LOL! Yeah, I didn't know how to change it to the Nadia pink/purple to see if that would work. (I have my doubts about that, too).
And Nancy says she based it on our current colours and even used a colour picker, so she's at a loss.
I really would like to stick withthe blue/gray/green/teale/turquoise maybe with some with pink and grass green highlights.
I was hoping the pink stuck in the background would act as a highlight and not a predominent, but NOT. :shock:
The other thing I want to try is her original collage idea but not as a banner, as a transparent background with the boxes and logo on top, blocking most of it, but not all of it.
Seeing as there's an upgrade, might as well reload the software onto the new server and I'll try fiddling for some examples, tho somebody's going to have to tell me how to do the main background (wher ethe pink is now) and the main border.
Stephie? Stephanie?? You around to load the software?