Well-Known Member
I do not like purple much. It is rare for me to find a shade I like. The pink is just wow. To much. Partly cause of the fact we have men on here and also because it looks like diluted pepto bismal (SP?).
I don't mind texture, not one of my fave things but it is not horrible either.
I like the sounds of that. Alittle pink is ok. But stronger colors...I see neon now.JadeIcing wrote:I do not like purple much. It is rare for me to find a shade I like. The pink is just wow. To much. Partly cause of the fact we have men on here and also because it looks like diluted pepto bismal (SP?).
I don't mind texture, not one of my fave things but it is not horrible either.
LOL! I'll never be able to look at it again without thinking pepto bismol (and thus nausea).
How about a little pink around the edges?I've asked her for stronger colours and maybe a bit more pinkonthe main pageto offset the predominent greens (and not THAT green, yuck) and blues.
I always have to see it to know if it will work or not, so some requests might be pretty gnarly. But I tried leaving it all up to her, and we got the purple. :shock:
And then the Miami Vice-gone-bad interpretation. So...Who knows what will happen next!
Yeah, I like the seafoam green because it's easier on the eyes.