Shiloh's Happy Herd

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Congrats on being a grandma! I've never seen a cockatiel baby, how cute. I thought it was a chicken when I saw the picture! You can actually get the sex by using the eggshell?
Helen, they swab DNA from the inside of the shell and test it :) Cool, huh? DNA test from a blood sample is $20 and from an egg shell is $25. It may sound like a lot, but it's worth it to us because it can be really hard to tell what sex a bird is. We had Poppet DNA sexed and I was 90% sure she was a boy- talk about a surprise! It would have been an even bigger surprise if we hadn't had her DNA sexed and she'd laid the eggs!

Also, our 2nd baby hatched this morning! His name is Teddy. He's as homely looking as Kieran, but to me he's beautiful :big kiss:

Picture of the happy family (Teddy had just hatched so his feathers weren't dry and fluffy yet):

i love baby birds, they're so awkward and strange looking that they go right past ugly and back into adorable. my childhood friend had a cockatiel that she tried to breed, but sadly died from complications after laying too many eggs.

your buns are adorable too :biggrin2:
I hope they get their adorable baby-fluff soon! :p I think they're cute once they're past the odd, wrinkly stage. They're going to be adorable, though! (Right now, they do have a "love me, I'm naked and goofy looking" charm, I will admit.) :)
Woohoo! Our third little one hatched tonight! It was a bit of a surprise since Teddy just hatched yesterday and this egg is only 16 days old, but a happy surprise :) Teddy's been having some tummy troubles so I'm worried about him. Hopefully everything will be okay with all 3 chickies. The last egg is theoretically going to hatch on Sunday, but I get the feeling it may be more like... tomorrow!

Here is Poppet with her babies, Neeja (the new baby) just hatched, as you can see by his wet feathers:


Here's a close up of the picture so you can see little Neeja better. He kind of has his back to the camera. You can see the 4th little egg too!


Go to my cockatiel thread to see more pictures and video.

Bunnies are doing well! Ned is as cute as ever and I got some major snuggles with Rory again last night. Phoebsie's belly is still nekkid.
Weeee, I am now 'watching' your blog ^_^ I was thinking it would be cool if we could subscribe to those we liked when it hit me :p Loving your blog. I've always liked keeping tabs on your herd!
I'm glad you guys like my babies :D Poor Sophie, you're going to get like 10 updates every day because sometimes I post in here a lot! It's kinda like a pet journal of sorts. I'm glad you like my bunnies and me enough to subscribe though :D You should start one for Smores and Ashlynn!

Here is the baby bird photo of the day, I love my little cutie uggos.

Teddy Bird snuggles :inlove:


Uh okay, there's more than one photo of the day:

Squawkin' Kieran:


Tiny Neeja:



ball o' baby birds (they look like a tribble!):

Kelly, isn't that a cute picture of Teddy? Here's one I took last night of him after he fell asleep when I was examining him:


Our last baby hatched about an hour and a half ago! Sweet little Phoenix :) He is quite the slow poke and had me really worried because it took him so long to hatch. Thankfully he's here now and I can hear him being fed! His chirp is tinier than the other babies' chirps because he's so little :) Kieran is 6 days old, Teddy is 4, and Neeja is 3. May not sound like much, but a few days means a huge size difference. Kieran is like giganto baby in comparison.

Here's video of the little bird family, Phoenix pops his head out from under Arthur partway through and you can see how protective Arthur is as well as Kieran's eyes which are just starting to open!

and here was Phoenix about 3 hours ago when he was still an egg! You can see him move and hear him chirp.

Yay! :D I have some more videos of the babies too that I'll upload later. They're cute!
I kind-of giggle at your pair of cockatiels. My mum has two cockatiels, and one is a lutino, one is cinnamon(?). He's like a warmer-tone gray than the normal one. Your two remind me of them. Plus, her gray one is always hissing at me and is in defense mode. Arthur being protective reminded me of that, too! :p
Kelly, it's always interesting when other people have birds that look just like mine! Especially if they have a pair. I'm afraid I won't be able to tell the chicks apart as they get older and will probably put bands on their legs, just in case!

Paul just called Rory "Ugliest Face McPooperdoodle."
SnowyShiloh wrote:
Kelly, it's always interesting when other people have birds that look just like mine! Especially if they have a pair. I'm afraid I won't be able to tell the chicks apart as they get older and will probably put bands on their legs, just in case!

Paul just called Rory "Ugliest Face McPooperdoodle."
I like the idea of putting bands on them. My mum is always worried about losing her birds (even though they are inside all the time and are afraid of the outdoors). If she would take them in to get a band on them, she wouldn't have to worry... as much.

I lol'd at "Ugliest Face McPooperdoodle". :p What prompted the name-calling?
Phoebe Mae just nearly gave me a heart attack. Our baby birds are very sick (Kieran died) and have only been getting worse, but they just now started to show small signs of improvement. I was so focused on that that it took a while to register that there was the sound of something clanging against Phoebe's water bowl... And something that sounded like choking?! Almost like a cat coughing up a hair ball! I whip my head around to look at her, see her backed into the corner with her head close to the ground and moving her head forwards and backwards. Think she's choking on something and leap up to run to her. Then realize she's chewing on this awesome new toy I gave her (which was the choking sound, just her teeth on the toy) and knocking it against the water bowl. PHEW!!!!! She peed on the top floor of her cage completely randomly a few hours ago (never done that before) so I was worrying something was wrong with her already. So glad it was just her playing with a toy!
Oh no! What happened to the birdies? Is it just a "failure to thrive" thing, or do they have some illness that's getting to them? I'm sorry that you lost Kieran.

Sassy Phoebe Mae for scaring mommy like that! Tsk! :shame
Kelly, check out my cockatiel thread in the Let Your Hare Down section. It's a very long and sad thread. I've been living and breathing baby cockatiels for the past few days trying to keep them alive. Poor bun buns are no doubt feeling neglected because 99% of my attention is focused on the chicks right now.
I just found out that Rory is a little sick :( Normally we cuddle every day, but I haven't held him in the past few days since the chicks got sick. I hold the chicks against my chest and they have very weak immune systems so I haven't held any of the bunnies so I don't get bunny germs on my chest. Basically everyone has been fed and watered and talked to some, but not much else since Thursday. Tonight before I took a shower, I decided to finally get to hold my Rory boy... Go to pick him up... OOF! He's so heavy! He's having tummy troubles :( His abdomen is rather firm and I could hear his belly gurgling. We snuggled for a bit and I could tell he didn't feel great- he lay down on me like usual, but didn't have that blissed out look on his face. He's acting pretty normal. Eating, drinking, even giving kisses. Normal enough that I didn't notice he was acting off. Rory has had gut slowdown problems many times in the past, and I think he'll come through okay. He's had much worse situations before. Right now he isn't shedding or anything so that's good. I cleaned his litter box at 1 am and sent Paul out to the 24 hour WalMart to buy veggies and Mylicon drops for Rory. Hopefully he will get better soon! The last thing I want is a sick bunny right now...
Poor Rory. The store was out of simethicone so he'll have to wait until tonight when Paul can stop at the other store after work. I would walk there and get it for him but I can't leave the birds. I have my doubts over whether simethicone helps him when he has tummy troubles, but I always feed it to him anyway. I'm going to the health food store when it opens to see if I can get some papaya tablets. The health food store is right next door to where we live (literally 20 second walk) so I can leave and get back within 5 minutes.

Rory's been lying with his tummy pressed to the floor of the cage some. I saw him doing it some over the past couple days, but because of how he was lying I thought he was just flopping. Good news though is that his appetite is normal and he's pooping and everything. I think he'll be okay, just got to sort him out a bit!

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