Schleich Collectors

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The pictures are horrible - but here goes...

The first three are of my shelves BEFORE today....



This is how my order was packaged from Ebay. I was very pleased - it was in a box and everything was well padded. The seller is Carlsons Collectibles and the shipping was reasonable...a bit high - but as I said - it was well packed and shipped priority if I remember right...I'd have to look.


I am horrid at closeups....sorry. I may try with my other camera..




I think this is the "dog" aka "farm dog" from the farm collection.




These are my feed store purchases - minus the meerkats...






All of my new stuff today...

I'm hoping that my other Ebay order will come in tomorrow....

I am very seriously considering going back to the feed store today and buying the discontinued items and selling them on Ebay (after offering them here first). I received a paycheck today in the mail that would pay for it.....I'm just not sure if I want to go to that much hassle to list them on Ebay....especially when you consider packing them up and sending them out.

Still might be one way to pay for my Schleich addiction....uh...habit.

The thing is - I'm pretty sure that the store in Uvalde has a number of the discontinued baby animals....

I wonder if Art would like to go for a drive......????

Wow - that stallion is GORGEOUS. I love him. I forget if he is retired or not....the feed store owner's wife told me she ordered a bunch of horses - I'll have to keep my eyes open for it.

I wound up going back and going through the $1 off basket to find items to trade and buy for myself. If anything had a nick, scratch, dent, etc. - I put it back. I tried to only keep items in excellent condition.

Now to figure out what to trade...

Here's what I bought...

14360 - Leopard ($3.95 each)

14369 - jaguar ($3.95 each)

what I may have to trade - I may keep one leopard and one jaguar for myself. The lion cubs were .95 each and the wolf was $2.50


I originally bought these to trade - but the more I look at them......I am going to think about it...

14354 - Lion - $3.95
14363 - Lioness - $3.95


I broke down and bought these for my baby animal collection. They were in perfect shape and I wanted them before kids messed them up by playing with them in the store....


I'm watching a couple of discontinued items on Ebay and I think somewhere else....and then once I'm done w/ them - I'm going to try to not buy any more till the feed store gets the horses in....

Ali just asked me how many I have now - I hate to count and see.....(no where near as many as she has...).
Alicia, of figures I actually have on hand, my count is 20. Including all the ones I've order online that haven't arrived yet, my count is, erm... 53 or 54!:ponder:

Okay.... whose idea was it again to post links to web sites that sell Schleich? So, I ordered several Schleich figures from TGF yesterday. Today I went back and was looking around and stumbled across the Papo and Safari figurines. I am now $50 poorer and have 21 new little figures on their way to me! And I swear, I only picked the absolute cutest ones that I couldn't live without. I chose UPS Ground shipping (only $6.50!), so it will probably be about 2 months until they arrive! :waiting:

Alright, you guys. I'm not allowed to buy more animals for at least a couple months here. I don't feel too bad about ordering them. I figure between today and yesterday, I spent about a day and a half's worth of pay- my work is always trying to get me to come in on my days off, so I'll just be sure to pick up an extra shift next time they ask :)

If anyone wants to, I can list which animals I just ordered. Suffice it to say, they are very cute and I had a tough time deciding!
SnowyShiloh wrote:
If anyone wants to, I can list which animals I just ordered. Suffice it to say, they are very cute and I had a tough time deciding!
You didn't automatically share the list???

JadeIcing wrote:
So what is everyones count?

Mine is 87 not counting the tipi.
38 + 1 eared horse...

If I keep the two lions - that makes it 40 (haven't decided yet) - and if I keep the jaguar and leopard that will make it 42.

I also have on order...

TGF - 8
EBay (Schleich Collectibles Figurines store) - 14 - his shipping was really reasonable for the amount I bought too....

Well okay Peg, I'll share my list! Also, to justify having purchased all of these, I've never seen Papo or Safari animals for sale here in Alaska, so it's not like I could just pick one up every couple days at the store.

Here we go!

Papo figures

Cheetah cub (my first big cat, look at that face!):

Elephant calf (I love elephants, so I had to get him!):

Female cat (she's so pretty):

Panda and baby (so cute, I love pandas, my Schleich panda cub can go with them):

Rabbit (how could I resist? I actually did resist one of the rabbits):

Safari figures

Andalusian horse (love the pose):

Appaloosa colt (managed to resist getting the mama too):

Dapple Grey horse (so jaunty!):

Charolais calf (my first cow, she's so cute):

Lamb (too adorable to resist):

Grey Tabby cat (looks so happy):

Tabby cat (matches the grey one!):

Lop eared rabbit (so sweet):

Wild hare (been admiring Bassetluv's hare):

Bantam Hen on nest (so cute):

Blue Hyacinth Macaw (this one I added to my cart in the middle of deleting a bunch of others):

Cockatoo (I love parrots):

Mandarin duck (so pretty):

Mini Wolf cub (only cost 39 cents and is very tiny, but seems really cute):

Wolf cub (to put by the mini one!):

Moose calf (I love moose, they're one of my favorite animals and this one is so cute):

Phew! So, what do you think of my selections?

I'm really curious about how the Schleich, Papo and Safari will compare when I can see them in person. Shall I post pictures of the Papo and Safari when they arrive, maybe just as a group shot since this is the Schleich thread?

I hope I like the Safari and Papo figures because both have a ton of nice looking ones, as does Schleich.

So, what is everyone's favorite figure that they own? I'm still most fond of my Schleich pinto stallion :) The Percheron stallion, Lipizzaner foal and Okapi are close behind!
How about if we list our favorite in each our favorite dog or favorite horse or wildlife or whatever???

Snowy - start a Papo thread...with pictures.

I'll add to it...

Now I need to make myself LEAVE the computer.....
TinysMom wrote:
How about if we list our favorite in each our favorite dog or favorite horse or wildlife or whatever???

I like that idea.

Farm :

Fave Dog - Bernese Mountain Dog (Sitting)

Fave Cow - My new calf

Fave Horse? :shock:How about?

Fave Stallion - Tennessee Walking Horse

Fave Mare - Tinker Mare

Fave Foal - Frisian Foal

Fave Pig is my only pig.

Sheep- Lamb Laying

Cat - Orange Cat Walking


My lion, white tailed doeand the baby chimp.
Someone needs to start a Papo thread and if one isn't started by the time I get these...I'll start one.

I wanted to see what they were like - especially once I saw these....








I'm still watching a couple of Schleich on Ebay....but after those end - no more buying till I go to the Tractor Supply after Labor Day - or if the feed store gets more in....the horses...
Peg, I almost got that second one, the foal with it's legs up in the air! It was one of the last figures I removed from my cart to stay in budget. Now I kinda wish I'd got her, none of the Papos I ordered today are horses and I wanted to see what their horses are like. I also had the pair of kittens in my cart :)

I don't really have enough animals yet to say which of each type I like best... half of mine are horses, and the others are all completely different kinds of animals, except that I have two rabbits. Oh and I do like the English Spot (I think that's what she is!) rabbit the best.
Tally for mine are 45 figures (with a couple more still in transit). Of those 45, the breakdown goes like this:

37 Schleich

- 21 horses
- 3 cows
- 2 sheep
- 2 pigs
- 3 dogs
- 1 cat
- 5 rabbits

6 Safari

- 3 horses
- 2 rabbits
- 1 dog

2 Breyer

- both are cats (Not counting my other Breyer molds in this; just the kitties since they are of the same scale as Schleich)

Favorites of these would be hard to name as I have so many, but I do have to say that of the dogs, I love my Safari border collie the best. He's a bit off-scale to the others, but I love his pose and detailing. Of the pigs, I like the Swabian-Hall pig the best. Of the cats, the orange tabby (have always wanted an orange tabby cat in RL). Of the cows, the mom cow. And of the horses...this one's hard. My favorites tend to be the Andalusian, the Tennessee walker, the Tinker stallion, the Hafling stallion...oh heck, I can't choose.

(Peg, if I get to making any more little halters I can send you one or two...just means I have to sit down and actually do it. ;) So far I've only made a couple, but I do want to try some more. The only problem with the halters is I have to make them a bit loose because they don't have buckles like a real putting them on and taking them off might cause rubs on the model if done over and over. Wish I had a way to actually have a buckle on them, or some sort of design that would allow them to open. I was thinking of velcro, but they're so tiny I don't know if I could cut velcro small enough to work.)

And I'm anxiously awaiting two horses I've wanted for a while now...the Przwalski's horse and the Fjord. (LOL...of course, after I'd ordered the Przwalski's, I saw one at Apple Saddlery (d'oh), but it'll still be fun to have him arrive by mail. The Fjord horse I'm really excited about, as (I think) they are quite hard to get. Well, it was hard for me to find one anyway. ;) And the coloring is just so wonderful on them.

Question about the Papo (and I really shouldn't ask cuz I'm sitting here saying to myself, 'Don't look at the Papo...don't look at the Papo" (I know me...I'll start buying some)), but, are they the same scale as the Schleich? And are they better detailing than the Safari? I find the Safari to be a mish-mash; some of them are almost goofy-looking, while others are really really nice.

***Forgot to add to my favorites...of the rabbits, I love the hare and the English lop the best. I was considering getting a couple more English lops and painting them the same colors as Yofi and Raph, only I'm not sure how well they'd stand up to painting (or how good a job I'd do at it. :p)

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