to hear about your friend Cooper, I guess it is the price we all pay for loving each other, we have to eventually part ways. I am glad he had your Mom as a Mom and not some other Mom for a Mom. Does that sound stupid? You'll have to excuse me, I dropped out in Bundergarten before we took Bunglish.

Anyway, I was wondering if you were still interested in having an extrabonderal affair with me? This whole marriage thing really sucks, Frannie is the devil. She walks around in a housecoat and curlers now, she doesn't even wear those sexy harnesses she wore before we were married, and I hate to say it but she has really let her figure go in the past few months. She just sits around stuffing her face with carrots and hay cubes all day watching TV and oh yeah her favorite activity, yelling at me.
I need a good bunny divorce lawyer, I am still paying child support for the 689 kits I am the biological father of, how the hell did I know I was that fertile??!@!

Take me away Snuggs.....
