Schleich Collectors

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I got the Schleich moose for Christmas from Paul's mom! It was so sweet of her because she knows I love moose and she got me one even though she hates them. The moosie is cute!
I don't think I've ever seen the two bunnies and hutch - can you take a picture with your cell phone? And share the price?
I haven't bought any schleich recently, I haven't got any new ones since the ones my parents brought me from Slovakia during the summer!
Who Gnu....:p

they'd get here so soon?








Which ones did you order, Ali? (There's so many more I'd love to get, but can't get very many at once.)
I bought my 12 year old cousin 8 of the horses for christmas... she loves them.... Her room is done all in horses... I bought her the palamino one because it looked like her horse Scout.... she was really excited over that one
I got a ton! Some our doubles because... 1) I bought a set on clearence I had some but not others. 2) Gifts

CANT POST! Cant find my card reader thingy!
I wasthinking... I am the only one who hasn't stepped out of just Schleich. I am tempted but if I do I won't stop.

I have 152 animals not counting some doubles and other stuff. Oh and I got the Oracle it went clearence!

I'm down one since I went on my trip - one of my first days at mom's Art told me, "Don't kill Millie - but she ate your zebra...".

It was the young zebra - not the mama....

Oh well...
TinysMom wrote:
I'm down one since I went on my trip - one of my first days at mom's Art told me, "Don't kill Millie - but she ate your zebra...".

It was the young zebra - not the mama....

Oh well...
If you can't get it again I can! She is at work. Plus I need to send you your elves!:biggrin2: