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Well - I just got an update on the fjord pony...

Your payment has been received, and your order will be going out on Friday via priority mail. The pony is still tagged and bagged - never opened, although the way they are packaged, you need to cut the edge of the bag to separate one from the next. Thank you for the order.


Bassetluv wrote:
A nosey fox to watch the fowl (2 pics)


Oh, and if anyone decides to get into creating scenery for their Schleichs, I discovered that PetSmart sells bags of moss for lizards that's really cheap and makes for good ground/rock cover. Much cheaper than the stuff they sell for train model building. (You can see little sprigs of it on the ground and the rocks in these pics, it looks 'stringier' than the train model moss I used.) Also bought a large cheap bag of reptile bark that I might be able to use too - once I sit down and actually do something with it. :p
Oh my....I love this one....I know what I am adding to my wishlist...

TinysMom wrote:
Well - I just got an update on the fjord pony...

Your payment has been received, and your order will be going out on Friday via priority mail. The pony is still tagged and bagged - never opened, although the way they are packaged, you need to cut the edge of the bag to separate one from the next. Thank you for the order.

YIPPEEE!!!!! indeed!!!!!


And a big ol' WOOOHOOO!!! too!!!

Thanks Peg!!! :hug:
Okay, don't know how I did that...but my post got all wonky. Lemmee try again

WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!!! :pinkbouce::pinkbouce::pinkbouce::pinkbouce::pinkelepht::pinkelepht::pinkelepht:

Oh my....I love this one....I know what I am adding to my wishlist...

Oh...and if you can't find the fox anywhere, let me know and I can probably pick up another one here. Cute, isn't he? :)

Now I have to go and eat before it gets too late...tis almost my bedtime!
Peg, that's so sweet of you to get the Fjord horse for Bassetluv! Also, I just looked over the list of discontinued items, and if you see the Thoroughbred Horse (item # 13273), the Pygmy Rabbit (14401), the Great Dane (16320) or the Young Elephant (14182... I think this is the one Kellyjade has, I love elephants and he's so cute), could you grab them for me? There are more I like, but I'll limit it to that so you aren't carrying around a giant list.

Have fun on your trip! And I too am somewhat impatiently waiting for my orders to arrive...
Snowy - I have your list and I'm taking it with me. Based on what I find - I'm going to be going mainly for discontinued items at first - it really depends upon what I find and how much things come to. I don't have as much today to buy some as I'd hoped on originally....but I am so excited to be able to do this.

I'm not sure what time TSC opens....I'll probably aim to get there around 8 am though...

Well....I'm home. I have bad news ... and good news. I'm going to share them in that order.

I mainly went to get discontinued items - but I did have a few numbers written down for current items. I only bought one thing for Ali and one thing for Snowy....they didn't have the other things OR they were scratched and I didn't want to buy them.

I bought Ali and Snowy this...


That's right - I got the baby bear with the bottle.

I also bought (if anyone wants one - let me know ASAP) - the dog w/ the tennis ball.

Those two items were both on sale incredibly cheap...I bought out all of the bears w/ bottles and dogs w/ balls. I'm going to sell them on Ebay...

I also did splurge on myself a bit. I'll share photos later - I'm totally wiped out right now.

Here is what I got for me...

14327 - cheetah cub
14143 - adult cheetah (female)
14377 - lion cub playing
16335 - Golden Retriever adult
14358 - Polar Bear cub
13276 - Arabian foal

I kept going back and forth on the foal...I liked it a lot...but I wanted to focus more on my big cats and baby the end though - I decided I couldn't leave it behind.

I will probably wait and get the bears sent out when I send out Bassetluv's package sometime next week (probably late in the week).

YAY :highfive: That's great that you found the baby bear! The baby bear is probably the one I was hoping for the most and will probably be one of my favorite Schleich :inlove: Thanks so much for grabbing him for Alicia and me! How should I go about paying you? Should I PayPal you some money, or should I go to my feed store and pick up an animal for you in exchange?

Thanks again, Peg! You should take a picture of all the baby bears together.
You don't owe me anything....they were on clearance for .40 each (I found this out when she rang them up).

Snowy - let me know if you want a puppy w/ tennis ball too. I'm not overly impressed with them - but for .40 - I figured I'd get some for others and for Ebay.

FORTY CENTS? Wow, that's cheap! I'm amazed someone didn't come by sooner and scoop them all up! I already ordered one of the puppies, just waiting for him to arrive now :) What about paying for shipping? It shouldn't be too expensive since the bear is so little, but still. Also, I'll be in Washington for my cousin's wedding at the end of September, so if it would be cheaper to send it there, that's fine by me! Thanks again for getting me a little bear :) Sorry they didn't have any of the other discontinued items you were looking for (like the fawn, she's so cute!), but I'm glad I get the bear!
Since I had a headache I havent yet named them.

Texas LongHorn


Gorilla (have to look up which one exactly)



Baby Gorilla






Sow eatting



Baby Gorilla in Diaper



Baby Pig Standing



Oh, I love that longhorn! So beautiful! (Didn't realize how much I loved cows till recently, lol)

Peg, that's so sweet of you to get the Fjord horse for Bassetluv!

I's an incredibly sweet gesture...:inlove:

Was it you who was looking for the pygmy rabbit Snowy? I know the 3 stores I go to here that carry Schleich seem to all be running out of stock on everything (I keep asking when they are going to restock and no one seems to know), but if I do happen to see one I will certainly pick it up. Can't remember how long ago I bought mine, but I did get it somewhere locally, I'm pretty sure. I'll keep an eye out for one anyway...
I think she means this one...


Schleich Rabbit - Pygmy

Bassetluv wrote:

Oh, I love that longhorn! So beautiful! (Didn't realize how much I loved cows till recently, lol)

Peg, that's so sweet of you to get the Fjord horse for Bassetluv!

I's an incredibly sweet gesture...:inlove:

Was it you who was looking for the pygmy rabbit Snowy? I know the 3 stores I go to here that carry Schleich seem to all be running out of stock on everything (I keep asking when they are going to restock and no one seems to know), but if I do happen to see one I will certainly pick it up. Can't remember how long ago I bought mine, but I did get it somewhere locally, I'm pretty sure. I'll keep an eye out for one anyway...

I also got Squak.




JadeIcing wrote:
I think she means this one...


Schleich Rabbit - Pygmy

Oh, darn! The only pigmy rabbit I knew of was the one lying down. Well, I know I haven't seen the one in the pic around here anywhere. :?

Wow, Squak is certainly colorful!! Love the expression on his face. :biggrin2:

Oh Bassetluv....guess what came in the mail today......???? I'll give you one guess.

Now I have to say something. I honestly could not understand why you wanted this horse....all the pictures I saw did nothing for me.

Um....I'm ordering it this afternoon. My mom sent me some birthday money and I'm spending part of it on this....for sure. I think you'll really like this guy - so my question is - have you seen him in person to know he looked that good? Or do you just know what these particular horses (pony?) look like?

Here he is alone (other than the background animals)


Next to the Arabian foal if I remember right...

Next to Shire Horse, Heavy horse, Camargue mare - the color doesn't look as true in this picture - but I wanted you to see size

Showing another side of him with them...

This shows his coloring a bit better...he's more tan than the Camargue mare....she's more cream

You can kind of see the color difference here...

This was one of the first ones I took to show the height difference...

Trying to get closeups of him alone - and not doing well...



I hope to get him in the mail to you on Friday....
So my mom bought me some. :biggrin2:My mom has since I was little started from Sept 1st till october 1st (my bday) buy me one small gift a day or 1 big gift for a week. So I got 6 of them. An money to get agame I want so far. I should be picking them up tomorrow.

I want that horse!