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I was gonna take a break from RO because I keep being a pain in the behind to some people on here, but I'm fuming and needed somewhere just to get it all out.

Don't read the following as it's probably boring, I just need to get it off my mind.

Mathews temper tantrums are getting bad again and it's driving me up the wall!

Today is his mums 60th birthday, and I tell him nicely he should really call her and say happy birthday. He doesn't, and it gets later and later. Finally she ends up calling, I hear the phone ringing and yell out that I'll get it but he gets there first.

Now his mum can talk, and talk, and talk, until you have a massive earache from holding the phone up. He's trying to get back to something he's doing on the PS3 and is rolling his eyes and making signs at me that he wants to strangle her. I giggle, I think he's joking. He finally manages to get off the phone and proceeds to scream, swear and break MY lovely phone in half. It's the only landline phone we have, it came with an answering machine and it's pretty flash for me, my brother paid a few hundred dbucks for it and gave it to me a couple of years ago.

He then throws the phone at my direction and hits the cat (meant to hit me I'm guessing), the cat runs off in terror and I burst into tears and storm off. All the while he's yelling about how I should know he hates phones and he's told me before and how slow I am at learning bla bla bla.

And he wonders why I'm reluctant to be anything other than a friend to him right now? :grumpy:

I don't know why someone who was lovely to me all day, came home from work 2 hours early to let me in the house because I locked myself out, can just turn like that. I'm so nice to him, I get up every single day and make his breakfast and his work lunch, I make sure the house is perfect for when he comes home, I cook dinner ever night, he never has to get off his chair from the minute he comes home, but it's still not good enough.

Just feeling so down and weepy and angry :(.
Wow, from my experience, temper tantrums like that will only get worse with age. Explosive tempers run on my dad's side of the family, and I saw my grandmother try to physically assault my mum one day at our house. My dad is worse. He threw things at us (my mother is somewhat handicapped, not so much as to cause this amount of frustration). Two summers ago, he strangled me and took a few swats at my mum when she tries to defend me. (Luckily, I have that same temper, and I held my own.) BUT, anyways, those tantrums seem to always get worse with age. Will is like that sometimes, too, but he has never done anything to hurt me (throwing, hitting, etc.) We do, however, have two holes in our apartment wall and one in the door from him being frustrated. I put an end to that, fast.

I know how it can feel to be somewhere like that. My PM box is open to you :) Whenever you're sad, go hug a bunny :p

NZminilops wrote:
I don't know why someone who was lovely to me all day, came home from work 2 hours early to let me in the house because I locked myself out, can just turn like that. I'm so nice to him, I get up every single day and make his breakfast and his work lunch, I make sure the house is perfect for when he comes home, I cook dinner ever night, he never has to get off his chair from the minute he comes home, but it's still not good enough.

Just feeling so down and weepy and angry :(.
Oh wow. I'm not one for emoticons normally - but this message brought them out in me today..

First about him....:banghead

Sorry - I couldn't find one on here about someone kicking someone else's rear - or I might've used it.

About you.....:hug1

I'm sorry he's being such a turd right now....(excuse my language).

I'm also really sorry about your phone - that would get me so mad....

I don't really know what else to say except to say.....:hug1

Years ago our marriage was really bad and Art had a bad temper. Fortunately for us - things changed and he rarely loses his temper any more and we haven't had a super bad fight in years.

But yeah....most men don't grow out of it (something happened to change Art - but it was something "religious" so I won't go into it here...but Art is sorta the exception to the rule I think).

If you need to talk - my pm box is open. I won't have any answers - but I will have a shoulder to cry on and a listening ear.

Sorry I haven't posted much in your blog before now...I read it but don't usually say anything - but this time I just had to give you a hug!

Just wanted to say a big thank you :hug:. I don't deserve all your kindness but am very grateful for it.

Don't worry Peg, your language was tame. I don't like to swear for no reason but I said much worse to him at the time.

I don't think he's ever going to be any different and I will admit I have a pretty bad temper myself, but never direct it at people like that and throw things at them. I take it out on pillows and bury my head into them and yell and cry which I find really helps.

I'm not sure what I'm going to say because he always manages to convince me I'm over-reacting but it needs to be talked over.


It sounds like I'm a lot like you :p I have that nasty temper, too. I don't know what happened, but I got so mad at Will one day, that I think I blew a fuse. Since then, I can't get THAT angry at anyone. I do for a moment, but I don't explode like I used to. I short-circuited or something.
kherrmann3 wrote:
It sounds like I'm a lot like you :p I have that nasty temper, too. I don't know what happened, but I got so mad at Will one day, that I think I blew a fuse. Since then, I can't get THAT angry at anyone. I do for a moment, but I don't explode like I used to. I short-circuited or something.
I have a dangerous temper. Not easily riled. I can be very violent with people if they touch me. For the most part I punch walls and throw things. Not at people but I do throw. Usually doesn't last long.
I don't know what to say. I honestly wish I could knock some sense into him. The one time a guy raised a hand to me. Yea lets says he knew the ground well. Mind you that was just raise a hand to me.
As far as my temper goes (at least, went), let's just say that I was in the school counselor's and vice principal's offices a lot. I made friends with the vice principal, though, so he would just laugh when I came in. I was always honest with him, and respectful, so I never got in trouble. I was a smart hot-head. lol

I have some good anger-management techniques if you'd like to hear them :p
Aww, Sakura makes me want to get my own little pain in the patoot nethie bun. I always spend all my time reading blogs and then forget to comment! :p Attitude buns sure do keep things interesting all the time :D. Max just recently had a MAJOR attitude day and accidentally grazed the top of my hand when he lunged (not normal for him..) so I had a big scrape on top of my hand like the one sakura gave you. Little buttheads :grumpy::).
Meanie Max! :shock: Bunnies are strange the way they can be so lovely then suddenly they are lunging or boxing at you. How is your hand raspberry82 (I'm sorry but I don't know your actual name :p)?

Sakura is big for a nethie, she is 1.206KG at the moment, which is, er...2.4 pounds. She weighs more during winter usually. What do Toby and Berry-Boo weigh?
I'm so sorry to hear this, Chelle. Gosh, it kinda sounds like either a) He's really hating his job and takes it out when the mood swings or b) he's that and perhaps a bit bi polar if this has happened in the past out of nowhere. It really could be a wide range of things or combination of things, Chelle.:? He was going to a doctor, right? A PT? Did he everhave a reg physical? I'm sure he did. Do you recall if he said things were normal, except his back problem? Hmm. I'm sending you a huge hug, girl!:hug1
I'm not sure what a PT doctor is? All I can think of when the words P & T are together is periods and tension :p. If I wasn't so sure he's a man, I would say that could be it, haha! He goes to the GP a lot for his back but they don't question mental health around here unless you force them

I'm not too sure on it as I don't consider that sort of thing anything more than temper tantrums normally. I have them myself, but normally have them from a distance to the person I am angry (over the phone, over the internet). Or I kick a hole in the wall (drastic). You've told me a bit about your own anger issues and I have told you about mine, I kind of think us women can be pretty abusive in our own ways and not know it. Or think because we are female it's ok. Say if I threw the phone at him, it would be seen as "understandable woman hysterics" but if a man does it it's wrong and horrible. We think it's ok to scream and yell at men but wont tollerate them doing the same to us. So many women I see screaming and yelling at their husbands on TV shows is disturbing, and in real life too.

I do think it's wrong and horrible for any sex to do things like that but I'm trying to be understanding and work out why these things happen so I can help him. At the same time I'm angry with him now so that's making it tricky. I don't know if he's got some hormone issues or what, he seems happy enough and is quite settled and a kind person to me 99% of the time, something frustrates him though and he's all volcanic for about 5 minutes then he carries on like nothing happened.

I'm not angry he threw the phone at my direction, I'm angry that he broke something that was mine, he can go ahead and break his own stuff next time :p.
Yeah, it's so funny.. every now and again he gets little rages and has to throw everything in his cage a bunch of times and then sulk for a day. And refuses to be touched until he decides to be his sweet self again.

It is healing fast, but man those little teeth are like razors, lol. That's so weird that a bunch of us have bad tempers.. I do too, but it takes a long long time of something building for me to lose my temper over it and then I scream and yell out my frustrations for about an hour, lol :?. Never violently, but sometimes it has been really tempting to smash something!! I couldn't damage my bf stuff though, no matter how tempting, I'd feel so awful for it.

He should buy you a new phone!!

Athena :)
I'm getting ready to get out the door for work - but I wanted to check this thread and see how you're doing.

Honestly - you're doing far better than I would be. I'd be a basket case....

You're in my thoughts today...hope you have a better day and can figure out how you want to handle you're feeling about the fact he broke your phone...

AngelnSnuffy wrote:
I'm so sorry to hear this, Chelle. Gosh, it kinda sounds like either a) He's really hating his job and takes it out when the mood swings or b) he's that and perhaps a bit bi polar if this has happened in the past out of nowhere.
I doubt it would be bipolar disorder. With bipolar disorder, they go in to high moods and low moods. Depression/anger/violence can be during the low areas, while frequent "splurge" spending, a false sense of invincibility, and basically feeling like he's God's gift to everything. Some people switch in and out of these moods normally, but, with bipolar disorder, there are weeks in between cycles and there is a normal in between. It would go like this:

Normal -> High -> Normal -> Low -> Normal (etc.)

NZminilops wrote:
Sakura is big for a nethie, she is 1.206KG at the moment, which is, er...2.4 pounds. She weighs more during winter usually. What do Toby and Berry-Boo weigh?
My calculations show that 2.4 pounds is only 1.088 kg. Is that right? :? 'cause 1.206 kg is 2.66 pounds. Which one is it? 1.206 kg (2.66 lb.) or 1.088 kg (2.4 lb)? I just confused myself royally.

Your baby is TINY compared to Toby! When I bought him as a 6-week old baby, I was told that he was a Nethie. He looks the part, but he's really big. He also has he Vienna markings (that little collar, white chest, and white front feet), and I think they tend to be a little bigger. I think those markings came from a Dutch somewhere in his lineage. Anyway, when I purchased him, he only weighed 0.75 pounds (0.34 kg)! He fit into the palm of my hand! Now, he's coming up on his 4th birthday (March) and he weighs 4 pounds, 0.2 ounces (1.816 kg). He isn't a fatty, either! He may have a little extra weight, but he just has a bigger bone structure than most Nethies. He doesn't even eat his whole ounce of food everyday! What the heck? lol

How much/often do you feed Sakura?
