Shiloh's Happy Herd

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LOOK at this baby girl:shock: I saw her picture and my breath caught in my throat and it felt like my blood drained out my feet. She looks like Tallulah's twin. Tallulah didn't have white on her ear, but they're both broken torts. She is one of Tallulah's cousins- the parents are from the same breeder Tallulah's parents came from (but not where Lula herself came from). Also, looking at the breeder's other rabbits, Tallulah's full blood brother is listed as this little girl's uncle. Amazing. It's SO obvious they're from the same lines because this little bunny has Lula's face and body, in addition to the same markings. She has Tallulah's beautiful brown eyes, too. Looking at the breeder's other Hollands, none of them really look like Tallulah except for her. If it wasn't for the white ear, I would honestly think I was looking at a picture of my baby. This girl has already been sold, and it probably wouldn't be good anyway for me to have another rabbit that looks SO MUCH like her, but... wow. I have to admit though, I would snatch her up in a heartbeat if she was actually available and not a 1000+ miles away! What a sweetie.

This seems like as good a time to announce that Paul and I have decided to add another bunny to our troop. I have my heart set on another Holland Lop because I love the breed. It will most likely be several months until we get her (or him... but probably her!) because we want to wait until after our wedding on August 1st. I'm excited :yahoo:
Those babies are adorable! so is that happy dancing emoticon at the end of your post...

Wow I didn't know you are engaged! Sorry, I'm probably super behind. That is so exciting, not long now until your wedding! Sounds like a good move to wait until after, I imagine you'll be pretty busy :)

You might not have a say if a bunny comes into your life though haha you shall have to wait and see :p
Here's a side view of Tallulah so you can see how much the bunny whose picture I posted looks like her... I swear, they look like the same rabbit except for some small differences in their markings.

Oh, hey, Crystal! Didn't see your reply before. Aren't the baby Rories and the Lula lookalikes adorable? I wonder what Nedders looked like as a baby. He must have been the cutest little puff ball! I can just imagine! I know what Phoebe Mae looked like as a baby... she looked like this!


D'awwwwww, she was such a darling little baby girl :) That was the day I got her. She spent a couple days in my mom's bath tub until we flew back to Fairbanks together :)
haha I replied again before you saw my reply and comment about not seeing my reply

we replied in the same minute... and you might even reply again now before I press reply again lol

ps. what a cutie pie!
Paul and I took the bunsies for another car ride last night. I carried them in together again, this time with them cuddled in both arms. I loved holding them and hugging them like that!! It was like hugging one really big bunny! Paul got a picture:


Neddie looks so happy snuggled between Phoebe Mae and me! I love that picture :D
We had another bonding session tonight! First we went for a car ride (15-20 minutes), then we went into the play yard in our back yard. This is what the play yard looks like:


See my sweet Kybie in there? That was last summer. I miss my boy. He never got to go outside this summer :(

Anyway, back to the bonding session... We spent 15-20 minutes in the play yard. It was raining again this afternoon, but I decided a little wet grass wouldn't hurt them, especially since Phoebe Mae peed in the container on the car ride so they both were quite soggy already :(

Paul came out with us and stayed for about 10 minutes. During the time Paul was outside, the bunnies didn't come closer than 3 or so feet to each other. They were busy eating dandelions! When he went inside, they came closer and sniffed each other a few times. At one point they were sitting nose to nose, so I petted them a bunch and told them how good they are. There weren't any signs of aggression, but the first time Ned approached Phoebe, after sniffing her a bit he turned around and ran away, flicking his feet a little. I don't know if it's because he was mad or because his feet were wet! In any case, I ended the session with them being nice to each other :)
Awwww :( A few days ago I saw an ad on Craigslist for a bun bun. This ad, actually:

I contacted the bunny owner (who seemed very nice) and we chatted a bit about what exactly the problem was with Darth Vader. Turns out she doesn't get along with the baby bunny they bought so they wanted to rehome her. They only got her from the shelter a few weeks ago and she was part of a bonded pair, but they only wanted her. In the end, the owner decided to keep Darth Vader and get her spayed because she said they loved her. She said she would join RO. I've been keeping an eye on the Intros section to see if she comes over, but tonight I looked on Petfinder and Darth Vader is there again :( I promised myself that we're getting a Holland Lop and anyway we want to wait until mid August at the soonest. Darth Vader/Keeta looks so sad though :( She has the same markings as Cinnabun.

Here she is on Petfinder:
Sounds like it's going okay with Phoebe and Ned, hooray!

Awwwe darth vader looks like Lopsy :(

Any chance she is just misguided about bunny bonding? Maybe the baby bunny needs to grow up and be desexed and then they would have a chance?

Or would there be any chance that the bunny she was previously bonded to is still at the shelter and they could be reunited? It doesn't ad up to me that the ad says she isnt good with other bunnies, yet she was bonded before they split her up! Maybe the shelte would take her back...

Sorry... Detective Crystal has left the building :p
Crystal, she does look like Lopsy! I think it would be best for her to wait to try to bond them until Darth Vader is spayed and the baby has grown up and been fixed, but I guess she didn't want to do that. I doubt the owner is going to go back down to the shelter to re-adopt Darth Vader :(

I had a dream about this last night, except with a different bunny. I dreamed that I was walking near the university campus and saw a bunny that looked like a big, 2 eared Ned in the gas station parking lot. I approached slowly, crouched down about 10 feet away from him, and kissed at him (something that all my pets will come to) and talked to him quietly. He ran over to me and I picked him up. I decided he looked like Neddie's brother and of course had to take him home. I went to track down a telephone so I could call Paul (since you can't take pets on the bus and that's how I get to and from school), and Big Ned (who I named Dino!) was licking my cheek. How sweet is that? Anyway, I found a pet store with a phone, but before I could ask to use it, I saw a cage fulllll of baby bunnies that looked just like Tallulah. I set Dino down because I just had to hold one of the babies. After I held the baby, I couldn't remember where I'd put Dino :? I was quite worried, then I woke up.

Also, kind of exciting news: I hadn't posted it here in my blog yet, but the day after sweet Skyler died, my cockatiels started laying eggs. 5 in all! I got them a little nest box and everything, but they were doing a pretty bad job at sitting on the eggs and Poppet insisted on laying them on the cage bottom instead of in the nest box. Only Arthur knew what to do and he'd only sit on them for a few hours a day, they need to be sat on 24 hours a day. Poppet seemed oblivious. Eggs will stay alive for 7-10 days, but that number of days passed and when I checked the eggs with a flashlight, they were all empty :( I decided to leave the eggs there so Poppet wouldn't go nuts laying more.

Last night I decided to take a peek in the nest box because Poppet had been spending some time in there. I opened it up, and there she was! Sitting on the eggs! Before now, when they were in the nest box, they were just making messes and playing and the eggs were scattered and cold. Of course, it's pointless for her to incubate dead eggs, but when I shooed her off the nest (which she was very reluctant to leave), there were SEVEN eggs! Two newbies that have a chance at surviving! I turned off the lights, candled them really quickly, and 1 of them has a baby beginning to form in it :D The other one may be too young to see a baby, but hopefully it has a baby as well. Maybe those two little eggs will hatch! If they do, it will surely be easier for Arthur and Poppet to take care of 2 babies versus 7, and the dead eggs will help keep the living eggs warm.

Miss Poppet is still on the eggs this afternoon. I'm going to candle them again tomorrow night. I'll be able to see if the other egg has a baby in it then.

This is the adorable Arthur (12 year old male, he's the gray one) and Poppet (approximately 2 year old female, she's the yellow one):


Oh and I looked at cockatiel genetics. If we get any babies out of this, all the babies will look like Arthur because Poppet's color mutation (Lutino) is sex linked and will only appear in the babies if the father is the mutation or carries the mutation.
Yay for the new Bunny Blog!! (I'm late, I know). ;)

Awesome photos, as always, a wonderful example of a great bunny home.

And congrats to Arthur for being such a good daddy! And Poppet for finally catching on to the mommy thing.

sas :bunnydance:
Yay! Hi Pipp! Thanks for checking out my blog and leaving a comment :)

Poppet is so cute. I was actually worried last night because I wanted to check the nest box, but Poppet didn't come out when I tapped on the side. You're supposed to tap on the side before you open it because they could trample the eggs if you startle them opening the lid. Usually the parents come out if you tap, but no Poppet! I thought maybe she'd died in the nest box :( Opened it up, and there she was, looking up at me! She STILL wouldn't move- I ended up gently moving her off to the side of the nest box. She was acting big and tough, hissing and threatening to bite me, but of course she didn't because she's a sweet girl. She kept trying to hop back on the eggs while I was candling them (which took less than a minute for all of them). Also, me checking the eggs and candling them isn't a bad thing- you're supposed to do that. I wasn't invading Poppet's privacy or anything. Usually the parents leave the nest box when the owner messes with the eggs, but Poppet wanted to oversee everything and that's fine too :D

I'm going to get some photos of the buns out in the yard this evening. Hopefully they turn out well! First I have to plant all of the flowers I bought (maybe I'll take some photos of them, too!), but bunny photo time will definitely happen.
Arthur is on the eggs now, and has been all day! Normally, the dad incubates the eggs all day and the mom incubates them all night while the dad stands guard. I suspect that's what they're doing.

I made oatmeal for breakfast. I put some on paper plates for the ratties and decided to give Ned some too. The only ingredients were oats, water, and a little bit of fresh peaches (not enough to even make it taste sweet). We add sugar and milk to our individual bowls, so there wasn't any of those things in the oatmeal. I put Ned's in a tiny bowl, gave it to him, and the boy practically DOVE face first into it! He's such a little piglet! It was all over his face- nose, whiskers, cheeks, chin. I only gave him about 2 tablespoons worth, I think most of it got on him! It was pretty funny. But silly me thought he'd get himself cleaned up okay. I just went to pet him and his face is kind of crunch from dried on oatmeal. He got most of it off... I can't decide if I should just leave him alone or go after him with a wash cloth. Bunnies like having their faces washed about as much as babies do!
Bunnies and I just came in from their third yard bonding session! I don't think I've ever been outside at 6 am for something like this. I brought the timer out and we were there for exactly 20 minutes. Once again, they ignored each other for the most part- they approached each other several times, and sat next to each other eating dandelions for a bit. A few times, one of them would bounce over to the other or sniff the other's butt. There were several times that I was ready with the NIC panel to intervene if necessary because they were "getting all up in each other's business," so to speak, but there was no nipping, chasing, mounting, or other aggressive behavior. Also, at one point they tried to go into the carrier together- I headed THAT off! Last thing I need is a fight breaking out in a small, enclosed space that I can't break up!

I brought my camera out this time :D Got some cute pictures of them together, and a photo of each bunny that I absolutely adore. You know how sometimes you see a photo of your bunny and know it's going to be one of your all time favorites? Yeah. I'll post them later :)

Also, poor Doodle (Ned) has a mosquito bite on that little bit of bare skin around his eye :( When we were outside Sunday night, I saw a mosquito right there and I brushed it off. Poor dude. It isn't too bad though and at least I saw the mosquito so I know what caused the redness!
Oooh, it's raining so hard here! And hailing! And there's thunder and lightning. That almost never happens in Alaska. I've been here for almost 5 years and it's never happened. Poor little Ned was scared of the storm, so he's snuggled with me. I unplugged all the computers :) And I ran outside and brought in all my potted plants so they don't get murdered! The bunnies are glad they are not outdoor rabbits right now.
Phew! Storm finished an hour or so ago! Ned is relieved. Poor little dude was cowering in his cage until I came and saved the day.

ALSO, I checked the nest box again (I'm only doing it every other day) and we have 8 eggs now! 2 of them definitely have embryos in them! I'm guessing that the egg that was just laid will develop too :D #4 looks like it has something in it, too, but it kinda looks like it started developing, then stopped. So, assuming (hoping!) she doesn't lay any more, we have the potential for 3 baby birds :)

I hope Poppet stops laying eggs soon though... it isn't healthy for her to lay too many. 8 eggs in less than a month is a lot! I've been supplementing her food, but she's so picky. I don't want her to get sick or die. There's nothing I can do to make her stop laying though. Hopefully she decides soon that she has enough eggs! The average clutch is 5.
I posted the cute photos here:

I'll post them (and a couple others) later. It's 2 am and I'm gettin' ready for bed!

Today Nedders and Phoebs went out for another bonding session in the play yard. Silly bunnies essentially ignored each other for the whole 20 minutes! This is the 9th time they've met, they seem to be acting awfully aloof with each other still! Ah well, I'd rather have them ignore each other than fight with each other :)

Something funny happened today. A lady from the census bureau came by. After filling out the form, she asked what the pen in the yard was for. I told her it's for my bunnies and she practically squealed with delight because she loves bunnies. So I went inside and got Phoebe Mae, and the lady held Phoebs for a while :) We talked about our pets and other things. I showed her Phoebe's silly shaved belly with the line of fur (she was spayed in January and they shaved her belly but so far only the fur along the incision has grown back), which she thought was adorable. She was nice :)

Oh, before I go to bed I'm probably going to check on the eggs again. Yesterday there were 8! I wonder if there will be another today. I'm checking the eggs every day so they get used to me being in the nest box, but other than that I'm trying not to disturb them too much.
I just had an impromptu nap and had a bad dream! I dreamed that for some reason Ned was down in a rabbit rescue in Louisiana, where my dad lives. Even in the dream I was trying to figure out how the heck Ned got down there. I got an e-mail from my dad saying they'd gone that day and adopted Ned from the rabbit rescue where he was living so they could ship him back to me via airplane, but that he was a big jerk so they were going to take him back the next day and get a nicer bunny for me. I went to the rescue's website where they had all the bunnies listed, and in Ned's little profile it said "last day- will be euthanized tomorrow"! I was of course horrified that my little Doodle had been so close to being killed :( In his profile it said he was a very aggressive and dominant rabbit, and Paul said he was like that whenever I wasn't around. So weird. Of course I wanted him back. The rest of the dream was spent trying to get ahold of my dad so he wouldn't return Ned and the shelter wouldn't kill him. I was trying to make flight reservations and stuff for him... Bad dream and so weird! Ned is one of the sweetest bunnies ever born!

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