Crystal, she does look like Lopsy! I think it would be best for her to wait to try to bond them until Darth Vader is spayed and the baby has grown up and been fixed, but I guess she didn't want to do that. I doubt the owner is going to go back down to the shelter to re-adopt Darth Vader
I had a dream about this last night, except with a different bunny. I dreamed that I was walking near the university campus and saw a bunny that looked like a big, 2 eared Ned in the gas station parking lot. I approached slowly, crouched down about 10 feet away from him, and kissed at him (something that all my pets will come to) and talked to him quietly. He ran over to me and I picked him up. I decided he looked like Neddie's brother and of course had to take him home. I went to track down a telephone so I could call Paul (since you can't take pets on the bus and that's how I get to and from school), and Big Ned (who I named Dino!) was licking my cheek. How sweet is that? Anyway, I found a pet store with a phone, but before I could ask to use it, I saw a cage fulllll of baby bunnies that looked just like Tallulah. I set Dino down because I just had to hold one of the babies. After I held the baby, I couldn't remember where I'd put Dino :? I was quite worried, then I woke up.
Also, kind of exciting news: I hadn't posted it here in my blog yet, but the day after sweet Skyler died, my cockatiels started laying eggs. 5 in all! I got them a little nest box and everything, but they were doing a pretty bad job at sitting on the eggs and Poppet insisted on laying them on the cage bottom instead of in the nest box. Only Arthur knew what to do and he'd only sit on them for a few hours a day, they need to be sat on 24 hours a day. Poppet seemed oblivious. Eggs will stay alive for 7-10 days, but that number of days passed and when I checked the eggs with a flashlight, they were all empty
I decided to leave the eggs there so Poppet wouldn't go nuts laying more.
Last night I decided to take a peek in the nest box because Poppet had been spending some time in there. I opened it up, and there she was! Sitting on the eggs! Before now, when they were in the nest box, they were just making messes and playing and the eggs were scattered and cold. Of course, it's pointless for her to incubate dead eggs, but when I shooed her off the nest (which she was very reluctant to leave), there were SEVEN eggs! Two newbies that have a chance at surviving! I turned off the lights, candled them really quickly, and 1 of them has a baby beginning to form in it
The other one may be too young to see a baby, but hopefully it has a baby as well. Maybe those two little eggs will hatch! If they do, it will surely be easier for Arthur and Poppet to take care of 2 babies versus 7, and the dead eggs will help keep the living eggs warm.
Miss Poppet is still on the eggs this afternoon. I'm going to candle them again tomorrow night. I'll be able to see if the other egg has a baby in it then.
This is the adorable Arthur (12 year old male, he's the gray one) and Poppet (approximately 2 year old female, she's the yellow one):
Oh and I looked at cockatiel genetics. If we get any babies out of this, all the babies will look like Arthur because Poppet's color mutation (Lutino) is sex linked and will only appear in the babies if the father is the mutation or carries the mutation.