Yeah, the darker blue is too much.
Don't get insulted when everybody's advice isn't followed, btw... Case in point, we'll have little control over separation between banners because they'll always be rotating, some are bigger, some are littler and some are different shapes.
I only did it this way to test the 'overwhelming' factor on a darker colour.It's also possible we won't even have the two upper cornerbanners, soyou can't really judge face value.
(And there WILL be a touch of pink -- just like the current forum).

There has to be something a little unique, back to the 'brand recognition' thing.
I call the first one the bathroom background... but I kinda like it.

Or maybe a lighter blue, we'll have to see how that goes.
I actually liked the little cartoon bunny we have now (a touch of pink, too)

rather than a bunny pic in the button, but maybe somebody will come up with a third option.
Keep in mind I"m just working with (which I've never used before), a screen captured image,and a really obstinate mouse and keyboard, I really can't do much in terms ofa 'final product'.
I don'treally like the extralight green in the center of the border, btw.Going to try puttingsomethingelse in there. That may bewhy it's appearing to be too busy.
(PS:When I first 'fiddled' with the current forum, nobody really liked it much,either).